Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a file from a list of strings; each string is placed on a line in the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TempFileName">Name of response file</param>
        /// <param name="Lines">List of lines to write to the response file</param>
        /// <param name="Options"></param>
        public static FileReference Create(FileReference TempFileName, IEnumerable <string> Lines, CreateOptions Options = CreateOptions.None)
            FileInfo TempFileInfo = new FileInfo(TempFileName.FullName);

            if (TempFileInfo.Exists)
                if ((Options & CreateOptions.WriteEvenIfUnchanged) != CreateOptions.WriteEvenIfUnchanged)
                    string Body = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, Lines);
                    // Reuse the existing response file if it remains unchanged
                    string OriginalBody = File.ReadAllText(TempFileName.FullName);
                    if (string.Equals(OriginalBody, Body, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                // Delete the existing file if it exists and requires modification
                TempFileInfo.IsReadOnly = false;

            FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(TempFileName, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, Lines));

        public override void FinalizeOutput(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, TargetMakefile Makefile)
            FileReference OutputFile;

            if (Target.ProjectFile == null)
                OutputFile = FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Saved", "PVS-Studio", String.Format("{0}.pvslog", Target.Name));
                OutputFile = FileReference.Combine(Target.ProjectFile.Directory, "Saved", "PVS-Studio", String.Format("{0}.pvslog", Target.Name));

            List <FileReference> InputFiles = Makefile.OutputItems.Select(x => x.Location).Where(x => x.HasExtension(".pvslog")).ToList();

            FileItem InputFileListItem = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(OutputFile.ChangeExtension(".input"), InputFiles.Select(x => x.FullName));

            Action AnalyzeAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);

            AnalyzeAction.CommandPath      = UnrealBuildTool.GetUBTPath();
            AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments = String.Format("-Mode=PVSGather -Input=\"{0}\" -Output=\"{1}\"", InputFileListItem.Location, OutputFile);
            AnalyzeAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory;

        public PVSToolChain(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target)
            this.Target    = Target;
            Platform       = Target.Platform;
            InnerToolChain = new VCToolChain(Target);

            AnalyzerFile = FileReference.Combine(new DirectoryReference(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86)), "PVS-Studio", "x64", "PVS-Studio.exe");
            if (!FileReference.Exists(AnalyzerFile))
                FileReference EngineAnalyzerFile = FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory, "Engine", "Extras", "ThirdPartyNotUE", "NoRedist", "PVS-Studio", "PVS-Studio.exe");
                if (FileReference.Exists(EngineAnalyzerFile))
                    AnalyzerFile = EngineAnalyzerFile;
                    throw new BuildException("Unable to find PVS-Studio at {0} or {1}", AnalyzerFile, EngineAnalyzerFile);

            FileReference SettingsPath = FileReference.Combine(new DirectoryReference(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)), "PVS-Studio", "Settings.xml");

            if (FileReference.Exists(SettingsPath))
                    XmlSerializer Serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PVSApplicationSettings));
                    using (FileStream Stream = new FileStream(SettingsPath.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                        ApplicationSettings = (PVSApplicationSettings)Serializer.Deserialize(Stream);
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    throw new BuildException(Ex, "Unable to read PVS-Studio settings file from {0}", SettingsPath);

            if (ApplicationSettings != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationSettings.UserName) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationSettings.SerialNumber))
                LicenseFile = FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Intermediate", "PVS", "PVS-Studio.lic");
                FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(LicenseFile, new string[] { ApplicationSettings.UserName, ApplicationSettings.SerialNumber });
                FileReference DefaultLicenseFile = AnalyzerFile.ChangeExtension(".lic");
                if (FileReference.Exists(DefaultLicenseFile))
                    LicenseFile = DefaultLicenseFile;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a file from a list of strings; each string is placed on a line in the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TempFileName">Name of response file</param>
        /// <param name="Lines">List of lines to write to the response file</param>
        public static FileReference Create(FileReference TempFileName, List <string> Lines)
            FileInfo TempFileInfo = new FileInfo(TempFileName.FullName);

            // Delete the existing file if it exists
            if (TempFileInfo.Exists)
                TempFileInfo.IsReadOnly = false;

            FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(TempFileName, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, Lines));

Esempio n. 5
        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> InputFiles, DirectoryReference OutputDir, string ModuleName, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            VCEnvironment EnvVars = VCEnvironment.SetEnvironment(CppPlatform, Compiler);

            // Get the MSVC arguments required to compile all files in this batch
            List <string> SharedArguments = new List <string>();

            SharedArguments.Add("/P");             // Preprocess
            SharedArguments.Add("/C");             // Preserve comments when preprocessing
            SharedArguments.Add("/D PVS_STUDIO");
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.IncludePaths.UserIncludePaths)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/I \"{0}\"", IncludePath));
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.IncludePaths.SystemIncludePaths)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/I \"{0}\"", IncludePath));
            foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Definitions)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/D \"{0}\"", Definition));

            // Get the path to PVS studio
            FileReference AnalyzerFile = new FileReference(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86), "PVS-Studio", "x64", "PVS-Studio.exe"));

            if (!FileReference.Exists(AnalyzerFile))
                throw new BuildException("Unable to find PVS-Studio at {0}", AnalyzerFile);

            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            foreach (FileItem SourceFile in InputFiles)
                // Get the file names for everything we need
                string BaseFileName = SourceFile.Location.GetFileName();

                // Write the response file
                FileReference PreprocessedFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".i");

                List <string> Arguments = new List <string>(SharedArguments);
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("/Fi\"{0}\"", PreprocessedFileLocation));                 // Preprocess to a file
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("\"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath));

                FileReference ResponseFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".i.response");
                FileItem      ResponseFileItem     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ResponseFileLocation, String.Join("\n", Arguments));

                // Preprocess the source file
                FileItem PreprocessedFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PreprocessedFileLocation);

                Action PreprocessAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Compile);
                PreprocessAction.CommandPath      = EnvVars.CompilerPath.FullName;
                PreprocessAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                PreprocessAction.CommandArguments = " @\"" + ResponseFileItem.AbsolutePath + "\"";
                PreprocessAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = false;

                // Write the PVS studio config file
                StringBuilder ConfigFileContents = new StringBuilder();
                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path={0}\n", EnvVars.VCInstallDir.FullName);
                if (CppPlatform == CppPlatform.Win64)
                else if (CppPlatform == CppPlatform.Win32)
                    throw new BuildException("PVS studio does not support this platform");
                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("i-file={0}\n", PreprocessedFileItem.Location.FullName);

                FileReference ConfigFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".cfg");
                FileItem      ConfigFileItem     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ConfigFileLocation, ConfigFileContents.ToString());

                // Run the analzyer on the preprocessed source file
                FileReference OutputFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".pvslog");
                FileItem      OutputFileItem     = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(OutputFileLocation);

                Action AnalyzeAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Compile);
                AnalyzeAction.CommandDescription = "Analyzing";
                AnalyzeAction.StatusDescription  = BaseFileName;
                AnalyzeAction.WorkingDirectory   = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandPath        = AnalyzerFile.FullName;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments   = String.Format("--cl-params \"{0}\" --source-file \"{1}\" --output-file \"{2}\" --cfg \"{3}\" --analysis-mode 4", PreprocessAction.CommandArguments, SourceFile.AbsolutePath, OutputFileLocation, ConfigFileItem.AbsolutePath);
                AnalyzeAction.bShouldDeleteProducedItems = true;                 // PVS Studio will append by default, so need to delete produced items

Esempio n. 6
        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> SourceFiles, string ModuleName)
            var EnvVars = VCEnvironment.SetEnvironment(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform, false);

