Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize data structures
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialize()
            KeyHeader = new KeyHeaderDef();

            // Get root allocation
            KeyHeaderAlloc = sp.GetRootAllocation(DEFS.POOL_KEY);

            // If ROOT doesn't exist yet - initial allocation
            if (KeyHeaderAlloc == null)
                // Allocate header space
                KeyHeaderAlloc = sp.AllocateSpace(KeyHeaderDef.KEYROOT_SIZE, DEFS.POOL_KEY, generateID: false);
                KeyHeaderAlloc.Write(KeyHeaderDef.A_DescriptorLast, -1);

                // Allocate descriptor space
                KeyDescriptorAlloc = sp.AllocateSpace(KeyDescriptorDef.DESCRIPTOR_CHUNK_SIZE, DEFS.POOL_KEY, generateID: false);

                //Set initial values to memory object
                KeyHeader.DescriptorAddress = KeyDescriptorAlloc.DescriptorAddress;
                KeyHeader.DescriptorLength  = KeyDescriptorDef.DESCRIPTOR_CHUNK_LENGTH;
                KeyHeader.DescriptorLast    = -1;
                KeyHeader.DescriptorUsed    = 0;
                KeyHeader.LastKey           = 0;

                // Save initial values
                KeyHeaderAlloc.Write(KeyHeaderDef.A_DescriptorAddress, KeyHeader.DescriptorAddress);
                KeyHeaderAlloc.Write(KeyHeaderDef.A_DescriptorLength, KeyHeader.DescriptorLength);
                KeyHeaderAlloc.Write(KeyHeaderDef.A_DescriptorLast, KeyHeader.DescriptorLast);
                KeyHeaderAlloc.Write(KeyHeaderDef.A_DescriptorUsed, KeyHeader.DescriptorUsed);
                KeyHeaderAlloc.Write(KeyHeaderDef.A_LastKey, KeyHeader.LastKey);

                // Create descriptor
                KeyDescriptor = new KeyDescriptorDef[KeyHeader.DescriptorLength];
                // Read header
                KeyHeader.DescriptorAddress = KeyHeaderAlloc.ReadLong(KeyHeaderDef.A_DescriptorAddress);
                KeyHeader.DescriptorLength  = KeyHeaderAlloc.ReadInt(KeyHeaderDef.A_DescriptorLength);
                KeyHeader.DescriptorLast    = KeyHeaderAlloc.ReadInt(KeyHeaderDef.A_DescriptorLast);
                KeyHeader.DescriptorUsed    = KeyHeaderAlloc.ReadInt(KeyHeaderDef.A_DescriptorUsed);
                KeyHeader.LastKey           = KeyHeaderAlloc.ReadLong(KeyHeaderDef.A_LastKey);

                // Read descriptor
                KeyDescriptor      = new KeyDescriptorDef[KeyHeader.DescriptorLength];
                KeyDescriptorAlloc = sp.GetAllocationByDescriptor(KeyHeader.DescriptorAddress);

                for (int i = 0; i < KeyHeader.DescriptorLength; i++)
                    KeyDescriptor[i].Address  = KeyDescriptorAlloc.ReadLong((KeyDescriptorDef.DESCRIPTOR_ITEM_LENGTH * i) + KeyDescriptorDef.A_Address);
                    KeyDescriptor[i].FirstKey = KeyDescriptorAlloc.ReadLong((KeyDescriptorDef.DESCRIPTOR_ITEM_LENGTH * i) + KeyDescriptorDef.A_FirstKey);
                    KeyDescriptor[i].Used     = KeyDescriptorAlloc.ReadInt((KeyDescriptorDef.DESCRIPTOR_ITEM_LENGTH * i) + KeyDescriptorDef.A_Used);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor - read index descriptor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="addr"></param>
        internal VSIndex(VSpace space, long addr)
            this.sp = space;

            this.ALLOCATION = sp.GetAllocationByDescriptor(addr);

            string s = ALLOCATION.ReadString(0, 4);

