Esempio n. 1
 public virtual void OnEnable()
     input = (VRInput)target;
                 #if Int_Oculus || (Int_SteamVR && !Int_SteamVR2)
     lockToOculus = !input.isSteamVR();
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()

            if (input.VRActions == null || input.VRActions.Length == 0)

            if (GUILayout.Button("Reset To Interactable Default"))

            GUIStyle titleStyle = new GUIStyle();

            titleStyle.fontSize         = 24;
            titleStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

            SerializedProperty leftHand = serializedObject.FindProperty("LeftHand");


#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
            SerializedProperty trackPosNative = serializedObject.FindProperty("trackPositionNatively");
#if Int_SteamVR2
            SerializedProperty trackInputNative = serializedObject.FindProperty("trackInputNatively");

            if (input.trackInputNatively)
                editActionsFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(editActionsFoldout, "Edit Actions");

                if (editActionsFoldout)
                    if (input.VRActions != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < input.VRActions.Length; i++)
                            input.VRActions[i] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(input.VRActions[i]);
                            if (GUILayout.Button("X"))
                                string[] newActions = new string[input.VRActions.Length - 1];
                                int      offset     = 0;
                                for (int j = 0; j < newActions.Length; j++)
                                    if (i == j)
                                        offset = 1;
                                    newActions[j] = input.VRActions[j + offset];
                                input.VRActions = newActions;

                                if (input.triggerKey > i)
                                    input.triggerKey -= 1;
                                else if (input.triggerKey == i)
                                    input.triggerKey = 0;
                                for (int j = 0; j < input.triggerKeys.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.triggerKeys[j] > i)
                                        input.triggerKeys[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.triggerKeys[j] == i)
                                        input.triggerKeys[j] = 0;
                                if (input.padTop > i)
                                    input.padTop -= 1;
                                else if (input.padTop == i)
                                    input.padTop = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padTops.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padTops[j] > i)
                                        input.padTops[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padTops[j] == i)
                                        input.padTops[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padLeft > i)
                                    input.padLeft -= 1;
                                else if (input.padLeft == i)
                                    input.padLeft = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padLefts.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padLefts[j] > i)
                                        input.padLefts[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padLefts[j] == i)
                                        input.padLefts[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padRight > i)
                                    input.padRight -= 1;
                                else if (input.padRight == i)
                                    input.padRight = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padRights.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padRights[j] > i)
                                        input.padRights[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padRights[j] == i)
                                        input.padRights[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padBottom > i)
                                    input.padBottom -= 1;
                                else if (input.padBottom == i)
                                    input.padBottom = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padBottoms.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padBottoms[j] > i)
                                        input.padBottoms[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padBottoms[j] == i)
                                        input.padBottoms[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padCentre > i)
                                    input.padCentre -= 1;
                                else if (input.padCentre == i)
                                    input.padTouch = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padCentres.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padCentres[j] > i)
                                        input.padCentres[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padCentres[j] == i)
                                        input.padCentres[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padTouch > i)
                                    input.padTouch -= 1;
                                else if (input.padTouch == i)
                                    input.padTouch = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padTouchs.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padTouchs[j] > i)
                                        input.padTouchs[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padTouchs[j] == i)
                                        input.padTouchs[j] = 0;

                                if (input.gripKey > i)
                                    input.gripKey -= 1;
                                else if (input.gripKey == i)
                                    input.gripKey = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.gripKeys.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.gripKeys[j] > i)
                                        input.gripKeys[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.gripKeys[j] == i)
                                        input.gripKeys[j] = 0;

                                if (input.menuKey > i)
                                    input.menuKey -= 1;
                                else if (input.menuKey == i)
                                    input.menuKey = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.menuKeys.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.menuKeys[j] > i)
                                        input.menuKeys[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.menuKeys[j] == i)
                                        input.menuKeys[j] = 0;

