/// <summary>
        /// Plans what maneuer we should take next
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="planningState"></param>
        /// <param name="navigationalPlan"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicles"></param>
        /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="blockage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver Plan(IState planningState, RoadPlan navigationalPlan, VehicleState vehicleState,
                             SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection vehicles, SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection obstacles,
                             List <ITacticalBlockage> blockages, double vehicleSpeed)
            // assign vehicles to their lanes

            // navigation tasks
            this.taskReasoning.navigationPlan = navigationalPlan;

            #region Stay in lane

            // maneuver given we are in a lane
            if (planningState is StayInLaneState)
                // get state
                StayInLaneState sils = (StayInLaneState)planningState;

                // check reasoning if needs to be different
                if (this.forwardReasoning == null || !this.forwardReasoning.Lane.Equals(sils.Lane))
                    if (sils.Lane.LaneOnLeft == null)
                        this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
                    else if (sils.Lane.LaneOnLeft.Way.Equals(sils.Lane.Way))
                        this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(sils.Lane.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
                        this.leftLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(sils.Lane.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Driver);

                    if (sils.Lane.LaneOnRight == null)
                        this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
                    else if (sils.Lane.LaneOnRight.Way.Equals(sils.Lane.Way))
                        this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(sils.Lane.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
                        this.rightLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(sils.Lane.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);

                    this.forwardReasoning = new ForwardReasoning(this.leftLateralReasoning, this.rightLateralReasoning, sils.Lane);

                // populate navigation with road plan
                taskReasoning.SetRoadPlan(navigationalPlan, sils.Lane);

                // as penalties for lane changes already taken into account, can just look at
                // best lane plan to figure out what to do
                TypeOfTasks bestTask = taskReasoning.Best;

                // get the forward lane plan
                Maneuver forwardManeuver = forwardReasoning.ForwardManeuver(sils.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, sils.WaypointsToIgnore);

                // get the secondary
                Maneuver?secondaryManeuver = forwardReasoning.AdvancedSecondary(sils.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, sils.WaypointsToIgnore, bestTask);                   //forwardReasoning.SecondaryManeuver(sils.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, sils.WaypointsToIgnore, bestTask);

                // check behavior type for uturn
                if (secondaryManeuver.HasValue && secondaryManeuver.Value.PrimaryBehavior is UTurnBehavior)

                // check if we wish to change lanes here
                if (bestTask != TypeOfTasks.Straight)
                    // parameters
                    LaneChangeParameters parameters;
                    secondaryManeuver = this.forwardReasoning.AdvancedDesiredLaneChangeManeuver(sils.Lane, bestTask == TypeOfTasks.Left ? true : false, navigationalPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest,
                                                                                                navigationalPlan, vehicleState, blockages, sils.WaypointsToIgnore, new LaneChangeInformation(LaneChangeReason.Navigation, this.forwardReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle), secondaryManeuver, out parameters);

                // final maneuver
                Maneuver finalManeuver = secondaryManeuver.HasValue ? secondaryManeuver.Value : forwardManeuver;

                // set opposing vehicle flag
                if (false && this.leftLateralReasoning != null && this.leftLateralReasoning is OpposingLateralReasoning && finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior is StayInLaneBehavior)
                    StayInLaneBehavior       silb = (StayInLaneBehavior)finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior;
                    OpposingLateralReasoning olr  = (OpposingLateralReasoning)this.leftLateralReasoning;
                    olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.Update(olr.lane, vehicleState);
                    if (olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle != null)
                        ForwardVehicleTrackingControl fvtc = olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.GetControl(olr.lane, vehicleState);
                        BehaviorDecorator[]           bds  = new BehaviorDecorator[finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior.Decorators.Count];
                        finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior.Decorators = new List <BehaviorDecorator>(bds);
                        silb.Decorators.Add(new OpposingLaneDecorator(fvtc.xSeparation, olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.Speed));
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Added Opposing Lane Decorator: " + fvtc.xSeparation.ToString("F2") + "m, " + olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.Speed.ToString("f2") + "m/s");
                    finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior = silb;

