Esempio n. 1
 public static void UpdateStatBonuses(VapePlayer modPlayer)
     if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Warmth"))
         modPlayer.player.lifeRegen += (int)Math.Ceiling(modPlayer.player.lifeRegen * 0.1f * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Warmth"]);
         modPlayer.player.manaRegen += (int)Math.Ceiling(modPlayer.player.manaRegen * 0.1f * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Warmth"]);
     if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Damage to Defense"))
         float amount = modPlayer.SkillLevels["Damage to Defense"] * 0.1f;
         modPlayer.player.meleeDamage  -= amount;
         modPlayer.player.magicDamage  -= amount;
         modPlayer.player.rangedDamage -= amount;
         modPlayer.player.minionDamage -= amount;
         modPlayer.player.thrownDamage -= amount;
         modPlayer.player.statDefense  += (int)Math.Ceiling(modPlayer.player.statDefense * amount);
         if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Vital Supplies"))
             modPlayer.player.statLifeMax2 += (int)Math.Ceiling(modPlayer.player.statLifeMax * amount);
     if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Longer Flight"))
         modPlayer.player.wingTimeMax += (int)Math.Ceiling(modPlayer.player.wingTimeMax * 0.3f * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Longer Flight"]);
     if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Angel") && modPlayer.player.wingTime < modPlayer.player.wingTimeMax)
         float amount = modPlayer.SkillLevels["Angel"] * 0.05f;
         modPlayer.player.meleeDamage  += amount;
         modPlayer.player.rangedDamage += amount;
         modPlayer.player.magicDamage  += amount;
         modPlayer.player.minionDamage += amount;
         modPlayer.player.thrownDamage += amount;
Esempio n. 2
 public static void ModifyHitByNPC(VapePlayer modPlayer, NPC npc, ref int damage, ref bool crit)
     if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Reflection"))
         npc.StrikeNPC((int)Math.Ceiling(damage * 0.05f * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Reflection"]), 30, npc.direction);
     if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Hardened Skin"))
         damage -= (int)Math.Ceiling(damage * 0.05f * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Hardened Skin"]);
Esempio n. 3
 public static void UseItem(VapePlayer modPlayer, Item item)
     if (item.magic && modPlayer.HasSkill("Leftover Supply") && rnd.Next(0, 101) <= modPlayer.SkillLevels["Leftover Supply"] * 2f)
         modPlayer.player.statMana += item.mana;
Esempio n. 4
        public static void ModifyHitNPC(VapePlayer modPlayer, Item item, Projectile proj, NPC target, ref int damage, ref float knockback, ref bool crit)
            if (!crit)
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Kickstart") && >= target.lifeMax * 0.7f && rnd.Next(0, 101) <= modPlayer.SkillLevels["Kickstart"] * 50)
                    crit = true;
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Hawk Eye"))
                    float distance = Vector2.Distance(modPlayer.player.position, target.position);
                    float chance   = distance * 0.025f;
                    if (rnd.Next(0, 101) <= chance)
                        crit = true;
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Titan Grip"))
                    knockback += knockback * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Titan Grip"] * 0.2f;

            if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Close Combat Specialist"))
                float distance = Vector2.Distance(modPlayer.player.position, target.position);
                if (distance < 15)
                    distance = 15;
                damage += (int)Math.Ceiling(damage * 1500 / distance);

            if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Execution") && <= target.lifeMax * 0.2f)
                damage += (int)Math.Ceiling(damage * 0.1f * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Execution"]);
            if (modPlayer.HasSkill("First Touch") && == target.lifeMax)
                int amount = (int)Math.Ceiling( * 0.1f);
       -= amount;
                CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)target.position.X, (int)target.position.Y - 50, 100, 100), Color.Cyan, amount);
Esempio n. 5
        public static void OnHitNPC(VapePlayer modPlayer, Item item, Projectile proj, NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit)
            // On Kill
            if ( <= 0)
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Excitement"))
                    modPlayer.player.AddBuff(11, 360);
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Bloodlust"))
                    modPlayer.player.AddBuff(2, 600);
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Exploding Rage") && (proj == null ? item.melee : proj.melee) && rnd.Next(101) <= modPlayer.SkillLevels["Exploding Rage"] * 10)
                    int dustCount  = 20;
                    int bloodRange = 15;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dustCount; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < dustCount; j++)
                            double  angle         = rnd.Next(1, 360) * Math.PI / 180;
                            Vector2 bloodTarget   = new Vector2(target.position.X + bloodRange * (float)Math.Cos(angle), target.position.Y + bloodRange * (float)Math.Sin(angle));
                            Vector2 bloodVelocity = target.position - bloodTarget;

                            int   v        = 10;
                            float speedMul = v / bloodVelocity.Length();
                            bloodVelocity.X = speedMul * bloodVelocity.X;
                            bloodVelocity.Y = speedMul * bloodVelocity.Y;
                            //Dust.NewDustPerfect(target.position, 5, bloodVelocity, Scale: 3.0f).noGravity = true; //perfect circle
                            Main.dust[Dust.NewDust(target.position, 60, 30, 5, bloodVelocity.X, bloodVelocity.Y, Scale: 3.0f)].noGravity = true;
                    foreach (NPC npc in Main.npc)
                        if (npc != target && Vector2.Distance(npc.position, target.position) <= 150)
                            npc.StrikeNPC((int)Math.Ceiling(target.lifeMax * 0.1f), 0, 0);
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Rage"))
                    modPlayer.player.AddBuff(modPlayer.mod.BuffType <Rage>(), 600);
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Mana Addict"))
                    modPlayer.player.AddBuff(6, 600);
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Magic Sparks") && (proj == null ? item.magic : proj.magic) && rnd.Next(0, 101) <= modPlayer.SkillLevels["Magic Sparks"] * 10)
                    int dustCount  = 20;
                    int sparkRange = 30;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dustCount; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < dustCount; j++)
                            double  angle         = rnd.Next(1, 360) * Math.PI / 180;
                            Vector2 sparkTarget   = new Vector2(target.position.X + sparkRange * (float)Math.Cos(angle), target.position.Y + sparkRange * (float)Math.Sin(angle));
                            Vector2 sparkVelocity = target.position - sparkTarget;

