Set() public method

public Set ( List vertices, List faces ) : void
vertices List
faces List
return void
Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     creates a simple box mesh of the specified size. This mesh is of very low vertex count and may
        ///     be useful as a backup proxy when level of detail is not needed or when more complex meshes fail
        ///     for some reason
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minX"></param>
        /// <param name="maxX"></param>
        /// <param name="minY"></param>
        /// <param name="maxY"></param>
        /// <param name="minZ"></param>
        /// <param name="maxZ"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static Mesh CreateSimpleBoxMesh(float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY, float minZ, float maxZ,
                                        ulong key)
            Mesh         box      = new Mesh(key);
            List <Coord> vertices = new List <Coord>
                new Coord(minX, maxY, minZ),
                new Coord(maxX, maxY, minZ),
                new Coord(maxX, minY, minZ),
                new Coord(minX, minY, minZ)
            // bottom

            List <Face> faces = new List <Face>();

            faces.Add(new Face(0, 1, 2));
            faces.Add(new Face(0, 1, 3));

            // top

            vertices.Add(new Coord(maxX, maxY, maxZ));
            vertices.Add(new Coord(minX, maxY, maxZ));
            vertices.Add(new Coord(minX, minY, maxZ));
            vertices.Add(new Coord(maxX, minY, maxZ));

            faces.Add(new Face(4, 5, 6));
            faces.Add(new Face(4, 5, 7));

            // sides

            faces.Add(new Face(5, 0, 3));
            faces.Add(new Face(5, 3, 6));

            faces.Add(new Face(1, 0, 5));
            faces.Add(new Face(1, 5, 4));

            faces.Add(new Face(7, 1, 4));
            faces.Add(new Face(7, 2, 1));

            faces.Add(new Face(3, 2, 7));
            faces.Add(new Face(3, 7, 6));

            box.Set(vertices, faces);

            vertices = null;
            faces    = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a mesh from the shape data the accompanies a prim.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="primName"></param>
        /// <param name="primShape"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param> 
        /// <returns>created mesh or null if invalid</returns>
        Mesh GenerateFromPrimShapeData(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, Vector3 size, float lod, ulong key)
            PrimMesh primMesh;

            float pathShearX = primShape.PathShearX < 128
                ? primShape.PathShearX * 0.01f
                : (primShape.PathShearX - 256) * 0.01f;
            float pathShearY = primShape.PathShearY < 128
                ? primShape.PathShearY * 0.01f
                : (primShape.PathShearY - 256) * 0.01f;
            float pathBegin = primShape.PathBegin * 2.0e-5f;
            float pathEnd = 1.0f - (primShape.PathEnd * 2.0e-5f);
            float pathScaleX = (primShape.PathScaleX - 100) * 0.01f;
            float pathScaleY = (primShape.PathScaleY - 100) * 0.01f;

            float profileBegin = primShape.ProfileBegin * 2.0e-5f;
            float profileEnd = 1.0f - (primShape.ProfileEnd * 2.0e-5f);
            float profileHollow = primShape.ProfileHollow * 2.0e-5f;
            if (profileHollow > 0.95f)
                if (profileHollow > 0.99f)
                    profileHollow = 0.99f;
                float sizeX = primShape.Scale.X - (primShape.Scale.X * profileHollow);
                if (sizeX < 0.1f)                             // If its > 0.1, its fine to mesh at the small hollow
                    profileHollow = 0.95f + (sizeX / 2);      // Scale the rest by how large the size of the prim is

            int sides = 4;          // assume the prim is square
            switch ((primShape.ProfileCurve & 0x07))
            case (byte) ProfileShape.EquilateralTriangle:
                sides = 3;
            case (byte) ProfileShape.Circle:
                sides = GetLevelOfDetail(lod);
            case (byte) ProfileShape.HalfCircle:
                sides = GetLevelOfDetail(lod);
                profileBegin = (0.5f * profileBegin) + 0.5f;
                profileEnd = (0.5f * profileEnd) + 0.5f;

            int hollowSides = sides;
            switch (primShape.HollowShape)
            case HollowShape.Circle:
                hollowSides = GetLevelOfDetail(lod);
            case HollowShape.Square:
                hollowSides = 4;
            case HollowShape.Triangle:
                hollowSides = 3;
            primMesh = new PrimMesh(sides, profileBegin, profileEnd, profileHollow, hollowSides);

            if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty (primMesh.errorMessage))
                MainConsole.Instance.Error("[Prim mesh]: Error - " + primMesh.errorMessage);

            primMesh.topShearX = pathShearX;
            primMesh.topShearY = pathShearY;
            primMesh.pathCutBegin = pathBegin;
            primMesh.pathCutEnd = pathEnd;

            if (primShape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight || primShape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Flexible)
                primMesh.twistBegin = (primShape.PathTwistBegin * 18) / 10;
                primMesh.twistEnd = (primShape.PathTwist * 18) / 10;
                primMesh.taperX = pathScaleX;
                primMesh.taperY = pathScaleY;

                #if SPAM
                    MainConsole.Instance.Debug("****** PrimMesh Parameters (Linear) ******\n" + primMesh.ParamsToDisplayString());
                    primMesh.Extrude (primShape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight
                        ? PathType.Linear
                        : PathType.Flexible);
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    ReportPrimError ("Extrusion failure: exception: " + ex, primName, primMesh);
                    return null;
            } else
                primMesh.holeSizeX = (200 - primShape.PathScaleX) * 0.01f;
                primMesh.holeSizeY = (200 - primShape.PathScaleY) * 0.01f;
                primMesh.radius = 0.01f * primShape.PathRadiusOffset;
                primMesh.revolutions = 1.0f + (primShape.PathRevolutions * 0.015f);
                primMesh.skew = 0.01f * primShape.PathSkew;
                primMesh.twistBegin = (primShape.PathTwistBegin * 36) / 10;
                primMesh.twistEnd = (primShape.PathTwist * 36) / 10;
                primMesh.taperX = primShape.PathTaperX * 0.01f;
                primMesh.taperY = primShape.PathTaperY * 0.01f;

               #if SPAM
                    MainConsole.Instance.Debug("****** PrimMesh Parameters (Circular) ******\n" + primMesh.ParamsToDisplayString());
                    primMesh.Extrude (PathType.Circular);
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    ReportPrimError ("Extrusion failure: exception: " + ex, primName, primMesh);
                    return null;

            #if SPAM
                debugprimMesh.DumpRaw(baseDir, primName, "primMesh");

            primMesh.Scale(size.X, size.Y, size.Z);

            var coords = primMesh.coords;
            var faces = primMesh.faces;

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(key);
            mesh.Set(coords, faces);