                // return the final


            #region Stay in supra lane

            else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is StayInSupraLaneState)
                // get state
                StayInSupraLaneState sisls = (StayInSupraLaneState)planningState;

                // check reasoning
                if (this.forwardReasoning == null || !this.forwardReasoning.Lane.Equals(sisls.Lane))
                    if (sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnLeft == null)
                        this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
                    else if (sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnLeft.Way.Equals(sisls.Lane.Initial.Way))
                        this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
                        this.leftLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Driver);

                    if (sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnRight == null)
                        this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
                    else if (sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnRight.Way.Equals(sisls.Lane.Initial.Way))
                        this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
                        this.rightLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);

                    this.forwardReasoning = new ForwardReasoning(this.leftLateralReasoning, this.rightLateralReasoning, sisls.Lane);

                // populate navigation with road plan
                taskReasoning.SetSupraRoadPlan(navigationalPlan, sisls.Lane);

                // as penalties for lane changes already taken into account, can just look at
                // best lane plan to figure out what to do
                TypeOfTasks bestTask = taskReasoning.Best;

                // get the forward lane plan
                Maneuver forwardManeuver = forwardReasoning.ForwardManeuver(sisls.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, sisls.WaypointsToIgnore);

                // get hte secondary
                Maneuver?secondaryManeuver = forwardReasoning.AdvancedSecondary(sisls.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, new List <ArbiterWaypoint>(), bestTask);                //forwardReasoning.SecondaryManeuver(sisls.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, sisls.WaypointsToIgnore, bestTask);

                // final maneuver
                Maneuver finalManeuver = secondaryManeuver.HasValue ? secondaryManeuver.Value : forwardManeuver;

                // check if stay in lane
                if (false && this.leftLateralReasoning != null && this.leftLateralReasoning is OpposingLateralReasoning && finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior is SupraLaneBehavior)
                    SupraLaneBehavior        silb = (SupraLaneBehavior)finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior;
                    OpposingLateralReasoning olr  = (OpposingLateralReasoning)this.leftLateralReasoning;
                    olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.Update(olr.lane, vehicleState);
                    if (olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle != null)
                        ForwardVehicleTrackingControl fvtc = olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.GetControl(olr.lane, vehicleState);
                        BehaviorDecorator[]           bds  = new BehaviorDecorator[finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior.Decorators.Count];
                        finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior.Decorators = new List <BehaviorDecorator>(bds);
                        silb.Decorators.Add(new OpposingLaneDecorator(fvtc.xSeparation, olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.Speed));
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Added Opposing Lane Decorator: " + fvtc.xSeparation.ToString("F2") + "m, " + olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.Speed.ToString("f2") + "m/s");
                    finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior = silb;

                // return the final

                // notify

                /*if (secondaryManeuver.HasValue)
                 *      ArbiterOutput.Output("Secondary Maneuver");
                 * // check for forward's secondary maneuver for desired behavior other than going straight
                 * if (secondaryManeuver.HasValue)
                 * {
                 *      // return the secondary maneuver
                 *      return secondaryManeuver.Value;
                 * }
                 * // otherwise our default behavior and posibly desired is going straight
                 * else
                 * {
                 *      // return default forward maneuver
                 *      return forwardManeuver;
                 * }*/


            #region Change Lanes State

            // maneuver given we are changing lanes
            else if (planningState is ChangeLanesState)
                // get state
                ChangeLanesState    cls   = (ChangeLanesState)planningState;
                LaneChangeReasoning lcr   = new LaneChangeReasoning();
                Maneuver            final = lcr.PlanLaneChange(cls, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, new List <ArbiterWaypoint>());

                                #warning need to filter through waypoints to ignore so don't get stuck by a stop line
                //Maneuver final = new Maneuver(cls.Resume(vehicleState, vehicleSpeed), cls, cls.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                // return the final planned maneuver

