internal static void MakeText(MeshInfo meshInfo, Vector2 offset, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc)
            int           num           = MeshBuilder.LimitTextVertices(meshInfo.vertexCount, true);
            int           num2          = num / 4;
            MeshWriteData meshWriteData = meshAlloc.Allocate((uint)(num2 * 4), (uint)(num2 * 6));
            int           i             = 0;
            int           num3          = 0;
            int           num4          = 0;

            while (i < num2)
                meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(meshInfo, num3, offset));
                meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(meshInfo, num3 + 1, offset));
                meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(meshInfo, num3 + 2, offset));
                meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(meshInfo, num3 + 3, offset));
                meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 1));
                meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 2));
                meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 2));
                meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 3));
                num3 += 4;
                num4 += 6;
        public static void TessellateBorder(MeshGenerationContextUtils.BorderParams borderParams, float posZ, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc)
            if (borderParams.rect.width < kEpsilon || borderParams.rect.height < kEpsilon)


            var halfSize = new Vector2(borderParams.rect.width * 0.5f, borderParams.rect.height * 0.5f);

            borderParams.topLeftRadius     = Vector2.Min(borderParams.topLeftRadius, halfSize);
            borderParams.topRightRadius    = Vector2.Min(borderParams.topRightRadius, halfSize);
            borderParams.bottomRightRadius = Vector2.Min(borderParams.bottomRightRadius, halfSize);
            borderParams.bottomLeftRadius  = Vector2.Min(borderParams.bottomLeftRadius, halfSize);

            borderParams.leftWidth   = Mathf.Min(borderParams.leftWidth, halfSize.x);
            borderParams.topWidth    = Mathf.Min(borderParams.topWidth, halfSize.y);
            borderParams.rightWidth  = Mathf.Min(borderParams.rightWidth, halfSize.x);
            borderParams.bottomWidth = Mathf.Min(borderParams.bottomWidth, halfSize.y);

            UInt16 vertexCount = 0, indexCount = 0;

            CountBorderTriangles(ref borderParams, ref vertexCount, ref indexCount);

            var mesh = meshAlloc.Allocate(vertexCount, indexCount);

            vertexCount = 0;
            indexCount  = 0;
            TessellateBorderInternal(ref borderParams, posZ, mesh, ref vertexCount, ref indexCount);
            Debug.Assert(vertexCount == mesh.vertexCount);
            Debug.Assert(indexCount == mesh.indexCount);
        /// Tessellates the border OR the content:
        /// If any of the left/right/top/bottom border parameters is greater than Epsilon, we tessellate ONLY a border.
        /// Otherwise we tessellate ONLY the content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertexFlags">Flags are only used for content, not for a border.</param>
        public static void TessellateRect(MeshGenerationContextUtils.RectangleParams rectParams, float posZ, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc)
            if (rectParams.rect.width < kEpsilon || rectParams.rect.height < kEpsilon)


            var halfSize = new Vector2(rectParams.rect.width * 0.5f, rectParams.rect.height * 0.5f);

            rectParams.topLeftRadius     = Vector2.Min(rectParams.topLeftRadius, halfSize);
            rectParams.topRightRadius    = Vector2.Min(rectParams.topRightRadius, halfSize);
            rectParams.bottomRightRadius = Vector2.Min(rectParams.bottomRightRadius, halfSize);
            rectParams.bottomLeftRadius  = Vector2.Min(rectParams.bottomLeftRadius, halfSize);

            UInt16 vertexCount = 0, indexCount = 0;

            CountRectTriangles(ref rectParams, ref vertexCount, ref indexCount);

            var mesh = meshAlloc.Allocate(vertexCount, indexCount);

            vertexCount = 0;
            indexCount  = 0;
            TessellateRectInternal(ref rectParams, posZ, mesh, ref vertexCount, ref indexCount);
            if ((mesh.m_Flags == VertexFlags.IsAtlasTexturedPoint) || (mesh.m_Flags == VertexFlags.IsAtlasTexturedBilinear) || (mesh.m_Flags == VertexFlags.IsCustomTextured))
                ComputeUVs(rectParams.rect, rectParams.uv, mesh.uvRegion, mesh.m_Vertices);
            Debug.Assert(vertexCount == mesh.vertexCount);
            Debug.Assert(indexCount == mesh.indexCount);

