Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Send devices lastKnownStatus to cws deviceGateway aka connected site
        ///     Don't need to await as this process should be fire and forget
        ///        We don't care if the post is valid, or device exists etc
        /// </summary>
        public void SendDeviceStatusToDeviceGateway(TagFileDetail tagFileDetail, TAGFilePreScan tagFilePreScan)
            if (tagFilePreScan.PlatformType == CWSDeviceTypeEnum.EC520 ||
                tagFilePreScan.PlatformType == CWSDeviceTypeEnum.EC520W ||
                tagFilePreScan.PlatformType == CWSDeviceTypeEnum.Unknown)
                _log.LogInformation($"#Progress# {nameof(SendDeviceStatusToDeviceGateway)} Not an applicable DeviceType: {tagFilePreScan.PlatformType}");
                var seedLatitude  = MathUtilities.RadiansToDegrees(tagFilePreScan.SeedLatitude ?? 0.0);
                var seedLongitude = MathUtilities.RadiansToDegrees(tagFilePreScan.SeedLongitude ?? 0.0);
                var seedNorthing  = tagFilePreScan.SeedNorthing;
                var seedEasting   = tagFilePreScan.SeedEasting;
                if (Math.Abs(seedLatitude) < Consts.TOLERANCE_DECIMAL_DEGREE && Math.Abs(seedLongitude) < Consts.TOLERANCE_DECIMAL_DEGREE)
                    // This check is also done as a pre-check as the scenario is very frequent, to avoid the TFA API call overhead.
                    var message = $"#Progress# {nameof(SendDeviceStatusToDeviceGateway)} tagfile: {tagFileDetail.tagFileName} doesn't have a valid Seed Lat/Long. {tagFilePreScan.SeedLatitude}/{tagFilePreScan.SeedLongitude}. ";
                    if (seedNorthing != null && seedEasting != null)
                        message += $" It does have a Seed Northing/Easting {seedNorthing}/{seedEasting} however local grids are not currently supported for deviceGateway.";
                    var deviceLksModel = new DeviceLKSModel
                        TimeStamp         = tagFilePreScan.SeedTimeUTC,
                        Latitude          = seedLatitude,
                        Longitude         = seedLongitude,
                        Height            = tagFilePreScan.SeedHeight,
                        AssetSerialNumber = tagFilePreScan.HardwareID,
                        AssetNickname     = tagFilePreScan.MachineID,

                        AppName    = (tagFilePreScan.PlatformType == CWSDeviceTypeEnum.TMC) ? "TMC" : "GCS900",
                        AppVersion = tagFilePreScan.ApplicationVersion,
                        DesignName = tagFilePreScan.DesignName,

                        // PlatformType is only passed as part of DeviceName {platformType}-{assetSerialNumber}
                        AssetType = tagFilePreScan.MachineType.GetEnumMemberValue(),

                        Devices = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tagFilePreScan.RadioSerial) ? null :
                                  new List <ConnectedDevice>
                            new ConnectedDevice
                                Model        = tagFilePreScan.RadioType,
                                SerialNumber = tagFilePreScan.RadioSerial
                    _log.LogInformation($"#Progress# {nameof(SendDeviceStatusToDeviceGateway)} Posting deviceLks to cws deviceGateway: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deviceLksModel)}");

                    var cwsDeviceGatewayClient = DIContext.Obtain <ICwsDeviceGatewayClient>();
                    var customHeaders          = _tPaaSApplicationAuthentication.CustomHeaders();

                    _log.LogInformation($"#Progress# {nameof(SendDeviceStatusToDeviceGateway)} Got customHeaders");

                    // don't await this call, should be fire and forget
                    cwsDeviceGatewayClient.CreateDeviceLKS($"{deviceLksModel.AssetType}-{deviceLksModel.AssetSerialNumber}", deviceLksModel, customHeaders)
                    .ContinueWith((task) =>
                        if (task.IsFaulted)
                            _log.LogError(task.Exception, $"#Progress# {nameof(SendDeviceStatusToDeviceGateway)}: Error Sending to Connected Site", null);
                    }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
                _log.LogInformation($"#Progress# {nameof(SendDeviceStatusToDeviceGateway)} Post to ces deviceGateway completed");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the conversion operation on the TAG file, returning a boolean success result.
        /// Sets up local state detailing the pre-scan fields retrieved from the TAG file
        /// </summary>
        public bool ExecuteLegacyTAGFile(string filename, Stream tagData, Guid assetUid, bool isJohnDoe)
            Log.LogInformation($"In {nameof(ExecuteLegacyTAGFile)}: reading file {filename} for asset {assetUid}, JohnDoe: {isJohnDoe}");