            // debug info only
            //Console.Write ("P");

            return mesh;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a mesh from the sculpt data the accompanies a prim.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="primName"></param>
        /// <param name="primShape"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="lod"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param> 
        /// <returns>created mesh or null if invalid</returns>
        Mesh GenerateFromPrimSculptData(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, Vector3 size, float lod, ulong key)
            SculptMesh sculptMesh;
            Image idata = null;
            string decodedSculptFileName = "";

            if (cacheSculptMaps && primShape.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero)
                decodedSculptFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine (decodedSculptMapPath,
                    "smap_" + primShape.SculptTexture);
                    if (File.Exists (decodedSculptFileName))
                        idata = Image.FromFile (decodedSculptFileName);
                } catch (Exception e)
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error ("[Sculpt]: unable to load cached sculpt map " +
                    decodedSculptFileName + " " + e);
                //if (idata != null)
                //    MainConsole.Instance.Debug("[SCULPT]: loaded cached map asset for map ID: " + primShape.SculptTexture.ToString());

            if (idata == null)
                if (primShape.SculptData == null || primShape.SculptData.Length == 0)
                    return null;

                    idata = m_j2kDecoder.DecodeToImage (primShape.SculptData);

                    if (idata != null && cacheSculptMaps &&
                        (cacheSculptAlphaMaps || (((ImageFlags)(idata.Flags) & ImageFlags.HasAlpha) == 0)))
                            idata.Save (decodedSculptFileName, ImageFormat.MemoryBmp);
                        } catch (Exception e)
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error ("[Sculpt]: unable to cache sculpt map " +
                            decodedSculptFileName + " " +
                } catch (DllNotFoundException)
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error (
                        "[Physics]: OpenJpeg is not installed correctly on this system. Physics Proxy generation failed.\n" +
                        "Often times this is because of an old version of GLIBC.  You must have version 2.4 or above!");
                    return null;
                } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error (
                        "[Physics]: OpenJpeg was unable to decode this. Physics Proxy generation failed");
                    return null;
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error (
                        "[Physics]: Unable to generate a Sculpty physics proxy. Sculpty texture decode failed: " +
                    return null;

            SculptMesh.SculptType sculptType;
            switch ((SculptType)primShape.SculptType)
            case SculptType.Cylinder:
                sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.cylinder;
            case SculptType.Plane:
                sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.plane;
            case SculptType.Torus:
                sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.torus;
            case SculptType.Sphere:
                sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.sphere;
                sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.plane;

            bool mirror = ((primShape.SculptType & 128) != 0);
            bool invert = ((primShape.SculptType & 64) != 0);

            if (idata == null)
                return null;

            sculptMesh = new SculptMesh ((Bitmap)idata, sculptType, (int)lod, false, mirror, invert);

            idata.Dispose ();
            #if SPAM
                sculptMesh.DumpRaw (baseDir, primName, "primMesh");

            sculptMesh.Scale (size.X, size.Y, size.Z);

            var coords = sculptMesh.coords;
            var faces = sculptMesh.faces;

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(key);
            mesh.Set(coords, faces);

            // debug info only
            //Console.Write ("S");

            return mesh;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a mesh from the mesh data the accompanies a prim.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="primName"></param>
        /// <param name="primShape"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param> 
        /// <returns>created mesh or null if invalid</returns>
        Mesh GenerateFromPrimMeshData(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, Vector3 size, ulong key)
            var coords = new List<Coord> ();
            var faces = new List<Face> ();
            OSD meshOsd;
            mConvexHulls = null;
            mBoundingHull = null;

            if (primShape.SculptData == null || primShape.SculptData.Length <= 0)
                // At the moment we can not log here since ODEPrim, for instance, ends up triggering this
                // method twice - once before it has loaded sculpt data from the asset service and once afterwards.
                // The first time will always call with unloaded SculptData if this needs to be uploaded.
                //MainConsole.Instance.Error("[Mesh]: asset data is zero length");
                return null;

            long start;
            using (MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream(primShape.SculptData))
                    meshOsd = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(data);
                catch (Exception e)
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error("[Mesh]: Exception deserializing mesh asset header:" + e);
                    return null;
                start = data.Position;

            if (meshOsd is OSDMap)
                OSDMap physicsParms = null;
                OSDMap map = (OSDMap)meshOsd;
                if (map.ContainsKey("physics_shape"))
                    physicsParms = (OSDMap)map["physics_shape"]; // old asset format
                    if (debugDetail) MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim='{0}': using 'physics_shape' mesh data", primName);
                else if (map.ContainsKey("physics_mesh"))
                    physicsParms = (OSDMap)map["physics_mesh"]; // new asset format
                    if (debugDetail) MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim='{0}':using 'physics_mesh' mesh data", primName);
                else if (map.ContainsKey("medium_lod"))
                    physicsParms = (OSDMap)map["medium_lod"]; // if no physics mesh, try to fall back to medium LOD display mesh
                    if (debugDetail) MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim='{0}':using 'medium_lod' mesh data", primName);
                else if (map.ContainsKey("high_lod"))
                    physicsParms = (OSDMap)map["high_lod"]; // if all else fails, use highest LOD display mesh and hope it works :)
                    if (debugDetail) MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim='{0}':using 'high_lod' mesh data", primName);

                if (map.ContainsKey ("physics_convex"))
                    // pull this out also in case physics engine can use it
                    OSD convexBlockOsd = null;
                        OSDMap convexBlock = (OSDMap)map ["physics_convex"];
                            int convexOffset = convexBlock ["offset"].AsInteger () + (int)start;
                            int convexSize = convexBlock ["size"].AsInteger ();

                            byte[] convexBytes = new byte[convexSize];

                            Buffer.BlockCopy (primShape.SculptData, convexOffset, convexBytes, 0, convexSize);

                                convexBlockOsd = DecompressOsd (convexBytes);
                            } catch (Exception e)
                                MainConsole.Instance.ErrorFormat ("[Mesh]: prim '{0}': exception decoding convex block: {1}", primName, e);
                                //return false;

                        if (convexBlockOsd is OSDMap)
                            convexBlock = convexBlockOsd as OSDMap;

                            if (debugDetail)
                                string keys = "[Mesh]: keys found in convexBlock: ";
                                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, OSD> kvp in convexBlock)
                                    keys += "'" + kvp.Key + "' ";
                            Vector3 min = new Vector3 (-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
                            if (convexBlock.ContainsKey ("Min"))
                                min = convexBlock ["Min"].AsVector3 ();

                            Vector3 max = new Vector3 (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                            if (convexBlock.ContainsKey ("Max"))
                                max = convexBlock ["Max"].AsVector3 ();

                            List<Vector3> boundingHull = null;

                            if (convexBlock.ContainsKey ("BoundingVerts"))
                                byte[] boundingVertsBytes = convexBlock ["BoundingVerts"].AsBinary ();
                                boundingHull = new List<Vector3> ();
                                for (int i = 0; i < boundingVertsBytes.Length;)
                                    ushort uX = Utils.BytesToUInt16 (boundingVertsBytes, i);
                                    i += 2;
                                    ushort uY = Utils.BytesToUInt16 (boundingVertsBytes, i);
                                    i += 2;
                                    ushort uZ = Utils.BytesToUInt16 (boundingVertsBytes, i);
                                    i += 2;

                                    Vector3 pos = new Vector3 (
                                                      Utils.UInt16ToFloat (uX, min.X, max.X),
                                                      Utils.UInt16ToFloat (uY, min.Y, max.Y),
                                                      Utils.UInt16ToFloat (uZ, min.Z, max.Z)

                                    boundingHull.Add (pos);

                                mBoundingHull = boundingHull;
                                if (debugDetail) MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat ("[Mesh]: prim '{0}': parsed bounding hull. nVerts={1}", primName, mBoundingHull.Count);

                            if (convexBlock.ContainsKey ("HullList"))
                                byte[] hullList = convexBlock ["HullList"].AsBinary ();
                                byte[] posBytes = convexBlock ["Positions"].AsBinary ();

                                var hulls = new List<List<Vector3>> ();
                                int posNdx = 0;

                                foreach (byte cnt in hullList)
                                    int count = cnt == 0 ? 256 : cnt;
                                    var hull = new List<Vector3> ();

                                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                        ushort uX = Utils.BytesToUInt16 (posBytes, posNdx);
                                        posNdx += 2;
                                        ushort uY = Utils.BytesToUInt16 (posBytes, posNdx);
                                        posNdx += 2;
                                        ushort uZ = Utils.BytesToUInt16 (posBytes, posNdx);
                                        posNdx += 2;