        private static void MakeVectorGraphics9SliceBackground(Vertex[] svgVertices, ushort[] svgIndices, float svgWidth, float svgHeight, Rect targetRect, Vector4 sliceLTRB, bool stretch, Color tint, int settingIndexOffset, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc)
            MeshWriteData meshWriteData = meshAlloc.alloc((uint)svgVertices.Length, (uint)svgIndices.Length, ref meshAlloc);

            bool flag = !stretch;

            if (flag)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Support for repeating 9-slices is not done yet");
            Rect    uvRegion = meshWriteData.uvRegion;
            int     num      = svgVertices.Length;
            Vector2 vector   = new Vector2(1f / (svgWidth - sliceLTRB.z - sliceLTRB.x), 1f / (svgHeight - sliceLTRB.w - sliceLTRB.y));
            Vector2 vector2  = new Vector2(targetRect.width - svgWidth, targetRect.height - svgHeight);

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                Vertex  vertex = svgVertices[i];
                Vector2 vector3;
                vector3.x         = Mathf.Clamp01((vertex.position.x - sliceLTRB.x) * vector.x);
                vector3.y         = Mathf.Clamp01((vertex.position.y - sliceLTRB.y) * vector.y);
                vertex.position.x = vertex.position.x + vector3.x * vector2.x;
                vertex.position.y = vertex.position.y + vector3.y * vector2.y;
                vertex.uv.x       = vertex.uv.x * uvRegion.width + uvRegion.xMin;
                vertex.uv.y       = vertex.uv.y * uvRegion.height + uvRegion.yMin;
                vertex.tint      *= tint;
                uint num2 = (uint)(((int)vertex.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.b << 8 | (int)vertex.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.a) + settingIndexOffset);
                vertex.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.b = (byte)(num2 >> 8);
                vertex.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.a = (byte)num2;
        internal static void MakeVectorGraphicsStretchBackground(Vertex[] svgVertices, ushort[] svgIndices, float svgWidth, float svgHeight, Rect targetRect, Rect sourceUV, ScaleMode scaleMode, Color tint, int settingIndexOffset, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc, out int finalVertexCount, out int finalIndexCount)
            Vector2 vector  = new Vector2(svgWidth * sourceUV.width, svgHeight * sourceUV.height);
            Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(sourceUV.xMin * svgWidth, sourceUV.yMin * svgHeight);
            Rect    rect    = new Rect(vector2, vector);
            bool    flag    = sourceUV.xMin != 0f || sourceUV.yMin != 0f || sourceUV.width != 1f || sourceUV.height != 1f;
            float   num     = vector.x / vector.y;
            float   num2    = targetRect.width / targetRect.height;
            Vector2 vector3;
            Vector2 vector4;

            switch (scaleMode)
            case ScaleMode.StretchToFill:
                vector3   = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                vector4.x = targetRect.width / vector.x;
                vector4.y = targetRect.height / vector.y;

            case ScaleMode.ScaleAndCrop:
                vector3 = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                bool flag2 = num2 > num;
                if (flag2)
                    vector4.x = (vector4.y = targetRect.width / vector.x);
                    float num3 = targetRect.height / vector4.y;
                    float num4 = rect.height / 2f - num3 / 2f;
                    vector3.y  -= num4 * vector4.y;
                    rect.y     += num4;
                    rect.height = num3;
                    flag        = true;
                    bool flag3 = num2 < num;
                    if (flag3)
                        vector4.x = (vector4.y = targetRect.height / vector.y);
                        float num5 = targetRect.width / vector4.x;
                        float num6 = rect.width / 2f - num5 / 2f;
                        vector3.x -= num6 * vector4.x;
                        rect.x    += num6;
                        rect.width = num5;
                        flag       = true;
                        vector4.x = (vector4.y = targetRect.width / vector.x);

            case ScaleMode.ScaleToFit:
                bool flag4 = num2 > num;
                if (flag4)
                    vector4.x = (vector4.y = targetRect.height / vector.y);
                    vector3.x = (targetRect.width - vector.x * vector4.x) * 0.5f;
                    vector3.y = 0f;
                    vector4.x = (vector4.y = targetRect.width / vector.x);
                    vector3.x = 0f;
                    vector3.y = (targetRect.height - vector.y * vector4.y) * 0.5f;

                throw new NotImplementedException();
            vector3 -= vector2 * vector4;
            int num7 = svgVertices.Length;
            int num8 = svgIndices.Length;