            StringBuilder Arguments = new StringBuilder();

            AppendCLArguments_Global(CompileEnvironment, EnvVars, Arguments);

            // Add include paths to the argument list.
            foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.IncludePaths)
                string IncludePathRelative = Utils.CleanDirectorySeparators(Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(IncludePath, Path.Combine(ProjectFileGenerator.RootRelativePath, "Engine/Source")), '/');
                Arguments.AppendFormat(" /I \"{0}\"", IncludePathRelative);
            foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.SystemIncludePaths)
                string IncludePathRelative = Utils.CleanDirectorySeparators(Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(IncludePath, Path.Combine(ProjectFileGenerator.RootRelativePath, "Engine/Source")), '/');
                Arguments.AppendFormat(" /I \"{0}\"", IncludePathRelative);

            if (CompileEnvironment.Config.CLRMode == CPPCLRMode.CLREnabled)
                // Add .NET framework assembly paths.  This is needed so that C++/CLI projects
                // can reference assemblies with #using, without having to hard code a path in the
                // .cpp file to the assembly's location.
                foreach (string AssemblyPath in CompileEnvironment.Config.SystemDotNetAssemblyPaths)
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /AI \"{0}\"", AssemblyPath);

                // Add explicit .NET framework assembly references
                foreach (string AssemblyName in CompileEnvironment.Config.FrameworkAssemblyDependencies)
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /FU \"{0}\"", AssemblyName);

                // Add private assembly references
                foreach (PrivateAssemblyInfo CurAssemblyInfo in CompileEnvironment.PrivateAssemblyDependencies)
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /FU \"{0}\"", CurAssemblyInfo.FileItem.AbsolutePath);

            // Add preprocessor definitions to the argument list.
            foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Config.Definitions)
                // Escape all quotation marks so that they get properly passed with the command line.
                var DefinitionArgument = Definition.Contains("\"") ? Definition.Replace("\"", "\\\"") : Definition;
                Arguments.AppendFormat(" /D\"{0}\"", DefinitionArgument);

            var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform);

            // Create a compile action for each source file.
            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            foreach (FileItem SourceFile in SourceFiles)
                Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);
                CompileAction.CommandDescription = "Compile";

                StringBuilder FileArguments = new StringBuilder();
                bool          bIsPlainCFile = Path.GetExtension(SourceFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant() == ".C";

                // Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.
                AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(Target, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment, SourceFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems);

                // If this is a CLR file then make sure our dependent assemblies are added as prerequisites
                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.CLRMode == CPPCLRMode.CLREnabled)
                    foreach (PrivateAssemblyInfo CurPrivateAssemblyDependency in CompileEnvironment.PrivateAssemblyDependencies)

                bool bEmitsObjectFile = true;
                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
                    // Generate a CPP File that just includes the precompiled header.
                    string        PCHCPPFilename = "PCH." + ModuleName + "." + CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename.GetFileName() + ".cpp";
                    FileReference PCHCPPPath     = FileReference.Combine(CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, PCHCPPFilename);
                    FileItem      PCHCPPFile     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(
                        string.Format("#include \"{0}\"\r\n", CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename)

                    // Make sure the original source directory the PCH header file existed in is added as an include
                    // path -- it might be a private PCH header and we need to make sure that its found!
                    string OriginalPCHHeaderDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /I \"{0}\"", OriginalPCHHeaderDirectory);

                    var PrecompiledFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.UWP).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.PrecompiledHeader);
                    // Add the precompiled header file to the produced items list.
                    FileItem PrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                            Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + PrecompiledFileExtension
                    Result.PrecompiledHeaderFile = PrecompiledHeaderFile;

                    // Add the parameters needed to compile the precompiled header file to the command-line.
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Yc\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename);
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Fp\"{0}\"", PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath);

                    // If we're creating a PCH that will be used to compile source files for a library, we need
                    // the compiled modules to retain a reference to PCH's module, so that debugging information
                    // will be included in the library.  This is also required to avoid linker warning "LNK4206"
                    // when linking an application that uses this library.
                    if (CompileEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
                        // NOTE: The symbol name we use here is arbitrary, and all that matters is that it is
                        // unique per PCH module used in our library
                        string FakeUniquePCHSymbolName = CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename.GetFileNameWithoutExtension();
                        FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Yl{0}", FakeUniquePCHSymbolName);

                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" \"{0}\"", PCHCPPFile.AbsolutePath);

                    CompileAction.StatusDescription = PCHCPPFilename;
                    if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
                        CompileAction.bIsUsingPCH = true;

                        FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Yu\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.Config.PCHHeaderNameInCode);
                        FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Fp\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath);

                        // Is it unsafe to always force inclusion?  Clang is doing it, and .generated.cpp files
                        // won't work otherwise, because they're not located in the context of the module,
                        // so they can't access the module's PCH without an absolute path.
                        //if( CompileEnvironment.Config.bForceIncludePrecompiledHeader )
                            // Force include the precompiled header file.  This is needed because we may have selected a
                            // precompiled header that is different than the first direct include in the C++ source file, but
                            // we still need to make sure that our precompiled header is the first thing included!
                            FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /FI\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.Config.PCHHeaderNameInCode);

                    // Add the source file path to the command-line.
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" \"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

                    CompileAction.StatusDescription = Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

                if (bEmitsObjectFile)
                    var ObjectFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.UWP).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.Object);
                    // Add the object file to the produced item list.
                    FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                            Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ObjectFileExtension
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Fo\"{0}\"", ObjectFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Create PDB files if we were configured to do that.
                // Also, when debug info is off and XGE is enabled, force PDBs, otherwise it will try to share
                // a PDB file, which causes PCH creation to be serial rather than parallel (when debug info is disabled)
                //		--> See
                if (BuildConfiguration.bUsePDBFiles ||
                    (BuildConfiguration.bAllowXGE && !CompileEnvironment.Config.bCreateDebugInfo))
                    string PDBFileName;
                    bool   bActionProducesPDB = false;

                    // All files using the same PCH are required to share the same PDB that was used when compiling the PCH
                    if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
                        PDBFileName = "PCH." + ModuleName + "." + CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename.GetFileName();
                    // Files creating a PCH use a PDB per file.
                    else if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
                        PDBFileName        = "PCH." + ModuleName + "." + CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename.GetFileName();
                        bActionProducesPDB = true;
                    // Ungrouped C++ files use a PDB per file.
                    else if (!bIsPlainCFile)
                        PDBFileName        = Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        bActionProducesPDB = true;
                    // Group all plain C files that doesn't use PCH into the same PDB
                        PDBFileName = "MiscPlainC";

                    // Specify the PDB file that the compiler should write to.
                    FileItem PDBFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                            PDBFileName + ".pdb"
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Fd\"{0}\"", PDBFile.AbsolutePath);

                    // Only use the PDB as an output file if we want PDBs and this particular action is
                    // the one that produces the PDB (as opposed to no debug info, where the above code
                    // is needed, but not the output PDB, or when multiple files share a single PDB, so
                    // only the action that generates it should count it as output directly)
                    if (BuildConfiguration.bUsePDBFiles && bActionProducesPDB)

                // Add C or C++ specific compiler arguments.
                if (bIsPlainCFile)
                    AppendCLArguments_CPP(CompileEnvironment, FileArguments);

                CompileAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                CompileAction.CommandPath      = EnvVars.CompilerPath;
                CompileAction.CommandArguments = Arguments.ToString() + FileArguments.ToString() + CompileEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments;

                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Creating PCH: " + CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename);
                    Log.TraceVerbose("     Command: " + CompileAction.CommandArguments);
                    Log.TraceVerbose("   Compiling: " + CompileAction.StatusDescription);
                    Log.TraceVerbose("     Command: " + CompileAction.CommandArguments);

