public DataTable ConvertListToDataTable <T>(IList <T> data, DataTable table, SBMapper map) { JObject dJsonString1 = null; foreach (T item in data) { dJsonString1 = JObject.FromObject(item); DataRow row = table.NewRow(); foreach (var a in map.MapperCollection) { row[a.SourceProperty] = dJsonString1.GetValue(a.DestinationProperty); } table.Rows.Add(row); } return(table); }
public string Mapper(Dictionary <String, string> SourceDTO, object DestinationDto, SBMapper map) { JObject dJsonString1 = null; try { dJsonString1 = JObject.FromObject(DestinationDto); foreach (var a in map.MapperCollection) { // Logger.Log(Level.Debug, "a.DestinationProperty : " + a.DestinationProperty); //Logger.Log(Level.Debug, "a.SourceProperty : " + a.SourceProperty); //Logger.Log(Level.Debug, "SourceDTO[a.SourceProperty] : " + SourceDTO[a.SourceProperty]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceDTO[a.SourceProperty])) { dJsonString1.SelectToken(a.DestinationProperty).Replace(SourceDTO[a.SourceProperty]); } else { //Logger.Log(Level.Debug, "Yes its not a string."); dJsonString1.SelectToken(a.DestinationProperty).Replace(""); } } // Logger.Log(Level.Debug, dJsonString1.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { var lineNumber = 0; const string lineSearch = ":line "; var index = ex.StackTrace.LastIndexOf(lineSearch); var lineNumberText = ex.StackTrace.Substring(index + lineSearch.Length); if (int.TryParse(lineNumberText, out lineNumber)) { } throw new Exception("in mapper :: " + ex.ToString() + " \n line number " + lineNumber + " \n line number text " + lineNumberText); // Logger.Log(Level.Error, "Error in Mapping Entity to DTO "); //throw ex; } return(dJsonString1.ToString()); }
public static string Mapper(Dictionary <String, string> SourceDTO, object DestinationDto, SBMapper map) { JObject dJsonString1 = null; try { dJsonString1 = JObject.FromObject(DestinationDto); foreach (var a in map.MapperCollection) { //Logger.Log(Level.Debug, "a.DestinationProperty : " + a.DestinationProperty); //Logger.Log(Level.Debug, "a.SourceProperty : " + a.SourceProperty); //Logger.Log(Level.Debug, "SourceDTO[a.SourceProperty] : " + SourceDTO[a.SourceProperty]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceDTO[a.SourceProperty])) { dJsonString1.SelectToken(a.DestinationProperty).Replace(SourceDTO[a.SourceProperty]); } else { //Logger.Log(Level.Debug, "Yes its not a string."); dJsonString1.SelectToken(a.DestinationProperty).Replace(""); } } //Logger.Log(Level.Debug, dJsonString1.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { //Logger.Log(Level.Error, "Error in Mapping Entity to DTO "); throw ex; } return(dJsonString1.ToString()); }