            MeshBuilder.ClipCounts clipCounts = default(MeshBuilder.ClipCounts);
            Vector4 zero  =;
            bool    flag5 = flag;

            if (flag5)
                bool flag6 = rect.width <= 0f || rect.height <= 0f;
                if (flag6)
                    finalVertexCount = (finalIndexCount = 0);
                zero       = new Vector4(rect.xMin, rect.yMin, rect.xMax, rect.yMax);
                clipCounts = MeshBuilder.UpperBoundApproximateRectClippingResults(svgVertices, svgIndices, zero);
                num7      += clipCounts.clippedTriangles * 6;
                num8      += clipCounts.addedTriangles * 3;
                num8      -= clipCounts.degenerateTriangles * 3;
            MeshWriteData meshWriteData = meshAlloc.alloc((uint)num7, (uint)num8, ref meshAlloc);
            bool          flag7         = flag;

            if (flag7)
                MeshBuilder.RectClip(svgVertices, svgIndices, zero, meshWriteData, clipCounts, ref num7);
            Debug.Assert(meshWriteData.currentVertex == 0);
            Rect uvRegion = meshWriteData.uvRegion;
            int  num9     = svgVertices.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < num9; i++)
                Vertex vertex = svgVertices[i];
                vertex.position.x = vertex.position.x * vector4.x + vector3.x;
                vertex.position.y = vertex.position.y * vector4.y + vector3.y;
                vertex.uv.x       = vertex.uv.x * uvRegion.width + uvRegion.xMin;
                vertex.uv.y       = vertex.uv.y * uvRegion.height + uvRegion.yMin;
                vertex.tint      *= tint;
                uint num10 = (uint)(((int)vertex.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.b << 8 | (int)vertex.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.a) + settingIndexOffset);
                vertex.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.b = (byte)(num10 >> 8);
                vertex.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.a = (byte)num10;
            for (int j = num9; j < num7; j++)
                Vertex vertex2 = meshWriteData.m_Vertices[j];
                vertex2.position.x = vertex2.position.x * vector4.x + vector3.x;
                vertex2.position.y = vertex2.position.y * vector4.y + vector3.y;
                vertex2.uv.x       = vertex2.uv.x * uvRegion.width + uvRegion.xMin;
                vertex2.uv.y       = vertex2.uv.y * uvRegion.height + uvRegion.yMin;
                vertex2.tint      *= tint;
                uint num11 = (uint)(((int)vertex2.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.b << 8 | (int)vertex2.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.a) + settingIndexOffset);
                vertex2.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.b = (byte)(num11 >> 8);
                vertex2.opacityPageSVGSettingIndex.a = (byte)num11;
            finalVertexCount = meshWriteData.vertexCount;
            finalIndexCount  = meshWriteData.indexCount;
        internal static void MakeVectorGraphics(MeshGenerationContextUtils.RectangleParams rectParams, int settingIndexOffset, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc, out int finalVertexCount, out int finalIndexCount)
            VectorImage vectorImage = rectParams.vectorImage;

            Debug.Assert(vectorImage != null);
            finalVertexCount = 0;
            finalIndexCount  = 0;
            int num = vectorImage.vertices.Length;

