GetState() public method

public GetState ( int index ) : UnityEditorInternal.State
index int
return UnityEditorInternal.State
Esempio n. 1
    List <AnimationClip> GetAnimationLengths()
        List <AnimationClip>      animationClips = new List <AnimationClip>();
        RuntimeAnimatorController controller     = transform.GetComponent <Animator>().runtimeAnimatorController;

        if (controller is UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController)
            UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine m = ((UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController)controller).GetLayer(0).stateMachine;

            for (int i = 0; i < m.stateCount; i++)

                AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
                // Obviously loading it depends on where/how clip is stored, best case its a resource, worse case you have to search asset database.
                if (m.GetState(i).GetMotion())
                    string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m.GetState(i).GetMotion());
                    clip = (AnimationClip)Resources.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(AnimationClip));

                    //clip = (AnimationClip)Resources.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Puppet2D/Animation/" + m.GetState(i).GetMotion().name + ".anim", typeof(AnimationClip));
                if (clip)

                    Debug.Log( + ", length is " + clip.length);
 public static IEnumerable <UnityEditorInternal.State> EnumerateStates(this UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine sm)
     for (int i = 0; i < sm.stateCount; ++i)
         yield return(sm.GetState(i));
Esempio n. 3
        public static void ProcessAllTransitions(Animator animator, ProcessAnimatorTransition callback)
            AnimatorController controller = GetInternalAnimatorController(animator);
            int layerCount = controller.layerCount;

            for (int layer = 0; layer < layerCount; layer++)
                string layerName = controller.GetLayer(layer).name;
                UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine sm = controller.GetLayer(layer).stateMachine;
                //Handle anyState cases. see UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine.transitions
                    Transition[] anyTransitions = sm.GetTransitionsFromState(null);
                    foreach (var t in anyTransitions)
                        TransitionInfo info = new TransitionInfo(t.uniqueNameHash, t.uniqueName, layer, layerName,
                                                                 0, t.dstState.uniqueNameHash, t.atomic, t.duration, t.mute, t.offset, t.solo);
                for (int i = 0; i < sm.stateCount; i++)
                    UnityEditorInternal.State state = sm.GetState(i);
                    Transition[] transitions        = sm.GetTransitionsFromState(state);
                    foreach (var t in transitions)
//						Debug.Log (state.uniqueName +  ", transition: " + t.uniqueName + " ---" + " dest = " + t.dstState + " (" + (Animator.StringToHash (state.uniqueName) == Animator.StringToHash (layerName + "." + t.dstState)) + ") " + " src = " + t.srcState);
                        TransitionInfo info = new TransitionInfo(t.uniqueNameHash, t.uniqueName, layer, layerName,
                                                                 t.srcState.uniqueNameHash, t.dstState.uniqueNameHash, t.atomic, t.duration, t.mute, t.offset, t.solo);
Esempio n. 4
 static void FindAllAniInControlMachine(UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine machine, List <AnimationClip> list)
     for (int i = 0; i < machine.stateCount; i++)
         var s = machine.GetState(i);
         var m = s.GetMotion();
         if (m != null)
             if (list.Contains(m as AnimationClip) == false)
                 list.Add(m as AnimationClip);
                 if ( !=
                     //Debug.LogWarning("发现一个问题,clipname 和 state name 不相等 " + + "=>" +;
                 mapClip2State[] =;                    //建立一张转换表,把clip的名字转换为state的名字,以正常clone
     for (int i = 0; i < machine.stateMachineCount; i++)
         var m = machine.GetStateMachine(i);
         FindAllAniInControlMachine(m, list);
Esempio n. 5
    private List <AnimationCustomCurves> GetCurvesFromStateMachine(UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine stateMachine, string namePrefix)
        var animCurvesList = new List <AnimationCustomCurves>();

        // Por cada estado de la maquina
        for (int stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < stateMachine.stateCount; stateIndex++)
            //Extrae el estado y el animation clip
            var state = stateMachine.GetState(stateIndex);
            var clip  = state.GetMotion() as AnimationClip;