                                        var pos = new Vector3 (
                                                      Utils.UInt16ToFloat (uX, min.X, max.X),
                                                      Utils.UInt16ToFloat (uY, min.Y, max.Y),
                                                      Utils.UInt16ToFloat (uZ, min.Z, max.Z)

                                        hull.Add (pos);

                                    hulls.Add (hull);

                                mConvexHulls = hulls;
                                if (debugDetail) MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat ("[Mesh]: prim '{0}': parsed hulls. nHulls '{1}'", primName, mConvexHulls.Count);
                            } else
                                if (debugDetail) MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat ("[Mesh]: prim '{0}' has physics_convex but no HullList", primName);
                    } catch (Exception e)
                        MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat ("[Mesh]: Exception decoding convex block: {0}", e);

                if (physicsParms == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat ("[Mesh]: No recognised physics mesh found in mesh asset for {0}", primName);
                    return  null;

                int physOffset = physicsParms ["offset"].AsInteger () + (int)start;
                int physSize = physicsParms ["size"].AsInteger ();

                if (physOffset < 0 || physSize == 0)
                    return null; // no mesh data in asset

                var decodedMeshOsd = new OSD ();
                var meshBytes = new byte[physSize];
                Buffer.BlockCopy (primShape.SculptData, physOffset, meshBytes, 0, physSize);

                    decodedMeshOsd = DecompressOsd (meshBytes);
                } catch (Exception e)
                    MainConsole.Instance.ErrorFormat ("[Mesh]: prim: '{0}', exception decoding physical mesh: {1}", primName, e);
                    return null;

                OSDArray decodedMeshOsdArray = null;

                // physics_shape is an array of OSDMaps, one for each submesh
                if (decodedMeshOsd is OSDArray)
                    decodedMeshOsdArray = (OSDArray)decodedMeshOsd;
                    foreach (OSD subMeshOsd in decodedMeshOsdArray)
                        if (subMeshOsd is OSDMap)
                            AddSubMesh (subMeshOsd as OSDMap, size, coords, faces);
										if (debugDetail) 
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat ("[Mesh]: {0}: mesh decoded. offset={1}, size={2}, nCoords={3}, nFaces={4}",
                            primName, physOffset, physSize, coords.Count, faces.Count);
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(key);
            mesh.Set(coords, faces);
            // This is probably wher we should process convexhulls etc. - greythane - Sep 2015

            // debug info only
            //Console.Write ("M");
            return mesh;

        /// <summary>
        ///     creates a simple box mesh of the specified size. This mesh is of very low vertex count and may
        ///     be useful as a backup proxy when level of detail is not needed or when more complex meshes fail
        ///     for some reason
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minX"></param>
        /// <param name="maxX"></param>
        /// <param name="minY"></param>
        /// <param name="maxY"></param>
        /// <param name="minZ"></param>
        /// <param name="maxZ"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static Mesh CreateSimpleBoxMesh(float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY, float minZ, float maxZ,
                                                ulong key)
            Mesh box = new Mesh(key);
            List<Coord> vertices = new List<Coord>
                new Coord(minX, maxY, minZ),
                new Coord(maxX, maxY, minZ),
                new Coord(maxX, minY, minZ),
                new Coord(minX, minY, minZ),
                new Coord(maxX, maxY, maxZ),
                new Coord(minX, maxY, maxZ),
                new Coord(minX, minY, maxZ),
                new Coord(maxX, minY, maxZ)

            List<Face> faces = new List<Face>();

            // bottom
            faces.Add(new Face(0, 1, 2));
            faces.Add(new Face(0, 2, 3));

            // top
            faces.Add(new Face(4, 5, 6));
            faces.Add(new Face(4, 6, 7));

            // sides

            faces.Add(new Face(5, 0, 3));
            faces.Add(new Face(5, 3, 6));

            faces.Add(new Face(1, 0, 5));
            faces.Add(new Face(1, 5, 4));

            faces.Add(new Face(7, 1, 4));
            faces.Add(new Face(7, 2, 1));

            faces.Add(new Face(3, 2, 7));
            faces.Add(new Face(3, 7, 6));

            box.Set(vertices, faces);


            return box;
Esempio n. 6
        Mesh CreateMeshFromPrimMesher(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, Vector3 size, float lod,
                                      ulong key)
            PrimMesh   primMesh;
            SculptMesh sculptMesh;

            List <Coord> coords = new List <Coord>();
            List <Face>  faces  = new List <Face>();

            Image  idata = null;
            string decodedSculptFileName = "";

            if (primShape.SculptEntry)
                if (((SculptType)primShape.SculptType & SculptType.Mesh) == SculptType.Mesh)
                    if (!UseMeshesPhysicsMesh)

                    MainConsole.Instance.Debug("[MESH]: experimental mesh proxy generation");

                    OSD meshOsd = null;

                    if (primShape.SculptData == null || primShape.SculptData.Length <= 0)
                        //MainConsole.Instance.Error("[MESH]: asset data is zero length");

                    long start = 0;
                    using (MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream(primShape.SculptData))
                            meshOsd = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(data);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[MESH]: Exception deserializing mesh asset header:" + e);
                        start = data.Position;

                    if (meshOsd is OSDMap)
                        OSDMap map          = (OSDMap)meshOsd;
                        OSDMap physicsParms = new OSDMap();

                        if (map.ContainsKey("physics_cached"))
                            OSD  cachedMeshMap = map["physics_cached"]; // cached data from Universe
                            Mesh cachedMesh    = new Mesh(key);
                            cachedMesh.WasCached = true;
                            return(cachedMesh); //Return here, we found all of the info right here
                        if (map.ContainsKey("physics_shape"))
                            physicsParms = (OSDMap)map["physics_shape"];  // old asset format
                        if (physicsParms.Count == 0 && map.ContainsKey("physics_mesh"))
                            physicsParms = (OSDMap)map["physics_mesh"];  // new asset format
                        if (physicsParms.Count == 0 && map.ContainsKey("physics_convex"))
                            // convex hull format, which we can't read, so instead
                            // read the highest lod that exists, and use it instead
                            physicsParms = (OSDMap)map["high_lod"];

                        int physOffset = physicsParms["offset"].AsInteger() + (int)start;
                        int physSize   = physicsParms["size"].AsInteger();

                        if (physOffset < 0 || physSize == 0)
                            return(null); // no mesh data in asset
                        OSD    decodedMeshOsd = new OSD();
                        byte[] meshBytes      = new byte[physSize];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(primShape.SculptData, physOffset, meshBytes, 0, physSize);
                            using (MemoryStream inMs = new MemoryStream(meshBytes))
                                using (MemoryStream outMs = new MemoryStream())
                                    using (ZOutputStream zOut = new ZOutputStream(outMs, 1))
                                        byte[] readBuffer = new byte[2048];
                                        int    readLen    = 0;
                                        while ((readLen = inMs.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length)) > 0)
                                            zOut.Write(readBuffer, 0, readLen);
                                        outMs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                                        byte[] decompressedBuf = outMs.GetBuffer();

                                        decodedMeshOsd = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(decompressedBuf);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[MESH]: exception decoding physical mesh: " + e);

                        OSDArray decodedMeshOsdArray = null;

                        // physics_shape is an array of OSDMaps, one for each submesh
                        if (decodedMeshOsd is OSDArray)
                            decodedMeshOsdArray = (OSDArray)decodedMeshOsd;
                            foreach (OSD subMeshOsd in decodedMeshOsdArray)
                                if (subMeshOsd is OSDMap)
                                    OSDMap subMeshMap = (OSDMap)subMeshOsd;

