Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 ///     Constructor object for the Create Stars
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s">Our StarSystem</param>
 /// <param name="d">The Ddice we use</param>
 /// <param name="p">System Generation</param>
 public CreateStars( StarSystem s, Dice d, SystemGeneration p )
     VelvetBag = d;
     OurSystem = s;
     SystemParent = p;
Esempio n. 2
        public static int GenNumOfStars( Dice ourDice )
            //if there's an override in, autoreturn it.
            //if (OptionCont.numStarOverride) return OptionCont.numStars;

            var roll = ourDice.GurpsRoll();

            if (OptionCont.InOpenCluster)
                roll = roll + 3;

            roll = (int) Math.Floor(( roll - 1 ) / 5.0);

            //logic bugs.
            if (roll < 1)
                roll = 1;
            if (roll > 3)
                roll = 3;

            return roll;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     The constructor object for this form
        /// </summary>
        public CreatePlanets( StarSystem o, Dice d, SystemGeneration p )
            OParent = p;
            VelvetBag = d;
            OurSystem = o;

Esempio n. 4
        public static string SetColor( Dice ourDice, double effTemp )
            if ((bool) !OptionCont.FantasyColors)
                if (effTemp >= 33000)
                    return "Blue";
                if (effTemp >= 10000 && effTemp < 33000)
                    return "Blue-White";
                if (effTemp >= 7500 && effTemp < 10000)
                    return "Whitish Blue";
                if (effTemp >= 6000 && effTemp < 7500)
                    return "White";
                if (effTemp >= 5200 && effTemp < 6000)
                    return "Yellow";
                if (effTemp >= 4250 && effTemp < 5200)
                    return "Yellowish Orange";
                if (effTemp >= 3700 && effTemp < 4250)
                    return "Orange";
                if (effTemp >= 2000 && effTemp < 3700)
                    return "Orangish Red";
                if (effTemp >= 1300 && effTemp < 2000)
                    return "Red";
                if (effTemp >= 700 && effTemp < 1300)
                    return "Purplish Red";
                if (effTemp >= 100 && effTemp < 700)
                    return "Brown";
                if (effTemp < 100)
                    return "Black";
                var roll = ourDice.Rng(100019);
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 0, 10))
                    return "Black";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 11, 531))
                    return "Green";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 532, 952))
                    return "Yellow-Green";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 953, 6057))
                    return "Red-Orange";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 6058, 6835))
                    return "Blue";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 6836, 11940))
                    return "Purple-Red";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 11941, 23948))
                    return "Red";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 23949, 49960))
                    return "Yellow";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 49961, 75972))
                    return "Orange";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 75973, 87980))
                    return "Yellow-Orange";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 87981, 93085))
                    return "Blue-White";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 93086, 93763))
                    return "White";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 93764, 98868))
                    return "White-Blue";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 98869, 99289))
                    return "Green-Blue";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 99290, 99710))
                    return "Blue-Violet";
                if (LibStarGen.Inbetween(roll, 99711, 100019))
                    return "Purple";

            return "ERROR";
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        ///     This function rolls for mass on a star.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="velvetBag">The Ddice object</param>
        /// <param name="orderId">The order ID of the star</param>
        /// <param name="maxMass">the maximum mass. Has a default value of 0.0, indicating no max mass (may be left out)</param>
        /// <returns>The rolled mass of a star</returns>
        public static double RollStellarMass( Dice velvetBag, int orderId, double maxMass = 0.0 )
            int rollA; //roll integers

            if (Math.Abs(maxMass) < 0.0)
                if (!(bool) !OptionCont.StellarMassRangeSet)
                    return velvetBag.RollInRange(OptionCont.MinStellarMass, OptionCont.MaxStellarMass);
                if (OptionCont.ForceGardenFavorable != null && ( orderId != Star.IsPrimary || !(bool) OptionCont.ForceGardenFavorable ))
                    return Star.GetMassByRoll(velvetBag.GurpsRoll(), velvetBag.GurpsRoll());
                rollA = velvetBag.Rng(6);
                if (rollA == 1)
                    rollA = 5;
                if (rollA == 2)
                    rollA = 6;
                if (rollA == 3 || rollA == 4)
                    rollA = 7;
                if (rollA == 5 || rollA == 6)
                    rollA = 8;

                return Star.GetMassByRoll(rollA, velvetBag.GurpsRoll());

            var currPos = Star.GetStellarMassPos(maxMass);

            //error bound checking. The entire program is kinda predicated aroudn the idea you won't have this happen.
            //IF IT DOES, then do the simple method.
            if (currPos == -1)
                double tmpRoll; //test value.
                    tmpRoll = Star.GetMassByRoll(velvetBag.GurpsRoll(), velvetBag.GurpsRoll());
                while (tmpRoll > maxMass);

                return tmpRoll;

            //else, roll for the new index.
            rollA = velvetBag.GurpsRoll();
            var rollB = velvetBag.Rng(rollA, 6); //roll integers

            //get the new index
            if (currPos - rollB <= 0)
                currPos = 0;
                currPos = currPos - rollB;

            return Star.GetMassByIndex(currPos);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        ///     This function generates a random age per GURPS Space 4e rules.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ourDice">The Ddice this rolls</param>
        /// <returns>The system age</returns>
        public static double GenSystemAge( Dice ourDice )
            //get first roll
            var roll = ourDice.GurpsRoll();

            if (OptionCont.GetSystemAge() != -1)
                return OptionCont.GetSystemAge();

            if (roll == 3)
                return 0.01;
            if (roll >= 4 && roll <= 6)
                return .1 + ourDice.Rng(1, 6, -1) * .3 + ourDice.Rng(1, 6, -1) * .05;
            if (roll >= 7 && roll <= 10)
                return 2 + ourDice.Rng(1, 6, -1) * .6 + ourDice.Rng(1, 6, -1) * .1;
            if (roll >= 11 && roll <= 14)
                return 5.6 + ourDice.Rng(1, 6, -1) * .6 + ourDice.Rng(1, 6, -1) * .1;
            if (roll >= 15 && roll <= 17)
                return 8 + ourDice.Rng(1, 6, -1) * .6 + ourDice.Rng(1, 6, -1) * .1;
            if (roll == 18)
                return 10 + ourDice.Rng(1, 6, -1) * .6 + ourDice.Rng(1, 6, -1) * .1;