                // VC++ always outputs the source file name being compiled, so we don't need to emit this ourselves
                CompileAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = false;

                // Don't farm out creation of precompiled headers as it is the critical path task.
                CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely =
                    CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create ||

                // @todo: XGE has problems remote compiling C++/CLI files that use .NET Framework 4.0
                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.CLRMode == CPPCLRMode.CLREnabled)
                    CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;
        internal bool ExecuteActions(List <Action> InActions, Dictionary <Action, ActionThread> InActionThreadDictionary)
            // Build the script file that will be executed by SN-DBS
            StreamWriter ScriptFile;
            string       ScriptFilename = Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory.FullName, "Intermediate", "Build", "SNDBS.bat");

            FileStream ScriptFileStream = new FileStream(ScriptFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read);

            ScriptFile           = new StreamWriter(ScriptFileStream);
            ScriptFile.AutoFlush = true;

            int           NumScriptedActions = 0;
            List <Action> LocalActions       = new List <Action>();
            ActionThread  DummyActionThread  = new ActionThread(null, 1, 1);
            bool          PrintDebugInfo     = false;

            foreach (Action Action in InActions)
                ActionThread ActionProcess       = null;
                bool         bFoundActionProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(Action, out ActionProcess);
                if (bFoundActionProcess == false)
                    // Determine whether there are any prerequisites of the action that are outdated.
                    bool bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = false;
                    bool bHasFailedPrerequisites   = false;
                    foreach (Action PrerequisiteAction in Action.PrerequisiteActions)
                        if (InActions.Contains(PrerequisiteAction))
                            ActionThread PrerequisiteProcess       = null;
                            bool         bFoundPrerequisiteProcess = InActionThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(PrerequisiteAction, out PrerequisiteProcess);
                            if (bFoundPrerequisiteProcess == true)
                                if (PrerequisiteProcess == null)
                                    bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                else if (PrerequisiteProcess.bComplete == false)
                                    bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;
                                else if (PrerequisiteProcess.ExitCode != 0)
                                    bHasFailedPrerequisites = true;
                                bHasOutdatedPrerequisites = true;

                    // If there are any failed prerequisites of this action, don't execute it.
                    if (bHasFailedPrerequisites)
                        // Add a null entry in the dictionary for this action.
                        InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, null);
                    // If there aren't any outdated prerequisites of this action, execute it.
                    else if (!bHasOutdatedPrerequisites)
                        if (Action.bCanExecuteRemotely == false || Action.bCanExecuteRemotelyWithSNDBS == false)
                            // Execute locally
                            // Create a dummy force-included file which references PCH files, so that SN-DBS knows they are dependencies.
                            string AdditionalStubIncludes = "";
                            if (Action.CommandPath.GetFileName().Equals("cl.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                string        ResponseFile    = Action.CommandArguments.Replace("\"", "").Replace("@", "").Trim();
                                StringBuilder WrapperContents = new StringBuilder();
                                using (StringWriter Writer = new StringWriter(WrapperContents))
                                    Writer.WriteLine("// PCH dependencies for {0}", ResponseFile);
                                    Writer.WriteLine("#if 0");
                                    foreach (FileItem Preqrequisite in Action.PrerequisiteItems)
                                        if (Preqrequisite.AbsolutePath.EndsWith(".pch"))
                                            Writer.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", Preqrequisite.AbsolutePath.Replace(".pch", ".obj"));

                                FileItem DummyResponseFileDependency = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(new FileReference(ResponseFile + ".dummy.h"), WrapperContents.ToString());
                                AdditionalStubIncludes = string.Format("/FI\"{0}\"", DummyResponseFileDependency);

                            // Add to script for execution by SN-DBS
                            string NewCommandArguments = "\"" + Action.CommandPath + "\"" + " " + AdditionalStubIncludes + " " + Action.CommandArguments;
                            InActionThreadDictionary.Add(Action, DummyActionThread);
                            Action.StartTime = Action.EndTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                            Log.TraceInformation("[{0}/{1}] {2} {3}", JobNumber, InActions.Count, Action.CommandDescription, Action.StatusDescription);
                            PrintDebugInfo |= Action.bPrintDebugInfo;

                            if (Action.DependencyListFile != null && File.Exists(Action.DependencyListFile.AbsolutePath))
                                Log.TraceVerbose("Deleting dependency list file {0}", Action.DependencyListFile.AbsolutePath);

            ScriptFile = null;

            if (NumScriptedActions > 0)
                // Create the process
                string             SCERoot                = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCE_ROOT_DIR");
                string             SNDBSExecutable        = Path.Combine(SCERoot, "Common/SN-DBS/bin/dbsbuild.exe");
                DirectoryReference TemplatesDir           = DirectoryReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Programs", "UnrealBuildTool", "SndbsTemplates");
                string             IncludeRewriteRulesArg = String.Format("--include-rewrite-rules \"{0}\"", IncludeRewriteRulesFile.FullName);
                string             VerbosityLevel         = PrintDebugInfo ? "-v" : "-q";
                ProcessStartInfo   PSI = new ProcessStartInfo(SNDBSExecutable, String.Format("{0} -p UE4 -s \"{1}\" -templates \"{2}\" {3}", VerbosityLevel, FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Intermediate", "Build", "sndbs.bat").FullName, TemplatesDir.FullName, IncludeRewriteRulesArg));
                PSI.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                PSI.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                PSI.UseShellExecute        = false;
                PSI.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                PSI.WorkingDirectory       = Path.GetFullPath(".");
                Process NewProcess = new Process();
                NewProcess.StartInfo           = PSI;
                NewProcess.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(ActionDebugOutput);
                NewProcess.ErrorDataReceived  += new DataReceivedEventHandler(ActionDebugOutput);
                DateTimeOffset StartTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;


                TimeSpan       Duration;
                DateTimeOffset EndTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                if (EndTime == DateTimeOffset.MinValue)
                    Duration = DateTimeOffset.Now - StartTime;
                    Duration = EndTime - StartTime;

                DummyActionThread.bComplete = true;
                int ExitCode = NewProcess.ExitCode;
                if (ExitCode != 0)

            // Execute local tasks
            if (LocalActions.Count > 0)
                return(ExecuteLocalActions(LocalActions, InActionThreadDictionary, InActions.Count));

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a set of C++ files, generates another set of C++ files that #include all the original
        /// files, the goal being to compile the same code in fewer translation units.
        /// The "unity" files are written to the CompileEnvironment's OutputDirectory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Target">The target we're building</param>
        /// <param name="CPPFiles">The C++ files to #include.</param>
        /// <param name="CompileEnvironment">The environment that is used to compile the C++ files.</param>
        /// <param name="BaseName">Base name to use for the Unity files</param>
        /// <returns>The "unity" C++ files.</returns>
        public static List <FileItem> GenerateUnityCPPs(
            UEBuildTarget Target,
            List <FileItem> CPPFiles,
            CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment,
            string BaseName
            var ToolChain = UEToolChain.GetPlatformToolChain(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform);

            var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform);

            // Figure out size of all input files combined. We use this to determine whether to use larger unity threshold or not.
            long TotalBytesInCPPFiles = CPPFiles.Sum(F => F.Info.Length);

            // We have an increased threshold for unity file size if, and only if, all files fit into the same unity file. This
            // is beneficial when dealing with PCH files. The default PCH creation limit is X unity files so if we generate < X
            // this could be fairly slow and we'd rather bump the limit a bit to group them all into the same unity file.
            // Optimization only makes sense if PCH files are enabled.
            bool bForceIntoSingleUnityFile = BuildConfiguration.bStressTestUnity || (TotalBytesInCPPFiles < BuildConfiguration.NumIncludedBytesPerUnityCPP * 2 && CompileEnvironment.ShouldUsePCHs());

            // Build the list of unity files.
            List <FileCollection> AllUnityFiles;
                var CPPUnityFileBuilder = new UnityFileBuilder(bForceIntoSingleUnityFile ? -1 : BuildConfiguration.NumIncludedBytesPerUnityCPP);
                foreach (var CPPFile in CPPFiles)
                    if (!bForceIntoSingleUnityFile && CPPFile.AbsolutePath.Contains(".GeneratedWrapper."))

