public void Add(Type type, MyComponentBase component)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(component == null || component.ContainerBase == null, "Component needs to be removed from a container before adding to a new one!");
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(typeof(MyComponentBase).IsAssignableFrom(type), "Unsupported type of component!");
            if (!typeof(MyComponentBase).IsAssignableFrom(type))

            if (component != null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(type.IsAssignableFrom(component.GetType()), "Component added with wrong type!");
                if (!type.IsAssignableFrom(component.GetType()))

                //TODO: componentTypeFromAttribute cannot be null when all components has [MyComponentType(typeof(...))] attribute.
                var componentTypeFromAttribute = MyComponentTypeFactory.GetComponentType(type);
                if (componentTypeFromAttribute != null && componentTypeFromAttribute != type)
                    // Failed when component type from attribute is not the same as the given type. Means that [MyComponentType(typeof(...))]
                    // should be specified for the component class (it is probably used for base class now).
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Component: " + component.GetType() + " is set to container as type: " + type + " but type from attribute is: " + componentTypeFromAttribute);

            MyComponentBase containedComponent;

            if (m_components.TryGetValue(type, out containedComponent))
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(containedComponent != component, "Adding a component to a container twice!");

                if (containedComponent is IMyComponentAggregate)
                    (containedComponent as IMyComponentAggregate).AddComponent(component);
                else if (component is IMyComponentAggregate)
                    (component as IMyComponentAggregate).AddComponent(containedComponent);
                    m_components[type] = component;
                    OnComponentAdded(type, component);

            if (component != null)
                m_components[type] = component;
                OnComponentAdded(type, component);
        public void Deserialize(MyObjectBuilder_ComponentContainer builder)
            if (builder == null || builder.Components == null)

            foreach (var data in builder.Components)
                MyComponentBase instance            = null;
                var             createdInstanceType = MyComponentFactory.GetCreatedInstanceType(data.Component.TypeId);

                // Old component deserialized type.
                var dictType = MyComponentTypeFactory.GetType(data.TypeId);
                // Component type can be set as attribute now
                var dictTypeFromAttr = MyComponentTypeFactory.GetComponentType(createdInstanceType);
                if (dictTypeFromAttr != null)
                    dictType = dictTypeFromAttr;

                bool hasComponent = TryGet(dictType, out instance);
                if (hasComponent)
                    // If component is found then check also type because some components have default instances (MyNullGameLogicComponent)
                    if (createdInstanceType != instance.GetType())
                        hasComponent = false;

                if (!hasComponent)
                    instance = MyComponentFactory.CreateInstanceByTypeId(data.Component.TypeId);


                if (!hasComponent)
                    Add(dictType, instance);