            return 13.8;
Esempio n. 7
 private Suspicions DetermineSuspicion()
     var suspicion = Suspicions.None;
     var dice = new Dice();
     var roll1 = dice.Rng(6);
     var roll2 = dice.Rng(6);
     var roll = roll1 - roll2;
     if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.PouncingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.ChasingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.HijackingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.TrappingCarnivore)
         roll -= 1;
     if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.GrazingHerbivore)
         roll += 1;
     if (Vision == Visions.Blindness || Vision == Visions.BlindnessSoft)
         roll += 1;
     if (SizeClass == SizeClasses.Large)
         roll -= 1;
     if (SizeClass == SizeClasses.Small)
         roll += 1;
     if (SocialOrganization == SocialOrganizations.Solitary || SocialOrganization == SocialOrganizations.PairBonded)
         roll += 1;
     if (roll >= 3)
         suspicion = Suspicions.VeryFearfull;
     if (roll <= -3)
         suspicion = Suspicions.ExtremlyFearless;
     switch (roll)
         case 2:
             suspicion = Suspicions.Fearfulness;
         case 1:
             suspicion = Suspicions.Careful;
         case 0:
             suspicion = Suspicions.Normal;
         case -1:
             suspicion = Suspicions.Fearlessness;
         case -2:
             suspicion = Suspicions.VeryFearless;
     return suspicion;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates a satellite for tidal lock
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The satelite </param>
        /// <param name="ourBag">Our Ddice object</param>
        private static void UpdateTidalLock( Satellite s, Dice ourBag )
            var atmDesc = s.GetAtmCategory();

            if (atmDesc == Satellite.AtmPresNone || atmDesc == Satellite.AtmPresTrace)
                s.HydCoverage = 0.0;
                s.DayFaceMod = 1.2;
                s.NightFaceMod = .1;

            if (atmDesc == Satellite.AtmPresVerythin)
                s.HydCoverage = 0.0;
                s.DayFaceMod = 1.2;
                s.NightFaceMod = .1;

            if (atmDesc == Satellite.AtmPresThin)
                s.UpdateAtmPres(ourBag.RollRange(.01, .49));

                s.HydCoverage = s.HydCoverage - .5;
                if (s.HydCoverage < 0)
                    s.HydCoverage = 0.0;

                s.DayFaceMod = 1.16;
                s.NightFaceMod = .67;

            if (atmDesc == Satellite.AtmPresStandard)
                s.HydCoverage = s.HydCoverage - .25;
                if (s.HydCoverage < 0)
                    s.HydCoverage = 0.0;

                s.DayFaceMod = 1.12;
                s.NightFaceMod = .80;

            if (atmDesc == Satellite.AtmPresDense)
                s.HydCoverage = s.HydCoverage - .1;
                if (s.HydCoverage < 0)
                    s.HydCoverage = 0.0;
                s.DayFaceMod = 1.09;
                s.NightFaceMod = .88;

            if (atmDesc == Satellite.AtmPresVerydense)
                s.DayFaceMod = 1.05;
                s.NightFaceMod = .95;

            if (atmDesc != Satellite.AtmPresSuperdense)
            s.DayFaceMod = 1.0;
            s.NightFaceMod = 1.0;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        ///     This function fills in the details of the star.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The star to be filled in</param>
        /// <param name="ourDice">The Ddice object used</param>
        /// <param name="maxMass">Max mass of the system</param>
        /// <param name="sysName">The name of the system</param>
        public static void GenerateAStar( Star s, Dice ourDice, double maxMass, string sysName )
            //check mass first - if unset, set it.
            if (Math.Abs(s.CurrMass) < 0)
                s.UpdateMass(s.OrderId == Star.IsPrimary ? RollStellarMass(ourDice, s.OrderId) : RollStellarMass(ourDice, s.OrderId, maxMass));

            //if we are in the white dwarf branch, reroll mass.
            if (s.EvoLine.FindCurrentAgeGroup(s.StarAge) == StarAgeLine.RetCollaspedstar)
                s.UpdateMass(ourDice.RollInRange(0.9, 1.4), true);

            //set the generic name
            s.Name = Star.GenGenericName(sysName, s.OrderId);

            //initalize the luminosity first, then update it given the current age, status and mass.
            s.CurrLumin = Star.GetCurrLumin(s.EvoLine, s.StarAge, s.CurrMass);

            //determine the temperature
            s.EffTemp = Star.GetInitTemp(s.CurrMass);
            s.EffTemp = Star.GetCurrentTemp(s.EvoLine, s.CurrLumin, s.StarAge, s.CurrMass, ourDice);

            //DERIVED STATS: RADIUS, Spectral Type
            s.Radius = Star.GetRadius(s.CurrMass, s.EffTemp, s.CurrLumin, s.EvoLine.FindCurrentAgeGroup(s.StarAge));
            s.StarColor = Star.SetColor(ourDice, s.EffTemp);

            //set flare status.
            SetFlareStatus(s, ourDice);

            //end this here. We will hand orbital mechanics elsewhere.
Esempio n. 10
        private Visions DetermineVision()
            var vision = Visions.None;
            var dice = new Dice();
            var roll = dice.GurpsRoll();
            if (PrimarySense == PrimarySenses.Vision)
                roll += 4;
            if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Digging)
                roll -= 4;
            if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Climbing || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Climbing)
                roll += 2;
            if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Wingedflight || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Wingedflight)
                roll += 3;
            if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Immobile || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Immobile)
                roll -= 4;
            if (WaterHabitat == WaterHabitats.DeepOceanVents)
                roll -= 4;
            if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.FilterFeeder)
                roll -= 2;
            if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.ChasingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.HijackingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.TrappingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.PouncingCarnivore ||
                TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.GatheringHerbivore)
                roll += 2;

            if (roll <= 6)
                vision = Visions.Blindness;
            switch (roll)
                case 7:
                    vision = Visions.BlindnessSoft;
                case 8:
                case 9:
                    vision = Visions.BadSightColorblind;
                case 10:
                case 11:
                    vision = Visions.BadSight;
                case 12:
                case 13:
                case 14:
                    vision = Visions.Normal;
                case 15:
                case 16:
                case 17:
                case 18:
                case 19:
                case 20:
                case 21:
                case 22:
                case 23:
                    vision = Visions.TelescopicVision;
            return vision;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Determines RVM, and geologic values for a satelite
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The satelite</param>
        /// <param name="ourBag">Ddice object</param>
        /// <param name="sysAge">System Age</param>
        /// <param name="isGasGiantMoon">Is this a moon of a gas giant?</param>
        private static void DetermineGeologicValues( Satellite s, Dice ourBag, double sysAge, bool isGasGiantMoon )
            //volcanic set first.
            var addVal = s.Gravity / sysAge * 40;

            if (s.MajorMoons.Count == 1)
                addVal = addVal + 5;
            if (s.MajorMoons.Count == 2)
                addVal = addVal + 10;

            if (s.SatelliteType == Satellite.SubtypeSulfur)
                addVal = addVal + 60;
            if (isGasGiantMoon)
                addVal = addVal + 5;