                                if (input.primaryKey > i)
                                    input.primaryKey -= 1;
                                else if (input.primaryKey == i)
                                    input.primaryKey = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.primaryKeys.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.primaryKeys[j] > i)
                                        input.primaryKeys[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.primaryKeys[j] == i)
                                        input.primaryKeys[j] = 0;

                                if (input.secondaryKey > i)
                                    input.secondaryKey -= 1;
                                else if (input.secondaryKey == i)
                                    input.secondaryKey = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.secondaryKeys.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.secondaryKeys[j] > i)
                                        input.secondaryKeys[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.secondaryKeys[j] == i)
                                        input.secondaryKeys[j] = 0;

                    newActionName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(newActionName);
                    GUI.enabled   = (newActionName != "");
                    if (GUILayout.Button("Add Action"))
                        string[] newActions = new string[1];
                        if (input.VRActions != null)
                            newActions = new string[input.VRActions.Length + 1];
                            input.VRActions = new string[0];
                        for (int i = 0; i < newActions.Length; i++)
                            if (i == input.VRActions.Length)
                                newActions[i] = newActionName;
                            newActions[i] = input.VRActions[i];
                        input.VRActions = newActions;
                        newActionName   = "";
                    GUI.enabled = true;

                if (input.VRActions == null)

                SerializedProperty triggerKey   = serializedObject.FindProperty("triggerKey");
                SerializedProperty padTop       = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTop");
                SerializedProperty padLeft      = serializedObject.FindProperty("padLeft");
                SerializedProperty padRight     = serializedObject.FindProperty("padRight");
                SerializedProperty padBottom    = serializedObject.FindProperty("padBottom");
                SerializedProperty padCentre    = serializedObject.FindProperty("padCentre");
                SerializedProperty padTouch     = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTouch");
                SerializedProperty gripKey      = serializedObject.FindProperty("gripKey");
                SerializedProperty menuKey      = serializedObject.FindProperty("menuKey");
                SerializedProperty primaryKey   = serializedObject.FindProperty("primaryKey");
                SerializedProperty secondaryKey = serializedObject.FindProperty("secondaryKey");

                SerializedProperty triggerKeys   = serializedObject.FindProperty("triggerKeys");
                SerializedProperty padTops       = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTops");
                SerializedProperty padLefts      = serializedObject.FindProperty("padLefts");
                SerializedProperty padRights     = serializedObject.FindProperty("padRights");
                SerializedProperty padBottoms    = serializedObject.FindProperty("padBottoms");
                SerializedProperty padCentres    = serializedObject.FindProperty("padCentres");
                SerializedProperty padTouchs     = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTouchs");
                SerializedProperty gripKeys      = serializedObject.FindProperty("gripKeys");
                SerializedProperty menuKeys      = serializedObject.FindProperty("menuKeys");
                SerializedProperty primaryKeys   = serializedObject.FindProperty("primaryKeys");
                SerializedProperty secondaryKeys = serializedObject.FindProperty("secondaryKeys");

                triggerKey.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Trigger Key", triggerKey.intValue, input.VRActions);
                AdditionalButtonArray(triggerKeys, "Trigger Key");
                padTop.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Thumbstick Up", padTop.intValue, input.VRActions);

                AdditionalButtonArray(padTops, "Thumbstick Up");

                padLeft.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Thumbstick Left", padLeft.intValue, input.VRActions);

                AdditionalButtonArray(padLefts, "Thumbstick Left");

                padRight.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Thumbstick Right", padRight.intValue, input.VRActions);

                AdditionalButtonArray(padRights, "Thumbstick Right");

                padBottom.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Thumbstick Down", padBottom.intValue, input.VRActions);

                AdditionalButtonArray(padBottoms, "Thumbstick Down");

                padCentre.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Thumbstick Button", padCentre.intValue, input.VRActions);

                AdditionalButtonArray(padCentres, "Thumbstick Button");

                padTouch.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Thumbstick Touch", padTouch.intValue, input.VRActions);

                AdditionalButtonArray(padTouchs, "Thumbstick Touch");

                gripKey.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Grip Key", gripKey.intValue, input.VRActions);

