Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Protected constructor. Used by TVOSProjectSettings.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ProjectFile">The project file to read settings for</param>
 /// <param name="Platform">The platform to read settings for</param>
 /// <param name="Bundle">Bundle identifier needed when project file is empty</param>
 protected IOSProjectSettings(FileReference ProjectFile, UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, string Bundle)
     this.ProjectFile = ProjectFile;
     ConfigCache.ReadSettings(DirectoryReference.FromFile(ProjectFile), Platform, this);
     if ((ProjectFile == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProjectFile.FullName)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Bundle))
         BundleIdentifier = Bundle;
     BundleIdentifier = BundleIdentifier.Replace("[PROJECT_NAME]", ((ProjectFile != null) ? ProjectFile.GetFileNameWithoutAnyExtensions() : "UE4Game")).Replace("_", "");
Esempio n. 2
        public override void ValidateTarget(TargetRules Target)
            // WindowsTargetRules are reused for HoloLens, so that build modules can keep the model that reuses "windows" configs for most cases
            // That means overriding those settings here that need to be adjusted for HoloLens

            // Compiler version and pix flags must be reloaded from the HoloLens hive

            // Currently BP-only projects don't load build-related settings from their remote ini when building UE4Game.exe
            // (see TargetRules.cs, where the possibly-null project directory is passed to ConfigCache.ReadSettings).
            // It's important for HoloLens that we *do* use the project-specific settings when building (VS 2017 vs 2015 and
            // retail Windows Store are both examples).  Possibly this should be done on all platforms?  But in the interest
            // of not changing behavior on other platforms I'm limiting the scope.

            DirectoryReference IniDirRef = DirectoryReference.FromFile(Target.ProjectFile);

            if (IniDirRef == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UnrealBuildTool.GetRemoteIniPath()))
                IniDirRef = new DirectoryReference(UnrealBuildTool.GetRemoteIniPath());

            // Stash the current compiler choice (accounts for command line) in case ReadSettings reverts it to default
            WindowsCompiler CompilerBeforeReadSettings = Target.HoloLensPlatform.Compiler;

            ConfigCache.ReadSettings(IniDirRef, Platform, Target.HoloLensPlatform);

            if (Target.HoloLensPlatform.Compiler == WindowsCompiler.Default)
                if (CompilerBeforeReadSettings != WindowsCompiler.Default)
                    // Previous setting was more specific, use that
                    Target.HoloLensPlatform.Compiler = CompilerBeforeReadSettings;
                    Target.HoloLensPlatform.Compiler = WindowsPlatform.GetDefaultCompiler(Target.ProjectFile);

            if (!Target.bGenerateProjectFiles)
                Log.TraceInformationOnce("Using {0} architecture for deploying to HoloLens device", Target.HoloLensPlatform.Architecture);

            Target.WindowsPlatform.Compiler             = Target.HoloLensPlatform.Compiler;
            Target.WindowsPlatform.Architecture         = Target.HoloLensPlatform.Architecture;
            Target.WindowsPlatform.bPixProfilingEnabled = Target.HoloLensPlatform.bPixProfilingEnabled;
            Target.WindowsPlatform.bUseWindowsSDK10     = true;

            Target.bDeployAfterCompile = true;
            Target.bCompileNvCloth     = false;              // requires CUDA

            // Disable Simplygon support if compiling against the NULL RHI.
            if (Target.GlobalDefinitions.Contains("USE_NULL_RHI=1"))
                Target.bCompileSpeedTree = false;

            // Use shipping binaries to avoid dependency on nvToolsExt which fails WACK.
            if (Target.Configuration == UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping)
                Target.bUseShippingPhysXLibraries = true;

            // Be resilient to SDKs being uninstalled but still referenced in the INI file
            VersionNumber      SelectedWindowsSdkVersion;
            DirectoryReference SelectedWindowsSdkDir;

            if (!WindowsPlatform.TryGetWindowsSdkDir(Target.HoloLensPlatform.Win10SDKVersionString, out SelectedWindowsSdkVersion, out SelectedWindowsSdkDir))
                Target.HoloLensPlatform.Win10SDKVersionString = "Latest";

            // Initialize the VC environment for the target, and set all the version numbers to the concrete values we chose.
            VCEnvironment Environment = VCEnvironment.Create(Target.WindowsPlatform.Compiler, Platform, Target.WindowsPlatform.Architecture, Target.WindowsPlatform.CompilerVersion, Target.HoloLensPlatform.Win10SDKVersionString, null);

            Target.WindowsPlatform.Environment       = Environment;
            Target.WindowsPlatform.Compiler          = Environment.Compiler;
            Target.WindowsPlatform.CompilerVersion   = Environment.CompilerVersion.ToString();
            Target.WindowsPlatform.WindowsSdkVersion = Environment.WindowsSdkVersion.ToString();

            // Windows 10 SDK version
            // Auto-detect latest compatible by default (recommended), allow for explicit override if necessary
            // Validate that the SDK isn't too old, and that the combination of VS and SDK is supported.

            Target.HoloLensPlatform.Win10SDKVersion = new Version(Environment.WindowsSdkVersion.ToString());

            if (!Target.bGenerateProjectFiles)
                Log.TraceInformationOnce("Building using Windows SDK version {0} for HoloLens", Target.HoloLensPlatform.Win10SDKVersion);

                if (Target.HoloLensPlatform.Win10SDKVersion < MinimumSDKVersionRecommended)
                    Log.TraceWarning("Your Windows SDK version {0} is older than the minimum recommended version ({1}) for HoloLens.  Consider upgrading.", Target.HoloLensPlatform.Win10SDKVersion, MinimumSDKVersionRecommended);
                else if (Target.HoloLensPlatform.Win10SDKVersion > MaximumSDKVersionTested)
                    Log.TraceInformationOnce("Your Windows SDK version ({0}) for HoloLens is newer than the highest tested with this version of UBT ({1}).  This is probably fine, but if you encounter issues consider using an earlier SDK.", Target.HoloLensPlatform.Win10SDKVersion, MaximumSDKVersionTested);