            var roll = ourBag.GurpsRoll();

            addVal = addVal + roll;

            if (addVal <= 16.5)
                s.VolActivity = Satellite.GeologicNone;
            if (addVal > 16.5 && addVal <= 20.5)
                s.VolActivity = Satellite.GeologicLight;
            if (addVal > 20.5 && addVal <= 26.5)
                s.VolActivity = Satellite.GeologicModerate;
            if (addVal > 26.5 && addVal <= 70.5)
                s.VolActivity = Satellite.GeologicHeavy;
            if (addVal > 70.5)
                s.VolActivity = Satellite.GeologicExtreme;

            roll = ourBag.GurpsRoll();
            if (s.VolActivity == Satellite.GeologicHeavy && s.SatelliteType == Satellite.SubtypeGarden && roll <= 8)
                roll = ourBag.Rng(6);
                if (roll <= 3)
                if (roll >= 4)

            roll = ourBag.GurpsRoll();
            if (s.VolActivity == Satellite.GeologicExtreme && s.SatelliteType == Satellite.SubtypeGarden && roll <= 14)
                roll = ourBag.Rng(6);
                if (roll <= 3)
                if (roll >= 4)

            //tectonic next
            roll = ourBag.GurpsRoll();

            //negative mods
            if (Math.Abs(s.HydCoverage) < 0)
                roll = roll - 4;
            if (s.HydCoverage > 0 && s.HydCoverage < .5)
                roll = roll - 2;
            if (s.VolActivity == Satellite.GeologicNone)
                roll = roll - 8;
            if (s.VolActivity == Satellite.GeologicLight)
                roll = roll - 4;

            //postive mods
            if (s.VolActivity == Satellite.GeologicHeavy)
                roll = roll + 4;
            if (s.VolActivity == Satellite.GeologicExtreme)
                roll = roll + 8;
            if (s.MajorMoons.Count == 1)
                roll = roll + 2;
            if (s.MajorMoons.Count > 1)
                roll = roll + 4;

            if (s.SatelliteSize == Satellite.SizeTiny)
                roll = 0;
            if (s.SatelliteSize == Satellite.SizeSmall)
                roll = 0;

            if (roll <= 6.5)
                s.TecActivity = Satellite.GeologicNone;
            if (roll > 6.5 && roll <= 10.5)
                s.TecActivity = Satellite.GeologicLight;
            if (roll > 10.5 && roll <= 14.5)
                s.TecActivity = Satellite.GeologicModerate;
            if (roll > 14.5 && roll <= 18.5)
                s.TecActivity = Satellite.GeologicHeavy;
            if (roll > 18.5)
                s.TecActivity = Satellite.GeologicExtreme;

            //update RVM
            if ((bool) !OptionCont.HighRvmVal)
                roll = ourBag.GurpsRoll();
            if (OptionCont.HighRvmVal != null && (bool) OptionCont.HighRvmVal)
                roll = ourBag.Rng(1, 6, 10);

            if (s.VolActivity == Satellite.GeologicNone)
                roll = roll - 2;
            if (s.VolActivity == Satellite.GeologicLight)
                roll = roll - 1;
            if (s.VolActivity == Satellite.GeologicHeavy)
                roll = roll + 1;
            if (s.VolActivity == Satellite.GeologicExtreme)
                roll = roll + 2;

            if (s.BaseType == Satellite.BasetypeAsteroidbelt)
                if (s.SatelliteSize == Satellite.SizeTiny)
                    roll = roll - 1;
                if (s.SatelliteSize == Satellite.SizeMedium)
                    roll = roll + 2;
                if (s.SatelliteSize == Satellite.SizeLarge)
                    roll = roll + 4;

            //set stable activity here:
            if (OptionCont.StableActivity != null && ( (bool) OptionCont.StableActivity && s.SatelliteSize >= Satellite.SizeSmall && ( s.BaseType == Satellite.BasetypeMoon || s.BaseType == Satellite.BasetypeTerrestial ) ))
                s.VolActivity = Satellite.GeologicModerate;
                s.TecActivity = Satellite.GeologicModerate;

Esempio n. 12
        private Temperatures DetermineTemperature()
            var temperature = Temperatures.None;
            var dice = new Dice();
            var roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);

            if (Breathing == BreathingMethods.Lungs)
                roll += 1;
            if (Breathing == BreathingMethods.Gills)
                roll -= 1;
            if (SizeClass == SizeClasses.HumanScale || SizeClass == SizeClasses.Large)
                roll += 1;
            if (LandOrWater == LandWater.Land)
                roll += 1;
            if (LandHabitat == LandHabitats.Woodlands || LandHabitat == LandHabitats.Mountain)
                roll += 1;
            if (LandHabitat == LandHabitats.Arctic)
                roll += 2;