            if (s != DEFS.INDEX_SIGNATURE)
                throw new VSException(DEFS.E0006_INVALID_SIGNATURE_CODE, " (Index Descriptor)");
            this.space_name = DEFS.ParseIndexSpace(this.Name);
            this.index_name = DEFS.ParseIndexName(this.Name);
Esempio n. 3
        public VSFreeSpaceManager(VSpace _sp)
            Space = _sp;
            vm    = Space.VM;

            long hdr_address = Space.GetFirstAddress(DEFS.POOL_FREE_SPACE);

            if (hdr_address == 0)
            { // Initialization
                // 1. Create H-block (header)
                H_Object = new VSAllocation(vm, DEFS.FBQE_HEADER_ADDRESS, DEFS.FBQE_HEADER_LENGTH_FULL, 0);
                H_Object.Write(0, DEFS.FBQE_HEADER_SIGNATURE);
                this.MAX     = DEFS.FBQE_ALLOCATION_NUMBER;                                        // Max number of FBQE
                this.FREE    = MAX;
                this.FIRST   = -1;
                this.LAST    = -1;
                this.FIRST_Q = 0;
                this.LAST_Q  = FREE - 1;

                // 2. Save H-block address (1st object)
                Space.SetFirstAddress(DEFS.POOL_FREE_SPACE, H_Object.DescriptorAddress);      // 1st object

                // 3. Create 1st FBQE block
                F_Object = new VSAllocation(vm, H_Object.DescriptorAddress + H_Object.FullLength, (DEFS.FBQE_ALLOCATION_LENGTH + DEFS.BaseDescriptorLength), 0);

                // 4. Set initial size
                buffer = new byte[F_Object.Size];                   // Create buffer

                // 5. Set references
                F_Object.PREV = H_Object.DescriptorAddress;
                H_Object.NEXT = F_Object.DescriptorAddress;                                     // Address of the 1st block F-block

                // 6. Save F-block address (last object)
                Space.SetLastAddress(DEFS.POOL_FREE_SPACE, F_Object.DescriptorAddress);         //last object

                // 1.3 Initiate Free queue
                for (int i = 0; i < FREE; i++)


                // 1.4 Create initial FBQE
                long fa = F_Object.DescriptorAddress + F_Object.FullLength;                     // 1st free address

                AddFBQE(fa, (Space.vm.Size - fa), -1, -1);                                      // Create 1st FBQE
                H_Object = Space.GetAllocationByDescriptor(hdr_address);
                F_Object = Space.GetAllocationByDescriptor(H_Object.NEXT);

                byte[] b = H_Object.ReadBytes(0, FBQE_HEADER_LENGTH);

                this.v_MAX     = VSLib.ConvertByteToInt(VSLib.GetByteArray(b, MAX_POS, MAX_LEN));
                this.v_FREE    = VSLib.ConvertByteToInt(VSLib.GetByteArray(b, FREE_POS, FREE_LEN));
                this.v_FIRST   = VSLib.ConvertByteToInt(VSLib.GetByteArray(b, FIRST_POS, FIRST_LEN));
                this.v_LAST    = VSLib.ConvertByteToInt(VSLib.GetByteArray(b, LAST_POS, LAST_LEN));
                this.v_FIRST_Q = VSLib.ConvertByteToInt(VSLib.GetByteArray(b, FIRST_Q_POS, FIRST_Q_LEN));
                this.v_LAST_Q  = VSLib.ConvertByteToInt(VSLib.GetByteArray(b, LAST_Q_POS, LAST_Q_LEN));

                buffer = F_Object.ReadBytes(0, F_Object.Size);                   // Read buffer
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Dump storage
        /// Space name - 32
        /// System area - 1024
        /// Pool area - 4096
        /// </summary>
        private void dump(VSIO IO, string name)
            bool was_opened = false;

            uint e_code = IO.GetEncryption() ? e_code = DEFS.DATA_ENCRYPTED : e_code = DEFS.DATA_NOT_ENCRYPTED;

            if (state == DEFS.STATE_OPENED)
                if (TA.Started)
                    throw new VSException(DEFS.E0025_STORAGE_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_CODE, "- Dump (transaction is in progress)");
                was_opened = true;

            string[] spaces = this.GetSpaceList();
            bool     encr   = IO.GetEncryption();


