Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Tells the radar to no longer ignore the detectable object when filtering the vehicles or objects detected
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="o">
 /// An object to remove from the ignore list<see cref="DetectableObject"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The radar</returns>
 public Radar DontIgnore(DetectableObject o)
     if (_ignoredObjects.Contains(o))
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Tells the radar to ignore the detectable object when filtering the vehicles or objects detected
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="o">
 /// An object to be ignored<see cref="DetectableObject"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The radar</returns>
 public Radar Ignore(DetectableObject o)
     if (o != null)
		public PathIntersection(DetectableObject obstacle)
			_obstacle = obstacle;
			_intersect = false;
			_distance = float.MaxValue;
	/// <summary>
	/// Finds a vehicle's next intersection with a spherical obstacle
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="vehicle">
	/// The vehicle to evaluate.
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="futureVehiclePosition">
	/// The position where we expect the vehicle to be soon
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="obstacle">
	/// A spherical obstacle to check against <see cref="DetectableObject"/>
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>
	/// A PathIntersection with the intersection details <see cref="PathIntersection"/>
	/// </returns>
	/// <remarks>>We could probably spin out this function to an independent tool class</remarks>
	public static PathIntersection FindNextIntersectionWithSphere(Vehicle vehicle, Vector3 futureVehiclePosition, DetectableObject obstacle) {
		// this mainly follows
		var intersection = new PathIntersection(obstacle);
		float combinedRadius = vehicle.ScaledRadius + obstacle.ScaledRadius;
		var movement = futureVehiclePosition - vehicle.Position;
		var direction = movement.normalized;
		var vehicleToObstacle = obstacle.Position - vehicle.Position;
		// this is the length of vehicleToObstacle projected onto direction
		float projectionLength = Vector3.Dot(direction, vehicleToObstacle);
		// if the projected obstacle center lies further away than our movement + both radius, we're not going to collide
		if (projectionLength > movement.magnitude + combinedRadius) {
			//print("no collision - 1");
			return intersection;
		// the foot of the perpendicular
		var projectedObstacleCenter = vehicle.Position + projectionLength * direction;
		// distance of the obstacle to the pathe the vehicle is going to take
		float obstacleDistanceToPath = (obstacle.Position - projectedObstacleCenter).magnitude;
		//print("obstacleDistanceToPath: " + obstacleDistanceToPath);
		// if the obstacle is further away from the movement, than both radius, there's no collision
		if (obstacleDistanceToPath > combinedRadius) {
			//print("no collision - 2");
			return intersection;

		// use pythagorean theorem to calculate distance out of the sphere (if you do it 2D, the line through the circle would be a chord and we need half of its length)
		float halfChord = Mathf.Sqrt(combinedRadius * combinedRadius + obstacleDistanceToPath * obstacleDistanceToPath);
		// if the projected obstacle center lies opposite to the movement direction (aka "behind")
		if (projectionLength < 0) {
			// behind and further away than both radius -> no collision (we already passed)
			if (vehicleToObstacle.magnitude > combinedRadius)
				return intersection;
			var intersectionPoint = projectedObstacleCenter - direction * halfChord;
			intersection.Intersect = true;
			intersection.Distance = (intersectionPoint - vehicle.Position).magnitude;
			return intersection;
		// calculate both intersection points
		var intersectionPoint1 = projectedObstacleCenter - direction * halfChord;
		var intersectionPoint2 = projectedObstacleCenter + direction * halfChord;

		// pick the closest one
		float intersectionPoint1Distance = (intersectionPoint1 - vehicle.Position).magnitude;
		float intersectionPoint2Distance = (intersectionPoint2 - vehicle.Position).magnitude;
		intersection.Intersect = true;
		intersection.Distance = Mathf.Min(intersectionPoint1Distance, intersectionPoint2Distance);

		return intersection;
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Tells the radar to ignore the detectable object when filtering the vehicles or objects detected
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="o">
 /// An object to be ignored<see cref="DetectableObject"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The radar</returns>
 public Radar Ignore(DetectableObject o)
     if (o != null)
     return this;
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Tells the radar to no longer ignore the detectable object when filtering the vehicles or objects detected
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="o">
 /// An object to remove from the ignore list<see cref="DetectableObject"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>The radar</returns>
 public Radar DontIgnore(DetectableObject o)
     if (_ignoredObjects.Contains(o))
     return this;
 public PathIntersection(DetectableObject obstacle)
     _obstacle  = obstacle;
     _intersect = false;
     _distance  = float.MaxValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a vehicle's next intersection with a spherical obstacle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehicle">
        /// The vehicle to evaluate.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="futureVehiclePosition">
        /// The position where we expect the vehicle to be soon
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="obstacle">
        /// A spherical obstacle to check against <see cref="DetectableObject"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A PathIntersection with the intersection details <see cref="PathIntersection"/>
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>>We could probably spin out this function to an independent tool class</remarks>
        public static PathIntersection FindNextIntersectionWithSphere(Vehicle vehicle, Vector3 futureVehiclePosition, DetectableObject obstacle)
            // this mainly follows

            var intersection = new PathIntersection(obstacle);

            float combinedRadius = vehicle.ScaledRadius + obstacle.ScaledRadius;
            var   movement       = futureVehiclePosition - vehicle.Position;
            var   direction      = movement.normalized;

            var vehicleToObstacle = obstacle.Position - vehicle.Position;

            // this is the length of vehicleToObstacle projected onto direction
            float projectionLength = Vector3.Dot(direction, vehicleToObstacle);

            // if the projected obstacle center lies further away than our movement + both radius, we're not going to collide
            if (projectionLength > movement.magnitude + combinedRadius)
                //print("no collision - 1");

            // the foot of the perpendicular
            var projectedObstacleCenter = vehicle.Position + projectionLength * direction;

            // distance of the obstacle to the pathe the vehicle is going to take
            float obstacleDistanceToPath = (obstacle.Position - projectedObstacleCenter).magnitude;

            //print("obstacleDistanceToPath: " + obstacleDistanceToPath);

            // if the obstacle is further away from the movement, than both radius, there's no collision
            if (obstacleDistanceToPath > combinedRadius)
                //print("no collision - 2");

            // use pythagorean theorem to calculate distance out of the sphere (if you do it 2D, the line through the circle would be a chord and we need half of its length)
            float halfChord = Mathf.Sqrt(combinedRadius * combinedRadius + obstacleDistanceToPath * obstacleDistanceToPath);

            // if the projected obstacle center lies opposite to the movement direction (aka "behind")
            if (projectionLength < 0)
                // behind and further away than both radius -> no collision (we already passed)
                if (vehicleToObstacle.magnitude > combinedRadius)

                var intersectionPoint = projectedObstacleCenter - direction * halfChord;
                intersection.Intersect = true;
                intersection.Distance  = (intersectionPoint - vehicle.Position).magnitude;

            // calculate both intersection points
            var intersectionPoint1 = projectedObstacleCenter - direction * halfChord;
            var intersectionPoint2 = projectedObstacleCenter + direction * halfChord;

            // pick the closest one
            float intersectionPoint1Distance = (intersectionPoint1 - vehicle.Position).magnitude;
            float intersectionPoint2Distance = (intersectionPoint2 - vehicle.Position).magnitude;

            intersection.Intersect = true;
            intersection.Distance  = Mathf.Min(intersectionPoint1Distance, intersectionPoint2Distance);
