Esempio n. 1
        protected void CurrValButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //11//2014 NS added for VSPLUS-1133
            byte[] MyPass;
            string MyDominoPassword; //should be string
            string MyObjPwd;

            string[] MyObjPwdArr;
            VSFramework.TripleDES mySecrets = new VSFramework.TripleDES();
                MyObjPwd = VSWebBL.SettingBL.SettingsBL.Ins.Getvalue("Password");
                if (MyObjPwd != "")
                    MyObjPwdArr = MyObjPwd.Split(',');
                    MyPass      = new byte[MyObjPwdArr.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < MyObjPwdArr.Length; i++)
                        MyPass[i] = Byte.Parse(MyObjPwdArr[i]);
                    //10/6/2014 NS modified for VSPLUS-990
                    errorDiv.InnerHtml = "The following error has occurred: Notes password may not be empty. Please update the password under Stored Passwords & Options\\IBM Domino Settings." +
                                         "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span><span class=\"sr-only\">Close</span></button>";
                    errorDiv.Style.Value = "display: block";
                    MyPass = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                errorDiv.InnerHtml = "The following error has occurred: " + ex.Message +
                                     "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span><span class=\"sr-only\">Close</span></button>";
                errorDiv.Style.Value = "display: block";
                MyPass = null;
                //5/15/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                throw ex;
                if (MyPass != null)
                    MyDominoPassword = mySecrets.Decrypt(MyPass);
                    MyDominoPassword = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                errorDiv.InnerHtml = "The following error has occurred: " + ex.Message +
                                     "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span><span class=\"sr-only\">Close</span></button>";
                errorDiv.Style.Value = "display: block";
                MyDominoPassword     = "";
                //5/15/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                throw ex;
            //3/25/2014 NS modified for VSPLUS-494
            if (MyDominoPassword != null)
                Domino.NotesSession NotesSessionObject = new Domino.NotesSession();
                    CurrentValTextBox.Text = NotesSessionObject.SendConsoleCommand(DServerComboBox.Text, "sh stat " + DStatComboBox.Text);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //7/8/2013 NS modified - the code now handles an exception gracefully
                    //throw ex;
                    //11/3/2014 NS modified

                     * ErrorMessageLabel.Text = "Notes session could not be initialized.";
                     * ErrorMessagePopupControl.HeaderText = "Initialization Failure";
                     * ValidationUpdatedButton.Visible = true;
                     * ValidationOkButton.Visible = false;
                     * ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                    //11/3/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-990
                    errorDiv.InnerHtml = "The following error has occurred: " + ex.Message +
                                         "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span><span class=\"sr-only\">Close</span></button>";
                    errorDiv.Style.Value = "display: block";
                    //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                    Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                finally { }
Esempio n. 2
        private void FillData(int ID)
                string         MyObjPwd;
                string[]       MyObjPwdArr;
                byte[]         MyPass;
                NetworkDevices NetworkDevicesObject = new NetworkDevices();
                NetworkDevices ReturnObject         = new NetworkDevices();
                NetworkDevicesObject.ID = ID;

                ReturnObject                       = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.NetworkDevicesBL.Ins.GetData(NetworkDevicesObject);
                NameTextBox.Text                   = ReturnObject.Name;
                IPTextBox.Text                     = ReturnObject.Address;
                DescriptionTextBox.Text            = ReturnObject.Description;
                CategoryTextBox.Text               = ReturnObject.Category;
                EnabledCheckBox.Checked            = ReturnObject.Enabled;
                IncludeOnDashBoardCheckBox.Checked = ReturnObject.IncludeOnDashBoard;
                LocComboBox.Text                   = ReturnObject.Location;
                Img1.Src = ReturnObject.ImageURL;
                //if (Img1.Src != null)
                //    checkbx.Checked = true;

                //if (checkbx.Checked)
                CredentialsComboBox.Visible = true;
                CredentialsComboBox.Text = ReturnObject.imagename;

                //// LocationTextBox.Text = ReturnObject.Location;
                ScanIntervalTextBox.Text  = ReturnObject.ScanningInterval.ToString();
                OffScanTextBox.Text       = ReturnObject.OffHoursScanInterval.ToString();
                RetryIntervalTextBox.Text = ReturnObject.RetryInterval.ToString();
                ResponseThrTextBox.Text   = ReturnObject.ResponseThreshold.ToString();
                NetworkTypeCombobox.Text  = ReturnObject.NetworkType == null ? "" : ReturnObject.NetworkType.ToString();