                AdditionalButtonArray(gripKeys, "Grip Key");

                menuKey.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Menu Key", menuKey.intValue, input.VRActions);

                AdditionalButtonArray(menuKeys, "Menu Key");

                primaryKey.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Primary", primaryKey.intValue, input.VRActions);
                AdditionalButtonArray(primaryKeys, "Primary");

                secondaryKey.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Secondary", secondaryKey.intValue, input.VRActions);
                AdditionalButtonArray(secondaryKeys, "Secondary");

                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The VRInput script allows you to specify a list of custom actions. " +
                                        "Do this by expanding the 'Edit Actions' foldout and adding or removing from the list, " +
                                        "You can then assign the actions to controller keys.\n" +
                                        "The method 'InputReceived' is called on this object using a SendMessage call. You can implement this " +
                                        "method in any script on this object.", MessageType.Info);
#if Int_SteamVR2
                if (input.isSteamVR())
                    GUIContent title2Content = new GUIContent("SteamVR 2.0");
                    float      height2       = titleStyle.CalcHeight(title2Content, 10f);
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField(title2Content, titleStyle, GUILayout.Height(height2));

                    SerializedProperty handType = serializedObject.FindProperty("handType");

                    SerializedProperty triggerPressure = serializedObject.FindProperty("triggerPressure");

                    SerializedProperty touchPosition = serializedObject.FindProperty("touchPosition");

                    SerializedProperty padTouched = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTouched");

                    SerializedProperty padPressed = serializedObject.FindProperty("padPressed");

                    SerializedProperty booleanActions = serializedObject.FindProperty("booleanActions");
                    EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(booleanActions, true);

                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Create your actions in the SteamVR Input Editor. Then specify " +
                                            "the actions in the lists above. The name of the action is the method called.\n" +
                                            "The method 'InputReceived' is called on this object using a SendMessage call. You can implement this " +
                                            "method in any script on this object.", MessageType.Info);

Esempio n. 3
 public virtual void OnEnable()
     input        = (VRInput)target;
     lockToOculus = !input.isSteamVR();
Esempio n. 4
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()

            if (input.VRActions == null || input.VRActions.Length == 0)

            if (GUILayout.Button("Reset To Interactable Default"))

            GUIStyle titleStyle = new GUIStyle();

            titleStyle.fontSize         = 24;
            titleStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

                        #if Int_Oculus || (Int_SteamVR && !Int_SteamVR2)
            string title1TitleString = "";
            bool   hasOculus         = false;
                        #if Int_Oculus
            title1TitleString += "Oculus ";
            hasOculus          = true;
            bool hasLegacySteamVR = false;
                        #if (Int_SteamVR && !Int_SteamVR2)
            title1TitleString += "and SteamVR Legacy";
            hasLegacySteamVR   = true;

            if ((input.isSteamVR() && hasLegacySteamVR) || (!input.isSteamVR() && hasOculus))
                GUIContent title1Content = new GUIContent(title1TitleString);
                float      height        = titleStyle.CalcHeight(title1Content, 10f);
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField(title1Content, titleStyle, GUILayout.Height(height));

                editActionsFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(editActionsFoldout, "Edit Actions");

                if (editActionsFoldout)
                    if (input.VRActions != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < input.VRActions.Length; i++)
                            input.VRActions[i] = EditorGUILayout.TextField(input.VRActions[i]);
                            if (GUILayout.Button("X"))
                                string[] newActions = new string[input.VRActions.Length - 1];
                                int      offset     = 0;
                                for (int j = 0; j < newActions.Length; j++)
                                    if (i == j)
                                        offset = 1;
                                    newActions[j] = input.VRActions[j + offset];
                                input.VRActions = newActions;

