internal static unsafe void DrawLayoutMode(Rect position, LayoutMode hMode, LayoutMode vMode, bool doPivot, bool doPosition) { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } Color color = GUI.color; int num = (int)Mathf.Min(position.width, position.height); if ((num % 2) == 0) { num--; } int num2 = num / 2; if ((num2 % 2) == 0) { num2++; } Vector2 vector = (Vector2)(num *; Vector2 vector2 = (Vector2)(num2 *; Vector2 vector3 = (Vector2)((position.size - vector) / 2f); vector3.x = Mathf.Floor(vector3.x); vector3.y = Mathf.Floor(vector3.y); Vector2 vector4 = (Vector2)((position.size - vector2) / 2f); vector4.x = Mathf.Floor(vector4.x); vector4.y = Mathf.Floor(vector4.y); Rect rect = new Rect(position.x + vector3.x, position.y + vector3.y, vector.x, vector.y); Rect rect2 = new Rect(position.x + vector4.x, position.y + vector4.y, vector2.x, vector2.y); if (doPosition) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { ref Vector2 vectorRef; switch (((j != 0) ? vMode : hMode)) { case LayoutMode.Min: { int num4; Vector2 center =; (vectorRef = (Vector2) & center)[num4 = j] = vectorRef[num4] + (rect.min[j] - rect2.min[j]); = center; break; } case LayoutMode.Max: { int num5; Vector2 vector8 =; (vectorRef = (Vector2) & vector8)[num5 = j] = vectorRef[num5] + (rect.max[j] - rect2.max[j]); = vector8; break; } case LayoutMode.Stretch: { Vector2 min = rect2.min; Vector2 max = rect2.max; min[j] = rect.min[j]; max[j] = rect.max[j]; rect2.min = min; rect2.max = max; break; } } } }
private void Draw(Rect rect) { var settings = m_SceneView.cameraSettings; Styles.Init(); const int k_SettingsIconPad = 2; Vector2 settingsSize = EditorStyles.iconButton.CalcSize(EditorGUI.GUIContents.titleSettingsIcon); Rect settingsRect = new Rect(rect.xMax - Styles.settingsArea.padding.right - k_SettingsIconPad - settingsSize.x, + k_SettingsIconPad, settingsSize.x, settingsSize.y); if (GUI.Button(settingsRect, EditorGUI.GUIContents.titleSettingsIcon, EditorStyles.iconButton)) { ShowContextMenu(); } GUILayout.BeginArea(rect, Styles.settingsArea); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = kPrefixLabelWidth; GUILayout.Label(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Scene Camera"), EditorStyles.boldLabel); // fov isn't applicable in orthographic mode, and orthographic size is controlled by the user zoom using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(m_SceneView.orthographic)) { settings.fieldOfView = EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_FieldOfView, settings.fieldOfView, 4f, 179f); } settings.dynamicClip = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_DynamicClip, settings.dynamicClip); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(settings.dynamicClip)) { float near = settings.nearClip, far = settings.farClip; DrawClipPlanesField(EditorGUI.s_ClipingPlanesLabel, ref near, ref far, EditorGUI.kNearFarLabelsWidth); settings.nearClip = near; settings.farClip = far; settings.nearClip = Mathf.Max(kNearClipMin, settings.nearClip); if (settings.nearClip > settings.farClip) { settings.farClip = settings.nearClip + kNearClipMin; } } settings.occlusionCulling = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_OcclusionCulling, settings.occlusionCulling); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { m_SceneView.Repaint(); } GUILayout.Label(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Navigation"), EditorStyles.boldLabel); settings.easingEnabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_EasingEnabled, settings.easingEnabled); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!settings.easingEnabled)) { EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; settings.easingDuration = EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_EasingDuration, settings.easingDuration, .1f, 2f); EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; } settings.speed = EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_CameraSpeedSliderContent, settings.speed, settings.speedMin, settings.speedMax); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_Vector2Floats[0] = settings.speedMin; m_Vector2Floats[1] = settings.speedMax; DrawSpeedMinMaxFields(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { settings.SetSpeedMinMax(m_Vector2Floats); } EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0f; GUILayout.EndArea(); }
