/// <summary> /// Gets the slot object on the child widget as a Overlay Slot, allowing you to manipulate layout information. /// @param Widget The child widget of a overlay panel. /// </summary> public static UOverlaySlot SlotAsOverlaySlot(UWidget Widget) { IntPtr ___ret = SlotAsOverlaySlot(IntPtr.Zero, Widget); if (___ret == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } UOverlaySlot ___ret2 = new UOverlaySlot() { _this = ___ret }; return(___ret2); }
public UOverlaySlot AddChildToOverlay(UWidget Content) { CheckIsValid(); IntPtr ___ret = AddChildToOverlay(_this.Get(), Content); if (___ret == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } UOverlaySlot ___ret2 = new UOverlaySlot() { _this = ___ret }; return(___ret2); }