            switch (roll)
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                    temperature = Temperatures.ColdBloodedwithDis;
                    //TODO: Add Cold-Blooded Disadvantage
                case 5:
                case 6:
                    temperature = Temperatures.ColdBlooded;
                case 7:
                    temperature = Temperatures.PartialRegulations;
                case 8:
                case 9:
                    temperature = Temperatures.WarmBlooded;
                case 10:
                case 11:
                case 12:
                case 13:
                case 14:
                case 15:
                case 16:
                case 17:
                    temperature = Temperatures.WarmBloodedMetabolism;
                    //TODO: Add Metabolism Control
            return temperature;
Esempio n. 13
 private Touches DetermineTouch()
     var touch = Touches.None;
     var dice = new Dice();
     var roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
     if (PrimarySense == PrimarySenses.TouchTaste)
         roll += 4;
     if (Skeleton == Skeletons.External)
         roll -= 2;
     if (LandOrWater == LandWater.Water)
         roll += 2;
     if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Digging || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Digging)
         roll += 2;
     if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Wingedflight || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Wingedflight)
         roll -= 2;
     if (Vision == Visions.Blindness || Vision == Visions.BlindnessSoft)
         roll += 2;
     if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.TrappingCarnivore)
         roll += 1;
     if (SizeClass == SizeClasses.Small)
         roll += 1;
     if (roll <= 2)
         touch = Touches.Numb;
     switch (roll)
         case 3:
         case 4:
             touch = Touches.Minus2PoorSense;
         case 5:
         case 6:
             touch = Touches.Minus1PoorSense;
         case 7:
         case 8:
             touch = Touches.Normal;
         case 9:
         case 10:
             touch = Touches.Acute;
         case 11:
         case 12:
         case 13:
         case 14:
         case 15:
         case 16:
         case 17:
         case 18:
             touch = Touches.AcutePlusSensitive;
     return touch;
Esempio n. 14
 private TasteSmells DetermineTasteSmell()
     var tastesmell = TasteSmells.None;
     var dice = new Dice();
     var roll = dice.Rng(2, 6) + 2;
     if (PrimarySense == PrimarySenses.TouchTaste)
         roll += 4;
     if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.ChasingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.GatheringHerbivore)
         roll += 2;
     if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.FilterFeeder || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.TrappingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.AutothrophPhotosynthetic || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.AutothrophChemosynthetic ||
         TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.AutothrophOther)
         roll -= 2;
     if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Immobile || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Immobile)
         roll -= 4;
     if (roll <= 3)
         tastesmell = TasteSmells.NoTasteSmell;
     switch (roll)
         case 4:
         case 5:
             tastesmell = TasteSmells.NoSmell;
         case 6:
         case 7:
         case 8:
             tastesmell = TasteSmells.Normal;
         case 9:
         case 10:
             tastesmell = TasteSmells.Acute;
         case 11:
         case 12:
         case 13:
         case 14:
         case 15:
         case 16:
             tastesmell = TasteSmells.AcutePlusDisciminatory;
     return tastesmell;
Esempio n. 15
 private Tails DetermineTail()
     var tail = Tails.None;
     var taildice = new Dice();
     var roll = taildice.Rng(6);
     if (Symmetry == Symmetries.Spherical)
         return Tails.None;
     if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Swimming || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Swimming)
         roll += 1;
     if (roll >= 5)
         var dice = new Dice();
         roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
         switch (roll)
             case 2:
             case 3:
             case 4:
             case 5:
                 tail = Tails.FeatureLess;
                 //TODO: Add 0-Point Advantage/Feature.(Has no Gameplay Effect)
             case 6:
                 tail = Tails.Striker;
             case 7:
                 tail = Tails.Long;
                 //TODO: Long enhancement
             case 8:
                 tail = Tails.Constricting;
             case 9:
                 tail = Tails.Barbed;
             case 10:
                 tail = Tails.Gripping;
             case 11:
                 tail = Tails.Branching;
             case 12:
                 tail = Tails.Combination;
         tail = Tails.None;
     return tail;
Esempio n. 16
        private Symmetries DetermineSymmetry()
            var symmetry = Symmetries.None;
            var dice = new Dice();
            var roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);

            if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Immobile || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Immobile)
                roll += 1;

            if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Floating || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Floating)
                roll += 1;

            switch (roll)
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                case 5:
                case 6:
                case 7:
                    symmetry = Symmetries.Bilateral;
                case 8:
                    symmetry = Symmetries.Trilateral;
                case 9:
                    symmetry = Symmetries.Radial;
                case 10:
                    symmetry = Symmetries.Spherical;
                case 11:
                case 12:
                case 13:
                case 14:
                    symmetry = Symmetries.Asymmetric;
            return symmetry;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        ///     This sets the flare status of a star
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The star we're setting for</param>
        /// <param name="ourDice">The Ddice object we use.</param>
        public static void SetFlareStatus( Star s, Dice ourDice )
            var roll = ourDice.GurpsRoll();
            var limit = 12;
            var massLimit = .45;

            if (OptionCont.AnyStarFlareStar)
                massLimit = 11;
            if (OptionCont.MoreFlareStarChance != null && (bool) OptionCont.MoreFlareStarChance)
                limit = 9;

            if (roll >= limit && s.CurrMass <= massLimit)
                s.IsFlareStar = true;
Esempio n. 18
 private WaterHabitats DetermineWaterHabitat()
     var dice = new Dice();
     var roll = dice.GurpsRoll();
     var hab = WaterHabitats.None;
     switch (roll)
         case 3:
         case 4:
         case 5:
         case 6:
         case 7:
             hab = WaterHabitats.Banks;
         case 8:
             hab = WaterHabitats.OpenOcean;
         case 9:
             hab = WaterHabitats.FreshWaterLakes;
         case 10:
             hab = WaterHabitats.RiverStream;
         case 11:
             hab = WaterHabitats.TropicalLagoon;
         case 12:
             hab = WaterHabitats.DeepOceanVents;
         case 13:
             hab = WaterHabitats.SaltWaterSea;
         case 14:
         case 15:
         case 16:
         case 17:
         case 18:
             hab = WaterHabitats.Reef;
     return hab;
Esempio n. 19
        private static void CalcEccentricity( Dice ourDice, Star s )
            var modifiers = 0; //reset the thing.

            if (OptionCont.LessStellarEccent)
                //now we generate eccentricities
                if (s.OrbitalSep == Star.OrbsepVeryclose)
                    modifiers = modifiers - 10; //Very Close
                if (s.OrbitalSep == Star.OrbsepClose)
                    modifiers = modifiers - 6; //Close
                if (s.OrbitalSep == Star.OrbsepModerate)
                    modifiers = modifiers - 2; //Moderate
                if (s.OrbitalSep == Star.OrbsepVeryclose)
                    modifiers = modifiers - 6; //Very Close
                if (s.OrbitalSep == Star.OrbsepClose)
                    modifiers = modifiers - 4; //Close
                if (s.OrbitalSep == Star.OrbsepModerate)
                    modifiers = modifiers - 2; //Moderate

            var roll = ourDice.GurpsRoll(modifiers);
            Star.GenerateEccentricity(roll, s);

            if (OptionCont.ForceVeryLowStellarEccent)
                if (s.OrbitalEccent > .2)
                    s.OrbitalEccent = .1;
                if (s.OrbitalEccent > .1 && s.OrbitalEccent < .2)
                    s.OrbitalEccent = .05;
Esempio n. 20
        private List<SpecialSenses> DetermineSpecialSenses()
            var specialsenses = new List<SpecialSenses>();
            var dice = new Dice();
            var roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            //TODO: Add All the Advantages
            //360 Vision
            if (LandHabitat == LandHabitats.Plains || LandHabitat == LandHabitats.Desert)
                roll += 1;
            if (Symmetry == Symmetries.Radial || Symmetry == Symmetries.Spherical)
                roll += 1;
            if (roll >= 11)

            //Absolute Direction
            roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            if (WaterHabitat == WaterHabitats.OpenOcean)
                roll += 1;
            if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Wingedflight || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Wingedflight)
                roll += 1;
            if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Digging || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Digging)
                roll += 1;
            if (roll >= 11)

            //Discriminatory Hearing
            roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            if (Hearing == Hearings.AcutePlusSubSonicAndSonar)
                roll += 2;
            if (roll >= 11)

            //Peripheral Vision
            roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            if (LandHabitat == LandHabitats.Plains || LandHabitat == LandHabitats.Desert)
                roll += 1;
            if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.GatheringHerbivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.GrazingHerbivore)
                roll += 2;
            if (roll >= 10 && roll <= 12)

