Esempio n. 1
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <Tuple <T1, Lexeme> > Concat <T1>(this ProductionBase <T1> production1, Token token2)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production1, "production1");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(token2, "token2");

            return(from v1 in production1 from v2 in token2 select Tuple.Create(v1, v2));
Esempio n. 2
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a production that converts the parsing result of another production using a specific converting rule.
        /// In other words, generates a 'mapping' production
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the parsing result of the source production</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the converted parsing result</typeparam>
        /// <param name="production">The source production whose parsing result will be converted</param>
        /// <param name="selector">The delegate that represents the converting rule</param>
        /// <returns>The generated 'mapping' production object</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// The following code converts the parsing result of <see cref="Production{int}"/> into string from int.
        /// <code language="C#">
        /// Production&lt;int&gt; intProduction = new Production&lt;int&gt;();
        /// var stringProduction =
        ///     from iv in intProduction
        ///     select iv.ToString();
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public static ProductionBase <TResult> Select <TSource, TResult>(this ProductionBase <TSource> production, Func <TSource, TResult> selector)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production, "production");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(selector, "selector");

            return(new MappingProduction <TSource, TResult>(production, selector));
Esempio n. 3
        private void PerformPanicRecovery(Lexeme z, List <ParserHead> shiftedHeads)
            //Panic recovery
            //to the 1st head:
            //pop stack until there's a state S, which has a Goto action of a non-terminal A
            //discard input until there's an token a in Follow(A)
            //push Goto(s, A) into stack
            //discard all other heads

            m_heads.AddRange(shiftedHeads.Where(h => h.ErrorRecoverLevel == 0));

            ParserHead errorHead1 = m_errorCandidates[0];


            IProduction p = errorHead1.PanicRecover(m_transitions, z.Value.Span, z.IsEndOfStream);

            ProductionBase productionBase = p as ProductionBase;

            if (productionBase != null)
                var follow = productionBase.Info.Follow;


                throw new PanicRecoverException(follow);
Esempio n. 4
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <T> Union <T>(this ProductionBase <T> production1, ProductionBase <T> production2)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production1, "production1");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production2, "production2");

            return(new AlternationProduction <T>(production1, production2));
Esempio n. 5
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <IEnumerable <T> > Many1 <T, TSeparator>(this ProductionBase <T> production, ProductionBase <TSeparator> separator)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production, "production");

            return(from r in production
                   from rm in production.PrefixedBy(separator).Many()
                   select new RepeatParserListNode <T>(r, rm as RepeatParserListNode <T>) as IEnumerable <T>);
Esempio n. 6
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <TResult> SelectMany <T1, TResult>(this ProductionBase <T1> production, Func <T1, Token> productionSelector, Func <T1, Lexeme, TResult> resultSelector)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production, "production");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(productionSelector, "productionSelector");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(resultSelector, "resultSelector");

            return(new ConcatenationProduction <T1, Lexeme, TResult>(production, v => productionSelector(v).AsTerminal(), resultSelector));
Esempio n. 7
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a production that concatenates two productions. The generated 'concatenation' production consumes the input of two source productions in the order,
        /// and then using a converting rule to convert the parsing results of two source productions. In practice, this method is used to build multiple embedded 'from'
        /// clauses in a Linq query expression to concatenate multiple source productions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T1">The type of the parsing result of the 1st source production</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="T2">The type of the parsing result of the 2nd source production</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TResult">The parsing result of the 'concatentation' production</typeparam>
        /// <param name="production">The 1st source production</param>
        /// <param name="productionSelector">The delegate used to generated the 2nd source production.
        /// Note that the argument of this delegate will be always null (Nothing in Visual Basic)</param>
        /// <param name="resultSelector">The delegate that represents the converting rule of parsing result</param>
        /// <returns>The generated 'concatentation' production object</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// The following code concatenates two <see cref="Production{T}"/> and formats the parsing result.
        /// <code language="C#">
        /// Production&lt;string&gt; strProduction = new Production&lt;string&gt;();
        /// Production&lt;int&gt; intProduction = new Production&lt;int&gt;();
        /// var concatenation =
        ///     from sv in strProduction
        ///     from iv in intProduction
        ///     select String.Format("{0} is followed by {1}", sv, iv);
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public static ProductionBase <TResult> SelectMany <T1, T2, TResult>(this ProductionBase <T1> production, Func <T1, ProductionBase <T2> > productionSelector, Func <T1, T2, TResult> resultSelector)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production, "production");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(productionSelector, "productionSelector");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(resultSelector, "resultSelector");

            return(new ConcatenationProduction <T1, T2, TResult>(production, productionSelector, resultSelector));
Esempio n. 8
        public AlternationProduction(ProductionBase <T> production1, ProductionBase <T> production2)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production1, "production1");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production2, "production2");

            Production1 = production1;
            Production2 = production2;
        public ConcatenationProduction(ProductionBase <T1> productionLeft, Func <T1, ProductionBase <T2> > productionRightSelector, Func <T1, T2, TR> selector)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(productionLeft, "productionLeft");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(productionRightSelector, "productionRightSelector");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(selector, "selector");

            ProductionLeft  = productionLeft;
            ProductionRight = productionRightSelector(default(T1));
            Selector        = selector;
Esempio n. 10
        public MappingProduction(ProductionBase <TSource> sourceProduction, Func <TSource, TReturn> selector, Func <TReturn, bool> validationRule, int?errorId, Func <TReturn, SourceSpan> positionGetter)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(sourceProduction, "sourceProduction");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(selector, "selector");

