/// <summary>
    /// Move the unit to destination grid position
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="destination">coords to move to</param>
    /// <returns>true if move successful, false otherwise</returns>
    public bool Move(Coords destination)
        //unhighlight the move tiles when moving

        //create a new Breadth-first search object
        BFS bfs = new BFS();

        //check is unit has no path to destination
        if (!HasPath(destination, ref bfs, moveRange))

        //set new position
        transform.position = Grid.CoordsToWorldSpace(destination);

    /// <summary>
    /// Determine the best move towards attacking range of unit
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="movingUnitController">the unit that will be moving</param>
    /// <param name="targetUnitController">the unit to move towards</param>
    private void MoveTowardsUnit(UnitController movingUnitController, UnitController targetUnitController)
        Transform movingUnitTransform = movingUnitController.GetComponent <Transform>(); //transform of moving unit
        Coords    movingUnitCoords    = movingUnitController.GetUnitCoords();
        Coords    targetUnitCoords    = targetUnitController.GetUnitCoords();
        int       attackRange         = movingUnitController.GetAttackRange();
        int       moveRange           = movingUnitController.GetMoveRange();

        //Determine best coordinates to move to to be within attack range
        //we will get a couple of coords and then check to see which one is shortest distance from moving unit

        //check the spaces next to target for best space eligibility
        List <Coords> coordsToCheck = new List <Coords>(); //a list of coords to check for best space eligibility

        //look at spaces left of target
        //move from furthest space attackable from to closer to target unit
        for (int x = targetUnitCoords.X - attackRange; x < targetUnitCoords.X; x += 2) //increment by two because if a space isn't good then the next one won't be either
            Coords testCoords = new Coords(x, targetUnitCoords.Y);
            if (targetUnitController.HasDirectPath(testCoords))
                //coords close to target and has direct path, add them to list of coords to check
        //spaces right of target
        for (int x = targetUnitCoords.X + attackRange; x > targetUnitCoords.X; x -= 2)
            Coords testCoords = new Coords(x, targetUnitCoords.Y);
            if (targetUnitController.HasDirectPath(testCoords))
                //coords close to target and has direct path, add them to list of coords to check
        //spaces above target
        for (int y = targetUnitCoords.Y + attackRange; y > targetUnitCoords.Y; y -= 2)
            Coords testCoords = new Coords(targetUnitCoords.X, y);
            if (targetUnitController.HasDirectPath(testCoords))
                //coords close to target and has direct path, add them to list of coords to check
        //spaces below target
        for (int y = targetUnitCoords.Y - attackRange; y < targetUnitCoords.Y; y += 2)
            Coords testCoords = new Coords(targetUnitCoords.X, y);
            if (targetUnitController.HasDirectPath(testCoords))
                //coords close to target and has direct path, add them to list of coords to check

        //evaluate coords that were added to list
        //look for the one with the shortest path from moving unit
        int shortestPathLength = int.MaxValue; //the length of the path to the coords that have the shortest path from moving to target
        BFS shortestPathBFS    = new BFS();    //the bfs of the shortest path to coords

        foreach (var coords in coordsToCheck)
            BFS bfs = new BFS();
            if (movingUnitController.HasPath(coords, ref bfs))
                int solutionLength = bfs.GetSolutionLength();
                if (solutionLength < shortestPathLength)
                    shortestPathLength = solutionLength;
                    shortestPathBFS    = bfs;

        //Move (partially or fully)
        //traverse through bfs
        int    stepsTaken     = 0;                //the number of space moved already
        Coords coordsToMoveTo = movingUnitCoords; //the coords to move to (within moveRange)


        while (stepsTaken < moveRange && shortestPathBFS.HasNext())
            //step along path to destination
            coordsToMoveTo = coordsToMoveTo.Get(shortestPathBFS.Next());

            stepsTaken++; //unit has moved 1 space

        //set new position for moving unit
        movingUnitTransform.position = Grid.CoordsToWorldSpace(coordsToMoveTo);

        //update unit location on grid
        grid.SetGridArray(coordsToMoveTo, movingUnitController.gameObject);
        grid.SetGridArray(movingUnitCoords, null);