static void Main(string[] args) { Zero fxs = new Zero(); Zero fx = new Zero(); Tesla modelS = new Tesla(); List <IElectricVehicle> electricVehicles = new List <IElectricVehicle>() { fx, fxs, modelS }; Console.WriteLine("=====Electric Vehicles====="); // Iterates through all electric vehicles // Show each vehicle's initial charge // Recharge the vehicle // Show the new charge foreach (IElectricVehicle ev in electricVehicles) { ev.DisplayCharge(); ev.ChargeBattery(); ev.DisplayCharge(); Console.WriteLine(); } /***********************************************/ Ram ram = new Ram(); Cessna cessna150 = new Cessna(); List <IGasVehicle> gasVehicles = new List <IGasVehicle>() { ram, cessna150 }; Console.WriteLine("=====Gas Vehicles====="); // Iterates through all gas vehicles // Show each vehicle's initial gas tank amount // Refuel the vehicle // Show the new gas tank foreach (IGasVehicle gv in gasVehicles) { gv.DisplayGasTank(); gv.RefuelTank(); gv.DisplayGasTank(); Console.WriteLine(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Cessna Cessna newPlane = new Cessna(); newPlane.FuelCapacity = 200.50; newPlane.MainColor = "green"; newPlane.MaximumOccupancy = "4"; //methods newPlane.Drive(newPlane); newPlane.Turn("east"); newPlane.Stop("airport"); //Zero Zero newMoto = new Zero(); newMoto.BatteryKwh = 5000; newMoto.MainColor = "matte black"; newMoto.MaximumOccupancy = "6"; //methods newMoto.Drive(newMoto); newMoto.Turn("west"); newMoto.Stop("grocery store"); //Tesla Tesla modelS = new Tesla(); modelS.BatteryKWh = 10000; modelS.MainColor = "blue"; modelS.MaximumOccupancy = "20"; modelS.Drive(modelS); modelS.Turn("north"); modelS.Stop("aquarium"); //Ram Ram rebel = new Ram(); rebel.FuelCapacity = 20.10; rebel.MainColor = "black"; rebel.MaximumOccupancy = "100"; //methods rebel.Drive(rebel); rebel.Turn("south"); rebel.Stop("park"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Build a collection of all vehicles that fly List <IAir> AirVehicleList = new List <IAir>(); Cessna Cessna172 = new Cessna() { Wheels = 3, Doors = 3, PassengerCapacity = 5, Winged = true, TransmissionType = "None", EngineVolume = 31.1, MaxAirSpeed = 309.0 }; Boeing Boeing747 = new Boeing() { Wheels = 12, Doors = 8, PassengerCapacity = 420, Winged = true, TransmissionType = "None", EngineVolume = 102.3, MaxAirSpeed = 575.0 }; AirVehicleList.Add(Cessna172); AirVehicleList.Add(Boeing747); // With a single `foreach`, have each vehicle Fly()\ foreach (var plane in AirVehicleList) { plane.Fly(); } // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on roads Car FerrariSpider = new Car() { PassengerCapacity = 3, Winged = false, TransmissionType = "Manual", EngineVolume = 1.6, Wheels = 4, Doors = 2, MaxLandSpeed = 210 }; Motorcycle Ducati916 = new Motorcycle() { PassengerCapacity = 2, Winged = false, TransmissionType = "Manual", EngineVolume = 1.3, Wheels = 2, Doors = 0, MaxLandSpeed = 160.4 }; List <IGround> GroundVehicleList = new List <IGround>(); GroundVehicleList.Add(FerrariSpider); GroundVehicleList.Add(Ducati916); foreach (var vehicle in GroundVehicleList) { vehicle.Drive(); } // With a single `foreach`, have each road vehicle Drive() // Build a collection of all vehicles that operate on water List <IAir> WaterVehicleList = new List <IAir>(); // With a single `foreach`, have each water vehicle Drive() }