                                if (input.triggerKey > i)
                                    input.triggerKey -= 1;
                                else if (input.triggerKey == i)
                                    input.triggerKey = 0;
                                for (int j = 0; j < input.triggerKeys.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.triggerKeys[j] > i)
                                        input.triggerKeys[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.triggerKeys[j] == i)
                                        input.triggerKeys[j] = 0;
                                if (input.padTop > i)
                                    input.padTop -= 1;
                                else if (input.padTop == i)
                                    input.padTop = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padTops.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padTops[j] > i)
                                        input.padTops[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padTops[j] == i)
                                        input.padTops[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padLeft > i)
                                    input.padLeft -= 1;
                                else if (input.padLeft == i)
                                    input.padLeft = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padLefts.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padLefts[j] > i)
                                        input.padLefts[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padLefts[j] == i)
                                        input.padLefts[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padRight > i)
                                    input.padRight -= 1;
                                else if (input.padRight == i)
                                    input.padRight = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padRights.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padRights[j] > i)
                                        input.padRights[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padRights[j] == i)
                                        input.padRights[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padBottom > i)
                                    input.padBottom -= 1;
                                else if (input.padBottom == i)
                                    input.padBottom = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padBottoms.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padBottoms[j] > i)
                                        input.padBottoms[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padBottoms[j] == i)
                                        input.padBottoms[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padCentre > i)
                                    input.padCentre -= 1;
                                else if (input.padCentre == i)
                                    input.padTouch = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padCentres.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padCentres[j] > i)
                                        input.padCentres[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padCentres[j] == i)
                                        input.padCentres[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padTouch > i)
                                    input.padTouch -= 1;
                                else if (input.padTouch == i)
                                    input.padTouch = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padTouchs.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padTouchs[j] > i)
                                        input.padTouchs[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padTouchs[j] == i)
                                        input.padTouchs[j] = 0;

                                if (input.gripKey > i)
                                    input.gripKey -= 1;
                                else if (input.gripKey == i)
                                    input.gripKey = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.gripKeys.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.gripKeys[j] > i)
                                        input.gripKeys[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.gripKeys[j] == i)
                                        input.gripKeys[j] = 0;

                                if (input.menuKey > i)
                                    input.menuKey -= 1;
                                else if (input.menuKey == i)
                                    input.menuKey = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.menuKeys.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.menuKeys[j] > i)
                                        input.menuKeys[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.menuKeys[j] == i)
                                        input.menuKeys[j] = 0;

                                if (input.AXKey > i)
                                    input.AXKey -= 1;
                                else if (input.AXKey == i)
                                    input.AXKey = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.AXKeys.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.AXKeys[j] > i)
                                        input.AXKeys[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.AXKeys[j] == i)
                                        input.AXKeys[j] = 0;

                                if (input.triggerKeyOculus > i)
                                    input.triggerKeyOculus -= 1;
                                else if (input.triggerKeyOculus == i)
                                    input.triggerKeyOculus = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.triggerKeysOculus.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.triggerKeysOculus[j] > i)
                                        input.triggerKeysOculus[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.triggerKeysOculus[j] == i)
                                        input.triggerKeysOculus[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padTopOculus > i)
                                    input.padTopOculus -= 1;
                                else if (input.padTopOculus == i)
                                    input.padTopOculus = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padTopsOculus.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padTopsOculus[j] > i)
                                        input.padTopsOculus[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padTopsOculus[j] == i)
                                        input.padTopsOculus[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padLeftOculus > i)
                                    input.padLeftOculus -= 1;
                                else if (input.padLeftOculus == i)
                                    input.padLeftOculus = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padLeftsOculus.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padLeftsOculus[j] > i)
                                        input.padLeftsOculus[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padLeftsOculus[j] == i)
                                        input.padLeftsOculus[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padRightOculus > i)
                                    input.padRightOculus -= 1;
                                else if (input.padRightOculus == i)
                                    input.padRightOculus = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padRightsOculus.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padRightsOculus[j] > i)
                                        input.padRightsOculus[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padRightsOculus[j] == i)
                                        input.padRightsOculus[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padBottomOculus > i)
                                    input.padBottomOculus -= 1;
                                else if (input.padBottomOculus == i)
                                    input.padBottomOculus = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padBottomsOculus.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padBottomsOculus[j] > i)
                                        input.padBottomsOculus[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padBottomsOculus[j] == i)
                                        input.padBottomsOculus[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padCentreOculus > i)
                                    input.padCentreOculus -= 1;
                                else if (input.padCentreOculus == i)
                                    input.padCentreOculus = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padCentresOculus.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padCentresOculus[j] > i)
                                        input.padCentresOculus[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padCentresOculus[j] == i)
                                        input.padCentresOculus[j] = 0;