                /*if (!cls.parameters..TargetIsOnComing)
                 * {
                 *      // check reasoning
                 *      if (this.forwardReasoning == null || !this.forwardReasoning.Lane.Equals(cls.TargetLane))
                 *      {
                 *              if (cls.TargetLane.LaneOnLeft.Way.Equals(cls.TargetLane.Way))
                 *                      this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(cls.TargetLane.LaneOnLeft);
                 *              else
                 *                      this.leftLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(cls.TargetLane.LaneOnLeft);
                 *              if (cls.TargetLane.LaneOnRight.Way.Equals(cls.TargetLane.Way))
                 *                      this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(cls.TargetLane.LaneOnRight);
                 *              else
                 *                      this.rightLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(cls.TargetLane.LaneOnRight);
                 *              this.forwardReasoning = new ForwardReasoning(this.leftLateralReasoning, this.rightLateralReasoning, cls.TargetLane);
                 *      }
                 *      // get speed command
                 *      double speed;
                 *      double distance;
                 *      this.forwardReasoning.ForwardMonitor.StoppingParams(new ArbiterWaypoint(cls.TargetUpperBound.pt, null), cls.TargetLane, vehicleState.Front, vehicleState.ENCovariance, out speed, out distance);
                 *      SpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(Math.Max(speed, 0.0));
                 *      cls.distanceLeft = distance;
                 *      // get behavior
                 *      ChangeLaneBehavior clb = new ChangeLaneBehavior(cls.InitialLane.LaneId, cls.TargetLane.LaneId, cls.InitialLane.LaneOnLeft != null && cls.InitialLane.LaneOnLeft.Equals(cls.TargetLane),
                 *              distance, sc, new List<int>(), cls.InitialLane.PartitionPath, cls.TargetLane.PartitionPath, cls.InitialLane.Width, cls.TargetLane.Width);
                 *      // plan over the target lane
                 *      //Maneuver targetManeuver = forwardReasoning.ForwardManeuver(cls.TargetLane, vehicleState, !cls.TargetIsOnComing, blockage, cls.InitialLaneState.IgnorableWaypoints);
                 *      // plan over the initial lane
                 *      //Maneuver initialManeuver = forwardReasoning.ForwardManeuver(cls.InitialLane, vehicleState, !cls.InitialIsOncoming, blockage, cls.InitialLaneState.IgnorableWaypoints);
                 *      // generate the change lanes command
                 *      //Maneuver final = laneChangeReasoning.PlanLaneChange(cls, initialManeuver, targetManeuver);
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *      throw new Exception("Change lanes into oncoming not supported yet by road tactical");
                 * }*/


            #region Opposing Lanes State

            // maneuver given we are in an opposing lane
            else if (planningState is OpposingLanesState)
                // get state
                OpposingLanesState ols         = (OpposingLanesState)planningState;
                ArbiterWayId       opposingWay = ols.OpposingWay;

                ols.ResetLaneAgent = false;

                // check reasoning
                if (this.opposingReasoning == null || !this.opposingReasoning.Lane.Equals(ols.OpposingLane))
                    if (ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnRight == null)
                        this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
                    else if (!ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnRight.Way.Equals(ols.OpposingLane.Way))
                        this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
                        this.leftLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Driver);

                    if (ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnLeft == null)
                        this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
                    else if (!ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnLeft.Way.Equals(ols.OpposingLane.Way))
                        this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
                        this.rightLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);

                    this.opposingReasoning = new OpposingReasoning(this.leftLateralReasoning, this.rightLateralReasoning, ols.OpposingLane);

                // get the forward lane plan
                Maneuver forwardManeuver = this.opposingReasoning.ForwardManeuver(ols.OpposingLane, ols.ClosestGoodLane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages);

                // get the secondary maneuver
                Maneuver?secondaryManeuver = null;
                if (ols.ClosestGoodLane != null)
                    secondaryManeuver = this.opposingReasoning.SecondaryManeuver(ols.OpposingLane, ols.ClosestGoodLane, vehicleState, blockages, ols.EntryParameters);

