public string InsertMotorbike(Moto moto, int s, int p, DateTime t) { bool flag = s > _vehicleSystem.Layout.Sectors; string result; if (flag) { result = string.Format("There is no sector {0} in the park", s); } else { bool flag2 = p > _vehicleSystem.Layout.PlacesSec; if (flag2) { result = string.Format("There is no place {0} in sector {1}", p, s); } else { bool flag3 = _vehicleSystem.DataStructure.ParkDictionary.ContainsKey(string.Format("({0},{1})", s, p)); if (flag3) { result = string.Format("The place ({0},{1}) is occupied", s, p); } else { bool flag4 = _vehicleSystem.DataStructure.LicensePlateDictionary.ContainsKey(moto.LicensePlate); if (flag4) { result = string.Format("There is already a vehicle with license plate {0} in the park", moto.LicensePlate); } else { _vehicleSystem.DataStructure.CarDictionaryInPark[moto] = string.Format("({0},{1})", s, p); _vehicleSystem.DataStructure.ParkDictionary[string.Format("({0},{1})", s, p)] = moto; _vehicleSystem.DataStructure.LicensePlateDictionary[moto.LicensePlate] = moto; _vehicleSystem.DataStructure.DateDictionary[moto] = t; _vehicleSystem.DataStructure.OwnerMultiDictionary[moto.Owner].Add(moto); _vehicleSystem.DataStructure.CountNumberOfSectors[s - 1]++; result = string.Format("{0} parked successfully at place ({1},{2})", moto.GetType().Name, s, p); } } } } return(result); }
public string InsertMotorbike(Moto moto, int sector, int placeNumber, DateTime startTime) { return(_insertAllType.InsertMotorbike(moto, sector, placeNumber, startTime)); }