                                if (input.padTouchOculus > i)
                                    input.padTouchOculus -= 1;
                                else if (input.padTouchOculus == i)
                                    input.padTouchOculus = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.padTouchsOculus.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.padTouchsOculus[j] > i)
                                        input.padTouchsOculus[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.padTouchsOculus[j] == i)
                                        input.padTouchsOculus[j] = 0;

                                if (input.gripKeyOculus > i)
                                    input.gripKeyOculus -= 1;
                                else if (input.gripKeyOculus == i)
                                    input.gripKeyOculus = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.gripKeysOculus.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.gripKeysOculus[j] > i)
                                        input.gripKeysOculus[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.gripKeysOculus[j] == i)
                                        input.gripKeysOculus[j] = 0;

                                if (input.menuKeyOculus > i)
                                    input.menuKeyOculus -= 1;
                                else if (input.menuKeyOculus == i)
                                    input.menuKeyOculus = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.menuKeysOculus.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.menuKeysOculus[j] > i)
                                        input.menuKeysOculus[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.menuKeysOculus[j] == i)
                                        input.menuKeysOculus[j] = 0;

                                if (input.AXKeyOculus > i)
                                    input.AXKeyOculus -= 1;
                                else if (input.AXKeyOculus == i)
                                    input.AXKeyOculus = 0;

                                for (int j = 0; j < input.AXKeysOculus.Count; j++)
                                    if (input.AXKeysOculus[j] > i)
                                        input.AXKeysOculus[j] -= 1;
                                    else if (input.AXKeysOculus[j] == i)
                                        input.AXKeysOculus[j] = 0;

                    newActionName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(newActionName);
                    GUI.enabled   = (newActionName != "");
                    if (GUILayout.Button("Add Action"))
                        string[] newActions = new string[1];
                        if (input.VRActions != null)
                            newActions = new string[input.VRActions.Length + 1];
                            input.VRActions = new string[0];
                        for (int i = 0; i < newActions.Length; i++)
                            if (i == input.VRActions.Length)
                                newActions[i] = newActionName;
                            newActions[i] = input.VRActions[i];
                        input.VRActions = newActions;
                        newActionName   = "";
                    GUI.enabled = true;

                if (input.VRActions == null)

                SerializedProperty triggerKey       = serializedObject.FindProperty("triggerKey");
                SerializedProperty padTop           = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTop");
                SerializedProperty padLeft          = serializedObject.FindProperty("padLeft");
                SerializedProperty padRight         = serializedObject.FindProperty("padRight");
                SerializedProperty padBottom        = serializedObject.FindProperty("padBottom");
                SerializedProperty padCentre        = serializedObject.FindProperty("padCentre");
                SerializedProperty padTouch         = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTouch");
                SerializedProperty gripKey          = serializedObject.FindProperty("gripKey");
                SerializedProperty menuKey          = serializedObject.FindProperty("menuKey");
                SerializedProperty AXKey            = serializedObject.FindProperty("AXKey");
                SerializedProperty triggerKeyOculus = serializedObject.FindProperty("triggerKeyOculus");
                SerializedProperty padTopOculus     = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTopOculus");
                SerializedProperty padLeftOculus    = serializedObject.FindProperty("padLeftOculus");
                SerializedProperty padRightOculus   = serializedObject.FindProperty("padRightOculus");
                SerializedProperty padBottomOculus  = serializedObject.FindProperty("padBottomOculus");
                SerializedProperty padCentreOculus  = serializedObject.FindProperty("padCentreOculus");
                SerializedProperty padTouchOculus   = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTouchOculus");
                SerializedProperty gripKeyOculus    = serializedObject.FindProperty("gripKeyOculus");
                SerializedProperty menuKeyOculus    = serializedObject.FindProperty("menuKeyOculus");
                SerializedProperty AXKeyOculus      = serializedObject.FindProperty("AXKeyOculus");