                                    // As per, some Mesh Level
                                    // of Detail Blocks (maps) contain just a NoGeometry key to signal there is no
                                    // geometry for this submesh.
                                    if (subMeshMap.ContainsKey("NoGeometry") && (subMeshMap["NoGeometry"]))

                                    Vector3 posMax = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                                    Vector3 posMin = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
                                    if (subMeshMap.ContainsKey("PositionDomain"))
                                    //Optional, so leave the max and min values otherwise
                                        posMax = ((OSDMap)subMeshMap["PositionDomain"])["Max"].AsVector3();
                                        posMin = ((OSDMap)subMeshMap["PositionDomain"])["Min"].AsVector3();
                                    ushort faceIndexOffset = (ushort)coords.Count;

                                    byte[] posBytes = subMeshMap["Position"].AsBinary();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < posBytes.Length; i += 6)
                                        ushort uX = Utils.BytesToUInt16(posBytes, i);
                                        ushort uY = Utils.BytesToUInt16(posBytes, i + 2);
                                        ushort uZ = Utils.BytesToUInt16(posBytes, i + 4);

                                        Coord c = new Coord(
                                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uX, posMin.X, posMax.X) * size.X,
                                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uY, posMin.Y, posMax.Y) * size.Y,
                                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uZ, posMin.Z, posMax.Z) * size.Z);


                                    byte[] triangleBytes = subMeshMap["TriangleList"].AsBinary();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < triangleBytes.Length; i += 6)
                                        ushort v1 = (ushort)(Utils.BytesToUInt16(triangleBytes, i) + faceIndexOffset);
                                        ushort v2 =
                                            (ushort)(Utils.BytesToUInt16(triangleBytes, i + 2) + faceIndexOffset);
                                        ushort v3 =
                                            (ushort)(Utils.BytesToUInt16(triangleBytes, i + 4) + faceIndexOffset);
                                        Face f = new Face(v1, v2, v3);
                    if (cacheSculptMaps && primShape.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero)
                        decodedSculptFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(decodedSculptMapPath,
                                                                       "smap_" + primShape.SculptTexture.ToString());
                            if (File.Exists(decodedSculptFileName))
                                idata = Image.FromFile(decodedSculptFileName);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[SCULPT]: unable to load cached sculpt map " +
                                                       decodedSculptFileName + " " + e);
                        //if (idata != null)
                        //    MainConsole.Instance.Debug("[SCULPT]: loaded cached map asset for map ID: " + primShape.SculptTexture.ToString());

                    if (idata == null)
                        if (primShape.SculptData == null || primShape.SculptData.Length == 0)

                            idata = m_j2kDecoder.DecodeToImage(primShape.SculptData);

                            if (idata != null && cacheSculptMaps &&
                                (cacheSculptAlphaMaps || (((ImageFlags)(idata.Flags) & ImageFlags.HasAlpha) == 0)))
                                    idata.Save(decodedSculptFileName, ImageFormat.MemoryBmp);
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    MainConsole.Instance.Error("[SCULPT]: unable to cache sculpt map " +
                                                               decodedSculptFileName + " " +
                        catch (DllNotFoundException)
                                "[PHYSICS]: OpenJpeg is not installed correctly on this system. Physics Proxy generation failed.  Often times this is because of an old version of GLIBC.  You must have version 2.4 or above!");
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                "[PHYSICS]: OpenJpeg was unable to decode this. Physics Proxy generation failed");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                                "[PHYSICS]: Unable to generate a Sculpty physics proxy. Sculpty texture decode failed: " +

                    SculptMesh.SculptType sculptType;
                    switch ((SculptType)primShape.SculptType)
                    case SculptType.Cylinder:
                        sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.cylinder;

                    case SculptType.Plane:
                        sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.plane;

                    case SculptType.Torus:
                        sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.torus;

                    case SculptType.Sphere:
                        sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.sphere;

                        sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.plane;

                    bool mirror = ((primShape.SculptType & 128) != 0);
                    bool invert = ((primShape.SculptType & 64) != 0);

                    if (idata == null)

                    sculptMesh = new SculptMesh((Bitmap)idata, sculptType, (int)lod, false, mirror, invert);

                    idata = null;

                    sculptMesh.DumpRaw(baseDir, primName, "primMesh");

                    sculptMesh.Scale(size.X, size.Y, size.Z);

                    coords = sculptMesh.coords;
                    faces  = sculptMesh.faces;
                float pathShearX = primShape.PathShearX < 128
                                       ? primShape.PathShearX * 0.01f
                                       : (primShape.PathShearX - 256) * 0.01f;
                float pathShearY = primShape.PathShearY < 128
                                       ? primShape.PathShearY * 0.01f
                                       : (primShape.PathShearY - 256) * 0.01f;
                float pathBegin  = primShape.PathBegin * 2.0e-5f;
                float pathEnd    = 1.0f - primShape.PathEnd * 2.0e-5f;
                float pathScaleX = (primShape.PathScaleX - 100) * 0.01f;
                float pathScaleY = (primShape.PathScaleY - 100) * 0.01f;

                float profileBegin  = primShape.ProfileBegin * 2.0e-5f;
                float profileEnd    = 1.0f - primShape.ProfileEnd * 2.0e-5f;
                float profileHollow = primShape.ProfileHollow * 2.0e-5f;
                if (profileHollow > 0.95f)
                    if (profileHollow > 0.99f)
                        profileHollow = 0.99f;
                    float sizeX = primShape.Scale.X - (primShape.Scale.X * profileHollow);
                    if (sizeX < 0.1f)                        //If its > 0.1, its fine to mesh at the small hollow
                        profileHollow = 0.95f + (sizeX / 2); //Scale the rest by how large the size of the prim is

                int sides = 4;
                switch ((primShape.ProfileCurve & 0x07))
                case (byte)ProfileShape.EquilateralTriangle:
                    sides = 3;

                case (byte)ProfileShape.Circle:
                    sides = 24;

                case (byte)ProfileShape.HalfCircle:
                    sides        = 24;
                    profileBegin = 0.5f * profileBegin + 0.5f;
                    profileEnd   = 0.5f * profileEnd + 0.5f;

                int hollowSides = sides;
                switch (primShape.HollowShape)
                case HollowShape.Circle:
                    hollowSides = 24;

                case HollowShape.Square:
                    hollowSides = 4;

                case HollowShape.Triangle:
                    hollowSides = 3;

                primMesh = new PrimMesh(sides, profileBegin, profileEnd, profileHollow, hollowSides);

                if (primMesh.errorMessage != null)
                    if (primMesh.errorMessage.Length > 0)
                        MainConsole.Instance.Error("[ERROR] " + primMesh.errorMessage);

                primMesh.topShearX    = pathShearX;
                primMesh.topShearY    = pathShearY;
                primMesh.pathCutBegin = pathBegin;
                primMesh.pathCutEnd   = pathEnd;

                if (primShape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight || primShape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Flexible)
                    primMesh.twistBegin = primShape.PathTwistBegin * 18 / 10;
                    primMesh.twistEnd   = primShape.PathTwist * 18 / 10;
                    primMesh.taperX     = pathScaleX;
                    primMesh.taperY     = pathScaleY;

