// constructor
        public WorkOrders_ViewModel()
            // worker
            WOWkr = new lw_WorkOrders_Worker();

            _strMsg = "";
        // constructor
        public uc_WorkOrders_Detail()

            // worker
            WOWkr = new lw_WorkOrders_Worker();

            // reset and initial button condition

            // load combobox
        // constructor
        public Win_LWWorkOrders()
            _clientName = "";

            // Workers
            WOWkr = new lw_WorkOrders_Worker();

            // LISTENER: Selected data changed
            // Handle on WorkOrder selection changed events
            uc_WOList.OnWorkOrder_SELECTED += (o, e) =>
                var datagrid = (DataGrid)o;
                var itm = datagrid.SelectedItem;
                if ((itm is lw_WorkOrder_Model) == false) return;

                lw_WorkOrder_Model selectedContent = (lw_WorkOrder_Model)itm;

                uc_WODetail.DataContext = selectedContent;

                labelStatus.Content = "WorkOrder ID: " + selectedContent.ID;

            // LISTENER: Selected Date Change
            // Handle on WorkOrder OnSelectedDate_SELECTED event
            uc_WOList.OnSelectedDate_SELECTED += (o, e) =>
                // turn off busy Indicator
                busy_Indicator.IsBusy = true;

                string strDate = o.ToString();

                labelStatus.Content = "Retrieving data...";

            // LISTENER: ADD Enabled
            // Used for both Blank and Copy
            uc_WODetail.OnWorkOrder_ADDEnabel += (o, e) =>
                // display message
                labelStatus.Content = o.ToString();

            // LISTENER: ADD
            uc_WODetail.OnWorkOrder_ADD += (o, e) =>
                // display message
                labelStatus.Content = o.ToString();

                _clientName = "";
                if (txtCLName.Text != null) _clientName = txtCLName.Text.Trim();

                // turn ON busy Indicator
                busy_Indicator.IsBusy = true;

                // redisplay data in grid
                // Get Async Work Order List
                if (_clientName.Trim() != "")
                    txtCLName.Text = "";

            // LISTENER: UPDATE
            uc_WODetail.OnWorkOrder_UPDATE += (o, e) =>
                // display message
                labelStatus.Content = o.ToString();

                _clientName = "";
                if (txtCLName.Text != null) _clientName = txtCLName.Text.Trim();

                // turn ON busy Indicator
                busy_Indicator.IsBusy = true;

                // redisplay data in grid
                // Get Async Work Order List
                if (_clientName.Trim() != "")
                    txtCLName.Text = "";

            // LISTENER: UPDATE
            uc_WODetail.OnWorkOrder_DELETE += (o, e) =>
                // display message
                labelStatus.Content = o.ToString();

                _clientName = "";
                if (txtCLName.Text != null) _clientName = txtCLName.Text.Trim();

                // turn ON busy Indicator
                busy_Indicator.IsBusy = true;

                // redisplay data in grid
                // Get Async Work Order List
                if (_clientName.Trim() != "")
                    txtCLName.Text = "";

            // LISTENER: CANCELED
            uc_WODetail.OnWorkOrder_CANCEL += (o, e) =>
                // display message
                labelStatus.Content = "";

                // turn ON busy Indicator
                busy_Indicator.IsBusy = true;

                // redisplay data in grid
                // Get Async Chem List
                txtCLName.Text = "";

            // Listening for ViewModel Property Change
            // --------------------------------
            // Loading the data grid MVVM style
            // --------------------------------
            woVM.PropertyChanged += (o, e) =>
                // the View Model is notifying us that a property was updated
                // checking for a specific property returned by the View Model
                if (e.PropertyName == "WOList")
                    uc_WOList.DataContext = woVM.wovmMod_List;
                    labelStatus.Content = "Retrieved " + woVM.wovmMod_List.Count + " Work Orders.";

                    // turn off busy Indicator
                    busy_Indicator.IsBusy = false;

                    // change key board focus

            // Telling the ViewModel to retieve data
            labelStatus.Content = "Retrieving data...";
        } // end of constructor
        // constructor
        public Win_LWClient(string ActiveStatus)
            strMsg = "";
            _ActiveStatus = ActiveStatus;
            Title = _ActiveStatus + " Clients";

            // worker
            BWkr = new lw_Bids_Worker();
            LWCWkr = new lw_Client_Worker();
            LWCCWkr = new lw_ClientContact_Worker();
            LWCLWkr = new lw_ClientLocations_Worker();
            INVWkr = new lw_Invoice_Worker();
            WOWkr = new lw_WorkOrders_Worker();

            // LISTENER: Selected data changed
            // Handle on Client selection changed events
            uc_ClientsList.OnClient_SelectedChanged += (o, e) =>
                var datagrid = (DataGrid)o;
                var itm = datagrid.SelectedItem;
                if ((itm is lw_Client_Model) == false) return;
                strMsg = "";

                lw_Client_Model selectedContent = (lw_Client_Model)itm;

                uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_ClientDetail.DataContext = selectedContent;

                labelStatus.Content = "Client Account Number: " + selectedContent.AccNum;
                Int64 numID = selectedContent.AccNum;