                SerializedProperty triggerKeys       = serializedObject.FindProperty("triggerKeys");
                SerializedProperty padTops           = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTops");
                SerializedProperty padLefts          = serializedObject.FindProperty("padLefts");
                SerializedProperty padRights         = serializedObject.FindProperty("padRights");
                SerializedProperty padBottoms        = serializedObject.FindProperty("padBottoms");
                SerializedProperty padCentres        = serializedObject.FindProperty("padCentres");
                SerializedProperty padTouchs         = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTouchs");
                SerializedProperty gripKeys          = serializedObject.FindProperty("gripKeys");
                SerializedProperty menuKeys          = serializedObject.FindProperty("menuKeys");
                SerializedProperty AXKeys            = serializedObject.FindProperty("AXKeys");
                SerializedProperty triggerKeysOculus = serializedObject.FindProperty("triggerKeysOculus");
                SerializedProperty padTopsOculus     = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTopsOculus");
                SerializedProperty padLeftsOculus    = serializedObject.FindProperty("padLeftsOculus");
                SerializedProperty padRightsOculus   = serializedObject.FindProperty("padRightsOculus");
                SerializedProperty padBottomsOculus  = serializedObject.FindProperty("padBottomsOculus");
                SerializedProperty padCentresOculus  = serializedObject.FindProperty("padCentresOculus");
                SerializedProperty padTouchsOculus   = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTouchsOculus");
                SerializedProperty gripKeysOculus    = serializedObject.FindProperty("gripKeysOculus");
                SerializedProperty menuKeysOculus    = serializedObject.FindProperty("menuKeysOculus");
                SerializedProperty AXKeysOculus      = serializedObject.FindProperty("AXKeysOculus");

                SerializedProperty displayViveButtons = serializedObject.FindProperty("displayViveButtons");
                SerializedProperty mirrorControls     = serializedObject.FindProperty("mirrorControls");
                if (!lockToOculus)
                    GUIContent viveDisplayModeText = new GUIContent("Display Vive Buttons", "Or Oculus Buttons When Set To False");
                    displayViveButtons.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(viveDisplayModeText, displayViveButtons.boolValue);

                    GUIContent mirrorControlsText = new GUIContent("Mirror Controls", "If Set To False Will Seperate Oculus And Vive Controls");
                    mirrorControls.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(mirrorControlsText, mirrorControls.boolValue);
                    mirrorControls.boolValue     = true;
                    displayViveButtons.boolValue = false;

                if (!mirrorControls.boolValue)
                    int newTriggerKey = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Trigger Key", displayViveButtons.boolValue ? triggerKey.intValue : triggerKeyOculus.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    if (displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        triggerKey.intValue = newTriggerKey;
                        triggerKeyOculus.intValue = newTriggerKey;

                    AdditionalButtonArrayUnMirrored(triggerKeys, triggerKeysOculus, "Trigger Key", "Trigger Key", displayViveButtons.boolValue);

                    int newPadTop = EditorGUILayout.Popup((displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Up Key" : "Thumbstick Up"), displayViveButtons.boolValue ? padTop.intValue : padTopOculus.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    if (displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        padTop.intValue = newPadTop;
                        padTopOculus.intValue = newPadTop;

