Esempio n. 1
        void GenerateGUI()
            if (DoxyFileExists)
                if (!DocsGenerated)
                    UnityEngine.GUI.enabled = false;
                if (GUILayout.Button("Browse Documentation", GUILayout.Height(40)))
                    Application.OpenURL("File://" + Config.DocDirectory + "/html/annotated.html");
                UnityEngine.GUI.enabled = true;

                if (DoxygenOutput == null)
                    if (GUILayout.Button("Run Doxygen", GUILayout.Height(40)))
                        DocsGenerated = false;

                    if (DocsGenerated && DoxygenLog != null)
                        if (GUILayout.Button("View Doxygen Log", EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown))
                            ViewLog = !ViewLog;
                        if (ViewLog)
                            scroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));
                            foreach (string logitem in DoxygenLog)
                                EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(logitem, EditorStyles.miniLabel, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
                    if (DoxygenOutput.isStarted() && !DoxygenOutput.isFinished())
                        string currentline = DoxygenOutput.ReadLine();
                        DoxyoutputProgress = DoxyoutputProgress + 0.1f;
                        if (DoxyoutputProgress >= 0.9f)
                            DoxyoutputProgress = 0.75f;
                        Rect r = EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical();
                        EditorGUI.ProgressBar(r, DoxyoutputProgress, currentline);
                    if (DoxygenOutput.isFinished())
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                             * If you look at what SetTheme is doing, I know, it seems a little scary to be
                             * calling file moving operations from inside a an OnGUI call like this. And
                             * maybe it would be a better choice to call SetTheme and update these other vars
                             * from inside of the OnDoxygenFinished callback. But since the callback is static
                             * that would require a little bit of messy singleton instance checking to make sure
                             * the call back was calling into the right functions. I did try to do it that way
                             * but for some reason the file operations failed every time. I'm not sure why.
                             * This is what I was getting from the debugger:
                             * Error in file: C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9551727e852/Runtime/Mono/MonoManager.cpp at line 2212
                             * UnityEditor.FileUtil:DeleteFileOrDirectory(String)
                             * UnityEditor.FileUtil:ReplaceFile(String, String) (at C:\BuildAgent\work\842f9557127e852\Editor\MonoGenerated\Editor\FileUtil.cs:42)
                             * Doing them here seems to work every time and the Repaint event check ensures that they will only be done once.
                            DoxygenLog         = DoxygenOutput.ReadFullLog();
                            DoxyoutputProgress = -1.0f;
                            DoxygenOutput      = null;
                            DocsGenerated      = true;
                            EditorPrefs.SetBool(UnityProjectID + "DocsGenerated", DocsGenerated);
                GUIStyle ErrorLabel = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.largeLabel);
                ErrorLabel.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                UnityEngine.GUI.contentColor =;
                GUILayout.Label("You must set the path to your Doxygen install and \nbuild a new Doxyfile before you can generate documentation", ErrorLabel);