                    if (profileBegin < 0.0f || profileBegin >= profileEnd || profileEnd > 1.0f)
                        ReportPrimError("*** CORRUPT PRIM!! ***", primName, primMesh);
                        if (profileBegin < 0.0f)
                            profileBegin = 0.0f;
                        if (profileEnd > 1.0f)
                            profileEnd = 1.0f;
#if SPAM
                    MainConsole.Instance.Debug("****** PrimMesh Parameters (Linear) ******\n" + primMesh.ParamsToDisplayString());
                        primMesh.Extrude(primShape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight
                                             ? PathType.Linear
                                             : PathType.Flexible);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ReportPrimError("Extrusion failure: exception: " + ex, primName, primMesh);
                    primMesh.holeSizeX   = (200 - primShape.PathScaleX) * 0.01f;
                    primMesh.holeSizeY   = (200 - primShape.PathScaleY) * 0.01f;
                    primMesh.radius      = 0.01f * primShape.PathRadiusOffset;
                    primMesh.revolutions = 1.0f + 0.015f * primShape.PathRevolutions;
                    primMesh.skew        = 0.01f * primShape.PathSkew;
                    primMesh.twistBegin  = primShape.PathTwistBegin * 36 / 10;
                    primMesh.twistEnd    = primShape.PathTwist * 36 / 10;
                    primMesh.taperX      = primShape.PathTaperX * 0.01f;
                    primMesh.taperY      = primShape.PathTaperY * 0.01f;

                    if (profileBegin < 0.0f || profileBegin >= profileEnd || profileEnd > 1.0f)
                        ReportPrimError("*** CORRUPT PRIM!! ***", primName, primMesh);
                        if (profileBegin < 0.0f)
                            profileBegin = 0.0f;
                        if (profileEnd > 1.0f)
                            profileEnd = 1.0f;
#if SPAM
                    MainConsole.Instance.Debug("****** PrimMesh Parameters (Circular) ******\n" + primMesh.ParamsToDisplayString());
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ReportPrimError("Extrusion failure: exception: " + ex, primName, primMesh);

                primMesh.DumpRaw(baseDir, primName, "primMesh");

                primMesh.Scale(size.X, size.Y, size.Z);

                coords   = primMesh.coords;
                faces    = primMesh.faces;
                primMesh = null;

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(key);

            // Add the corresponding triangles to the mesh
            mesh.Set(coords, faces);
            coords = null;
            faces  = null;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a mesh from the shape data the accompanies a prim.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="primName"></param>
        /// <param name="primShape"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <returns>created mesh or null if invalid</returns>
        Mesh GenerateFromPrimShapeData(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, Vector3 size, float lod, ulong key)
            PrimMesh primMesh;

            float pathShearX = primShape.PathShearX < 128
                ? primShape.PathShearX * 0.01f
                : (primShape.PathShearX - 256) * 0.01f;
            float pathShearY = primShape.PathShearY < 128
                ? primShape.PathShearY * 0.01f
                : (primShape.PathShearY - 256) * 0.01f;
            float pathBegin  = primShape.PathBegin * 2.0e-5f;
            float pathEnd    = 1.0f - (primShape.PathEnd * 2.0e-5f);
            float pathScaleX = (primShape.PathScaleX - 100) * 0.01f;
            float pathScaleY = (primShape.PathScaleY - 100) * 0.01f;

            float profileBegin  = primShape.ProfileBegin * 2.0e-5f;
            float profileEnd    = 1.0f - (primShape.ProfileEnd * 2.0e-5f);
            float profileHollow = primShape.ProfileHollow * 2.0e-5f;

            if (profileHollow > 0.95f)
                if (profileHollow > 0.99f)
                    profileHollow = 0.99f;
                float sizeX = primShape.Scale.X - (primShape.Scale.X * profileHollow);
                if (sizeX < 0.1f)                             // If its > 0.1, its fine to mesh at the small hollow
                    profileHollow = 0.95f + (sizeX / 2);      // Scale the rest by how large the size of the prim is

            int sides = 4;          // assume the prim is square

            switch ((primShape.ProfileCurve & 0x07))
            case (byte)ProfileShape.EquilateralTriangle:
                sides = 3;

            case (byte)ProfileShape.Circle:
                sides = GetLevelOfDetail(lod);

            case (byte)ProfileShape.HalfCircle:
                sides        = GetLevelOfDetail(lod);
                profileBegin = (0.5f * profileBegin) + 0.5f;
                profileEnd   = (0.5f * profileEnd) + 0.5f;

            int hollowSides = sides;

            switch (primShape.HollowShape)
            case HollowShape.Circle:
                hollowSides = GetLevelOfDetail(lod);

            case HollowShape.Square:
                hollowSides = 4;

            case HollowShape.Triangle:
                hollowSides = 3;

            primMesh = new PrimMesh(sides, profileBegin, profileEnd, profileHollow, hollowSides);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primMesh.errorMessage))
                MainConsole.Instance.Error("[Prim mesh]: Error - " + primMesh.errorMessage);

            primMesh.topShearX    = pathShearX;
            primMesh.topShearY    = pathShearY;
            primMesh.pathCutBegin = pathBegin;
            primMesh.pathCutEnd   = pathEnd;

            if (primShape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight || primShape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Flexible)
                primMesh.twistBegin = (primShape.PathTwistBegin * 18) / 10;
                primMesh.twistEnd   = (primShape.PathTwist * 18) / 10;
                primMesh.taperX     = pathScaleX;
                primMesh.taperY     = pathScaleY;

#if SPAM
                MainConsole.Instance.Debug("****** PrimMesh Parameters (Linear) ******\n" + primMesh.ParamsToDisplayString());
                try {
                    primMesh.Extrude(primShape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight
                        ? PathType.Linear
                        : PathType.Flexible);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    ReportPrimError("Extrusion failure: exception: " + ex, primName, primMesh);
                primMesh.holeSizeX   = (200 - primShape.PathScaleX) * 0.01f;
                primMesh.holeSizeY   = (200 - primShape.PathScaleY) * 0.01f;
                primMesh.radius      = 0.01f * primShape.PathRadiusOffset;
                primMesh.revolutions = 1.0f + (primShape.PathRevolutions * 0.015f);
                primMesh.skew        = 0.01f * primShape.PathSkew;
                primMesh.twistBegin  = (primShape.PathTwistBegin * 36) / 10;
                primMesh.twistEnd    = (primShape.PathTwist * 36) / 10;
                primMesh.taperX      = primShape.PathTaperX * 0.01f;
                primMesh.taperY      = primShape.PathTaperY * 0.01f;

#if SPAM
                MainConsole.Instance.Debug("****** PrimMesh Parameters (Circular) ******\n" + primMesh.ParamsToDisplayString());
                try {
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    ReportPrimError("Extrusion failure: exception: " + ex, primName, primMesh);

#if SPAM
            debugprimMesh.DumpRaw(baseDir, primName, "primMesh");

            primMesh.Scale(size.X, size.Y, size.Z);

            var coords = primMesh.coords;
            var faces  = primMesh.faces;

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(key);
            mesh.Set(coords, faces);

            // debug info only
            //Console.Write ("P");

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a mesh from the sculpt data the accompanies a prim.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="primName"></param>
        /// <param name="primShape"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="lod"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <returns>created mesh or null if invalid</returns>
        Mesh GenerateFromPrimSculptData(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, Vector3 size, float lod, ulong key)
            SculptMesh sculptMesh;
            Image      idata = null;
            string     decodedSculptFileName = "";

            if (cacheSculptMaps && primShape.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero)
                decodedSculptFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(decodedSculptMapPath,
                                                               "smap_" + primShape.SculptTexture);
                try {
                    if (File.Exists(decodedSculptFileName))
                        idata = Image.FromFile(decodedSculptFileName);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error("[Sculpt]: unable to load cached sculpt map " +
                                               decodedSculptFileName + " " + e);
                //if (idata != null)
                //    MainConsole.Instance.Debug("[SCULPT]: loaded cached map asset for map ID: " + primShape.SculptTexture.ToString());

            if (idata == null)
                if (primShape.SculptData == null || primShape.SculptData.Length == 0)

                try {
                    //idata = m_j2kDecoder.DecodeToImage (primShape.SculptData);
                    ManagedImage mImage;
                    OpenJPEG.DecodeToImage(primShape.SculptData, out mImage);

                    if (mImage == null)
                        // In some cases it seems that the decode can return a null bitmap without throwing an exception
                        MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[Sculpt]: OpenJPEG decoded sculpt data for {0} to a null bitmap.  Ignoring.", primName);

                    if ((mImage.Channels & ManagedImage.ImageChannels.Alpha) != 0)
                        mImage.ConvertChannels(mImage.Channels & ~ManagedImage.ImageChannels.Alpha);