            //Night Vision
            roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            if (LandOrWater == LandWater.Water)
                roll += 2;
            if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.PouncingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.ChasingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.TrappingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.HijackingCarnivore)
                roll += 2;
            if (roll >= 11)

            roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            if (roll >= 11 && LandOrWater != LandWater.Water && ChemicalBase != ChemicalBasis.Ammonia)

            //Detect (Heat)
            roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.PouncingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.ChasingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.TrappingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.HijackingCarnivore)
                roll += 1;
            if (LandHabitat == LandHabitats.Arctic)
                roll += 1;
            if (roll >= 11 && LandOrWater != LandWater.Water)

            //Detect (Electric Fields)
            roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.PouncingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.ChasingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.TrappingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.HijackingCarnivore)
                roll += 1;
            if (roll >= 11 && LandOrWater != LandWater.Land)

            //Perfect Balance
            roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            if (PrimaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Climbing || SecondaryLocomotion == Locomotions.Climbing)
                roll += 2;
            if (LandHabitat == LandHabitats.Mountain)
                roll += 1;
            if (Gravity <= 0.50)
                roll -= 1;
            if (Gravity >= 1.50)
                roll += 1;
            if (roll >= 11 && LandOrWater == LandWater.Land)
            //Scanning Sense (Radar)
            roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            if (roll >= 11 && SizeClass != SizeClasses.Small && LandOrWater != LandWater.Water)
            return specialsenses;
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        ///     This places our stars around the primary, as well as creating the secondary stars if called for
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ourSystem">The star system to be added to.</param>
        /// <param name="velvetBag">Our Ddice object.</param>
        private static void PlaceOurStars( StarSystem ourSystem, Dice velvetBag )
            //initiate the variables we need to ensure distances are kept
            var maxOrbitalDistance = 600.0;
            var starLimit = ourSystem.SysStars.Count;
            for (var i = 1; i < starLimit; i++)
                var modifiers = 0;
                var minOrbitalDistance = ourSystem.SysStars[i - 1].OrbitalRadius;

                //set the min and max conditions for the first star here.
                int roll;
                double tempVal;
                if (ourSystem.SysStars[i].ParentId == 0 || ourSystem.SysStars[i].ParentId == Star.IsPrimary)
                    //apply modifiers
                    if (ourSystem.SysStars[i].SelfId == Star.IsTrinary)
                        modifiers = modifiers + 6;
                    if (OptionCont.ForceGardenFavorable != null)
                        if ((bool) OptionCont.ForceGardenFavorable && ourSystem.SysStars[i].ParentId == Star.IsPrimary)
                            modifiers = modifiers + 4;

                    if (minOrbitalDistance == 600.0)
                        //in this situation, orbital 3 or so can't be safely placed because the range is 0.
                        // so we autogenerate it.
                        tempVal = velvetBag.RollRange(25, 25);
                        ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = 5;
                        ourSystem.SysStars[ourSystem.Star2Index].OrbitalRadius = ourSystem.SysStars[ourSystem.Star2Index].OrbitalRadius - tempVal;
                        ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalRadius = 600 + tempVal;
                        ourSystem.SysStars[i].DistFromPrimary = ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalRadius;
                            //roll the Ddice and generate the orbital radius
                                roll = velvetBag.GurpsRoll(modifiers);
                                if (roll <= 6)
                                    ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = Star.OrbsepVeryclose;
                                if (roll >= 7 && roll <= 9)
                                    ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = Star.OrbsepClose;
                                if (roll >= 10 && roll <= 11)
                                    ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = Star.OrbsepModerate;
                                if (roll >= 12 && roll <= 14)
                                    ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = Star.OrbsepWide;
                                if (roll >= 15)
                                    ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = Star.OrbsepDistant;
                                tempVal = velvetBag.Rng(2, 6) * GetSepModifier(ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep);
                            while (tempVal <= minOrbitalDistance);

                            //if (ourSystem.sysStars[i].selfID == 2) tempVal = this.velvetBag.six(1, 7) * ourSystem.sysStars[i].getSepModifier();
                            var lowerBound = tempVal - .5 * GetSepModifier(ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep);
                            var higherBound = .5 * GetSepModifier(ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep) + tempVal;

                            //set for constraints
                            if (lowerBound < minOrbitalDistance)
                                lowerBound = minOrbitalDistance;
                            if (higherBound > maxOrbitalDistance)
                                higherBound = maxOrbitalDistance;

                            ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalRadius = tempVal;
                            ourSystem.SysStars[i].DistFromPrimary = ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalRadius;
                        while (ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalRadius <= minOrbitalDistance);

                        //let's see if it has a subcompanion
                        if (ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep == Star.OrbsepDistant)
                            roll = velvetBag.GurpsRoll();
                            if (roll >= 11)
                                //generate the subcompanion
                                var order = 0;

                                if (ourSystem.SysStars[i].SelfId == Star.IsSecondary)
                                    order = Star.IsSeccomp;
                                if (ourSystem.SysStars[i].SelfId == Star.IsTrinary)
                                    order = Star.IsTricomp;

                                //add the star
                                ourSystem.AddStar(order, ourSystem.SysStars[i].SelfId, i + 1);

                                ourSystem.SysStars[starLimit].Name = Star.GenGenericName(ourSystem.SysName, i + 1);

                                //set the name, then generate the star
                                ourSystem.SysStars[starLimit].ParentName = ourSystem.SysStars[i].Name;
                                GenerateAStar(ourSystem.SysStars[starLimit], velvetBag, ourSystem.SysStars[i].CurrMass, ourSystem.SysName);
                                starLimit++; //increment the total number of stars we have generated
                    maxOrbitalDistance = ourSystem.SysStars[ourSystem.GetStellarParentId(ourSystem.SysStars[i].ParentId)].OrbitalRadius;
                    //roll for seperation
                        //roll the Ddice

                        roll = velvetBag.GurpsRoll(-6);
                        if (roll <= 6)
                            ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = Star.OrbsepVeryclose;
                        if (roll >= 7 && roll <= 9)
                            ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = Star.OrbsepClose;
                        if (roll >= 10 && roll <= 11)
                            ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = Star.OrbsepModerate;
                        if (roll >= 12 && roll <= 14)
                            ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = Star.OrbsepWide;
                        if (roll >= 15)
                            ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep = Star.OrbsepDistant;

                        //set the subcompanion orbital
                        tempVal = velvetBag.Rng(2, 6) * GetSepModifier(ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep);
                        tempVal -= 0.5 * GetSepModifier(ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep);
                        var higherBound = .5 * GetSepModifier(ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalSep) + tempVal;

                        if (higherBound > maxOrbitalDistance)
                            higherBound = maxOrbitalDistance;