                            int   v        = 15;
                            float speedMul = v / sparkVelocity.Length();
                            sparkVelocity.X = speedMul * sparkVelocity.X;
                            sparkVelocity.Y = speedMul * sparkVelocity.Y;
                            Dust dust = Dust.NewDustPerfect(target.position, 130 + j % 5, sparkVelocity);
                            dust.noGravity = true;
                    foreach (NPC npc in Main.npc)
                        if (npc != target && Vector2.Distance(npc.position, target.position) <= 180)
                            int amount = (int)Math.Ceiling(npc.lifeMax * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Magic Sparks"] * 0.05f);
                   -= amount;
                            CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y - 50, 100, 100), Color.Cyan, amount);
                            if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Spectral Sparks"))
                                npc.defense -= (int)Math.Ceiling(npc.defense * 0.15f);
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Energizing Kills") && !modPlayer.energized && (proj == null ? item.magic : proj.magic))
                    if (modPlayer.energizedStacks <= 0)
                        modPlayer.energizedStacks = 1;
                    modPlayer.player.AddBuff(modPlayer.mod.BuffType <Energized>(), 60);
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Static Field") && rnd.Next(0, 101) <= modPlayer.SkillLevels["Static Field"] * 5 && (proj == null ? item.magic : proj.magic))
                    int duration = 600;
                    if (modPlayer.HasSkill("High-Voltage Field"))
                        duration *= 2;
                        modPlayer.player.AddBuff(12, duration);
                    Main.PlaySound(modPlayer.mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/StaticFieldApply"), modPlayer.player.position);
                    modPlayer.player.AddBuff(modPlayer.mod.BuffType <StaticField>(), duration);

                // On Crit Kill
                if (crit)
                    if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Overkill"))
                        int amount = (int)Math.Ceiling(modPlayer.player.statLifeMax * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Overkill"] * 0.03f);
                        modPlayer.player.statLife += amount;
                    if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Overkill Charge"))
                        int amount = (int)Math.Ceiling(modPlayer.player.statLifeMax * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Overkill Charge"] * 0.04f);
                        modPlayer.player.statMana += amount;
            //On Hit
            if (modPlayer.HasSkill("One Above All") && rnd.Next(0, 101) <= 3 && target.type != NPCID.TargetDummy && !target.boss && !target.TypeName.ToLower().Contains("pillar") && !target.GivenName.ToLower().Contains("pillar"))
                CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)target.position.X, (int)target.position.Y - 20, 50, 50), Color.Red, "One Above All");
                target.StrikeNPC(target.lifeMax * 2, 0, 0);
            if ((proj == null ? item.magic : proj.magic) && modPlayer.HasSkill("Bounce") && rnd.Next(0, 101) <= modPlayer.SkillLevels["Bounce"] * 10)
                NPC   closest         = null;
                float closestDistance = 500;

                foreach (NPC npc in Main.npc)
                    if (npc != target)
                        float distance = Vector2.Distance(npc.position, target.position);
                        if (distance < closestDistance)
                            closestDistance = distance;
                            closest         = npc;

                if (closest != null)
                    Vector2 sparkVelocity = closest.position - target.position;

                    int   v        = 5;
                    float speedMul = v / sparkVelocity.Length();
                    sparkVelocity.X = speedMul * sparkVelocity.X;
                    sparkVelocity.Y = speedMul * sparkVelocity.Y;

                    float      sparkDamage = (proj == null ? item.damage : proj.damage) * modPlayer.SkillLevels["Bounce"] * 0.1f;
                    Projectile spark       = Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(new Vector2(target.position.X + target.width / 2, target.position.Y + target.height / 2), sparkVelocity, modPlayer.mod.ProjectileType <ElectricSpark>(), (int)Math.Ceiling(sparkDamage), 20, modPlayer.player.whoAmI);
                    Main.PlaySound(modPlayer.mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/Electricity"), modPlayer.player.position);
            if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Confusion") && rnd.Next(0, 101) <= modPlayer.SkillLevels["Confusion"] * 5)
                target.AddBuff(31, 300);
                CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)target.position.X, (int)target.position.Y - 20, 50, 50), Color.OrangeRed, "Confused");
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("Confusion Field"))
                    float confusionDistance = 200;
                    foreach (NPC npc in Main.npc)
                        if (npc != target && Vector2.Distance(target.position, npc.position) <= confusionDistance)
                            npc.AddBuff(31, 300);
                            CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y - 20, 50, 50), Color.OrangeRed, "Confused");

            if (!crit)
                if (modPlayer.highfiveStacks > 0)
                    modPlayer.player.ClearBuff(modPlayer.mod.BuffType <HighFive>());
                    modPlayer.highfiveStacks = 0;
                if (modPlayer.HasSkill("High Five"))
                    if (modPlayer.highfiveStacks <= 0)
                        modPlayer.highfiveStacks = 1;
                    modPlayer.player.AddBuff(modPlayer.mod.BuffType <HighFive>(), 60);