                    // Now that the CPPFile is part of this unity file, we will no longer need to treat it like a root level prerequisite for our
                    // dependency cache, as it is now an "indirect include" from the unity file.  We'll clear out the compile environment
                    // attached to this file.  This prevents us from having to cache all of the indirect includes from these files inside our
                    // dependency cache, which speeds up iterative builds a lot!
                    CPPFile.CachedCPPIncludeInfo = null;
                AllUnityFiles = CPPUnityFileBuilder.GetUnityFiles();

            string PCHHeaderNameInCode = CPPFiles.Count > 0 ? CPPFiles[0].PCHHeaderNameInCode : "";

            if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename != null)
                PCHHeaderNameInCode = ToolChain.ConvertPath(CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename);

                // Generated unity .cpp files always include the PCH using an absolute path, so we need to update
                // our compile environment's PCH header name to use this instead of the text it pulled from the original
                // C++ source files
                CompileEnvironment.Config.PCHHeaderNameInCode = PCHHeaderNameInCode;

            // Create a set of CPP files that combine smaller CPP files into larger compilation units, along with the corresponding
            // actions to compile them.
            int CurrentUnityFileCount = 0;
            var UnityCPPFiles         = new List <FileItem>();

            foreach (var UnityFile in AllUnityFiles)

                StringWriter OutputUnityCPPWriter      = new StringWriter();
                StringWriter OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra = null;

                // add an extra file for UBT to get the #include dependencies from
                if (BuildPlatform.RequiresExtraUnityCPPWriter() == true)
                    OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra = new StringWriter();

                OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("// This file is automatically generated at compile-time to include some subset of the user-created cpp files.");

                // Explicitly include the precompiled header first, since Visual C++ expects the first top-level #include to be the header file
                // that was used to create the PCH.
                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename != null)
                    OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", PCHHeaderNameInCode);
                    if (OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra != null)
                        OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", PCHHeaderNameInCode);

                // Add source files to the unity file
                foreach (var CPPFile in UnityFile.Files)
                    OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", ToolChain.ConvertPath(CPPFile.AbsolutePath));
                    if (OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra != null)
                        OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", CPPFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Determine unity file path name
                string UnityCPPFilePath;
                if (AllUnityFiles.Count > 1)
                    UnityCPPFilePath = string.Format("Module.{0}.{1}_of_{2}.cpp", BaseName, CurrentUnityFileCount, AllUnityFiles.Count);
                    UnityCPPFilePath = string.Format("Module.{0}.cpp", BaseName);
                UnityCPPFilePath = Path.Combine(CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, UnityCPPFilePath);

                // Write the unity file to the intermediate folder.
                FileItem UnityCPPFile = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(UnityCPPFilePath, OutputUnityCPPWriter.ToString());
                if (OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra != null)
                    FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(UnityCPPFilePath + ".ex", OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra.ToString());

                UnityCPPFile.RelativeCost        = UnityFile.TotalLength;
                UnityCPPFile.PCHHeaderNameInCode = PCHHeaderNameInCode;

                // Cache information about the unity .cpp dependencies
                // @todo ubtmake urgent: Fails when building remotely for Mac because unity .cpp has an include for a PCH on the REMOTE machine
                UEBuildModuleCPP.CachePCHUsageForModuleSourceFile(Target, CompileEnvironment, UnityCPPFile);

        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> InputFiles, DirectoryReference OutputDir, string ModuleName, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            // Get the MSVC arguments required to compile all files in this batch
            List <string> SharedArguments = new List <string>();

            SharedArguments.Add("/P");             // Preprocess
            SharedArguments.Add("/C");             // Preserve comments when preprocessing
            SharedArguments.Add("/D PVS_STUDIO");
            if (EnvVars.Compiler >= WindowsCompiler.VisualStudio2015)
                SharedArguments.Add("/D _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1");
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.IncludePaths.UserIncludePaths)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/I \"{0}\"", IncludePath));
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.IncludePaths.SystemIncludePaths)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/I \"{0}\"", IncludePath));
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in EnvVars.IncludePaths)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/I \"{0}\"", IncludePath));
            foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Definitions)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/D \"{0}\"", Definition));
            foreach (FileItem ForceIncludeFile in CompileEnvironment.ForceIncludeFiles)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/FI\"{0}\"", ForceIncludeFile.Location));

            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            foreach (FileItem SourceFile in InputFiles)
                // Get the file names for everything we need
                string BaseFileName = SourceFile.Location.GetFileName();

                // Write the response file
                FileReference PreprocessedFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".i");

                List <string> Arguments = new List <string>(SharedArguments);
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("/Fi\"{0}\"", PreprocessedFileLocation));                 // Preprocess to a file
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("\"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath));

                FileReference ResponseFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".i.response");
                FileItem      ResponseFileItem     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ResponseFileLocation, String.Join("\n", Arguments));

                // Preprocess the source file
                FileItem PreprocessedFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PreprocessedFileLocation);

                Action PreprocessAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Compile);
                PreprocessAction.CommandPath      = EnvVars.CompilerPath.FullName;
                PreprocessAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                PreprocessAction.CommandArguments = " @\"" + ResponseFileItem.AbsolutePath + "\"";
                PreprocessAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = false;

                // Write the PVS studio config file
                StringBuilder ConfigFileContents = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in EnvVars.IncludePaths)
                    ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path={0}\n", IncludePath.FullName);
                foreach (string PathMask in ApplicationSettings.PathMasks)
                    if (PathMask.Contains(":") || PathMask.Contains("\\") || PathMask.Contains("/"))
                        if (Path.IsPathRooted(PathMask) && !PathMask.Contains(":"))
                            ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path=*{0}*\n", PathMask);
                            ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path={0}\n", PathMask);
                if (CppPlatform == CppPlatform.Win64)
                else if (CppPlatform == CppPlatform.Win32)
                    throw new BuildException("PVS-Studio does not support this platform");
                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("i-file={0}\n", PreprocessedFileItem.Location.FullName);

                FileReference ConfigFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".cfg");
                FileItem      ConfigFileItem     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ConfigFileLocation, ConfigFileContents.ToString());

                // Run the analzyer on the preprocessed source file
                FileReference OutputFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".pvslog");
                FileItem      OutputFileItem     = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(OutputFileLocation);

                Action AnalyzeAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Compile);
                AnalyzeAction.CommandDescription = "Analyzing";
                AnalyzeAction.StatusDescription  = BaseFileName;
                AnalyzeAction.WorkingDirectory   = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandPath        = AnalyzerFile.FullName;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments   = String.Format("--cl-params \"{0}\" --source-file \"{1}\" --output-file \"{2}\" --cfg \"{3}\" --analysis-mode 4", PreprocessAction.CommandArguments, SourceFile.AbsolutePath, OutputFileLocation, ConfigFileItem.AbsolutePath);
                if (LicenseFile != null)
                    AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments += String.Format(" --lic-file \"{0}\"", LicenseFile);
                AnalyzeAction.bShouldDeleteProducedItems = true;                 // PVS Studio will append by default, so need to delete produced items