            // Si no esta el clip ya en la lista lo agrega
            if (!animCurvesList.Exists(x => ==
                var deltaX = new AnimationCurve();
                var deltaY = new AnimationCurve();
                var deltaZ = new AnimationCurve();

                // Extrae las curvas
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
                foreach (var curveData in AnimationUtility.GetAllCurves(clip))
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
                    if (curveData.propertyName == "deltaX")
                        deltaX = NormalizeCurveLength(curveData.curve, 1f);
                    else if (curveData.propertyName == "deltaY")
                        deltaY = NormalizeCurveLength(curveData.curve, 1f);
                    else if (curveData.propertyName == "deltaZ")
                        deltaZ = NormalizeCurveLength(curveData.curve, 1f);

                // Agrega el nodo
                animCurvesList.Add(new AnimationCustomCurves(namePrefix +, deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ));

        // Para cada sub maquina de estado
        for (int index = 0; index < stateMachine.stateMachineCount; index++)
            // Extrae la maquina de estados
            var subStateMachine = stateMachine.GetStateMachine(index);

            // Agrega al prefijo el nombre de la sub maquina
            var subNamePrefix = + (".");

            // Extrae las curvas de la submaquina
            animCurvesList.AddRange(GetCurvesFromStateMachine(subStateMachine, subNamePrefix));

Esempio n. 6
    float getAnimClip()
        float length;

        UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController ac = anim.runtimeAnimatorController as UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController;
        UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine       sm = ac.GetLayer(0).stateMachine;

        UnityEditorInternal.State state = sm.GetState(0);
        AnimationClip             clip  = state.GetMotion() as AnimationClip;

        length = clip.length;

    public static IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > EnumerateStateNamesRecursive(this UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine sm)
        for (int i = 0; i < sm.stateCount; ++i)
            yield return(new KeyValuePair <string, string>( + "." + sm.GetState(i).name, sm.GetState(i).name));

        for (int i = 0; i < sm.stateMachineCount; ++i)
            var ssm = sm.GetStateMachine(i);
            foreach (var j in EnumerateStateNamesRecursive(ssm))
                yield return(j);
Esempio n. 8
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the count of transitions in a layer.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    /// The transition count.
    /// </returns>
    /// <param name='animator'>
    /// Animator.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='layer'>
    /// Layer.
    /// </param>
    public static int GetTransitionsCount(Animator animator, int layer)
        UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController ac           = animator.runtimeAnimatorController as UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController;
        UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine       stateMachine = ac.GetLayer(layer).stateMachine;

        int counter = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < stateMachine.stateCount; i++)
            Transition[] trans = stateMachine.GetTransitionsFromState(stateMachine.GetState(i));
            counter += trans.Length;


//		return stateMachine.transitionCount;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds convenience methods to determine the current Animator state as boolean methods to the class code
        /// element (e.g. IsIdle ()). NOTE that this method relies on classes from namespace UnityEditorInternal
        /// which can be subject to changes in future releases.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ProcessAllAnimatorStates(Animator animator, ProcessAnimatorState callback)
            AnimatorController controller = GetInternalAnimatorController(animator);
            int layerCount = controller.layerCount;

            for (int layer = 0; layer < layerCount; layer++)
                string layerName = controller.GetLayer(layer).name;
                UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine sm = controller.GetLayer(layer).stateMachine;
                for (int i = 0; i < sm.stateCount; i++)
                    UnityEditorInternal.State state = sm.GetState(i);
                    Motion    motion     = state.GetMotion();
                    float     duration   = (motion != null ? motion.averageDuration : 0f);
                    string    motionName = (motion != null ? : "");
                    StateInfo info       = new StateInfo(state.uniqueNameHash, layer, layerName, state.uniqueName, state.tag,
                                                         state.speed, state.iKOnFeet, state.mirror, motionName, duration);
Esempio n. 10
    void OnGUI()
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 100, 100, 40), new GUIContent("获取State")))
            UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController animController = Animator.runtimeAnimatorController as UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController;

            int layerCount = animController.layerCount;
            Debug.Log(string.Format("动画层数量: {0}", layerCount));