                // check for reasonings secondary maneuver for desired behavior other than going straight
                if (secondaryManeuver != null)
                    // return the secondary maneuver
                // otherwise our default behavior and posibly desired is going straight
                    // return default forward maneuver


            #region not imp

             #region Uturn
             * // we are making a uturn
             * else if (planningState is uTurnState)
             * {
             *      // get the uturn state
             *      uTurnState uts = (uTurnState)planningState;
             *      // get the final lane we wish to be in
             *      ArbiterLane targetLane = uts.TargetLane;
             *      // get operational state
             *      Type operationalBehaviorType = CoreCommon.Communications.GetCurrentOperationalBehavior();
             *      // check if we have completed the uturn
             *      bool complete = operationalBehaviorType == typeof(StayInLaneBehavior);
             *      // default next behavior
             *      Behavior nextBehavior = new StayInLaneBehavior(targetLane.LaneId, new ScalarSpeedCommand(CoreCommon.OperationalStopSpeed), new List<int>());
             *      nextBehavior.Decorators = TurnDecorators.NoDecorators;
             *      // check if complete
             *      if (complete)
             *      {
             *              // stay in lane
             *              List<ArbiterLaneId> aprioriLanes = new List<ArbiterLaneId>();
             *              aprioriLanes.Add(targetLane.LaneId);
             *              return new Maneuver(nextBehavior, new StayInLaneState(targetLane), null, null, aprioriLanes, true);
             *      }
             *      // otherwise keep same
             *      else
             *      {
             *              // set abort behavior
             *              ((StayInLaneBehavior)nextBehavior).SpeedCommand = new ScalarSpeedCommand(0.0);
             *              // maneuver
             *              return new Maneuver(uts.DefaultBehavior, uts, nextBehavior, new StayInLaneState(targetLane));
             *      }
             * }


            #region Unknown

            // unknown state
                throw new Exception("Unknown Travel State type: planningState: " + planningState.ToString() + "\n with type: " + planningState.GetType().ToString());

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parameters to follow the forward vehicle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lane"></param>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TravelingParameters Follow(IFQMPlanable lane, VehicleState state, List <ArbiterWaypoint> ignorable)
            // travelling parameters
            TravelingParameters tp = new TravelingParameters();

            // get control parameters
            ForwardVehicleTrackingControl fvtc = GetControl(lane, state, ignorable);

            this.ForwardControl = fvtc;

            // initialize the parameters
            tp.DistanceToGo     = fvtc.xDistanceToGood;
            tp.NextState        = CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
            tp.RecommendedSpeed = fvtc.vFollowing;
            tp.Type             = TravellingType.Vehicle;
            tp.Decorators       = new List <BehaviorDecorator>();

            // ignore the forward vehicles
            tp.VehiclesToIgnore = this.VehiclesToIgnore;

            #region Following Control

            #region Immediate Stop

            // need to stop immediately
            if (fvtc.vFollowing == 0.0)
                // speed command
                SpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(0.0);
                tp.SpeedCommand = sc;
                tp.UsingSpeed   = true;

                if (lane is ArbiterLane)
                    // standard path following behavior
                    ArbiterLane al    = ((ArbiterLane)lane);
                    Behavior    final = new StayInLaneBehavior(al.LaneId, sc, this.VehiclesToIgnore, al.LanePath(), al.Width, al.NumberOfLanesLeft(state.Front, true), al.NumberOfLanesRight(state.Front, true));
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior      = final;
                    SupraLane            sl    = (SupraLane)lane;
                    StayInSupraLaneState sisls = (StayInSupraLaneState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
                    Behavior             final = sisls.GetBehavior(sc, state.Front, this.VehiclesToIgnore);
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior      = final;