                        ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalRadius = tempVal;
                        ourSystem.SysStars[i].DistFromPrimary = ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalRadius + maxOrbitalDistance;
                    while (ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalRadius > maxOrbitalDistance);

                CalcEccentricity(velvetBag, ourSystem.SysStars[i]);

                var parent = ourSystem.GetStellarParentId(ourSystem.SysStars[i].ParentId);
                ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalPeriod = Star.CalcOrbitalPeriod(ourSystem.SysStars[parent].CurrMass, ourSystem.SysStars[i].CurrMass, ourSystem.SysStars[i].OrbitalRadius);
Esempio n. 22
 public CreateStars( StarSystem s, Dice d )
     VelvetBag = d;
     OurSystem = s;
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        ///     This function generates and populates our stars.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ourBag">The Ddice object used for our PRNG</param>
        /// <param name="ourSystem">The solar system we are creating stars for</param>
        public static void CreateStars( Dice ourBag, StarSystem ourSystem )
            var numStars = 0;

            //determine the number of stars
            if (OptionCont.GetNumberOfStars() != -1)
                numStars = OptionCont.GetNumberOfStars();
                // We take the roll, add 2 if it's in an open cluster,subtract 1 if not, then divide it by 5.
                // This matches the roll probablity to the table.
                numStars = (int) Math.Floor(( ourBag.GurpsRoll() + ( OptionCont.InOpenCluster ? 2 : -1 ) ) / 5.0);

                if (numStars < 1)
                    numStars = 1;
                if (numStars > 3)
                    numStars = 3;

            //creating the stars.
            for (var i = 0; i < numStars; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    ourSystem.AddStar(Star.IsPrimary, Star.IsPrimary, i);

                    //manually set the first star's mass and push it to the max mass setting
                    ourSystem.SysStars[0].UpdateMass(RollStellarMass(ourBag, Star.IsPrimary));
                    ourSystem.MaxMass = ourSystem.SysStars[0].CurrMass;

                    //generate the star
                    GenerateAStar(ourSystem.SysStars[i], ourBag, ourSystem.MaxMass, ourSystem.SysName);
                if (i == 1)
                    ourSystem.AddStar(Star.IsSecondary, Star.IsPrimary, i);
                    //generate the star
                    GenerateAStar(ourSystem.SysStars[i], ourBag, ourSystem.MaxMass, ourSystem.SysName);
                if (i == 2)
                    ourSystem.AddStar(Star.IsTrinary, Star.IsPrimary, i);
                    //generate the star
                    GenerateAStar(ourSystem.SysStars[i], ourBag, ourSystem.MaxMass, ourSystem.SysName);

                GasGiantFlag(ourSystem.SysStars[i], ourBag.GurpsRoll());

            //now generate orbitals
            if (ourSystem.CountStars() > 1)
                PlaceOurStars(ourSystem, ourBag);
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        ///     This function creates planets. (durr hurr). Only invoke after you've deteremined the orbitals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ourSystem">The star system we are creating for</param>
        /// <param name="ourPlanets">The orbitals we've created</param>
        /// <param name="velvetBag">Our Ddice object</param>
        public static void CreatePlanets( StarSystem ourSystem, List<Satellite> ourPlanets, Dice velvetBag )
            var distanceTable = GenDistChart(ourSystem.SysStars);

            foreach (var s in ourPlanets)
                if (s.BaseType == Satellite.BasetypeAsteroidbelt || s.BaseType == Satellite.BasetypeEmpty)
                    if (s.BaseType == Satellite.BasetypeAsteroidbelt)
                        DetermineGeologicValues(s, velvetBag, ourSystem.SysAge, false);


                double temp;
                var parent = ourSystem.GetValidParent(s.ParentId);

                //set physical properties
                s.GenGenericName(ourSystem.SysStars[parent].Name, ourSystem.SysName);
                s.GenWorldType(ourSystem.MaxMass, ourSystem.SysAge, velvetBag);

                s.SetClimateData(ourSystem.MaxMass, velvetBag);
                if (s.BaseType != Satellite.BasetypeGasgiant)

                s.CreateMoons(ourSystem.SysName, velvetBag, OptionCont.MoonOrbitFlag);

                s.GetPlanetEccentricity(ourSystem.SysStars[parent].GasGiantFlag, Star.SnowLine(ourSystem.SysStars[parent].InitLumin), velvetBag);

                foreach (var sun in from sun in ourSystem.SysStars let dist = DetermineDistance(s.OrbitalRadius, distanceTable, s.ParentId, sun.SelfId) select sun)
                    temp = .46 * sun.CurrMass * s.Diameter / Math.Pow(s.OrbitalRadius, 3);
                    var tide = 0;

                    //add the correct flag.
                    if (sun.SelfId == Star.IsPrimary)
                        tide = Satellite.TidePrimarystar;
                    if (sun.SelfId == Star.IsSecondary)
                        tide = Satellite.TideSecondarystar;
                    if (sun.SelfId == Star.IsTrinary)
                        tide = Satellite.TideTrinarystar;
                    if (sun.SelfId == Star.IsSeccomp)
                        tide = Satellite.TideSeccompstar;
                    if (sun.SelfId == Star.IsTricomp)
                        tide = Satellite.TideTricompstar;

                    s.TideForce.Add(tide, temp);

                if (s.MajorMoons.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var moon in s.MajorMoons)
                        double lunarTides;
                        double different = 0;

                        moon.GenGenericName(s.Name, ourSystem.SysName);
                        //establish physical properties
                        moon.GenWorldType(ourSystem.MaxMass, ourSystem.SysAge, velvetBag);
                        if (s.BaseType == Satellite.BasetypeGasgiant)
                            //first, differentation test.
                            var dFactor = moon.GetDifferentationFactor(s.Mass, velvetBag);
                            if (dFactor > 100)
                                if (moon.SatelliteType == Satellite.SubtypeIce)
                                different = -.15;
                            if (dFactor > 80 && dFactor <= 100)
                                if (moon.SatelliteType == Satellite.SubtypeIce)
                                different = -.1;
                            if (dFactor > 50 && dFactor <= 80)
                                different = -.05;
                            if (dFactor > 30 && dFactor <= 50)

                        moon.SetClimateData(ourSystem.MaxMass, velvetBag);

                        if (s.BaseType == Satellite.BasetypeGasgiant)
                            //radiation test
                            moon.UpdateDescListing(moon.AtmPres > .2 ? Satellite.DescRadHighback : Satellite.DescRadLethalback);

                        //orbital period

                        //update parent.
                        temp = 2230000 * moon.Mass * s.Diameter / Math.Pow(moon.OrbitalRadius, 3);
                        s.TideForce.Add(Satellite.TideMoonBase + moon.SelfId + 1, temp);