            IO.Write(0, e_code);                                                     // + 0 (4)Encryption indicator


            IO.Write(-1, DEFS.DUMP_SIGNATURE_INCOMPLETE);                            // + 4 (4) Signature 'incomplete'
            IO.Write(-1, (int)0);                                                    // + 8 (4) CRC placeholder
            IO.Write(-1, (long)0);                                                   // +12 (8)Total length

            for (int sp_index = 0; sp_index < spaces.Length; sp_index++)
                VSpace sp = GetSpace(spaces[sp_index]);
                VSVirtualMemoryManager vm = GetVM(spaces[sp_index]);

                if ((name == "") | (VSLib.Compare(name, sp.Name)))
                    long sp_hdr_pos = IO.GetPosition();                          // Position for header(number of bytes)

                    IO.Write(-1, (long)0);

                    // Save space header
                    IO.Write(-1, (short)sp.Name.Length);                             // Space neme length (short)
                    IO.Write(-1, sp.Name);                                           // Space name

                    IO.Write(-1, (short)sp.Owner.Length);                            // Space owner length (short)
                    IO.Write(-1, sp.Owner);                                          // Space owner

                    // Save keys
                    IO.Write(-1, DEFS.DUMP_KEYS_SIGNATURE);                                // Start keys
                    VSKeyManager kh = sp.KeyManager;

                    while (kh.Next())
                        long k = kh.Current;
                        IO.Write(-1, k);

                    IO.Write(-1, (long)-1);                                   // End keys

                    // Save pool ares (starting from 2)

                    short[] pools = sp.GetPoolsForDump();                           // Create list of pools

                    for (int i = 0; i < pools.Length; i++)
                        long a_desc = sp.GetFirstAddress(pools[i]);
                        while (a_desc > 0)
                            VSAllocation a = sp.GetAllocationByDescriptor(a_desc);

                            //////////// Save ADSC fields ///////////
                            IO.Write(-1, a.Id);
                            IO.Write(-1, a.Pool);

                            IO.Write(-1, (a.Chunk == 0) ? a.Length : a.Size);    // Memory size
                            IO.Write(-1, a.ChunkSize);                           // Chunk sizeMemory size

                            IO.Write(-1, a.ALLOC);                               // Alloc version (object)
                            IO.Write(-1, a.FIXED);                               // Fixed part (object)

                            //////////// Save data //////////////////
                            byte[] b = vm.ReadBytes(a.Address, a.Length);
                            IO.Write(-1, ref b);
                            a_desc = a.NEXT;
                            if (a.Chunk != 0)
                                while (a_desc != 0)
                                    a = sp.GetAllocationByDescriptor(a_desc);
                                    if ((a.Chunk == 0) | (a.Chunk == 1))
                                    b = vm.ReadBytes(a.Address, a.Length);
                                    IO.Write(-1, ref b);
                                    a_desc = a.NEXT;
                    long sp_count    = IO.GetPosition() - sp_hdr_pos;           // Calculate count
                    long current_pos = IO.GetPosition();                        // Save current position
                    IO.Write(sp_hdr_pos, sp_count);                             // Write count to the header (incl hdr)
                    IO.SetPosition(current_pos);                                // Restore position

            IO.Write(-1, (long)-1);                                      // Write eof indicator

            IO.Write(12, (long)IO.GetLength());                          // + 8 (8) - Total length


            uint c = IO.GetCRC32(12, -1);                                // calculate CRC32

            IO.Write(8, c);                                              // + 4 (4) - CRC32

            IO.Write(4, DEFS.DUMP_SIGNATURE);                            // Signature 'complete'


            if (!was_opened)