            #region Stopping at Distance

            // stop at distance
            else if (fvtc.vFollowing < 0.7 &&
                     CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value <= 2.24 &&
                     fvtc.xSeparation > fvtc.xAbsMin)
                // speed command
                SpeedCommand sc = new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(fvtc.xDistanceToGood);
                tp.SpeedCommand = sc;
                tp.UsingSpeed   = false;

                if (lane is ArbiterLane)
                    ArbiterLane al = (ArbiterLane)lane;

                    // standard path following behavior
                    Behavior final = new StayInLaneBehavior(al.LaneId, sc, this.VehiclesToIgnore, lane.LanePath(), al.Width, al.NumberOfLanesLeft(state.Front, true), al.NumberOfLanesRight(state.Front, true));
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior      = final;
                    SupraLane            sl    = (SupraLane)lane;
                    StayInSupraLaneState sisls = (StayInSupraLaneState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
                    Behavior             final = sisls.GetBehavior(sc, state.Front, this.VehiclesToIgnore);
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior      = final;


            #region Normal Following

            // else normal
                // speed command
                SpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(fvtc.vFollowing);
                tp.DistanceToGo     = fvtc.xDistanceToGood;
                tp.NextState        = CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
                tp.RecommendedSpeed = fvtc.vFollowing;
                tp.Type             = TravellingType.Vehicle;
                tp.UsingSpeed       = true;
                tp.SpeedCommand     = sc;

                if (lane is ArbiterLane)
                    ArbiterLane al = ((ArbiterLane)lane);
                    // standard path following behavior
                    Behavior final = new StayInLaneBehavior(al.LaneId, sc, this.VehiclesToIgnore, lane.LanePath(), al.Width, al.NumberOfLanesLeft(state.Front, true), al.NumberOfLanesRight(state.Front, true));
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior      = final;
                    SupraLane            sl    = (SupraLane)lane;
                    StayInSupraLaneState sisls = (StayInSupraLaneState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
                    Behavior             final = sisls.GetBehavior(sc, state.Front, this.VehiclesToIgnore);
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior      = final;



            #region Check for Oncoming Vehicles

            // check if need to add current lane oncoming vehicle decorator
            if (false && this.CurrentVehicle.PassedDelayedBirth && fvtc.forwardOncoming && fvtc.xSeparation > TahoeParams.VL && fvtc.xSeparation < 30)
                // check valid lane area
                if (lane is ArbiterLane || ((SupraLane)lane).ClosestComponent(this.CurrentVehicle.ClosestPosition) == SLComponentType.Initial)
                    // get distance to and speed of the forward vehicle
                    double fvDistance = fvtc.xSeparation;
                    double fvSpeed    = fvtc.vTarget;

                    // create the 5mph behavior
                    ScalarSpeedCommand updated = new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.24);

                    // set that we are using speed
                    tp.UsingSpeed       = true;
                    tp.RecommendedSpeed = updated.Speed;
                    tp.DistanceToGo     = fvtc.xSeparation;

                    // create the decorator
                    OncomingVehicleDecorator ovd = new OncomingVehicleDecorator(updated, fvDistance, fvSpeed);

                    // add the decorator


            // set current
            this.followingParameters = tp;

            // return parameterization
        /// <summary>
        /// Parameters to follow the forward vehicle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lane"></param>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TravelingParameters Follow(IFQMPlanable lane, VehicleState state, List<ArbiterWaypoint> ignorable)
            // travelling parameters
            TravelingParameters tp = new TravelingParameters();

            // get control parameters
            ForwardVehicleTrackingControl fvtc = GetControl(lane, state, ignorable);
            this.ForwardControl = fvtc;

            // initialize the parameters
            tp.DistanceToGo = fvtc.xDistanceToGood;
            tp.NextState = CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
            tp.RecommendedSpeed = fvtc.vFollowing;
            tp.Type = TravellingType.Vehicle;
            tp.Decorators = new List<BehaviorDecorator>();

            // ignore the forward vehicles
            tp.VehiclesToIgnore = this.VehiclesToIgnore;