Esempio n. 10
        public override FileItem LinkFiles(LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, bool bBuildImportLibraryOnly, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            FileItem OutputFile;

            // Make the final javascript file
            Action LinkAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Link);

            LinkAction.CommandDescription = "Link";
//			LinkAction.bPrintDebugInfo = true;

            // ResponseFile lines.
            List <string> ReponseLines = new List <string>();

            LinkAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;
            LinkAction.WorkingDirectory    = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
            LinkAction.CommandPath         = HTML5SDKInfo.Python();
            LinkAction.CommandArguments    = HTML5SDKInfo.EmscriptenCompiler();
//			bool bIsBuildingLibrary = LinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingLibrary || bBuildImportLibraryOnly;
//			ReponseLines.Add(
//					bIsBuildingLibrary ?
//					GetLibArguments(LinkEnvironment) :
//					GetLinkArguments(LinkEnvironment)
//				);

            // Add the input files to a response file, and pass the response file on the command-line.
            foreach (FileItem InputFile in LinkEnvironment.InputFiles)
                //System.Console.WriteLine("File  {0} ", InputFile.AbsolutePath);
                ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" \"{0}\"", InputFile.AbsolutePath));

            if (!LinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingLibrary)
                // Make sure ThirdParty libs are at the end.
                List <string> ThirdParty = (from Lib in LinkEnvironment.AdditionalLibraries
                                            where Lib.Contains("ThirdParty")
                                            select Lib).ToList();

                LinkEnvironment.AdditionalLibraries.RemoveAll(Element => Element.Contains("ThirdParty"));

                foreach (string InputFile in LinkEnvironment.AdditionalLibraries)
                    FileItem Item = FileItem.GetItemByPath(InputFile);

                    if (Item.AbsolutePath.Contains(".lib"))

                    if (Item.ToString().EndsWith(".js"))
                        ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" --js-library \"{0}\"", Item.AbsolutePath));

                    // WARNING: With --pre-js and --post-js, the order in which these directives are passed to
                    // the compiler is very critical, because that dictates the order in which they are appended.
                    // Set environment variable [ EMCC_DEBUG=1 ] to see the linker order used in packaging.
                    //     See GetSharedArguments_Global() above to set this environment variable

                    else if (Item.ToString().EndsWith(".jspre"))
                        ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" --pre-js \"{0}\"", Item.AbsolutePath));

                    else if (Item.ToString().EndsWith(".jspost"))
                        ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" --post-js \"{0}\"", Item.AbsolutePath));

                        ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" \"{0}\"", Item.AbsolutePath));

            // make the file we will create

            OutputFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(LinkEnvironment.OutputFilePath);
            ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", OutputFile.AbsolutePath));

            FileItem OutputBC = FileItem.GetItemByPath(LinkEnvironment.OutputFilePath.FullName.Replace(".js", ".bc").Replace(".html", ".bc"));

            ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" --save-bc \"{0}\"", OutputBC.AbsolutePath));

            LinkAction.StatusDescription = Path.GetFileName(OutputFile.AbsolutePath);

            FileReference ResponseFileName = GetResponseFileName(LinkEnvironment, OutputFile);

            FileItem ResponseFileItem = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ResponseFileName, ReponseLines);

            LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" @\"{0}\"", ResponseFileName);

Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a set of C++ files, generates another set of C++ files that #include all the original
        /// files, the goal being to compile the same code in fewer translation units.
        /// The "unity" files are written to the CompileEnvironment's OutputDirectory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Target">The target we're building</param>
        /// <param name="CPPFiles">The C++ files to #include.</param>
        /// <param name="CompileEnvironment">The environment that is used to compile the C++ files.</param>
        /// <param name="BaseName">Base name to use for the Unity files</param>
        /// <returns>The "unity" C++ files.</returns>
        public static List <FileItem> GenerateUnityCPPs(
            UEToolChain ToolChain,
            UEBuildTarget Target,
            List <FileItem> CPPFiles,
            CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment,
            string BaseName
            List <FileItem> NewCPPFiles = new List <FileItem>();

            UEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Platform);

            // Figure out size of all input files combined. We use this to determine whether to use larger unity threshold or not.
            long TotalBytesInCPPFiles = CPPFiles.Sum(F => F.Info.Length);

            // We have an increased threshold for unity file size if, and only if, all files fit into the same unity file. This
            // is beneficial when dealing with PCH files. The default PCH creation limit is X unity files so if we generate < X
            // this could be fairly slow and we'd rather bump the limit a bit to group them all into the same unity file.

            // When enabled, UnrealBuildTool will try to determine source files that you are actively iteratively changing, and break those files
            // out of their unity blobs so that you can compile them as individual translation units, much faster than recompiling the entire
            // unity blob each time.
            bool bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild = BuildConfiguration.bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild && !BuildConfiguration.bStressTestUnity;

            // Optimization only makes sense if PCH files are enabled.
            bool bForceIntoSingleUnityFile = BuildConfiguration.bStressTestUnity || (TotalBytesInCPPFiles < BuildConfiguration.NumIncludedBytesPerUnityCPP * 2 && CompileEnvironment.ShouldUsePCHs());

            // Build the list of unity files.
            List <FileCollection> AllUnityFiles;
                // Sort the incoming file paths alphabetically, so there will be consistency in unity blobs across multiple machines.
                // Note that we're relying on this not only sorting files within each directory, but also the directories
                // themselves, so the whole list of file paths is the same across computers.
                List <FileItem> SortedCPPFiles = CPPFiles.GetRange(0, CPPFiles.Count);
                    // Case-insensitive file path compare, because you never know what is going on with local file systems
                    Comparison <FileItem> FileItemComparer = (FileA, FileB) => { return(FileA.AbsolutePath.ToLowerInvariant().CompareTo(FileB.AbsolutePath.ToLowerInvariant())); };

                // Figure out whether we REALLY want to use adaptive unity for this module.  If nearly every file in the module appears in the working
                // set, we'll just go ahead and let unity build do its thing.
                if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild)
                    int CandidateWorkingSetSourceFileCount = 0;
                    int WorkingSetSourceFileCount          = 0;
                    foreach (FileItem CPPFile in SortedCPPFiles)
                        // Don't include writable source files into unity blobs
                        if (!CPPFile.Reference.IsUnderDirectory(Target.EngineIntermediateDirectory) &&

                            if (UnrealBuildTool.ShouldSourceFileBePartOfWorkingSet(CPPFile.AbsolutePath))

                                // Mark this file as part of the working set.  This will be saved into the UBT Makefile so that
                                // the assembler can automatically invalidate the Makefile when the working set changes (allowing this
                                // code to run again, to build up new unity blobs.)

                    if (WorkingSetSourceFileCount >= CandidateWorkingSetSourceFileCount)
                        // Every single file in the module appears in the working set, so don't bother using adaptive unity for this
                        // module.  Otherwise it would make full builds really slow.
                        bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild = false;

                UnityFileBuilder CPPUnityFileBuilder          = new UnityFileBuilder(bForceIntoSingleUnityFile ? -1 : BuildConfiguration.NumIncludedBytesPerUnityCPP);
                StringBuilder    AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (FileItem CPPFile in SortedCPPFiles)
                    if (!bForceIntoSingleUnityFile && CPPFile.AbsolutePath.IndexOf(".GeneratedWrapper.", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1)

                    // When adaptive unity is enabled, go ahead and exclude any source files that we're actively working with
                    if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild && SourceFileWorkingSet.Contains(CPPFile))
                        // Just compile this file normally, not as part of the unity blob

                        // Let the unity file builder know about the file, so that we can retain the existing size of the unity blobs.
                        // This won't actually make the source file part of the unity blob, but it will keep track of how big the
                        // file is so that other existing unity blobs from the same module won't be invalidated.  This prevents much
                        // longer compile times the first time you build after your working file set changes.

