Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Function that Does The Process of Interpreting
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">Directory to Save to</param>
 /// <returns>Array of Files's Path</returns>
 public string[] InterpretTo( string path,out BuildResult result,bool isDll,string namepack,int ID )
     Parser newParser = new Parser( );
     try {
         if ( Directory.Exists( path ) )
             Directory.Delete( path, true );
         Directory.CreateDirectory( path );
         parser.CompilingDirectory = path;
         parser.Package = ( isDll ? namepack : "main" );
         parser.isDll = isDll;
         parser.ID = ID;
         parser.ParseDetails( );
         parser.WaitThreadZero( );
         List<String> files = new List<string>( );
         foreach ( Parser.Source source in parser.Sources ) {
             File.WriteAllText( Path.Combine( path, source.Name + ".cs" ), source.Content );
             files.Add( source.Name );
         result = new BuildResult( parser.Successful ? BuildResultType.None : BuildResultType.InterpretExceptions );
         result.Result = parser.ErrorCollector.ToArray( );
         newParser = new Parser( );
         newParser.Acc = parser.Acc;
         newParser.CodeStyle = parser.CodeStyle;
         newParser.Threaded = parser.Threaded;
         newParser.ThreadHit = parser.ThreadHit;
         newParser.Tokenizer = parser.Tokenizer;
         parser = newParser;
         return files.ToArray( );
     } catch ( Exception ex ) {
         result = new BuildResult( BuildResultType.InterpretExceptions );
         result.Result = new Parser.CodeErrorException[ ] { new Parser.CodeErrorException( 0, 0, "", ex.Message ) };
         return new string[ 0 ];
     } finally {
         lastParser = parser;
         newParser.Acc = parser.Acc;
         newParser.CodeStyle = parser.CodeStyle;
         newParser.Threaded = parser.Threaded;
         newParser.ThreadHit = parser.ThreadHit;
         newParser.Tokenizer = parser.Tokenizer;
         newParser.CompilingDirectory = path;
         parser = newParser;
Esempio n. 2
 public string Linking( string path, out BuildResult result,
     int WarningLevel, bool TreatWarningAsErrors, bool isDll, List<string> References,string Package )
     var parameters = new CompilerParameters( new string[ 0 ], Path.Combine( path, ( Package == "BaseProject" ? Package : Path.GetRandomFileName( ) ) + ".obj" ), false );
     parameters.TreatWarningsAsErrors = false;
     parameters.WarningLevel = 0;
     parameters.GenerateExecutable = ( isDll ? false : true );
     parameters.GenerateInMemory = false;
     parameters.CompilerOptions = "/optimize- /platform:x86 /unsafe"
         + ( TreatWarningAsErrors ? " /warnaserror+" : " /warnaserror-" )
         + " /warn:" + WarningLevel;
     string[ ] refs = References.ToArray( );
     AssemblyResolver.Update( refs );
     //parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.AddRange( refs );
     List<string> test_files = new List<string>( );
     test_files.AddRange( Directory.GetFiles( path, "*.cs" ) );
     foreach ( string _ref in refs )
         try {
             test_files.AddRange( Directory.GetFiles( "src\\pkg\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _ref ), "*.cs" ) );
         } catch {
             MessageBox.Show( "Unable to load reference ID: " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _ref ) );
     var compiler = new CSharpCodeProvider( new Dictionary<string, string> { { "CompilerVersion", "v4.0" } } );
     var linkingtest = compiler.CompileAssemblyFromFile( parameters, test_files.ToArray( ) );
     result = new BuildResult( linkingtest.Errors.HasErrors ? BuildResultType.LinkingExceptions : BuildResultType.None );
     if ( result.Type == BuildResultType.LinkingExceptions ) {
         List<CompilerError> test = new List<CompilerError>( );
         foreach ( CompilerError v in linkingtest.Errors ) {
             if ( !v.IsWarning )
                 test.Add( v );
         result.Result = test.ToArray( );
     return parameters.OutputAssembly;
Esempio n. 3
        public string Compiling( string path, out BuildResult result,
            bool UPX,Platform platform,bool is64,bool isDll)
            string output = Path.Combine( path, Path.GetRandomFileName( ) + ".exe" );
            ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo( "bin\\go.exe", ( isDll ? "build -o pkg\\" + GeneratePlatform( platform, is64 ) + "\\" + ( path.Contains( "\\" )
                ? path.Substring( path.LastIndexOf( '\\' ) + 1 ) : path )+".a " + ( path.Contains( "\\" )
                ? path.Substring( path.LastIndexOf( '\\' ) + 1 ) : path ) : "build -o main.exe" ) );
            if ( !isDll )
                psi.Arguments += " \"" + string.Join( "\" \"", Directory.GetFiles( path, "*.go" ) ) + "\"";
            psi.RedirectStandardError = true;
            psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            psi.UseShellExecute = false;
            psi.CreateNoWindow = true;
            string plat = "";
            #region Corrent Platform
            switch ( platform ) {
                case Platform.Windows:
                    plat = "windows";

                case Platform.Linux:
                    plat = "linux";

                case Platform.Mac:
                    plat = "darwin";
            if ( psi.EnvironmentVariables.ContainsKey( "GOOS" ) )
                psi.EnvironmentVariables[ "GOOS" ] = plat;
                psi.EnvironmentVariables.Add( "GOOS", plat );
            if ( psi.EnvironmentVariables.ContainsKey( "GOARCH" ) )
                psi.EnvironmentVariables[ "GOARCH" ] = is64 ? "amd64" : "386";
                psi.EnvironmentVariables.Add( "GOARCH", ( is64 ? "amd64" : "386" ) );
            if ( isDll )
                output = "pkg\\" + psi.EnvironmentVariables[ "GOOS" ] + "_" + psi.EnvironmentVariables[ "GOARCH" ] + "\\"
                    + ( path.Contains( "\\" ) ? path.Substring( path.LastIndexOf( '\\' ) + 1 ) : path ) + ".a";
            Process proc = Process.Start( psi );
            proc.WaitForExit( );
            string error = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd( ) + proc.StandardError.ReadToEnd( );
            result = new BuildResult( ( error == "" ? BuildResultType.None : BuildResultType.CompiliingException ) );
            List<CompileError> lce=new List<CompileError>();
            foreach ( string str in error.Split( '\n' ) )
                lce.Add( new CompileError( ) {
                    FullText = str
                } );
            result.Result = lce.ToArray();
            if ( UPX ) {
                psi.FileName = "bin\\upx.exe";
                psi.Arguments = "-q main.exe";
                Process.Start( psi ).WaitForExit( );
            if ( File.Exists( "main.exe" ) )
                File.Move( "main.exe", output );
            return output;