// showPerAxisWrapModes is state of whether "Per-Axis" mode should be active in the main dropdown. // It is set automatically if wrap modes in UVW are different, or if user explicitly picks "Per-Axis" option -- when that one is picked, // then it should stay true even if UVW wrap modes will initially be the same. // // Note: W wrapping mode is only shown when isVolumeTexture is true. internal static void WrapModePopup(SerializedProperty wrapU, SerializedProperty wrapV, SerializedProperty wrapW, bool isVolumeTexture, ref bool showPerAxisWrapModes) { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } // In texture importer settings, serialized properties for things like wrap modes can contain -1; // that seems to indicate "use defaults, user has not changed them to anything" but not totally sure. // Show them as Repeat wrap modes in the popups. var wu = (TextureWrapMode)Mathf.Max(wrapU.intValue, 0); var wv = (TextureWrapMode)Mathf.Max(wrapV.intValue, 0); var ww = (TextureWrapMode)Mathf.Max(wrapW.intValue, 0); // automatically go into per-axis mode if values are already different if (wu != wv) { showPerAxisWrapModes = true; } if (isVolumeTexture) { if (wu != ww || wv != ww) { showPerAxisWrapModes = true; } } // It's not possible to determine whether any single texture in the whole selection is using per-axis wrap modes // just from SerializedProperty values. They can only tell if "some values in whole selection are different" (e.g. // wrap value on U axis is not the same among all textures), and can return value of "some" object in the selection // (typically based on object loading order). So in order for more intuitive behavior with multi-selection, // we go over the actual objects when there's >1 object selected and some wrap modes are different. if (!showPerAxisWrapModes) { if (wrapU.hasMultipleDifferentValues || wrapV.hasMultipleDifferentValues || (isVolumeTexture && wrapW.hasMultipleDifferentValues)) { if (IsAnyTextureObjectUsingPerAxisWrapMode(wrapU.serializedObject.targetObjects, isVolumeTexture)) { showPerAxisWrapModes = true; } } } int value = showPerAxisWrapModes ? -1 : (int)wu; // main wrap mode popup EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUI.showMixedValue = !showPerAxisWrapModes && (wrapU.hasMultipleDifferentValues || wrapV.hasMultipleDifferentValues || (isVolumeTexture && wrapW.hasMultipleDifferentValues)); value = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(s_Styles.wrapModeLabel, value, s_Styles.wrapModeContents, s_Styles.wrapModeValues); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && value != -1) { // assign the same wrap mode to all axes, and hide per-axis popups wrapU.intValue = value; wrapV.intValue = value; wrapW.intValue = value; showPerAxisWrapModes = false; } // show per-axis popups if needed if (value == -1) { showPerAxisWrapModes = true; EditorGUI.indentLevel++; WrapModeAxisPopup(s_Styles.wrapU, wrapU); WrapModeAxisPopup(s_Styles.wrapV, wrapV); if (isVolumeTexture) { WrapModeAxisPopup(s_Styles.wrapW, wrapW); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false; }
void OnGUI() { if (styles == null) { styles = new Styles(); styles.toggleSize = styles.toggle.CalcSize(new GUIContent("X")); } if (!UnityConnect.instance.canBuildWithUPID) { ShowAlert(); } GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); string message = ""; var buildSettingsLocked = !AssetDatabase.IsOpenForEdit(kEditorBuildSettingsPath, out message, StatusQueryOptions.UseCachedIfPossible); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(buildSettingsLocked)) { ActiveScenesGUI(); // Clear all and Add Current Scene GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (buildSettingsLocked) { GUI.enabled = true; if (Provider.enabled && GUILayout.Button(styles.checkOut)) { Asset asset = Provider.GetAssetByPath(kEditorBuildSettingsPath); var assetList = new AssetList(); assetList.Add(asset); Provider.Checkout(assetList, CheckoutMode.Asset); } GUILayout.Label(message); GUI.enabled = false; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button(styles.addOpenSource)) { AddOpenScenes(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Height(351)); ActiveBuildTargetsGUI(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); ShowBuildTargetSettings(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (styles == null) { // Set the singleton in case the DrawEditors() has created this window s_SharedAssetStoreAssetInspector = this; styles = new Styles(); } AssetStoreAsset activeAsset = AssetStoreAssetSelection.GetFirstAsset(); AssetStoreAsset.PreviewInfo info = null; if (activeAsset != null) { info = activeAsset.previewInfo; } if (activeAsset != null) { = string.Format("Asset Store: {0}",; } else { = "Asset Store"; } EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); bool guiEnabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = activeAsset != null && activeAsset.packageID != 0; if (OfflineNoticeEnabled) { Color col = GUI.color; GUI.color = Color.yellow; GUILayout.Label("Network is offline"); GUI.color = col; } if (activeAsset != null) { string typeName = activeAsset.className == null ? "" : activeAsset.className.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2)[0]; bool isPackage = == -activeAsset.packageID; if (isPackage) { typeName = "Package"; } if (activeAsset.HasLivePreview) { typeName = activeAsset.Preview.GetType().Name; } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Type", typeName); if (isPackage) { packageInfoShown = true; } else { EditorGUILayout.Separator(); packageInfoShown = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(packageInfoShown, "Part of package", true); } if (packageInfoShown) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Name", info == null ? "-" : info.packageName); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Version", info == null ? "-" : info.packageVersion); string price = info == null ? "-" : (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(activeAsset.price) ? activeAsset.price : "free"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Price", price); string rating = info != null && info.packageRating >= 0 ? info.packageRating + " of 5" : "-"; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Rating", rating); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Size", info == null ? "-" : intToSizeString(info.packageSize)); string assetCount = info != null && info.packageAssetCount >= 0 ? info.packageAssetCount.ToString() : "-"; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Asset count", assetCount); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Web page"); bool hasPageUrl = info != null && info.packageShortUrl != null && info.packageShortUrl != ""; bool guiBefore = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = hasPageUrl; if (GUILayout.Button(hasPageUrl ? new GUIContent(info.packageShortUrl, "View in browser") : EditorGUIUtility.TempContent("-"), { Application.OpenURL(info.packageShortUrl); } if (GUI.enabled) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), MouseCursor.Link); } GUI.enabled = guiBefore; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Publisher", info == null ? "-" : info.publisherName); } if ( != 0) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); string actionLabel; if (info != null && info.isDownloadable) { actionLabel = "Import package"; } else { actionLabel = "Buy for " + activeAsset.price; } bool lastEnabled = GUI.enabled; bool building = info != null && info.buildProgress >= 0; bool downloading = info != null && info.downloadProgress >= 0; if (building || downloading || info == null) { actionLabel = ""; GUI.enabled = false; } if (GUILayout.Button(actionLabel, GUILayout.Height(40), GUILayout.Width(120))) { if (info != null && info.isDownloadable) { ImportPackage(activeAsset); } else { InitiateBuySelected(); } GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } Rect r; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { r = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); r.height -= 4; float width = r.width; r.width = r.height; r.y += 2; r.x += 2; if (building || downloading) { r.width = width - r.height - 4; r.x += r.height; EditorGUI.ProgressBar(r, downloading ? info.downloadProgress : info.buildProgress, downloading ? "Downloading" : "Building"); } } GUI.enabled = lastEnabled; GUILayout.Space(4); if (GUILayout.Button("Open Asset Store", GUILayout.Height(40), GUILayout.Width(120))) { OpenItemInAssetStore(activeAsset); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } EditorWrapper editor = previewEditor; if (editor != null && activeAsset != null && activeAsset.HasLivePreview) { editor.OnAssetStoreInspectorGUI(); } GUI.enabled = guiEnabled; EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