                        string CPPFileName = Path.GetFileName(CPPFile.AbsolutePath);
                        if (AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Length == 0)
                            AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Append(String.Format("[Adaptive unity build] Excluded from {0} unity file: {1}", BaseName, CPPFileName));
                            AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Append(", " + CPPFileName);

                        // If adaptive unity build is enabled for this module, add this source file to the set that will invalidate the makefile
                        if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild)

                        // Compile this file as part of the unity blob

                        // Now that the CPPFile is part of this unity file, we will no longer need to treat it like a root level prerequisite for our
                        // dependency cache, as it is now an "indirect include" from the unity file.  We'll clear out the compile environment
                        // attached to this file.  This prevents us from having to cache all of the indirect includes from these files inside our
                        // dependency cache, which speeds up iterative builds a lot!
                        CPPFile.CachedCPPIncludeInfo = null;

                if (AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Length > 0)

                AllUnityFiles = CPPUnityFileBuilder.GetUnityFiles();

            // Create a set of CPP files that combine smaller CPP files into larger compilation units, along with the corresponding
            // actions to compile them.
            int CurrentUnityFileCount = 0;

            foreach (FileCollection UnityFile in AllUnityFiles)

                StringWriter OutputUnityCPPWriter      = new StringWriter();
                StringWriter OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra = null;

                // add an extra file for UBT to get the #include dependencies from
                if (BuildPlatform.RequiresExtraUnityCPPWriter() == true)
                    OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra = new StringWriter();

                OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("// This file is automatically generated at compile-time to include some subset of the user-created cpp files.");

                // Add source files to the unity file
                foreach (FileItem CPPFile in UnityFile.Files)
                    OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", ToolChain.ConvertPath(CPPFile.AbsolutePath));
                    if (OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra != null)
                        OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", CPPFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Determine unity file path name
                string UnityCPPFileName;
                if (AllUnityFiles.Count > 1)
                    UnityCPPFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}_of_{3}.cpp", ModulePrefix, BaseName, CurrentUnityFileCount, AllUnityFiles.Count);
                    UnityCPPFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.cpp", ModulePrefix, BaseName);
                FileReference UnityCPPFilePath = FileReference.Combine(CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, UnityCPPFileName);

                // Write the unity file to the intermediate folder.
                FileItem UnityCPPFile = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(UnityCPPFilePath, OutputUnityCPPWriter.ToString());
                if (OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra != null)
                    FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(UnityCPPFilePath + ".ex", OutputUnityCPPWriterExtra.ToString());

                UnityCPPFile.RelativeCost = UnityFile.TotalLength;

                // Cache information about the unity .cpp dependencies
                // @todo ubtmake urgent: Fails when building remotely for Mac because unity .cpp has an include for a PCH on the REMOTE machine
                UEBuildModuleCPP.CachePCHUsageForModuleSourceFile(CompileEnvironment, UnityCPPFile);

Esempio n. 12
        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> SourceFiles, string ModuleName)
            string Arguments = GetCLArguments_Global(CompileEnvironment);

            // Add include paths to the argument list.
            foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.IncludePaths)
                Arguments += string.Format(" /I \"{0}\"", IncludePath);
            foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.SystemIncludePaths)
                Arguments += string.Format(" /I \"{0}\"", IncludePath);

            if ((CompileEnvironment.Config.CLRMode == CPPCLRMode.CLREnabled) ||
                (WinRTPlatform.ShouldCompileWinRT() == true))
                // Add .NET framework assembly paths.  This is needed so that C++/CLI projects
                // can reference assemblies with #using, without having to hard code a path in the
                // .cpp file to the assembly's location.
                foreach (string AssemblyPath in CompileEnvironment.Config.SystemDotNetAssemblyPaths)
                    Arguments += string.Format(" /AI \"{0}\"", AssemblyPath);

                // Add explicit .NET framework assembly references
                foreach (string AssemblyName in CompileEnvironment.Config.FrameworkAssemblyDependencies)
                    Arguments += string.Format(" /FU \"{0}\"", AssemblyName);

                // Add private assembly references
                foreach (PrivateAssemblyInfo CurAssemblyInfo in CompileEnvironment.PrivateAssemblyDependencies)
                    Arguments += string.Format(" /FU \"{0}\"", CurAssemblyInfo.FileItem.AbsolutePath);
                foreach (string AssemblyPath in CompileEnvironment.Config.SystemDotNetAssemblyPaths)
                    Arguments += string.Format(" /AI \"{0}\"", AssemblyPath);

                // Add explicit .NET framework assembly references
                foreach (string AssemblyName in CompileEnvironment.Config.FrameworkAssemblyDependencies)
                    Arguments += string.Format(" /FU \"{0}\"", AssemblyName);

            // Add preprocessor definitions to the argument list.
            foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Config.Definitions)
                Arguments += string.Format(" /D \"{0}\"", Definition);

// Log.TraceInformation("Compile Arguments for {0}:", ModuleName);
// Log.TraceInformation(Arguments);

            var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform);

            // Create a compile action for each source file.
            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            foreach (FileItem SourceFile in SourceFiles)
                Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);
                string FileArguments = "";
                bool   bIsPlainCFile = Path.GetExtension(SourceFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant() == ".C";

                // Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.
                AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(Target, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment, SourceFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems);

                // If this is a CLR file then make sure our dependent assemblies are added as prerequisites
                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.CLRMode == CPPCLRMode.CLREnabled)
                    foreach (PrivateAssemblyInfo CurPrivateAssemblyDependency in CompileEnvironment.PrivateAssemblyDependencies)

                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
                    // Generate a CPP File that just includes the precompiled header.
                    string   PCHCPPFilename = "PCH." + Path.GetFileName(CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename) + ".cpp";
                    string   PCHCPPPath     = Path.Combine(CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, PCHCPPFilename);
                    FileItem PCHCPPFile     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(
                        string.Format("#include \"{0}\"\r\n", CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename)

                    // Make sure the original source directory the PCH header file existed in is added as an include
                    // path -- it might be a private PCH header and we need to make sure that its found!
                    string OriginalPCHHeaderDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                    FileArguments += string.Format(" /I \"{0}\"", OriginalPCHHeaderDirectory);

                    var PCHExtension = UEBuildPlatform.BuildPlatformDictionary[UnrealTargetPlatform.WinRT].GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.PrecompiledHeader);

                    // Add the precompiled header file to the produced items list.
                    FileItem PrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(
                            Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + PCHExtension
                    Result.PrecompiledHeaderFile = PrecompiledHeaderFile;

                    // Add the parameters needed to compile the precompiled header file to the command-line.
                    FileArguments += string.Format(" /Yc\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename);
                    FileArguments += string.Format(" /Fp\"{0}\"", PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath);
                    FileArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", PCHCPPFile.AbsolutePath);

                    // If we're creating a PCH that will be used to compile source files for a library, we need
                    // the compiled modules to retain a reference to PCH's module, so that debugging information
                    // will be included in the library.  This is also required to avoid linker warning "LNK4206"
                    // when linking an application that uses this library.
                    if (CompileEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
                        // NOTE: The symbol name we use here is arbitrary, and all that matters is that it is
                        // unique per PCH module used in our library
                        string FakeUniquePCHSymbolName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename);
                        FileArguments += string.Format(" /Yl{0}", FakeUniquePCHSymbolName);
                    CompileAction.StatusDescription = PCHCPPFilename;
                    if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
                        CompileAction.bIsUsingPCH = true;
                        FileArguments += string.Format(" /Yu\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.Config.PCHHeaderNameInCode);
                        FileArguments += string.Format(" /Fp\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath);