            // 动画层名称
            for (int layer = 0; layer < layerCount; layer++)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Layer {0}: {1}", layer, animController.GetLayer(layer).name));

            // 动画层0上面的State
            UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine sm = animController.GetLayer(0).stateMachine;
            for (int i = 0; i < sm.stateCount; i++)
                UnityEditorInternal.State state = sm.GetState(i);
                Debug.Log(string.Format("State: {0}, 唯一名称: {1}",, state.uniqueName));
Esempio n. 11
    private static AnimationClip FindAnimation(GameObject obj)
        string        name = null;
        AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
        Animator      anim = obj.GetComponent <Animator>();

        if (anim != null)
            UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController ac =
                anim.runtimeAnimatorController as UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController;
            if (null == ac)
            if (null == ac.GetLayer(0))
            UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine sm = ac.GetLayer(0).stateMachine;

            for (int i = 0; i < sm.stateCount; i++)
                UnityEditorInternal.State state = sm.GetState(i);

                clip = state.GetMotion() as AnimationClip;
                if (clip != null)
                    name =;

Esempio n. 12
    void OnGUI()

        GameObject modeling = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(go, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;

        if (go != modeling)
            go        = modeling;
            isPlaying = false;

            if (sample != null)

        if (go != null)
            if (GUILayout.Button("생성"))
                if (sample == null)
                    sample = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(go);

            if (GUILayout.Button("삭제"))
                if (sample != null)

            if (GUILayout.Button("재생"))
                if (sample != null)

                sample = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(go);

                if (sample != null)
                    anim = sample.GetComponent <Animator>();

                    if (anim == null)
                        Animator[] ats = sample.GetComponentsInChildren <Animator>();
                        if (ats != null && ats.Length > 0)
                            anim = ats[0];

                    aniTarget = null;

                    if (anim != null)
                        aniTarget = anim.gameObject;

                        UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController act = anim.runtimeAnimatorController as UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController;
                        UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine       sm  = act.GetLayer(0).stateMachine;

                        for (int i = 0; i < sm.stateCount; i++)
                            UnityEditorInternal.State state = sm.GetState(i);
                            ac = state.GetMotion() as AnimationClip;

                    if (sample.animation != null && sample.animation.clip != null)
                        ani = sample.animation;
                        ani = sample.GetComponentInChildren <Animation>();

                    if (ani != null && ani.clip != null)
                        ac = ani.clip;

                        aniTarget = ani.gameObject;

                    if (ac != null)
                        aniLength = ac.length;
                        wrapMode  = ac.wrapMode;

                    Selection.activeGameObject = sample;

                    if (sample.particleSystem != null)

                    ParticleSystem[] pss = sample.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>();

                    if (pss != null && pss.Length > 0)
                        ps = pss[0];
                        ps = null;

                    Selection.activeGameObject = null;

                    currentPlayTime = 0;

                    isPlaying = true;

Esempio n. 13
        private static void SearchMotion(AnimatorController animator, StateMachine stateMachine, AssetData assetData)
            var stateCount = 0;

            if (isUnity41)
                stateCount = (int)stateMachine.GetType().GetMethod("GetStateCount").Invoke(stateMachine, new object[0]);
                stateCount =
                    (int)stateMachine.GetType().GetProperty("stateCount").GetValue(stateMachine, new object[0]);
            for (var k = 0; k < stateCount; k++)
                var state = stateMachine.GetState(k);
                var parameters = new object[0];
                var types = new Type[0];
                if (isUnity41)
                    ArrayUtility.Add(ref parameters, 0);
                    ArrayUtility.Add(ref types, typeof(int));
                var motion = state.GetType().GetMethod("GetMotion", types).Invoke(state, parameters) as Motion;
                if (motion)
                    SearchBlendTreeMotion(animator, motion, assetData);