public override void OnPreviewSettings() { if (IsCubemap()) { m_CubemapPreview.OnPreviewSettings(targets); return; } if (IsTexture2DArray() && !SystemInfo.supports2DArrayTextures) { return; } if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } // TextureInspector code is reused for RenderTexture and Cubemap inspectors. // Make sure we can handle the situation where target is just a Texture and // not a Texture2D. It's also used for large popups for mini texture fields, // and while it's being shown the actual texture object might disappear -- // make sure to handle null targets. Texture tex = target as Texture; bool alphaOnly = false; bool hasAlpha = true; int mipCount = 1; if (target is Texture2D) { alphaOnly = true; hasAlpha = false; } foreach (Texture t in targets) { if (t == null) // texture might have disappeared while we're showing this in a preview popup { continue; } TextureFormat format = 0; bool checkFormat = false; if (t is Texture2D) { format = (t as Texture2D).format; checkFormat = true; } if (checkFormat) { if (!TextureUtil.IsAlphaOnlyTextureFormat(format)) { alphaOnly = false; } if (TextureUtil.HasAlphaTextureFormat(format)) { TextureUsageMode mode = TextureUtil.GetUsageMode(t); if (mode == TextureUsageMode.Default) // all other texture usage modes don't displayable alpha { hasAlpha = true; } } } mipCount = Mathf.Max(mipCount, TextureUtil.GetMipmapCount(t)); } List <PreviewMode> previewCandidates = new List <PreviewMode>(5); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.RGB); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.R); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.G); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.B); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.A); if (alphaOnly) { previewCandidates.Clear(); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.A); m_PreviewMode = PreviewMode.A; } else if (!hasAlpha) { previewCandidates.Remove(PreviewMode.A); } if (previewCandidates.Count > 1 && tex != null && !IsNormalMap(tex)) { int selectedIndex = previewCandidates.IndexOf(m_PreviewMode); if (selectedIndex == -1) { selectedIndex = 0; } if (previewCandidates.Contains(PreviewMode.RGB)) { m_PreviewMode = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.RGB, s_Styles.previewButtonContents[0], s_Styles.toolbarButton) ? PreviewMode.RGB : m_PreviewMode; } if (previewCandidates.Contains(PreviewMode.R)) { m_PreviewMode = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.R, s_Styles.previewButtonContents[1], s_Styles.toolbarButton) ? PreviewMode.R : m_PreviewMode; } if (previewCandidates.Contains(PreviewMode.G)) { m_PreviewMode = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.G, s_Styles.previewButtonContents[2], s_Styles.toolbarButton) ? PreviewMode.G : m_PreviewMode; } if (previewCandidates.Contains(PreviewMode.B)) { m_PreviewMode = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.B, s_Styles.previewButtonContents[3], s_Styles.toolbarButton) ? PreviewMode.B : m_PreviewMode; } if (previewCandidates.Contains(PreviewMode.A)) { m_PreviewMode = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.A, s_Styles.previewButtonContents[4], s_Styles.toolbarButton) ? PreviewMode.A : m_PreviewMode; } } if (mipCount > 1) { GUILayout.Box(s_Styles.smallZoom, s_Styles.previewLabel); GUI.changed = false; m_MipLevel = Mathf.Round(GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(m_MipLevel, mipCount - 1, 0, s_Styles.previewSlider, s_Styles.previewSliderThumb, GUILayout.MaxWidth(64))); GUILayout.Box(s_Styles.largeZoom, s_Styles.previewLabel); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (styles == null) { styles = new Styles(); } var rts = target as RayTracingShader; if (rts == null) { return; } serializedObject.Update(); GUI.enabled = true; EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; if (ShowPlatformListSection(rts)) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_MaxRecursionDepth, styles.s_MaxRecursionDepthText); int rayGenShaderCount = ShaderUtil.GetRayGenerationShaderCount(rts); if (rayGenShaderCount > 0) { GUILayout.Space(15.0f); GUILayout.Label(styles.s_RayGenShaderNames, styles.s_LabelStyle); string[] rayGenShaderNames = new string[rayGenShaderCount]; for (int i = 0; i < rayGenShaderCount; i++) { rayGenShaderNames[i] = ShaderUtil.GetRayGenerationShaderName(rts, i); } ShowRayGenerationShaderList(rayGenShaderNames); } int missShaderCount = ShaderUtil.GetMissShaderCount(rts); if (missShaderCount > 0) { GUILayout.Space(15.0f); GUILayout.Label(styles.s_MissShaderNames, styles.s_LabelStyle); string[] missShaderNames = new string[missShaderCount]; int[] missShaderPayloadSize = new int[missShaderCount]; for (int i = 0; i < missShaderCount; i++) { missShaderNames[i] = ShaderUtil.GetMissShaderName(rts, i); missShaderPayloadSize[i] = ShaderUtil.GetMissShaderRayPayloadSize(rts, i); } ShowMissShaderList(missShaderNames, missShaderPayloadSize); } int callableShaderCount = ShaderUtil.GetCallableShaderCount(rts); if (callableShaderCount > 0) { GUILayout.Space(15.0f); GUILayout.Label(styles.s_CallableShaderNames, styles.s_LabelStyle); string[] callableShaderNames = new string[callableShaderCount]; int[] callableShaderParamsSize = new int[callableShaderCount]; for (int i = 0; i < callableShaderCount; i++) { callableShaderNames[i] = ShaderUtil.GetCallableShaderName(rts, i); callableShaderParamsSize[i] = ShaderUtil.GetCallableShaderParamSize(rts, i); } ShowCallableShaderList(callableShaderNames, callableShaderParamsSize); } } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(styles.s_NotSupported.text, MessageType.Error); } ShowShaderErrors(rts); }
public void OnGUI() { if (styles == null) { styles = new Styles(); } LoadLogos(); if (AssetStoreClient.LoginInProgress() || AssetStoreClient.LoggedIn()) { GUI.enabled = false; } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.Label(s_AssetStoreLogo, GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(6); GUILayout.Label(m_LoginReason, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel); Rect lastReasonRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(6); Rect lastMessageRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); if (m_LoginRemoteMessage != null) { Color oldColor = GUI.color; GUI.color =; GUILayout.Label(m_LoginRemoteMessage, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel); GUI.color = oldColor; lastMessageRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); } float newHeight = lastReasonRect.height + lastMessageRect.height + kBaseHeight; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && newHeight != position.height) { // Debug.Log(newHeight.ToString() + " " + position.height + " " + lastReasonRect.height.ToString() + " " + lastMessageRect.height.ToString()); position = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width, newHeight); Repaint(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUI.SetNextControlName("username"); m_Username = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Username", m_Username); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); m_Password = EditorGUILayout.PasswordField("Password", m_Password, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (GUILayout.Button(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Forgot?", "Reset your password"),, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { Application.OpenURL(""); } EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), MouseCursor.Link); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); bool oldRememberMe = AssetStoreClient.RememberSession; bool newRememberMe = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Remember me", oldRememberMe); if (newRememberMe != oldRememberMe) { AssetStoreClient.RememberSession = newRememberMe; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(8); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Create account")) { AssetStore.Open("createuser/"); m_LoginRemoteMessage = "Cancelled - create user"; Close(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel")) { m_LoginRemoteMessage = "Cancelled"; Close(); } GUILayout.Space(5); if (GUILayout.Button("Login")) { DoLogin(); Repaint(); } GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (Event.current.Equals(Event.KeyboardEvent("return"))) { DoLogin(); Repaint(); } if (m_Username == "") { EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl("username"); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { serializedObject.Update(); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(false)) { var isManagedPlugin = importers.All(x => x.dllType == DllType.ManagedNET35 || x.dllType == DllType.ManagedNET40); if (isManagedPlugin) { ShowReferenceOptions(); GUILayout.Space(10f); } GUILayout.Label(Styles.kPluginPlatforms, EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(; ShowGeneralOptions(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(10f); if (IsEditingPlatformSettingsSupported()) { ShowPlatformSettings(); } if (isManagedPlugin) { GUILayout.Label(Styles.kDefineConstraints, EditorStyles.boldLabel); if (m_DefineConstraints.list.Count > 0) { var defines = InternalEditorUtility.GetCompilationDefines(EditorScriptCompilationOptions.BuildingForEditor, EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTargetGroup, EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget); var defineConstraintsCompatible = true; if (defines != null) { for (var i = 0; i < m_DefineConstraints.list.Count && defineConstraintsCompatible; ++i) { var defineConstraint = ((DefineConstraint)m_DefineConstraints.list[i]).name; if (DefineConstraintsHelper.GetDefineConstraintCompatibility(defines, defineConstraint) != DefineConstraintsHelper.DefineConstraintStatus.Compatible) { defineConstraintsCompatible = false; } } var constraintValidityRect = new Rect(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect()); constraintValidityRect.x = constraintValidityRect.width - Styles.kValidityIconWidth / 4; var image = defineConstraintsCompatible ? Styles.validDefineConstraint : Styles.invalidDefineConstraint; var tooltip = Styles.GetTitleTooltipFromDefineConstraintCompatibility(defineConstraintsCompatible); var content = new GUIContent(image, tooltip); constraintValidityRect.width = Styles.kValidityIconWidth; constraintValidityRect.height = Styles.kValidityIconHeight; EditorGUI.LabelField(constraintValidityRect, content); } } m_DefineConstraints.DoLayoutList(); } if (importers.All(imp => imp.isNativePlugin)) { GUILayout.Space(10f); GUILayout.Label(Styles.kLoadSettings, EditorStyles.boldLabel); ShowLoadSettings(); } } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); ApplyRevertGUI(); // Don't output additional information if we have multiple plugins selected if (targets.Length > 1) { return; } GUILayout.Label(Styles.kInformation, EditorStyles.boldLabel); m_InformationScrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginVerticalScrollView(m_InformationScrollPosition); foreach (var prop in m_PluginInformation) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(prop.Key, GUILayout.Width(85)); EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(prop.Value, GUILayout.Height(EditorGUI.kSingleLineHeight)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // Warning for Case 648027 // Once Mono loads a native plugin, it never releases a handle, thus plugin is never unloaded. if (importer.isNativePlugin) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Once a native plugin is loaded from script, it's never unloaded. If you deselect a native plugin and it's already loaded, please restart Unity.", MessageType.Warning); } }