                        // Is it unsafe to always force inclusion?  Clang is doing it, and .generated.cpp files
                        // won't work otherwise, because they're not located in the context of the module,
                        // so they can't access the module's PCH without an absolute path.
                        //if (CompileEnvironment.Config.bForceIncludePrecompiledHeader)
                            // Force include the precompiled header file.  This is needed because we may have selected a
                            // precompiled header that is different than the first direct include in the C++ source file, but
                            // we still need to make sure that our precompiled header is the first thing included!
                            FileArguments += string.Format(" /FI\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.Config.PCHHeaderNameInCode);

                    // Add the source file path to the command-line.
                    FileArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

                    CompileAction.StatusDescription = Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

                var ObjectFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.BuildPlatformDictionary[UnrealTargetPlatform.WinRT].GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.Object);

                // Add the object file to the produced item list.
                FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(
                        Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ObjectFileExtension
                FileArguments += string.Format(" /Fo\"{0}\"", ObjectFile.AbsolutePath);

                // create PDBs per-file when not using debug info, otherwise it will try to share a PDB file, which causes
                // PCH creation to be serial rather than parallel (when debug info is disabled)
                // See
                if (!CompileEnvironment.Config.bCreateDebugInfo || BuildConfiguration.bUsePDBFiles)
                    string PDBFileName;
                    bool   bActionProducesPDB = false;

                    // All files using the same PCH are required to share a PDB.
                    if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
                        PDBFileName = Path.GetFileName(CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename);
                    // Files creating a PCH or ungrouped C++ files use a PDB per file.
                    else if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create || !bIsPlainCFile)
                        PDBFileName        = Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        bActionProducesPDB = true;
                    // Group all plain C files that doesn't use PCH into the same PDB
                        PDBFileName = "MiscPlainC";

                    // Specify the PDB file that the compiler should write to.
                    FileItem PDBFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(
                            PDBFileName + ".pdb"
                    FileArguments += string.Format(" /Fd\"{0}\"", PDBFile.AbsolutePath);

                    // Only use the PDB as an output file if we want PDBs and this particular action is
                    // the one that produces the PDB (as opposed to no debug info, where the above code
                    // is needed, but not the output PDB, or when multiple files share a single PDB, so
                    // only the action that generates it should count it as output directly)
                    if (BuildConfiguration.bUsePDBFiles && bActionProducesPDB)

                // Add C or C++ specific compiler arguments.
                if (bIsPlainCFile)
                    FileArguments += GetCLArguments_C();
                    FileArguments += GetCLArguments_CPP(CompileEnvironment);

                CompileAction.WorkingDirectory  = Path.GetFullPath(".");
                CompileAction.CommandPath       = GetVCToolPath(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform, CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration, "cl");
                CompileAction.CommandArguments  = Arguments + FileArguments + CompileEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments;
                CompileAction.StatusDescription = string.Format("{0}", Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath));

                // Don't farm out creation of precomputed headers as it is the critical path task.
                CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create;

                // @todo: XGE has problems remote compiling C++/CLI files that use .NET Framework 4.0
                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.CLRMode == CPPCLRMode.CLREnabled)
                    CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a set of C++ files, generates another set of C++ files that #include all the original
        /// files, the goal being to compile the same code in fewer translation units.
        /// The "unity" files are written to the CompileEnvironment's OutputDirectory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Target">The target we're building</param>
        /// <param name="CPPFiles">The C++ files to #include.</param>
        /// <param name="CompileEnvironment">The environment that is used to compile the C++ files.</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">Interface to query files which belong to the working set</param>
        /// <param name="BaseName">Base name to use for the Unity files</param>
        /// <param name="IntermediateDirectory">Intermediate directory for unity cpp files</param>
        /// <param name="Makefile">The makefile being built</param>
        /// <param name="SourceFileToUnityFile">Receives a mapping of source file to unity file</param>
        /// <returns>The "unity" C++ files.</returns>
        public static List <FileItem> GenerateUnityCPPs(
            ReadOnlyTargetRules Target,
            List <FileItem> CPPFiles,
            CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment,
            ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet,
            string BaseName,
            DirectoryReference IntermediateDirectory,
            TargetMakefile Makefile,
            Dictionary <FileItem, FileItem> SourceFileToUnityFile
            List <FileItem> NewCPPFiles = new List <FileItem>();

            UEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Platform);

            // Figure out size of all input files combined. We use this to determine whether to use larger unity threshold or not.
            long TotalBytesInCPPFiles = CPPFiles.Sum(F => F.Length);

            // We have an increased threshold for unity file size if, and only if, all files fit into the same unity file. This
            // is beneficial when dealing with PCH files. The default PCH creation limit is X unity files so if we generate < X
            // this could be fairly slow and we'd rather bump the limit a bit to group them all into the same unity file.

            // When enabled, UnrealBuildTool will try to determine source files that you are actively iteratively changing, and break those files
            // out of their unity blobs so that you can compile them as individual translation units, much faster than recompiling the entire
            // unity blob each time.
            bool bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild = Target.bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild && !Target.bStressTestUnity;

            // Optimization only makes sense if PCH files are enabled.
            bool bForceIntoSingleUnityFile = Target.bStressTestUnity || (TotalBytesInCPPFiles < Target.NumIncludedBytesPerUnityCPP * 2 && Target.bUsePCHFiles);

            // Build the list of unity files.
            List <FileCollection> AllUnityFiles;
                // Sort the incoming file paths alphabetically, so there will be consistency in unity blobs across multiple machines.
                // Note that we're relying on this not only sorting files within each directory, but also the directories
                // themselves, so the whole list of file paths is the same across computers.
                List <FileItem> SortedCPPFiles = CPPFiles.GetRange(0, CPPFiles.Count);
                    // Case-insensitive file path compare, because you never know what is going on with local file systems
                    Comparison <FileItem> FileItemComparer = (FileA, FileB) => { return(FileA.AbsolutePath.ToLowerInvariant().CompareTo(FileB.AbsolutePath.ToLowerInvariant())); };

                // Figure out whether we REALLY want to use adaptive unity for this module.  If nearly every file in the module appears in the working
                // set, we'll just go ahead and let unity build do its thing.
                if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild)
                    int CandidateWorkingSetSourceFileCount = 0;
                    int WorkingSetSourceFileCount          = 0;
                    foreach (FileItem CPPFile in SortedCPPFiles)

                        // Don't include writable source files into unity blobs
                        if (WorkingSet.Contains(CPPFile))

                            // Mark this file as part of the working set.  This will be saved into the UBT Makefile so that
                            // the assembler can automatically invalidate the Makefile when the working set changes (allowing this
                            // code to run again, to build up new unity blobs.)

                    if (WorkingSetSourceFileCount >= CandidateWorkingSetSourceFileCount)
                        // Every single file in the module appears in the working set, so don't bother using adaptive unity for this
                        // module.  Otherwise it would make full builds really slow.
                        bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild = false;

                UnityFileBuilder CPPUnityFileBuilder          = new UnityFileBuilder(bForceIntoSingleUnityFile ? -1 : Target.NumIncludedBytesPerUnityCPP);
                StringBuilder    AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (FileItem CPPFile in SortedCPPFiles)
                    if (!bForceIntoSingleUnityFile && CPPFile.AbsolutePath.IndexOf(".GeneratedWrapper.", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1)

                    // When adaptive unity is enabled, go ahead and exclude any source files that we're actively working with
                    if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild && Makefile.WorkingSet.Contains(CPPFile))
                        // Just compile this file normally, not as part of the unity blob

                        // Let the unity file builder know about the file, so that we can retain the existing size of the unity blobs.
                        // This won't actually make the source file part of the unity blob, but it will keep track of how big the
                        // file is so that other existing unity blobs from the same module won't be invalidated.  This prevents much
                        // longer compile times the first time you build after your working file set changes.