                        //moon tides
                        lunarTides = 2230000 * s.Mass * moon.Diameter / Math.Pow(moon.OrbitalRadius, 3);

                        lunarTides = lunarTides * ourSystem.SysAge / moon.Mass;
                        moon.TideForce.Add(Satellite.TideParplanet, lunarTides);
                        moon.TideTotal = moon.TotalTidalForce(ourSystem.SysAge);

                        if (moon.TideTotal >= 50 && velvetBag.GurpsRoll() > 17)
                            moon.IsResonant = true;
                        else if (moon.TideTotal >= 50)
                            moon.IsTideLocked = true;

                        if (moon.IsTideLocked && !moon.IsResonant)
                            UpdateTidalLock(moon, velvetBag);
                        if (moon.IsResonant)
                            moon.SiderealPeriod = moon.OrbitalPeriod * 2.0 / 3.0;
                            moon.RotationalPeriod = moon.SiderealPeriod;

                        if (velvetBag.GurpsRoll() >= 17)
                            moon.RetrogradeMotion = true;

                        if (moon.OrbitalPeriod == moon.SiderealPeriod)
                            moon.RotationalPeriod = 0;

                        else //calculate solar day from sidereal
                            double sidereal;
                            if (moon.RetrogradeMotion)
                                sidereal = -1 * moon.SiderealPeriod;
                                sidereal = moon.SiderealPeriod;

                            moon.RotationalPeriod = s.OrbitalPeriod * sidereal / ( s.OrbitalPeriod - sidereal );
                            moon.OrbitalCycle = moon.OrbitalPeriod * s.RotationalPeriod / ( moon.OrbitalPeriod - s.RotationalPeriod );
                        DetermineGeologicValues(moon, velvetBag, ourSystem.SysAge, s.BaseType == Satellite.BasetypeGasgiant);

                //tides calculated already.
                s.TideTotal = s.TotalTidalForce(ourSystem.SysAge);
                if (s.TideTotal >= 50 && s.OrbitalEccent > .1)
                    s.IsResonant = true;
                else if (s.TideTotal >= 50)
                    s.IsTideLocked = true;


                if (s.IsTideLocked && !s.IsResonant)
                    UpdateTidalLock(s, velvetBag);
                if (s.IsResonant)
                    s.SiderealPeriod = s.OrbitalPeriod * 2.0 / 3.0;
                    s.RotationalPeriod = s.SiderealPeriod;

                if (velvetBag.GurpsRoll() >= 13)
                    s.RetrogradeMotion = true;
                if (s.OrbitalPeriod == s.SiderealPeriod)
                    s.RotationalPeriod = 0;

                    double sidereal;
                    if (s.RetrogradeMotion)
                        sidereal = -1 * s.SiderealPeriod;
                        sidereal = s.SiderealPeriod;

                    s.RotationalPeriod = s.OrbitalPeriod * sidereal / ( s.OrbitalPeriod - sidereal );
                DetermineGeologicValues(s, velvetBag, ourSystem.SysAge, false);
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 ///     This generates a random name for a star system
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="prefix">The prefix for the generator</param>
 /// <param name="ourDice">Ddice used in rolling</param>
 /// <returns>A random name for a star system</returns>
 public static string GenRandomSysName( string prefix, Dice ourDice )
     return prefix + Math.Round(ourDice.RollRange(0, 1) * 1000000000, 0);
Esempio n. 26
        private SocialOrganizations DetermineSocialOrganization()
            var socialorgs = SocialOrganizations.None;
            var dice = new Dice();
            var roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);
            if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.ChasingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.HijackingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.PouncingCarnivore || TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.TrappingCarnivore)
                roll -= 1;
            if (TrophicDiet == TrophicDiets.GrazingHerbivore)
                roll += 1;
            if (SizeClass == SizeClasses.Large)
                roll -= 1;
            if (MatingBahavior == MatingBehaviours.Harem)
                roll += 1;
            if (MatingBahavior == MatingBehaviours.NoPair)
                roll -= 1;
            if (roll <= 6)
                socialorgs = SocialOrganizations.Solitary;

            switch (roll)
                case 7:
                case 8:
                    socialorgs = SocialOrganizations.PairBonded;
                    SocialGroupSize = 2;
                case 9:
                case 10:
                    socialorgs = SocialOrganizations.SmallGroup;
                    SocialGroupSize = dice.Rng(2, 6);
                case 11:
                    socialorgs = SocialOrganizations.MediumGroup;
                    SocialGroupSize = dice.Rng(4, 6);
                case 12:
                case 13:
                case 14:
                    socialorgs = SocialOrganizations.LargeHerd;
                    SocialGroupSize = dice.Rng(10) * 10;
            return socialorgs;
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        ///     deteremine the orbital ratio between planets
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myDice">Ddice object</param>
        /// <returns>The orbital ratio between planets</returns>
        public static double GetOrbitalRatio( Dice myDice )
            double ratio = 0;

            var roll = myDice.GurpsRoll();

            if (roll == 3 || roll == 4)
                ratio = 1.4 + myDice.Rng(1, 5) * .01;

            if (roll == 5 || roll == 6)
                ratio = 1.5 + myDice.Rng(1, 10, -5) * .01;

            if (roll == 7 || roll == 8)
                ratio = 1.6 + myDice.Rng(1, 10, -5) * .01;

            if (roll == 9 || roll == 10 || roll == 11 || roll == 12)
                ratio = 1.7 + myDice.Rng(1, 10, -5) * .01;

            if (roll == 13 || roll == 14)
                ratio = 1.8 + myDice.Rng(1, 10, -5) * .01;

            if (roll == 15 || roll == 16)
                ratio = 1.9 + myDice.Rng(1, 10, -5) * .01;

            if (roll == 17 || roll == 18)
                ratio = 2.0 + myDice.Rng(1, 10, -5) * .01;

            return ratio;
Esempio n. 28
        private Strategies DetermineStrategy()
            var strategy = Strategies.None;
            var dice = new Dice();
            var roll = dice.Rng(2, 6);

            if (SizeClass == SizeClasses.Large)
                roll -= 2;
            if (SizeClass == SizeClasses.Small)
                roll += 1;
            if (Gestation == Gestations.SpawningPollinating)
                roll += 2;

            if (roll <= 4)
                strategy = Strategies.StrongK;
                OffspringCount = 1;

