Esempio n. 1
 public static bool PerformSpecialItemPlaceReplacement_Prefix(Item placedItem, ref Item __result)
     if (placedItem != null && placedItem is Pan pan)
         __result = new PanHat(pan);
Esempio n. 2
 public static bool draw_Prefix(ref FarmerRenderer __instance, SpriteBatch b, FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame animationFrame, int currentFrame, Rectangle sourceRect,
                                Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float layerDepth, int facingDirection, Color overrideColor, float rotation, float scale, Farmer who,
                                ref PanHat __state)
     // Store the hat if it's a pan.
     if (who.hat.Value != null && who.hat.Value is PanHat panHat)
         __state = panHat;
        /// <summary>Replaces a placeholder object with its PanHat counterpart.</summary>
        private void restorePlaceholderHat()
            if (Game1.player?.hat?.Value != null)
                string xmlString = Game1.player.hat.Value.Name;
                if (xmlString.StartsWith("PanHat("))
                    int upgradeLevel = int.Parse(xmlString.Substring("PanHat(".Length, 1));
                    Pan pan          = new Pan();
                    pan.UpgradeLevel = upgradeLevel;

                    PanHat panHat = new PanHat(pan);
Esempio n. 4
        public static void draw_Postfix(ref FarmerRenderer __instance, SpriteBatch b, FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame animationFrame, int currentFrame, Rectangle sourceRect,
                                        Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float layerDepth, int facingDirection, Color overrideColor, float rotation, float scale, Farmer who,
                                        Texture2D ___baseTexture, Vector2 ___positionOffset, ref PanHat __state)
            // Draw our updated graphics over the original based on the upgrade level.
            if (who.UsingTool && who.CurrentTool is Pan pan)
                switch (pan.UpgradeLevel)
                case 2:
                    sourceRect.Offset(48, 0);

                case 3:
                    sourceRect.Offset(96, 0);

                case 4:
                    sourceRect.Offset(-48, 0);

                b.Draw(___baseTexture, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset, sourceRect, overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);

            // Draw updated hat graphics over the original.
            if (__state != null)
                bool      flip          = who.FarmerSprite.CurrentAnimationFrame.flip;
                float     layer_offset2 = 4.0E-05f;
                Rectangle hatSourceRect = new Rectangle(20 * (__state.UpgradeLevel - 2), 20 * (__state.UpgradeLevel - 2) / PanHat.panHatTexture.Width * 20 * 4, 20, 20);

                b.Draw(PanHat.panHatTexture, position + origin + ___positionOffset + new Vector2(-8 + ((!flip) ? 1 : (-1)) * FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4, -16 + FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4 + ((!__state.ignoreHairstyleOffset) ? FarmerRenderer.hairstyleHatOffset[(int) % 16] : 0) + 4 + __instance.heightOffset.Value), hatSourceRect, __state.isPrismatic ? Utility.GetPrismaticColor() : Color.White, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + layer_offset2);