                        string CPPFileName = Path.GetFileName(CPPFile.AbsolutePath);
                        if (AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Length == 0)
                            AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Append(String.Format("[Adaptive unity build] Excluded from {0} unity file: {1}", BaseName, CPPFileName));
                            AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Append(", " + CPPFileName);
                        // If adaptive unity build is enabled for this module, add this source file to the set that will invalidate the makefile
                        if (bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild)

                        // Compile this file as part of the unity blob

                if (AdaptiveUnityBuildInfoString.Length > 0)
                    if (Target.bAdaptiveUnityCreatesDedicatedPCH)
                        AddUniqueDiagnostic(Makefile, "[Adaptive unity build] Creating dedicated PCH for each excluded file. Set bAdaptiveUnityCreatesDedicatedPCH to false in BuildConfiguration.xml to change this behavior.");
                    else if (Target.bAdaptiveUnityDisablesPCH)
                        AddUniqueDiagnostic(Makefile, "[Adaptive unity build] Disabling PCH for excluded files. Set bAdaptiveUnityDisablesPCH to false in BuildConfiguration.xml to change this behavior.");

                    if (Target.bAdaptiveUnityDisablesOptimizations)
                        AddUniqueDiagnostic(Makefile, "[Adaptive unity build] Disabling optimizations for excluded files. Set bAdaptiveUnityDisablesOptimizations to false in BuildConfiguration.xml to change this behavior.");
                    if (Target.bAdaptiveUnityEnablesEditAndContinue)
                        AddUniqueDiagnostic(Makefile, "[Adaptive unity build] Enabling Edit & Continue for excluded files. Set bAdaptiveUnityEnablesEditAndContinue to false in BuildConfiguration.xml to change this behavior.");


                AllUnityFiles = CPPUnityFileBuilder.GetUnityFiles();

            // Create a set of CPP files that combine smaller CPP files into larger compilation units, along with the corresponding
            // actions to compile them.
            int CurrentUnityFileCount = 0;

            foreach (FileCollection UnityFile in AllUnityFiles)

                StringWriter OutputUnityCPPWriter = new StringWriter();

                OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("// This file is automatically generated at compile-time to include some subset of the user-created cpp files.");

                // Add source files to the unity file
                foreach (FileItem CPPFile in UnityFile.Files)
                    OutputUnityCPPWriter.WriteLine("#include \"{0}\"", CPPFile.AbsolutePath.Replace('\\', '/'));

                // Determine unity file path name
                string UnityCPPFileName;
                if (AllUnityFiles.Count > 1)
                    UnityCPPFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.{2}_of_{3}.cpp", ModulePrefix, BaseName, CurrentUnityFileCount, AllUnityFiles.Count);
                    UnityCPPFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.cpp", ModulePrefix, BaseName);
                FileReference UnityCPPFilePath = FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDirectory, UnityCPPFileName);

                // Write the unity file to the intermediate folder.
                FileItem UnityCPPFile = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(UnityCPPFilePath, OutputUnityCPPWriter.ToString());

                // Store the mapping of source files to unity files in the makefile
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in UnityFile.Files)
                    SourceFileToUnityFile[SourceFile] = UnityCPPFile;
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in UnityFile.VirtualFiles)
                    SourceFileToUnityFile[SourceFile] = UnityCPPFile;

        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> InputFiles, DirectoryReference OutputDir, string ModuleName, List <Action> Actions)
            // Preprocess the source files with the regular toolchain
            CppCompileEnvironment PreprocessCompileEnvironment = new CppCompileEnvironment(CompileEnvironment);

            PreprocessCompileEnvironment.bPreprocessOnly = true;
            PreprocessCompileEnvironment.bEnableUndefinedIdentifierWarnings = false;             // Not sure why THIRD_PARTY_INCLUDES_START doesn't pick this up; the _Pragma appears in the preprocessed output. Perhaps in preprocess-only mode the compiler doesn't respect these?

            List <Action> PreprocessActions = new List <Action>();
            CPPOutput     Result            = InnerToolChain.CompileCPPFiles(PreprocessCompileEnvironment, InputFiles, OutputDir, ModuleName, PreprocessActions);


            // Run the source files through PVS-Studio
            foreach (Action PreprocessAction in PreprocessActions)
                if (PreprocessAction.ActionType != ActionType.Compile)

                FileItem SourceFileItem = PreprocessAction.PrerequisiteItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HasExtension(".c") || x.HasExtension(".cc") || x.HasExtension(".cpp"));
                if (SourceFileItem == null)
                    Log.TraceWarning("Unable to find source file from command: {0} {1}", PreprocessAction.CommandArguments);

                FileItem PreprocessedFileItem = PreprocessAction.ProducedItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HasExtension(".i"));
                if (PreprocessedFileItem == null)
                    Log.TraceWarning("Unable to find preprocessed output file from command: {0} {1}", PreprocessAction.CommandArguments);

                // Disable a few warnings that seem to come from the preprocessor not respecting _Pragma
                PreprocessAction.CommandArguments += " /wd4005";                 // macro redefinition
                PreprocessAction.CommandArguments += " /wd4828";                 // file contains a character starting at offset xxxx that is illegal in the current source character set

                // Write the PVS studio config file
                StringBuilder ConfigFileContents = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in Target.WindowsPlatform.Environment.IncludePaths)
                    ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path={0}\n", IncludePath.FullName);
                if (ApplicationSettings != null && ApplicationSettings.PathMasks != null)
                    foreach (string PathMask in ApplicationSettings.PathMasks)
                        if (PathMask.Contains(":") || PathMask.Contains("\\") || PathMask.Contains("/"))
                            if (Path.IsPathRooted(PathMask) && !PathMask.Contains(":"))
                                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path=*{0}*\n", PathMask);
                                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path={0}\n", PathMask);
                if (Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
                else if (Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32)
                    throw new BuildException("PVS-Studio does not support this platform");
                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("i-file={0}\n", PreprocessedFileItem.Location.FullName);

                string BaseFileName = PreprocessedFileItem.Location.GetFileNameWithoutExtension();

                FileReference ConfigFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".cfg");
                FileItem      ConfigFileItem     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ConfigFileLocation, ConfigFileContents.ToString());

                // Run the analzyer on the preprocessed source file
                FileReference OutputFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".pvslog");
                FileItem      OutputFileItem     = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(OutputFileLocation);

                Action AnalyzeAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);
                AnalyzeAction.CommandDescription = "Analyzing";
                AnalyzeAction.StatusDescription  = BaseFileName;
                AnalyzeAction.WorkingDirectory   = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandPath        = AnalyzerFile;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments   = String.Format("--cl-params \"{0}\" --source-file \"{1}\" --output-file \"{2}\" --cfg \"{3}\" --analysis-mode 4", PreprocessAction.CommandArguments, SourceFileItem.AbsolutePath, OutputFileLocation, ConfigFileItem.AbsolutePath);
                if (LicenseFile != null)
                    AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments += String.Format(" --lic-file \"{0}\"", LicenseFile);
                AnalyzeAction.DeleteItems.Add(OutputFileItem);                 // PVS Studio will append by default, so need to delete produced items