            SourceProduction  = sourceProduction;
            Selector          = selector;
            ValidationRule    = validationRule;
            ValidationErrorId = errorId;
            PositionGetter    = positionGetter;
Esempio n. 11
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <Lexeme> Union(params Token[] tokens)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentInRange(tokens.Length > 0, "tokens", "There must be at least on token to be unioned");

            ProductionBase <Lexeme> result = tokens[0].AsTerminal();

            for (int i = 1; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                result = new AlternationProduction <Lexeme>(result, tokens[i].AsTerminal());

Esempio n. 12
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <T> Union <T>(params ProductionBase <T>[] productions)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentInRange(productions.Length > 0, "productions", "There must be at least one production to be unioned");

            ProductionBase <T> result = productions[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < productions.Length; i++)
                result = new AlternationProduction <T>(result, productions[i]);

Esempio n. 13
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <IEnumerable <T> > Many1 <T>(this ProductionBase <T> production)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production, "production");

            Production <IEnumerable <T> > many1 = new Production <IEnumerable <T> >();
            var many = Empty(new RepeatParserListNode <T>() as IEnumerable <T>) | many1;

            many1.Rule = from r in production
                         from rm in many
                         select new RepeatParserListNode <T>(r, rm as RepeatParserListNode <T>) as IEnumerable <T>;

Esempio n. 14
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <TResult> Where <TResult>(this ProductionBase <TResult> production, Expression <Func <TResult, bool> > predicate)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production, "production");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(predicate, "predicate");

            Expression <Func <TResult, bool> >       finalRule      = null;
            Expression <Func <TResult, SourceSpan> > positionGetter = null;
            int?errorId = null;

            //exptract the first layer of 'predicate'
            if (predicate.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.Call)
                MethodCallExpression call = predicate.Body as MethodCallExpression;

                if (call.Method.Equals(s_checkMethod))
                    //it is the call to Grammar.Check, extract message

                    var ruleExp     = call.Arguments[0];
                    var errIdExp    = call.Arguments[1];
                    var positionExp = call.Arguments[2];

                    positionGetter = Expression.Lambda <Func <TResult, SourceSpan> >(positionExp, predicate.Parameters[0]);
                    Expression <Func <int> > idGetter = Expression.Lambda <Func <int> >(errIdExp);

                    errorId = idGetter.Compile()();

                    finalRule = Expression.Lambda <Func <TResult, bool> >(ruleExp, predicate.Parameters[0]);

            if (finalRule == null)
                finalRule = predicate;

            return(new MappingProduction <TResult, TResult>(production, x => x, finalRule.Compile(), errorId, positionGetter != null ? positionGetter.Compile() : null));
Esempio n. 15
        private void PerformPanicRecovery(Lexeme z, List <ParserHead> shiftedHeads)
            //Panic recovery
            //to the 1st head:
            //pop stack until there's a state S, which has a Goto action of a non-terminal A
            //discard input until there's an token a in Follow(A)
            //push Goto(s, A) into stack
            //discard all other heads

            m_heads.AddRange(shiftedHeads.Where(h => h.ErrorRecoverLevel == 0));

            ParserHead errorHead1 = m_errorCandidates[0];


            var candidates = errorHead1.PanicRecover(m_transitions, z.Value.Span, z.IsEndOfStream);

            ISet <IProduction> follows = new HashSet <IProduction>();

            foreach (var candidate in candidates)
                ProductionBase p = candidate.Item2 as ProductionBase;

            if (m_heads.Count > 0)
                throw new PanicRecoverException(follows);
                throw new ParsingFailureException("There's no way to recover from parser error");
Esempio n. 16
 public MappingProduction(ProductionBase <TSource> sourceProduction, Func <TSource, TReturn> selector) : this(sourceProduction, selector, null, null, null)
Esempio n. 17
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
 public static ProductionBase <T> PackedBy <T>(this ProductionBase <T> production, Token prefix, Token suffix)
     return(from pr in prefix from p in production from s in suffix select p);
Esempio n. 18
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <T2> Second <T1, T2>(this ProductionBase <Tuple <T1, T2> > tupleProduction)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(tupleProduction, "tupleProduction");

            return(tupleProduction.Select(t => t.Item2));
Esempio n. 19
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
 public static ProductionBase <T> SuffixedBy <T>(this ProductionBase <T> production, Token suffix)
     return(from p in production from s in suffix select p);
Esempio n. 20
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
 public static ProductionBase <T> PackedBy <T, TPrefix, TSuffix>(this ProductionBase <T> production, ProductionBase <TPrefix> prefix, ProductionBase <TSuffix> suffix)
     return(from pr in prefix from p in production from s in suffix select p);
Esempio n. 21
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
 public static ProductionBase <T> PrefixedBy <T>(this ProductionBase <T> production, Token prefix)
     return(from pr in prefix from p in production select p);
Esempio n. 22
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <T> Optional <T>(this ProductionBase <T> production)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production, "production");

Esempio n. 23
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <IEnumerable <Lexeme> > Many1 <TSeparator>(this Token token, ProductionBase <TSeparator> separator)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(token, "token");

Esempio n. 24
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <IEnumerable <T> > Many1 <T>(this ProductionBase <T> production, Token seperator)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production, "production");

Esempio n. 25
File: Grammar.cs Progetto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <IEnumerable <T> > Many <T, TSeparator>(this ProductionBase <T> production, ProductionBase <TSeparator> separator)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production, "production");

            return(Empty(new RepeatParserListNode <T>() as IEnumerable <T>).Union(production.Many1(separator)));