                    AdditionalButtonArrayUnMirrored(padTops, padTopsOculus, "Pad Up Key", "Thumbstick Up", displayViveButtons.boolValue);

                    int newPadLeft = EditorGUILayout.Popup((displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Left Key" : "Thumbstick Left"), displayViveButtons.boolValue ? padLeft.intValue : padLeftOculus.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    if (displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        padLeft.intValue = newPadLeft;
                        padLeftOculus.intValue = newPadLeft;

                    AdditionalButtonArrayUnMirrored(padLefts, padLeftsOculus, "Pad Left Key", "Thumbstick Left", displayViveButtons.boolValue);

                    int newPadRight = EditorGUILayout.Popup((displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Right Key" : "Thumbstick Right"), displayViveButtons.boolValue ? padRight.intValue : padRightOculus.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    if (displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        padRight.intValue = newPadRight;
                        padRightOculus.intValue = newPadRight;

                    AdditionalButtonArrayUnMirrored(padRights, padRightsOculus, "Pad Right Key", "Thumbstick Right", displayViveButtons.boolValue);

                    int newPadBottom = EditorGUILayout.Popup((displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Down Key" : "Thumbstick Down"), displayViveButtons.boolValue ? padBottom.intValue : padBottomOculus.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    if (displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        padBottom.intValue = newPadBottom;
                        padBottomOculus.intValue = newPadBottom;

                    AdditionalButtonArrayUnMirrored(padBottoms, padBottomsOculus, "Pad Down Key", "Thumbstick Down", displayViveButtons.boolValue);

                    int newPadCentre = EditorGUILayout.Popup((displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Centre Key" : "Thumbstick Button"), displayViveButtons.boolValue ? padCentre.intValue : padCentreOculus.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    if (displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        padCentre.intValue = newPadCentre;
                        padCentreOculus.intValue = newPadCentre;

                    AdditionalButtonArrayUnMirrored(padCentres, padCentresOculus, "Pad Centre Key", "Thumbstick Button", displayViveButtons.boolValue);

                    int newPadTouch = EditorGUILayout.Popup((displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Touch Key" : "Thumbstick Touch"), displayViveButtons.boolValue ? padTouch.intValue : padTouchOculus.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    if (displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        padTouch.intValue = newPadTouch;
                        padTouchOculus.intValue = newPadTouch;

                    AdditionalButtonArrayUnMirrored(padTouchs, padTouchsOculus, "Pad Touch Key", "Thumbstick Touch", displayViveButtons.boolValue);

                    int newGripKey = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Grip Key", displayViveButtons.boolValue ? gripKey.intValue : gripKeyOculus.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    if (displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        gripKey.intValue = newGripKey;
                        gripKeyOculus.intValue = newGripKey;

                    AdditionalButtonArrayUnMirrored(gripKeys, gripKeysOculus, "Grip Key", "Grip Key", displayViveButtons.boolValue);

                    int newMenuKey = EditorGUILayout.Popup((displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Menu Key" : "B/Y"), displayViveButtons.boolValue ? menuKey.intValue : menuKeyOculus.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    if (displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        menuKey.intValue = newMenuKey;
                        menuKeyOculus.intValue = newMenuKey;

                    AdditionalButtonArrayUnMirrored(menuKeys, menuKeysOculus, "Menu Key", "B/Y", displayViveButtons.boolValue);

                    if (!displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        AXKeyOculus.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup("A/X", AXKeyOculus.intValue, input.VRActions);

                        AdditionalButtonArrayUnMirrored(AXKeys, AXKeysOculus, "A/X", "A/X", displayViveButtons.boolValue);
                    triggerKey.intValue       = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Trigger Key", triggerKey.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    triggerKeyOculus.intValue = triggerKey.intValue;
                    AdditionalButtonArray(triggerKeys, triggerKeysOculus, "Trigger Key");
                    padTop.intValue       = EditorGUILayout.Popup(displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Up Key" : "Thumbstick Up", padTop.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    padTopOculus.intValue = padTop.intValue;