            Vertex[] array = new Vertex[num];
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                VectorImageVertex vectorImageVertex = vectorImage.vertices[i];
                array[i] = new Vertex
                    position = vectorImageVertex.position,
                    tint     = vectorImageVertex.tint,
                    uv       = vectorImageVertex.uv,
                    opacityPageSVGSettingIndex = new Color32(0, 0, (byte)(vectorImageVertex.settingIndex >> 8), (byte)vectorImageVertex.settingIndex)
            bool flag = (float)rectParams.leftSlice <= Mathf.Epsilon && (float)rectParams.topSlice <= Mathf.Epsilon && (float)rectParams.rightSlice <= Mathf.Epsilon && (float)rectParams.bottomSlice <= Mathf.Epsilon;

            if (flag)
                MeshBuilder.MakeVectorGraphicsStretchBackground(array, vectorImage.indices, vectorImage.size.x, vectorImage.size.y, rectParams.rect, rectParams.uv, rectParams.scaleMode, rectParams.color, settingIndexOffset, meshAlloc, out finalVertexCount, out finalIndexCount);
                Vector4 sliceLTRB = new Vector4((float)rectParams.leftSlice, (float)rectParams.topSlice, (float)rectParams.rightSlice, (float)rectParams.bottomSlice);
                MeshBuilder.MakeVectorGraphics9SliceBackground(array, vectorImage.indices, vectorImage.size.x, vectorImage.size.y, rectParams.rect, sliceLTRB, true, rectParams.color, settingIndexOffset, meshAlloc);
        internal static void MakeSlicedQuad(ref MeshGenerationContextUtils.RectangleParams rectParams, float posZ, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc)
            MeshWriteData meshWriteData = meshAlloc.Allocate(16u, 54u);
            float         num           = 1f;
            Texture2D     texture2D     = rectParams.texture as Texture2D;
            bool          flag          = texture2D != null;

            if (flag)
                num = texture2D.pixelsPerPoint;
            float num2  = (float)rectParams.texture.width;
            float num3  = (float)rectParams.texture.height;
            float num4  = num / num2;
            float num5  = num / num3;
            float num6  = Mathf.Max(0f, (float)rectParams.leftSlice);
            float num7  = Mathf.Max(0f, (float)rectParams.rightSlice);
            float num8  = Mathf.Max(0f, (float)rectParams.bottomSlice);
            float num9  = Mathf.Max(0f, (float)rectParams.topSlice);
            float num10 = Mathf.Clamp(num6 * num4, 0f, 1f);
            float num11 = Mathf.Clamp(num7 * num4, 0f, 1f);
            float num12 = Mathf.Clamp(num8 * num5, 0f, 1f);
            float num13 = Mathf.Clamp(num9 * num5, 0f, 1f);

            MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesX[0] = rectParams.uv.min.x;
            MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesX[1] = rectParams.uv.min.x + num10;
            MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesX[2] = rectParams.uv.max.x - num11;
            MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesX[3] = rectParams.uv.max.x;
            MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesY[0] = rectParams.uv.max.y;
            MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesY[1] = rectParams.uv.max.y - num12;
            MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesY[2] = rectParams.uv.min.y + num13;
            MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesY[3] = rectParams.uv.min.y;
            Rect uvRegion = meshWriteData.uvRegion;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesX[i] = MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesX[i] * uvRegion.width + uvRegion.xMin;
                MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesY[i] = (rectParams.uv.min.y + rectParams.uv.max.y - MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesY[i]) * uvRegion.height + uvRegion.yMin;
            float num14 = num6 + num7;
            bool  flag2 = num14 > rectParams.rect.width;

            if (flag2)
                float num15 = rectParams.rect.width / num14;
                num6 *= num15;
                num7 *= num15;
            float num16 = num8 + num9;
            bool  flag3 = num16 > rectParams.rect.height;