                    Bitmap imgData = LoadTGAClass.LoadTGA(new MemoryStream(mImage.ExportTGA()));
                    idata  = imgData;
                    mImage = null;

                    if (idata != null && cacheSculptMaps &&
                        (cacheSculptAlphaMaps || (((ImageFlags)(idata.Flags) & ImageFlags.HasAlpha) == 0)))
                        try {
                            idata.Save(decodedSculptFileName, ImageFormat.MemoryBmp);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[Sculpt]: unable to cache sculpt map " +
                                                       decodedSculptFileName + " " +
                } catch (DllNotFoundException) {
                        "[Physics]: OpenJpeg is not installed correctly on this system. Physics Proxy generation failed.\n" +
                        "Often times this is because of an old version of GLIBC.  You must have version 2.4 or above!");
                } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {
                        "[Physics]: OpenJpeg was unable to decode this. Physics Proxy generation failed");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                        "[Physics]: Unable to generate a Sculpty physics proxy. Sculpty texture decode failed: " +

            SculptMesh.SculptType sculptType;
            switch ((SculptType)primShape.SculptType)
            case SculptType.Cylinder:
                sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.cylinder;

            case SculptType.Plane:
                sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.plane;

            case SculptType.Torus:
                sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.torus;

            case SculptType.Sphere:
                sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.sphere;

                sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.plane;

            bool mirror = ((primShape.SculptType & 128) != 0);
            bool invert = ((primShape.SculptType & 64) != 0);

            if (idata == null)

            sculptMesh = new SculptMesh((Bitmap)idata, sculptType, (int)lod, false, mirror, invert);

#if SPAM
            sculptMesh.DumpRaw(baseDir, primName, "primMesh");

            sculptMesh.Scale(size.X, size.Y, size.Z);

            var coords = sculptMesh.coords;
            var faces  = sculptMesh.faces;

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(key);
            mesh.Set(coords, faces);

            // debug info only
            //Console.Write ("S");

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a mesh from the mesh data the accompanies a prim.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="primName"></param>
        /// <param name="primShape"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <returns>created mesh or null if invalid</returns>
        Mesh GenerateFromPrimMeshData(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, Vector3 size, ulong key)
            var coords = new List <Coord> ();
            var faces  = new List <Face> ();

            OSD meshOsd;

            mConvexHulls  = null;
            mBoundingHull = null;

            if (primShape.SculptData == null || primShape.SculptData.Length <= 0)
                // At the moment we can not log here since ODEPrim, for instance, ends up triggering this
                // method twice - once before it has loaded sculpt data from the asset service and once afterwards.
                // The first time will always call with unloaded SculptData if this needs to be uploaded.
                //MainConsole.Instance.Error("[Mesh]: asset data is zero length");

            long start;

            using (MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream(primShape.SculptData)) {
                try {
                    meshOsd = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(data);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error("[Mesh]: Exception deserializing mesh asset header:" + e);
                start = data.Position;

            if (meshOsd is OSDMap)
                OSDMap physicsParms = null;
                OSDMap map          = (OSDMap)meshOsd;
                if (map.ContainsKey("physics_shape"))
                    physicsParms = (OSDMap)map ["physics_shape"]; // old asset format
                    if (debugDetail)
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim='{0}': using 'physics_shape' mesh data", primName);
                else if (map.ContainsKey("physics_mesh"))
                    physicsParms = (OSDMap)map ["physics_mesh"]; // new asset format
                    if (debugDetail)
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim='{0}':using 'physics_mesh' mesh data", primName);
                else if (map.ContainsKey("medium_lod"))
                    physicsParms = (OSDMap)map ["medium_lod"]; // if no physics mesh, try to fall back to medium LOD display mesh
                    if (debugDetail)
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim='{0}':using 'medium_lod' mesh data", primName);
                else if (map.ContainsKey("high_lod"))
                    physicsParms = (OSDMap)map ["high_lod"]; // if all else fails, use highest LOD display mesh and hope it works :)
                    if (debugDetail)
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim='{0}':using 'high_lod' mesh data", primName);

                if (map.ContainsKey("physics_convex"))
                    // pull this out also in case physics engine can use it
                    OSD convexBlockOsd = null;
                    try {
                        OSDMap convexBlock = (OSDMap)map ["physics_convex"];
                            int convexOffset = convexBlock ["offset"].AsInteger() + (int)start;
                            int convexSize   = convexBlock ["size"].AsInteger();

                            byte [] convexBytes = new byte [convexSize];

                            Buffer.BlockCopy(primShape.SculptData, convexOffset, convexBytes, 0, convexSize);

                            try {
                                convexBlockOsd = DecompressOsd(convexBytes);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                MainConsole.Instance.ErrorFormat("[Mesh]: prim '{0}': exception decoding convex block: {1}", primName, e);
                                //return false;

                        if (convexBlockOsd is OSDMap)
                            convexBlock = convexBlockOsd as OSDMap;

                            if (debugDetail)
                                string keys = "[Mesh]: keys found in convexBlock: ";
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, OSD> kvp in convexBlock)
                                    keys += "'" + kvp.Key + "' ";
                            Vector3 min = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
                            if (convexBlock.ContainsKey("Min"))
                                min = convexBlock ["Min"].AsVector3();

                            Vector3 max = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                            if (convexBlock.ContainsKey("Max"))
                                max = convexBlock ["Max"].AsVector3();

                            List <Vector3> boundingHull = null;

                            if (convexBlock.ContainsKey("BoundingVerts"))
                                byte [] boundingVertsBytes = convexBlock ["BoundingVerts"].AsBinary();
                                boundingHull = new List <Vector3> ();
                                for (int i = 0; i < boundingVertsBytes.Length;)
                                    ushort uX = Utils.BytesToUInt16(boundingVertsBytes, i);
                                    i += 2;
                                    ushort uY = Utils.BytesToUInt16(boundingVertsBytes, i);
                                    i += 2;
                                    ushort uZ = Utils.BytesToUInt16(boundingVertsBytes, i);
                                    i += 2;

                                    Vector3 pos = new Vector3(
                                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uX, min.X, max.X),
                                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uY, min.Y, max.Y),
                                        Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uZ, min.Z, max.Z)


                                mBoundingHull = boundingHull;
                                if (debugDetail)
                                    MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim '{0}': parsed bounding hull. nVerts={1}", primName, mBoundingHull.Count);

                            if (convexBlock.ContainsKey("HullList"))
                                byte [] hullList = convexBlock ["HullList"].AsBinary();
                                byte [] posBytes = convexBlock ["Positions"].AsBinary();

                                var hulls  = new List <List <Vector3> > ();
                                int posNdx = 0;

                                foreach (byte cnt in hullList)
                                    int count = cnt == 0 ? 256 : cnt;
                                    var hull  = new List <Vector3> ();

                                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                        ushort uX = Utils.BytesToUInt16(posBytes, posNdx);
                                        posNdx += 2;
                                        ushort uY = Utils.BytesToUInt16(posBytes, posNdx);
                                        posNdx += 2;
                                        ushort uZ = Utils.BytesToUInt16(posBytes, posNdx);
                                        posNdx += 2;