            switch (roll)
                case 5:
                case 6:
                    strategy = Strategies.ModerateK;
                    OffspringCount = 1;
                case 7:
                    var d2 = new Dice();
                    var spawn = d2.Rng(6);
                    strategy = Strategies.MedianStrategy;
                    OffspringCount = spawn;
                case 8:
                case 9:
                    var d3 = new Dice();
                    var spawn3 = d3.Rng(6) + 1;
                    strategy = Strategies.ModerateR;
                    OffspringCount = spawn3;
                case 10:
                case 11:
                case 12:
                case 13:
                case 14:
                case 15:
                case 16:
                    var d4 = new Dice();
                    var spawn4 = d4.Rng(2, 6);
                    strategy = Strategies.StrongR;
                    OffspringCount = spawn4;

            if (Gestation == Gestations.SpawningPollinating)
                var d1 = new Dice();
                var spawn = d1.Rng(2, 6) * 10 * roll;
                OffspringCount = spawn;
            return strategy;
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        ///     Populates orbits around a star, according to GURPS 4e rules. (Does not create them)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The star we're populating around</param>
        /// <param name="myDice">Our Ddice object.</param>
        public static void PopulateOrbits( Star s, Dice myDice )
            const double maxRatio = 2.0;
            const double minRatio = 1.4;
            const double minDistance = .15;
            var firstGasGiant = !s.ContainsGasGiants();

            foreach (var sat in s.SysPlanets)
                var roll = myDice.GurpsRoll();

                //set gas giants first.
                if (s.GasGiantFlag != Star.GasgiantNone)
                    //BEFORE SNOW LINE: Only Eccentric, Epistellar
                    if (sat.OrbitalRadius < Star.SnowLine(s.InitLumin))
                        if (roll <= 8 && s.GasGiantFlag == Star.GasgiantEccentric)
                            UpdateGasGiantSize(sat, myDice.GurpsRoll() + 4);

                        if (roll <= 6 && s.GasGiantFlag == Star.GasgiantEpistellar)
                            UpdateGasGiantSize(sat, myDice.GurpsRoll() + 4);

                    //AFTER SNOW LINE: All three
                    if (sat.OrbitalRadius >= Star.SnowLine(s.InitLumin))
                        if (roll <= 15 && s.GasGiantFlag == Star.GasgiantConventional)
                            if (firstGasGiant)
                                UpdateGasGiantSize(sat, myDice.GurpsRoll() + 4);
                                firstGasGiant = false;
                                UpdateGasGiantSize(sat, myDice.GurpsRoll());

                        if (roll <= 14 && ( s.GasGiantFlag == Star.GasgiantEccentric || s.GasGiantFlag == Star.GasgiantEpistellar ))
                            if (firstGasGiant)
                                UpdateGasGiantSize(sat, myDice.GurpsRoll() + 4);
                                firstGasGiant = false;
                                UpdateGasGiantSize(sat, myDice.GurpsRoll());

                //Done with the gas giant. Let's go start seeign what else it could be.

                //We can get mods now.
                if (sat.BaseType != Satellite.BasetypeGasgiant)
                    //INNER AND OUTER RADIUS
                    var mod = 0;

                    if (sat.OrbitalRadius - minDistance <= Star.InnerRadius(s.InitLumin, s.InitMass) || sat.OrbitalRadius / Star.InnerRadius(s.InitLumin, s.InitMass) <= maxRatio)
                        mod = mod - 3;

                    if (sat.OrbitalRadius + minDistance >= Star.OuterRadius(s.InitMass) || Star.OuterRadius(s.InitMass) / sat.OrbitalRadius <= maxRatio)
                        mod = mod - 3;

                    //FORBIDDDEN ZONE
                    if (s.GetClosestDistToForbiddenZone(sat.OrbitalRadius) <= minDistance || ( s.GetClosestForbiddenZoneRatio(sat.OrbitalRadius) < maxRatio && s.GetClosestForbiddenZoneRatio(sat.OrbitalRadius) > minRatio ))
                        //MessageBox.Show("THE FORBIDDEN ZONE!!!!");
                        mod = mod - 6;

                    //GAS GIANT LOCATION
                    if (s.IsPrevSatelliteGasGiant(sat.OrbitalRadius))
                        mod = mod - 6;
                    if (s.IsNextSatelliteGasGiant(sat.OrbitalRadius))
                        mod = mod - 3;

                    //now let's get the orbit type.
                    // MessageBox.Show("Mod is " + mod);
                    mod = mod + myDice.GurpsRoll();
                    //MessageBox.Show("Mod + Roll is " + mod);
                    if (mod <= 3)

                    if (mod >= 4 && mod <= 6)

                        //Expanded Asteroid Belt options
                        if (OptionCont.ExpandAsteroidBelt != null && (bool) OptionCont.ExpandAsteroidBelt)
                            roll = myDice.GurpsRoll();
                            if (roll <= 6)
                            if (roll >= 7 && roll <= 13)
                            if (roll >= 14 && roll <= 15)
                            if (roll >= 16)


                    if (mod >= 7 && mod <= 8)
                        sat.UpdateTypeSize(Satellite.BasetypeTerrestial, Satellite.SizeTiny);

                    if (mod >= 9 && mod <= 11)
                        sat.UpdateTypeSize(Satellite.BasetypeTerrestial, Satellite.SizeSmall);

                    if (mod >= 12 && mod <= 15)
                        sat.UpdateTypeSize(Satellite.BasetypeTerrestial, Satellite.SizeMedium);

                    if (mod >= 16)
                        sat.UpdateTypeSize(Satellite.BasetypeTerrestial, Satellite.SizeLarge);
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 ///     This updates the star to the current surface temperature given no alterations
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ageL">the age line of the star</param>
 /// <param name="lumin">The current luminosity of the star (used for White Dwarfs)</param>
 /// <param name="age">The age of the star</param>
 /// <param name="mass">The current mass of the star</param>
 /// <param name="ourDice">Ddice (due to randomization of the temperature)</param>
 /// <returns>The current temperature of the star</returns>
 public static double GetCurrentTemp( StarAgeLine ageL, double lumin, double age, double mass, Dice ourDice )
     if (ageL.FindCurrentAgeGroup(age) == StarAgeLine.RetMainbranch)
         return GetInitTemp(mass);
     if (ageL.FindCurrentAgeGroup(age) == StarAgeLine.RetSubbranch)
         return GetInitTemp(mass) - ageL.CalcWithInSubLimit(age) * ( GetInitTemp(mass) - 4800 );
     if (ageL.FindCurrentAgeGroup(age) == StarAgeLine.RetGiantbranch)
         return 3000 + ourDice.Rng(2, 6, -2) * 200;
     return ageL.FindCurrentAgeGroup(age) == StarAgeLine.RetCollaspedstar ? Math.Pow(lumin / Math.Pow(GetRadius(mass, 0, lumin, StarAgeLine.RetCollaspedstar), 2) * ( 5.38937375 * Math.Pow(10, 26) ), 1.00 / 4) : 0;