            #region Following Control

            #region Immediate Stop

            // need to stop immediately
            if (fvtc.vFollowing == 0.0)
                // speed command
                SpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(0.0);
                tp.SpeedCommand = sc;
                tp.UsingSpeed = true;

                if (lane is ArbiterLane)
                    // standard path following behavior
                    ArbiterLane al = ((ArbiterLane)lane);
                    Behavior final = new StayInLaneBehavior(al.LaneId, sc, this.VehiclesToIgnore, al.LanePath(), al.Width, al.NumberOfLanesLeft(state.Front, true), al.NumberOfLanesRight(state.Front, true));
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior = final;
                    SupraLane sl = (SupraLane)lane;
                    StayInSupraLaneState sisls = (StayInSupraLaneState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
                    Behavior final = sisls.GetBehavior(sc, state.Front, this.VehiclesToIgnore);
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior = final;


            #region Stopping at Distance

            // stop at distance
            else if (fvtc.vFollowing < 0.7 &&
                CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value <= 2.24 &&
                fvtc.xSeparation > fvtc.xAbsMin)
                // speed command
                SpeedCommand sc = new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(fvtc.xDistanceToGood);
                tp.SpeedCommand = sc;
                tp.UsingSpeed = false;

                if (lane is ArbiterLane)
                    ArbiterLane al = (ArbiterLane)lane;

                    // standard path following behavior
                    Behavior final = new StayInLaneBehavior(al.LaneId, sc, this.VehiclesToIgnore, lane.LanePath(), al.Width, al.NumberOfLanesLeft(state.Front, true), al.NumberOfLanesRight(state.Front, true));
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior = final;
                    SupraLane sl = (SupraLane)lane;
                    StayInSupraLaneState sisls = (StayInSupraLaneState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
                    Behavior final = sisls.GetBehavior(sc, state.Front, this.VehiclesToIgnore);
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior = final;


            #region Normal Following

            // else normal
                // speed command
                SpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(fvtc.vFollowing);
                tp.DistanceToGo = fvtc.xDistanceToGood;
                tp.NextState = CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
                tp.RecommendedSpeed = fvtc.vFollowing;
                tp.Type = TravellingType.Vehicle;
                tp.UsingSpeed = true;
                tp.SpeedCommand = sc;

                if (lane is ArbiterLane)
                    ArbiterLane al = ((ArbiterLane)lane);
                    // standard path following behavior
                    Behavior final = new StayInLaneBehavior(al.LaneId, sc, this.VehiclesToIgnore, lane.LanePath(), al.Width, al.NumberOfLanesLeft(state.Front, true), al.NumberOfLanesRight(state.Front, true));
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior = final;
                    SupraLane sl = (SupraLane)lane;
                    StayInSupraLaneState sisls = (StayInSupraLaneState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
                    Behavior final = sisls.GetBehavior(sc, state.Front, this.VehiclesToIgnore);
                    final.Decorators = tp.Decorators;
                    tp.Behavior = final;



            #region Check for Oncoming Vehicles

            // check if need to add current lane oncoming vehicle decorator
            if (false && this.CurrentVehicle.PassedDelayedBirth && fvtc.forwardOncoming && fvtc.xSeparation > TahoeParams.VL && fvtc.xSeparation < 30)
                // check valid lane area
                if (lane is ArbiterLane || ((SupraLane)lane).ClosestComponent(this.CurrentVehicle.ClosestPosition) == SLComponentType.Initial)
                    // get distance to and speed of the forward vehicle
                    double fvDistance = fvtc.xSeparation;
                    double fvSpeed = fvtc.vTarget;

                    // create the 5mph behavior
                    ScalarSpeedCommand updated = new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.24);

                    // set that we are using speed
                    tp.UsingSpeed = true;
                    tp.RecommendedSpeed = updated.Speed;
                    tp.DistanceToGo = fvtc.xSeparation;

                    // create the decorator
                    OncomingVehicleDecorator ovd = new OncomingVehicleDecorator(updated, fvDistance, fvSpeed);

                    // add the decorator


            // set current
            this.followingParameters = tp;

            // return parameterization
            return tp;