                UserNameTextBox.Text = ReturnObject.Username == null ? "" : ReturnObject.Username;
                PasswordTextBox.Text = ReturnObject.Password == null ? "" : ReturnObject.Password;
                if (PasswordTextBox.Text != "" && PasswordTextBox.Text != null)
                    PasswordTextBox.Text = "      ";
                    PasswordTextBox.Text = "";

                MyObjPwd = ReturnObject.Password == null ? "" : ReturnObject.Password;
                //if (MyObjPwd != "")
                //    MyObjPwdArr = MyObjPwd.Split(',');
                //    MyPass = new byte[MyObjPwdArr.Length];
                //    for (int j = 0; j < MyObjPwdArr.Length; j++)
                //    {
                //        MyPass[j] = Byte.Parse(MyObjPwdArr[j]);
                //    }
                //    ViewState["PWD"] = tripleDes.Decrypt(MyPass);

                if (MyObjPwd != "")
                    MyObjPwdArr = MyObjPwd.Split(',');
                    MyPass      = new byte[MyObjPwdArr.Length];

                        for (int j = 0; j < MyObjPwdArr.Length; j++)
                            MyPass[j] = Byte.Parse(MyObjPwdArr[j]);
                        ViewState["PWD"] = tripleDes.Decrypt(MyPass);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex.Message == "Input string was not in a correct format.")
                            ViewState["PWD"] = MyObjPwd;

                //TripleDES tripleDES = new TripleDES();
                //byte[] encryptedPass=  ReturnObject.Password;
                //string pwd = tripleDES.Decrypt(encryptedPass);
                //PasswordTextBox.Text = pwd;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                throw ex;
            finally { }
Esempio n. 3
        protected void btn_Clickeditserver(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int ID;

            ImageButton btn = (ImageButton)sender;

            ID = Convert.ToInt32(btn.CommandArgument);
            int           id = ID;
            WebsphereCell ProfileNamesObject = new WebsphereCell();

            if (id != null)
                ProfileNamesObject.CellID = id;

            bool s = true;

            if (s == true)
                DataTable celldt = VSWebBL.SecurityBL.webspehereImportBL.Ins.GetSpecificCellData(id);
                Session["webcellid"] = id;
                VitalSignsWebSphereDLL.VitalSignsWebSphereDLL WSDll = new VitalSignsWebSphereDLL.VitalSignsWebSphereDLL();
                VitalSignsWebSphereDLL.VitalSignsWebSphereDLL.CellProperties cellFromInfo = new VitalSignsWebSphereDLL.VitalSignsWebSphereDLL.CellProperties();

                //Set properties for Cell to pass to DLL
                cellFromInfo.HostName       = celldt.Rows[0]["HostName"].ToString();
                cellFromInfo.Port           = Convert.ToInt32(celldt.Rows[0]["PortNo"].ToString());
                cellFromInfo.ConnectionType = celldt.Rows[0]["ConnectionType"].ToString();
                cellFromInfo.Realm          = celldt.Rows[0]["Realm"].ToString();
                //int credid = Convert.ToInt32(celldt.Rows[0][""].ToString());
                Credentials creds = new Credentials();
                //creds.AliasName = CredentialsComboBox.Text.ToString();
                creds.ID = Convert.ToInt32(celldt.Rows[0]["CredentialsID"].ToString());

                DataTable dt = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.CredentialsBL.Ins.getCredentialsById(creds);
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string   password;
                    string   MyObjPwd;
                    string[] MyObjPwdArr;
                    byte[]   MyPass;
                    MyObjPwd = dt.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString();

                    MyObjPwdArr = MyObjPwd.Split(',');
                    MyPass      = new byte[MyObjPwdArr.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < MyObjPwdArr.Length; i++)
                        MyPass[i] = Byte.Parse(MyObjPwdArr[i]);

                    VSFramework.TripleDES tripleDes = new VSFramework.TripleDES();
                    password = tripleDes.Decrypt(MyPass);

                    cellFromInfo.UserName = dt.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();
                    cellFromInfo.Password = password;
                    throw new Exception("Username and Password could not be retreived");

                cellFromInfo.ID = id;