            if (flag3)
                float num17 = rectParams.rect.height / num16;
                num8 *= num17;
                num9 *= num17;
            MeshBuilder.k_PositionSlicesX[0] = rectParams.rect.x;
            MeshBuilder.k_PositionSlicesX[1] = rectParams.rect.x + num6;
            MeshBuilder.k_PositionSlicesX[2] = rectParams.rect.xMax - num7;
            MeshBuilder.k_PositionSlicesX[3] = rectParams.rect.xMax;
            MeshBuilder.k_PositionSlicesY[0] = rectParams.rect.yMax;
            MeshBuilder.k_PositionSlicesY[1] = rectParams.rect.yMax - num8;
            MeshBuilder.k_PositionSlicesY[2] = rectParams.rect.y + num9;
            MeshBuilder.k_PositionSlicesY[3] = rectParams.rect.y;
            for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
                int num18 = j % 4;
                int num19 = j / 4;
                meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(new Vertex
                    position = new Vector3(MeshBuilder.k_PositionSlicesX[num18], MeshBuilder.k_PositionSlicesY[num19], posZ),
                    uv       = new Vector2(MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesX[num18], MeshBuilder.k_TexCoordSlicesY[num19]),
                    tint     = rectParams.color
        private static void MakeQuad(Rect rcPosition, Rect rcTexCoord, Color color, float posZ, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc)
            MeshWriteData meshWriteData = meshAlloc.Allocate(4u, 6u);
            float         x             = rcPosition.x;
            float         xMax          = rcPosition.xMax;
            float         yMax          = rcPosition.yMax;
            float         y             = rcPosition.y;
            Rect          uvRegion      = meshWriteData.uvRegion;
            float         x2            = rcTexCoord.x * uvRegion.width + uvRegion.xMin;
            float         x3            = rcTexCoord.xMax * uvRegion.width + uvRegion.xMin;
            float         y2            = rcTexCoord.y * uvRegion.height + uvRegion.yMin;
            float         y3            = rcTexCoord.yMax * uvRegion.height + uvRegion.yMin;

            meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(new Vertex
                position = new Vector3(x, yMax, posZ),
                tint     = color,
                uv       = new Vector2(x2, y2)
            meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(new Vertex
                position = new Vector3(xMax, yMax, posZ),
                tint     = color,
                uv       = new Vector2(x3, y2)
            meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(new Vertex
                position = new Vector3(x, y, posZ),
                tint     = color,
                uv       = new Vector2(x2, y3)
            meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(new Vertex
                position = new Vector3(xMax, y, posZ),
                tint     = color,
                uv       = new Vector2(x3, y3)
        internal static void MakeText(NativeArray <UnityEngine.UIElements.TextVertex> uiVertices, Vector2 offset, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc)
            int           num           = MeshBuilder.LimitTextVertices(uiVertices.Length, true);
            int           num2          = num / 4;
            MeshWriteData meshWriteData = meshAlloc.Allocate((uint)(num2 * 4), (uint)(num2 * 6));
            int           i             = 0;
            int           num3          = 0;

            while (i < num2)
                meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(uiVertices[num3], offset));
                meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(uiVertices[num3 + 1], offset));
                meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(uiVertices[num3 + 2], offset));
                meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(uiVertices[num3 + 3], offset));
                meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 1));
                meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 2));
                meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 2));
                meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 3));
                num3 += 4;
        internal static void MakeTexturedRect(MeshGenerationContextUtils.RectangleParams rectParams, float posZ, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc)
            bool flag = (float)rectParams.leftSlice <= Mathf.Epsilon && (float)rectParams.topSlice <= Mathf.Epsilon && (float)rectParams.rightSlice <= Mathf.Epsilon && (float)rectParams.bottomSlice <= Mathf.Epsilon;

            if (flag)
                bool flag2 = !rectParams.HasRadius(Tessellation.kEpsilon);
                if (flag2)
                    MeshBuilder.MakeQuad(rectParams.rect, rectParams.uv, rectParams.color, posZ, meshAlloc);
                    Tessellation.TessellateRect(rectParams, posZ, meshAlloc, true);
                bool flag3 = rectParams.texture == null;
                if (flag3)
                    MeshBuilder.MakeQuad(rectParams.rect, rectParams.uv, rectParams.color, posZ, meshAlloc);
                    MeshBuilder.MakeSlicedQuad(ref rectParams, posZ, meshAlloc);
        internal static void MakeSolidRect(MeshGenerationContextUtils.RectangleParams rectParams, float posZ, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc)
            bool flag = !rectParams.HasRadius(Tessellation.kEpsilon);

            if (flag)
                MeshBuilder.MakeQuad(rectParams.rect,, rectParams.color, posZ, meshAlloc);
                Tessellation.TessellateRect(rectParams, posZ, meshAlloc, false);
 internal static void MakeBorder(MeshGenerationContextUtils.BorderParams borderParams, float posZ, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc)
     Tessellation.TessellateBorder(borderParams, posZ, meshAlloc);