                                        var pos = new Vector3(
                                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uX, min.X, max.X),
                                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uY, min.Y, max.Y),
                                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uZ, min.Z, max.Z)



                                mConvexHulls = hulls;
                                if (debugDetail)
                                    MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim '{0}': parsed hulls. nHulls '{1}'", primName, mConvexHulls.Count);
                                if (debugDetail)
                                    MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: prim '{0}' has physics_convex but no HullList", primName);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[Mesh]: Exception decoding convex block: {0}", e);

                if (physicsParms == null)
                    MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[Mesh]: No recognised physics mesh found in mesh asset for {0}", primName);

                int physOffset = physicsParms ["offset"].AsInteger() + (int)start;
                int physSize   = physicsParms ["size"].AsInteger();

                if (physOffset < 0 || physSize == 0)
                    return(null); // no mesh data in asset
                var decodedMeshOsd = new OSD();
                var meshBytes      = new byte [physSize];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(primShape.SculptData, physOffset, meshBytes, 0, physSize);

                try {
                    decodedMeshOsd = DecompressOsd(meshBytes);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    MainConsole.Instance.ErrorFormat("[Mesh]: prim: '{0}', exception decoding physical mesh: {1}", primName, e);

                OSDArray decodedMeshOsdArray = null;

                // physics_shape is an array of OSDMaps, one for each submesh
                if (decodedMeshOsd is OSDArray)
                    decodedMeshOsdArray = (OSDArray)decodedMeshOsd;
                    foreach (OSD subMeshOsd in decodedMeshOsdArray)
                        if (subMeshOsd is OSDMap)
                            AddSubMesh(subMeshOsd as OSDMap, size, coords, faces);
                    if (debugDetail)
                        MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("[Mesh]: {0}: mesh decoded. offset={1}, size={2}, nCoords={3}, nFaces={4}",
                                                         primName, physOffset, physSize, coords.Count, faces.Count);

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(key);

            mesh.Set(coords, faces);
            // This is probably wher we should process convexhulls etc. - greythane - Sep 2015

            // debug info only
            //Console.Write ("M");
        Mesh CreateMeshFromPrimMesher(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, Vector3 size, float lod,
            ulong key)
            PrimMesh primMesh;
            SculptMesh sculptMesh;

            List<Coord> coords = new List<Coord>();
            List<Face> faces = new List<Face>();

            Image idata = null;
            string decodedSculptFileName = "";

            if (primShape.SculptEntry)
                if (((SculptType) primShape.SculptType & SculptType.Mesh) == SculptType.Mesh)
                    if (!UseMeshesPhysicsMesh)
                        return null;

                    MainConsole.Instance.Debug("[MESH]: experimental mesh proxy generation");

                    OSD meshOsd = null;

                    if (primShape.SculptData == null || primShape.SculptData.Length <= 0)
                        //MainConsole.Instance.Error("[MESH]: asset data is zero length");
                        return null;

                    long start = 0;
                    using (MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream(primShape.SculptData))
                            meshOsd = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(data);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[MESH]: Exception deserializing mesh asset header:" + e);
                        start = data.Position;

                    if (meshOsd is OSDMap)
                        OSDMap map = (OSDMap) meshOsd;
                        OSDMap physicsParms = new OSDMap();

                        if (map.ContainsKey("physics_cached"))
                            OSD cachedMeshMap = map["physics_cached"]; // cached data from Universe
                            Mesh cachedMesh = new Mesh(key);
                            cachedMesh.WasCached = true;
                            return cachedMesh; //Return here, we found all of the info right here
                        if (map.ContainsKey("physics_shape"))
                            physicsParms = (OSDMap) map["physics_shape"]; // old asset format
                        if (physicsParms.Count == 0 && map.ContainsKey("physics_mesh"))
                            physicsParms = (OSDMap) map["physics_mesh"]; // new asset format
                        if (physicsParms.Count == 0 && map.ContainsKey("physics_convex"))
                            // convex hull format, which we can't read, so instead
                            // read the highest lod that exists, and use it instead
                            physicsParms = (OSDMap) map["high_lod"];

                        int physOffset = physicsParms["offset"].AsInteger() + (int) start;
                        int physSize = physicsParms["size"].AsInteger();

                        if (physOffset < 0 || physSize == 0)
                            return null; // no mesh data in asset

                        OSD decodedMeshOsd = new OSD();
                        byte[] meshBytes = new byte[physSize];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(primShape.SculptData, physOffset, meshBytes, 0, physSize);
                            using (MemoryStream inMs = new MemoryStream(meshBytes))
                                using (MemoryStream outMs = new MemoryStream())
                                    using (ZOutputStream zOut = new ZOutputStream(outMs,1))
                                        byte[] readBuffer = new byte[2048];
                                        int readLen = 0;
                                        while ((readLen = inMs.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length)) > 0)
                                            zOut.Write(readBuffer, 0, readLen);
                                        outMs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                                        byte[] decompressedBuf = outMs.GetBuffer();

                                        decodedMeshOsd = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(decompressedBuf);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[MESH]: exception decoding physical mesh: " + e);
                            return null;

                        OSDArray decodedMeshOsdArray = null;

                        // physics_shape is an array of OSDMaps, one for each submesh
                        if (decodedMeshOsd is OSDArray)
                            decodedMeshOsdArray = (OSDArray) decodedMeshOsd;
                            foreach (OSD subMeshOsd in decodedMeshOsdArray)
                                if (subMeshOsd is OSDMap)
                                    OSDMap subMeshMap = (OSDMap) subMeshOsd;

                                    // As per, some Mesh Level
                                    // of Detail Blocks (maps) contain just a NoGeometry key to signal there is no
                                    // geometry for this submesh.
                                    if (subMeshMap.ContainsKey("NoGeometry") && (subMeshMap["NoGeometry"]))

                                    Vector3 posMax = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                                    Vector3 posMin = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
                                    if (subMeshMap.ContainsKey("PositionDomain"))
                                        //Optional, so leave the max and min values otherwise
                                        posMax = ((OSDMap) subMeshMap["PositionDomain"])["Max"].AsVector3();
                                        posMin = ((OSDMap) subMeshMap["PositionDomain"])["Min"].AsVector3();
                                    ushort faceIndexOffset = (ushort) coords.Count;

                                    byte[] posBytes = subMeshMap["Position"].AsBinary();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < posBytes.Length; i += 6)
                                        ushort uX = Utils.BytesToUInt16(posBytes, i);
                                        ushort uY = Utils.BytesToUInt16(posBytes, i + 2);
                                        ushort uZ = Utils.BytesToUInt16(posBytes, i + 4);

                                        Coord c = new Coord(
                                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uX, posMin.X, posMax.X)*size.X,
                                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uY, posMin.Y, posMax.Y)*size.Y,
                                            Utils.UInt16ToFloat(uZ, posMin.Z, posMax.Z)*size.Z);


                                    byte[] triangleBytes = subMeshMap["TriangleList"].AsBinary();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < triangleBytes.Length; i += 6)
                                        ushort v1 = (ushort) (Utils.BytesToUInt16(triangleBytes, i) + faceIndexOffset);
                                        ushort v2 =
                                            (ushort) (Utils.BytesToUInt16(triangleBytes, i + 2) + faceIndexOffset);
                                        ushort v3 =
                                            (ushort) (Utils.BytesToUInt16(triangleBytes, i + 4) + faceIndexOffset);
                                        Face f = new Face(v1, v2, v3);
                    if (cacheSculptMaps && primShape.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero)
                        decodedSculptFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(decodedSculptMapPath,
                                                             "smap_" + primShape.SculptTexture.ToString());
                            if (File.Exists(decodedSculptFileName))
                                idata = Image.FromFile(decodedSculptFileName);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[SCULPT]: unable to load cached sculpt map " +
                                                       decodedSculptFileName + " " + e);
                        //if (idata != null)
                        //    MainConsole.Instance.Debug("[SCULPT]: loaded cached map asset for map ID: " + primShape.SculptTexture.ToString());

                    if (idata == null)
                        if (primShape.SculptData == null || primShape.SculptData.Length == 0)
                            return null;