                VitalSignsWebSphereDLL.VitalSignsWebSphereDLL.Cells cells = null;
                    cells = WSDll.getServerList(cellFromInfo);
                    foreach (VitalSignsWebSphereDLL.VitalSignsWebSphereDLL.Cell cell in cells.Cell)
                        bool ReturnValue;
                        ReturnValue = VSWebBL.SecurityBL.webspehereImportBL.Ins.Insertwebspherenodesandservers(cell, id);
                        if (ReturnValue == true)
                            NodesTreeList.Visible     = true;
                            CollapseAllButton.Visible = true;
                            ImportButton.Visible      = true;
                            NodesTreeList.Visible     = false;
                            CollapseAllButton.Visible = false;
                            ImportButton.Visible      = false;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errorDivForImportingWS.Style.Value = "display: block";
                    errorDivForImportingWS.InnerHtml   = "An error occurred. " + ex.Message +
                                                         "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span><span class=\"sr-only\">Close</span></button>";

                //checks to see if a connection was successfully made
                //cells should never be null, it should hti the return before it is null and hits this spot
                if (cells != null && cells.Connection_Status != "CONNECTED")
                    errorDivForImportingWS.Style.Value = "display: block";
                    errorDivForImportingWS.InnerHtml   = "A connection was not able to be made." +
                                                         "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</span><span class=\"sr-only\">Close</span></button>";
                    errorDivForImportingWS.Style.Value = "display: none";

                    //This is where the population of the tree graph should be

                    // 6/22/15 WS commented out for it not being needed anymore.  All insertion of data should be done on the OK press now (Which will be taken care of by Mukund and his team)
                //    {
                //        int index = NodesTreeList.FocusedRowIndex;
                //        if (index > -1)
                //        {
                //            nodevalue = Convert.ToInt32(NodesTreeList.GetRowValues(index, "NodeID").ToString());
                //        }
                //    }
                //    //Response.Redirect("~/Configurator/EditProfiles.aspx?id=" + id.ToString(), false);
                //    //Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest();
            //DecodeCellsXML("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\\WebSphere\\AppClient\\VitalSigns\\xml\\AppServerList.xml");
        //11/19/2013 NS modified
        //private void FillData(string URL)
        private void FillData(string ID)
                CloudApplicationsServer CloudApplicationsServerObject = new CloudApplicationsServer();
                CloudApplicationsServer ReturnDCObject = new CloudApplicationsServer();
                //11/19/2013 NS modified
                //URLsObject.TheURL = URL;
                CloudApplicationsServerObject.ID = ID;
                ReturnDCObject = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.CloudApplicationsServerBL.Ins.GetData(CloudApplicationsServerObject);
                //Cluster Setting fields
                CredentialsComboBox.Text = ReturnDCObject.Name.ToString();
                CategoryTextBox.Text     = ReturnDCObject.Category.ToString();
                ScanTextBox.Text         = ReturnDCObject.ScanInterval.ToString();
                OffScanTextBox.Text      = ReturnDCObject.OffHoursScanInterval.ToString();
                EnabledCheckBox.Checked  = ReturnDCObject.Enabled;               //(ScanTextBox.Text != null ? true : false);
                RetryTextBox.Text        = ReturnDCObject.RetryInterval.ToString();
                RespThrTextBox.Text      = ReturnDCObject.ResponseThreshold.ToString();
                IPAddressTextBox.Text    = ReturnDCObject.URL;
                Image1.ImageUrl          = ReturnDCObject.imageurl;
                RequiredTextBox.Text     = ReturnDCObject.SearchStringNotFound;
                txtSearch.Text           = ReturnDCObject.SearchStringFound;
                UserNameTextBox.Text     = ReturnDCObject.UserName;
                PasswordTextBox.Text     = ReturnDCObject.PW;
                if (PasswordTextBox.Text != "" && PasswordTextBox.Text != null)
                    PasswordTextBox.Text = "      ";
                    PasswordTextBox.Text = "";

                MyObjPwd = ReturnDCObject.PW.ToString();
                if (MyObjPwd != "")
                    MyObjPwdArr = MyObjPwd.Split(',');
                    MyPass      = new byte[MyObjPwdArr.Length];

                        for (int j = 0; j < MyObjPwdArr.Length; j++)
                            MyPass[j] = Byte.Parse(MyObjPwdArr[j]);
                        ViewState["PWD"] = tripleDes.Decrypt(MyPass);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex.Message == "Input string was not in a correct format.")
                            ViewState["PWD"] = MyObjPwd;

                SrvAtrFailBefAlertTextBox.Text = ReturnDCObject.FailureThreshold.ToString();
                //11/19/2013 NS modified
                //Session["ReturnUrl"] = "URLProperties.aspx?TheURL=" + URL + "tab=1";
                //Mukund 11Apr14 -missing "&"
                Session["ReturnUrl"] = "CloudApplicationsServerProperties.aspx?ID=" + ID + "&tab=1";
            catch (Exception ex)
                //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634
                Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                throw ex;
            finally { }