                    AdditionalButtonArray(padTops, padTopsOculus, displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Up Key" : "Thumbstick Up");

                    padLeft.intValue       = EditorGUILayout.Popup(displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Left Key" : "Thumbstick Left", padLeft.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    padLeftOculus.intValue = padLeft.intValue;

                    AdditionalButtonArray(padLefts, padLeftsOculus, displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Left Key" : "Thumbstick Left");

                    padRight.intValue       = EditorGUILayout.Popup(displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Right Key" : "Thumbstick Right", padRight.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    padRightOculus.intValue = padRight.intValue;

                    AdditionalButtonArray(padRights, padRightsOculus, displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Right Key" : "Thumbstick Right");

                    padBottom.intValue       = EditorGUILayout.Popup(displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Down Key" : "Thumbstick Down", padBottom.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    padBottomOculus.intValue = padBottom.intValue;

                    AdditionalButtonArray(padBottoms, padBottomsOculus, displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Down Key" : "Thumbstick Down");

                    padCentre.intValue       = EditorGUILayout.Popup(displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Centre Key" : "Thumbstick Button", padCentre.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    padCentreOculus.intValue = padCentre.intValue;

                    AdditionalButtonArray(padCentres, padCentresOculus, displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Centre Key" : "Thumbstick Button");

                    padTouch.intValue       = EditorGUILayout.Popup(displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Touch Key" : "Thumbstick Touch", padTouch.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    padTouchOculus.intValue = padTouch.intValue;

                    AdditionalButtonArray(padTouchs, padTouchsOculus, displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Pad Touch Key" : "Thumbstick Touch");

                    gripKey.intValue       = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Grip Key", gripKey.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    gripKeyOculus.intValue = gripKey.intValue;

                    AdditionalButtonArray(gripKeys, gripKeysOculus, "Grip Key");

                    menuKey.intValue       = EditorGUILayout.Popup(displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Menu Key" : "B/Y", menuKey.intValue, input.VRActions);
                    menuKeyOculus.intValue = menuKey.intValue;

                    AdditionalButtonArray(menuKeys, menuKeysOculus, displayViveButtons.boolValue ? "Menu Key" : "B/Y");

                    if (!displayViveButtons.boolValue)
                        AXKey.intValue       = EditorGUILayout.Popup("A/X", AXKey.intValue, input.VRActions);
                        AXKeyOculus.intValue = AXKey.intValue;

                        AdditionalButtonArray(AXKeys, AXKeysOculus, "A/X");

                                #if Int_Oculus
                if (!input.isSteamVR())
                    SerializedProperty controllerHand = serializedObject.FindProperty("controllerHand");

                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The VRInput script allows you to specify a list of custom actions. " +
                                        "Do this by expanding the 'Edit Actions' foldout and adding or removing from the list, " +
                                        "You can then assign the actions to controller keys.\n" +
                                        "The method 'InputReceived' is called on this object using a SendMessage call. You can implement this " +
                                        "method in any script on this object.", MessageType.Info);
                        #if Int_SteamVR2
            if (input.isSteamVR())
                GUIContent title2Content = new GUIContent("SteamVR 2.0");
                float      height2       = titleStyle.CalcHeight(title2Content, 10f);
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField(title2Content, titleStyle, GUILayout.Height(height2));

                SerializedProperty handType = serializedObject.FindProperty("handType");

                SerializedProperty triggerPressure = serializedObject.FindProperty("triggerPressure");

                SerializedProperty touchPosition = serializedObject.FindProperty("touchPosition");

                SerializedProperty padTouched = serializedObject.FindProperty("padTouched");

                SerializedProperty padPressed = serializedObject.FindProperty("padPressed");

                SerializedProperty booleanActions = serializedObject.FindProperty("booleanActions");
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(booleanActions, true);

                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Create your actions in the SteamVR Input Editor. Then specify " +
                                        "the actions in the lists above. The name of the action is the method called.\n" +
                                        "The method 'InputReceived' is called on this object using a SendMessage call. You can implement this " +
                                        "method in any script on this object.", MessageType.Info);