                            idata = m_j2kDecoder.DecodeToImage(primShape.SculptData);

                            if (idata != null && cacheSculptMaps &&
                                (cacheSculptAlphaMaps || (((ImageFlags) (idata.Flags) & ImageFlags.HasAlpha) == 0)))
                                    idata.Save(decodedSculptFileName, ImageFormat.MemoryBmp);
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    MainConsole.Instance.Error("[SCULPT]: unable to cache sculpt map " +
                                                               decodedSculptFileName + " " +
                        catch (DllNotFoundException)
                                "[PHYSICS]: OpenJpeg is not installed correctly on this system. Physics Proxy generation failed.  Often times this is because of an old version of GLIBC.  You must have version 2.4 or above!");
                            return null;
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                "[PHYSICS]: OpenJpeg was unable to decode this. Physics Proxy generation failed");
                            return null;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                                "[PHYSICS]: Unable to generate a Sculpty physics proxy. Sculpty texture decode failed: " +
                            return null;

                    SculptMesh.SculptType sculptType;
                    switch ((SculptType) primShape.SculptType)
                        case SculptType.Cylinder:
                            sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.cylinder;
                        case SculptType.Plane:
                            sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.plane;
                        case SculptType.Torus:
                            sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.torus;
                        case SculptType.Sphere:
                            sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.sphere;
                            sculptType = SculptMesh.SculptType.plane;

                    bool mirror = ((primShape.SculptType & 128) != 0);
                    bool invert = ((primShape.SculptType & 64) != 0);

                    if (idata == null)
                        return null;

                    sculptMesh = new SculptMesh((Bitmap) idata, sculptType, (int) lod, false, mirror, invert);

                    idata = null;

                    sculptMesh.DumpRaw(baseDir, primName, "primMesh");

                    sculptMesh.Scale(size.X, size.Y, size.Z);

                    coords = sculptMesh.coords;
                    faces = sculptMesh.faces;
                float pathShearX = primShape.PathShearX < 128
                                       ? primShape.PathShearX*0.01f
                                       : (primShape.PathShearX - 256)*0.01f;
                float pathShearY = primShape.PathShearY < 128
                                       ? primShape.PathShearY*0.01f
                                       : (primShape.PathShearY - 256)*0.01f;
                float pathBegin = primShape.PathBegin*2.0e-5f;
                float pathEnd = 1.0f - primShape.PathEnd*2.0e-5f;
                float pathScaleX = (primShape.PathScaleX - 100)*0.01f;
                float pathScaleY = (primShape.PathScaleY - 100)*0.01f;

                float profileBegin = primShape.ProfileBegin*2.0e-5f;
                float profileEnd = 1.0f - primShape.ProfileEnd*2.0e-5f;
                float profileHollow = primShape.ProfileHollow*2.0e-5f;
                if (profileHollow > 0.95f)
                    if (profileHollow > 0.99f)
                        profileHollow = 0.99f;
                    float sizeX = primShape.Scale.X - (primShape.Scale.X*profileHollow);
                    if (sizeX < 0.1f) //If its > 0.1, its fine to mesh at the small hollow
                        profileHollow = 0.95f + (sizeX/2); //Scale the rest by how large the size of the prim is

                int sides = 4;
                switch ((primShape.ProfileCurve & 0x07))
                    case (byte) ProfileShape.EquilateralTriangle:
                        sides = 3;
                    case (byte) ProfileShape.Circle:
                        sides = 24;
                    case (byte) ProfileShape.HalfCircle:
                        sides = 24;
                        profileBegin = 0.5f*profileBegin + 0.5f;
                        profileEnd = 0.5f*profileEnd + 0.5f;

                int hollowSides = sides;
                switch (primShape.HollowShape)
                    case HollowShape.Circle:
                        hollowSides = 24;
                    case HollowShape.Square:
                        hollowSides = 4;
                    case HollowShape.Triangle:
                        hollowSides = 3;

                primMesh = new PrimMesh(sides, profileBegin, profileEnd, profileHollow, hollowSides);

                if (primMesh.errorMessage != null)
                    if (primMesh.errorMessage.Length > 0)
                        MainConsole.Instance.Error("[ERROR] " + primMesh.errorMessage);

                primMesh.topShearX = pathShearX;
                primMesh.topShearY = pathShearY;
                primMesh.pathCutBegin = pathBegin;
                primMesh.pathCutEnd = pathEnd;

                if (primShape.PathCurve == (byte) Extrusion.Straight || primShape.PathCurve == (byte) Extrusion.Flexible)
                    primMesh.twistBegin = primShape.PathTwistBegin*18/10;
                    primMesh.twistEnd = primShape.PathTwist*18/10;
                    primMesh.taperX = pathScaleX;
                    primMesh.taperY = pathScaleY;

                    if (profileBegin < 0.0f || profileBegin >= profileEnd || profileEnd > 1.0f)
                        ReportPrimError("*** CORRUPT PRIM!! ***", primName, primMesh);
                        if (profileBegin < 0.0f) profileBegin = 0.0f;
                        if (profileEnd > 1.0f) profileEnd = 1.0f;
            #if SPAM
                MainConsole.Instance.Debug("****** PrimMesh Parameters (Linear) ******\n" + primMesh.ParamsToDisplayString());
                        primMesh.Extrude(primShape.PathCurve == (byte) Extrusion.Straight
                                             ? PathType.Linear
                                             : PathType.Flexible);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ReportPrimError("Extrusion failure: exception: " + ex, primName, primMesh);
                        return null;
                    primMesh.holeSizeX = (200 - primShape.PathScaleX)*0.01f;
                    primMesh.holeSizeY = (200 - primShape.PathScaleY)*0.01f;
                    primMesh.radius = 0.01f*primShape.PathRadiusOffset;
                    primMesh.revolutions = 1.0f + 0.015f*primShape.PathRevolutions;
                    primMesh.skew = 0.01f*primShape.PathSkew;
                    primMesh.twistBegin = primShape.PathTwistBegin*36/10;
                    primMesh.twistEnd = primShape.PathTwist*36/10;
                    primMesh.taperX = primShape.PathTaperX*0.01f;
                    primMesh.taperY = primShape.PathTaperY*0.01f;

                    if (profileBegin < 0.0f || profileBegin >= profileEnd || profileEnd > 1.0f)
                        ReportPrimError("*** CORRUPT PRIM!! ***", primName, primMesh);
                        if (profileBegin < 0.0f) profileBegin = 0.0f;
                        if (profileEnd > 1.0f) profileEnd = 1.0f;
            #if SPAM
                MainConsole.Instance.Debug("****** PrimMesh Parameters (Circular) ******\n" + primMesh.ParamsToDisplayString());
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ReportPrimError("Extrusion failure: exception: " + ex, primName, primMesh);
                        return null;

                primMesh.DumpRaw(baseDir, primName, "primMesh");

                primMesh.Scale(size.X, size.Y, size.Z);

                coords = primMesh.coords;
                faces = primMesh.faces;
                primMesh = null;

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(key);

            // Add the corresponding triangles to the mesh
            mesh.Set(coords, faces);
            coords = null;
            faces = null;
            return mesh;