                // display ClientContact list 
                List<lw_ClientContacts_Model> ccMod_List = LWCCWkr.Get_ClientContactsByAccNum_List(numID);
                uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_ClientContactList.DataContext = ccMod_List;

                // display clientlocation list 
                List<lw_ClientLocations_Model> lwclMod_List = LWCLWkr.Get_ClientLocation_ByAccNum_List(numID);
                uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientsLocationList.DataContext = lwclMod_List;

                // display Bids based on AccNum, list 
                List<lw_Bids_Model> lwbMod_List = BWkr.Get_Bids_ByAccNum_List(numID);
                uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_BidsList.DataContext = lwbMod_List;

                // display WorkOrders based on AccNum, list 
                List<lw_WorkOrder_Model> woMod_List_accnNum = WOWkr.Get_WorkerOrders_AccNum_List(numID);
                uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_WOList.DataContext = woMod_List_accnNum;

                // display Invoices based on AccNum, list 
                List<lw_Invoice_Model> iMod_List_accnNum = INVWkr.Get_Invoice_ByAccNum_List(numID);
                uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_InvList.DataContext = iMod_List_accnNum;

                // change to an Update configuration

            // LISTENER: OnClientLocation_SELECTED 
            // Handle on selection changed events
            uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientsLocationList.OnClientLocation_SELECTED += (o, e) =>
                var datagrid = (DataGrid)o;
                var itm = datagrid.SelectedItem;
                if ((itm is lw_ClientLocations_Model) == false) return;
                strMsg = "";

                lw_ClientLocations_Model selectedContent = (lw_ClientLocations_Model)itm;

                string strClLocID = selectedContent.ClientLocationID;
                // display Contacts based on ClientLocationID, list 
                List<lw_ClientContacts_Model> ccMod_List_contact = LWCCWkr.Get_ClientContacts_ByLocationId_List(strClLocID);
                uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_ClientContactList.DataContext = ccMod_List_contact;

                // display Bids based on ClientLocationID, list 
                List<lw_Bids_Model> lwbMod_List_clLocID = BWkr.Get_Bids_ByClientLocation_List(strClLocID);
                uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_BidsList.DataContext = lwbMod_List_clLocID;

                // display WorkOrders based on LocationID, list 
                List<lw_WorkOrder_Model> woMod_List_LocID = WOWkr.Get_WorkerOrders_ByLocationID_List(strClLocID);
                uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_WOList.DataContext = woMod_List_LocID;

                // display Invoices based on BillLocation, list 
                List<lw_Invoice_Model> iMod_List_LocID = INVWkr.Get_Invoice_ByBillLocation_List(strClLocID);
                uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_InvList.DataContext = iMod_List_LocID;

            // LISTENER: ADD Enabled
            uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_ClientDetail.OnClient_CANCEL += (o, e) =>
                labelStatus.Content = "ADD is Enabled.";
                // Display Client List
                List<lw_Client_Model> cMod_List_ae = LWCWkr.Get_Client_List(ref strMsg, _ActiveStatus);
                uc_ClientsList.DataContext = cMod_List_ae;

            // LISTENER: CANCEL
            uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_ClientDetail.OnClient_CANCEL += (o, e) =>
                // Not necessary to redisplay data to grid.
                // Grid paramater has been set: IsReadOnly="True";
                labelStatus.Content = "Canceled.";

            // LISTENER: DELETE
            uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_ClientDetail.OnClient_DELETE += (o, e) =>
                labelStatus.Content = o.ToString();
                // Display Client List
                List<lw_Client_Model> cMod_List_del = LWCWkr.Get_Client_List(ref strMsg, _ActiveStatus);
                uc_ClientsList.DataContext = cMod_List_del;


            // LISTENER: ADD
            uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_ClientDetail.OnClient_ADD += (o, e) =>
                // display message
                labelStatus.Content = o.ToString();
                // Display Client List
                List<lw_Client_Model> cMod_List_add = LWCWkr.Get_Client_List(ref strMsg, _ActiveStatus);
                uc_ClientsList.DataContext = cMod_List_add;

            // LISTENER: UPDATE
            uc_ClientAssocTblDisplay.uc_ClientTabControlRef.uc_ClientDetail.OnClient_UPDATE += (o, e) =>
                labelStatus.Content = o.ToString();
                // Display Client List
                List<lw_Client_Model> cMod_List_upd = LWCWkr.Get_Client_List(ref strMsg, _ActiveStatus);
                uc_ClientsList.DataContext = cMod_List_upd;

            // Listening for ViewModel Property Change
            // --------------------------------
            // Loading the data grid MVVM style
            // --------------------------------
            clVM.PropertyChanged += (o, e) =>
                // the View Model is notifying us that a property was updated
                // checking for a specific property returned by the View Model
                if (e.PropertyName == "Client_List")
                    uc_ClientsList.DataContext = clVM.cvmMod_List;
                    labelStatus.Content = "Retrieved " + clVM.cvmMod_List.Count + " Clients.";

                    // turn off busy Indicator
                    busy_Indicator.IsBusy = false;

                    // change key board focus

            // Telling the ViewModel to retieve data
            labelStatus.Content = "Retrieving data...";
        }  // end of constructor