            ReadResult = TAGReadResult.NoError;
            List <UTMCoordPointPair> aCSBladePositions    = null;
            List <UTMCoordPointPair> ACSRearAxlePositions = null;
            List <UTMCoordPointPair> ACSTrackPositions    = null;
            List <UTMCoordPointPair> ACSWheelPositions    = null;


                // Locate the machine in the local set of machines, adding one if necessary
                Machine = Machines.Locate(assetUid, isJohnDoe);

                var machineType       = MachineType.Unknown;
                var machineHardwareId = string.Empty;
                var machineId         = string.Empty;

                //Prescan to get all relevant information necessary for processing the tag file. e.g. Machinetype for swather, Type of coordinate system (ACS)
                var tagFilePreScan = new TAGFilePreScan();
                tagData.Position = 0; // reset
                if (tagFilePreScan.ReadResult == TAGReadResult.NoError)
                    machineType           = tagFilePreScan.MachineType; // used in creation of swather
                    machineHardwareId     = tagFilePreScan.HardwareID;
                    machineId             = tagFilePreScan.MachineID;
                    IsUTMCoordinateSystem = !tagFilePreScan.IsCSIBCoordSystemTypeOnly; // do we need to convert UTM coordinates to project coordinates
                    if (IsUTMCoordinateSystem && tagFilePreScan.ProcessedEpochCount > 0)
                        Log.LogInformation($"{nameof(ExecuteLegacyTAGFile)}: ACS coordinate system detected. {filename}");
                        aCSBladePositions    = new List <UTMCoordPointPair>();
                        ACSRearAxlePositions = new List <UTMCoordPointPair>();
                        ACSTrackPositions    = new List <UTMCoordPointPair>();
                        ACSWheelPositions    = new List <UTMCoordPointPair>();
                        if (!CollectAndConvertBladePostions(_targetSiteModel, ref tagData, ref aCSBladePositions, ref ACSRearAxlePositions, ref ACSTrackPositions, ref ACSWheelPositions))
                            Log.LogError($"{nameof(ExecuteLegacyTAGFile)}: Failed to collect and convert blade positions for tagfile processing with ACS. TAG FILE:{filename}");
                            ReadResult = TAGReadResult.CoordinateConversionFailure;
                    Log.LogError($"Unsuccessful prescan of tagfile. {tagFilePreScan.ReadResult}");

                if (Machine == null)
                    // Now we know more about the machine have another go finding it
                    Machine = Machines.Locate(assetUid, machineId, isJohnDoe);

                if (Machine == null)
                    Log.LogDebug($"Creating new machine in common converter for AssetUid = {assetUid}, JohnDoe = {isJohnDoe}, machineId = {machineId}, machineHardwareId = {machineHardwareId}");

                    Machine = Machines.CreateNew(machineId, machineHardwareId, machineType, DeviceTypeEnum.MANUALDEVICE, isJohnDoe, assetUid);

                if (Machine.MachineType == MachineType.Unknown && machineType != MachineType.Unknown)
                    Machine.MachineType = machineType;

                var holdMachineType = Machine.MachineType;

                // Locate the aggregator, adding one if necessary
                var machineTargetValueChangesAggregator = MachinesTargetValueChangesAggregator[Machine.InternalSiteModelMachineIndex] as ProductionEventLists;
                if (machineTargetValueChangesAggregator == null)
                    machineTargetValueChangesAggregator = new ProductionEventLists(SiteModel, Machine.InternalSiteModelMachineIndex);

                Processor = new TAGProcessor(SiteModel, Machine, SiteModelGridAggregator, machineTargetValueChangesAggregator);

                // If ACS coordinate system populate converted UTM coordinates
                if (IsUTMCoordinateSystem && tagFilePreScan.ProcessedEpochCount > 0)
                    if (aCSBladePositions != null && aCSBladePositions.Count > 0)
                    if (ACSRearAxlePositions != null && ACSRearAxlePositions.Count > 0)
                    if (ACSTrackPositions != null && ACSTrackPositions.Count > 0)
                    if (ACSWheelPositions != null && ACSWheelPositions.Count > 0)

                var sink = new TAGValueSink(Processor);
                using (var reader = new TAGReader(tagData))
                    var tagFile = new TAGFile();

                    ReadResult = tagFile.Read(reader, sink);

                    // Notify the processor that all reading operations have completed for the file
                    Processor.DoPostProcessFileAction(ReadResult == TAGReadResult.NoError);

                    Machine.MachineType = holdMachineType;

                    if (ReadResult != TAGReadResult.NoError)
            catch (Exception e) // make sure any exception is trapped to return correct response to caller
                Log.LogError(e, "Exception occurred while converting a TAG file");