public void ObjectPreview(Rect r) { if (r.height > 0f) { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } List <Texture2D> list = new List <Texture2D>(); foreach (GITextureType type in this.kObjectPreviewTextureTypes) { list.Add(LightmapVisualizationUtility.GetGITexture(type)); } if (list.Count != 0) { Rect rect3; Rect rect9; if (this.m_ZoomablePreview == null) { this.m_ZoomablePreview = new ZoomableArea(true); this.m_ZoomablePreview.hRangeMin = 0f; this.m_ZoomablePreview.vRangeMin = 0f; this.m_ZoomablePreview.hRangeMax = 1f; this.m_ZoomablePreview.vRangeMax = 1f; this.m_ZoomablePreview.SetShownHRange(0f, 1f); this.m_ZoomablePreview.SetShownVRange(0f, 1f); this.m_ZoomablePreview.uniformScale = true; this.m_ZoomablePreview.scaleWithWindow = true; } GUI.Box(r, string.Empty, "PreBackground"); Rect position = new Rect(r); position.y++; position.height = 18f; GUI.Box(position, string.Empty, EditorStyles.toolbar); Rect rect2 = new Rect(r); rect2.y++; rect2.height = 18f; rect2.width = 120f; rect3 = new Rect(r) { yMin = rect3.yMin + rect2.height, yMax = rect3.yMax - 14f, width = rect3.width - 11f }; int index = Array.IndexOf <GUIContent>(kObjectPreviewTextureOptions, this.m_SelectedObjectPreviewTexture); if (index < 0) { index = 0; } index = EditorGUI.Popup(rect2, index, kObjectPreviewTextureOptions, EditorStyles.toolbarPopup); if (index >= kObjectPreviewTextureOptions.Length) { index = 0; } this.m_SelectedObjectPreviewTexture = kObjectPreviewTextureOptions[index]; LightmapType lightmapType = ((this.kObjectPreviewTextureTypes[index] != GITextureType.Baked) && (this.kObjectPreviewTextureTypes[index] != GITextureType.BakedDirectional)) ? LightmapType.DynamicLightmap : LightmapType.StaticLightmap; SerializedProperty property = new SerializedObject(LightmapEditorSettings.GetLightmapSettings()).FindProperty("m_LightmapsMode"); bool flag = ((this.kObjectPreviewTextureTypes[index] == GITextureType.Baked) || (this.kObjectPreviewTextureTypes[index] == GITextureType.BakedDirectional)) && (property.intValue == 2); if (flag) { GUIContent content = GUIContent.Temp("Indirect"); Rect rect4 = rect2; rect4.x += rect2.width; rect4.width = EditorStyles.toolbarButton.CalcSize(content).x; this.m_HasSeparateIndirectUV = GUI.Toggle(rect4, this.m_HasSeparateIndirectUV, content.text, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); } switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.ValidateCommand: case EventType.ExecuteCommand: if (Event.current.commandName == "FrameSelected") { Rect rect5; Vector4 lightmapTilingOffset = LightmapVisualizationUtility.GetLightmapTilingOffset(lightmapType); Vector2 lhs = new Vector2(lightmapTilingOffset.z, lightmapTilingOffset.w); Vector2 vector3 = lhs + new Vector2(lightmapTilingOffset.x, lightmapTilingOffset.y); lhs = Vector2.Max(lhs,; vector3 = Vector2.Min(vector3,; float num3 = 1f - lhs.y; lhs.y = 1f - vector3.y; vector3.y = num3; rect5 = new Rect(lhs.x, lhs.y, vector3.x - lhs.x, vector3.y - lhs.y) { x = rect5.x - (Mathf.Clamp(rect5.height - rect5.width, 0f, float.MaxValue) / 2f), y = rect5.y - (Mathf.Clamp(rect5.width - rect5.height, 0f, float.MaxValue) / 2f) }; float num5 = Mathf.Max(rect5.width, rect5.height); rect5.height = num5; rect5.width = num5; if (flag && this.m_HasSeparateIndirectUV) { rect5.x += 0.5f; } this.m_ZoomablePreview.shownArea = rect5; Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.Repaint: { Texture2D texture = list[index]; if ((texture != null) && (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)) { Rect rect7; Rect rect8; Rect rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)texture.width, (float)texture.height); rect = this.ResizeRectToFit(rect, rect3); rect = this.CenterToRect(rect, rect3); rect = this.ScaleRectByZoomableArea(rect, this.m_ZoomablePreview); rect7 = new Rect(rect) { x = rect7.x + 3f, y = rect7.y + (rect3.y + 20f) }; rect8 = new Rect(rect3) { y = rect8.y + (rect2.height + 3f) }; float num4 = rect8.y - 14f; rect7.y -= num4; rect8.y -= num4; FilterMode filterMode = texture.filterMode; texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; GITextureType textureType = this.kObjectPreviewTextureTypes[index]; bool drawSpecularUV = flag && this.m_HasSeparateIndirectUV; LightmapVisualizationUtility.DrawTextureWithUVOverlay(texture, Selection.activeGameObject, rect8, rect7, textureType, drawSpecularUV); texture.filterMode = filterMode; } break; } } if (this.m_PreviousSelection != Selection.activeInstanceID) { this.m_PreviousSelection = Selection.activeInstanceID; this.m_ZoomablePreview.SetShownHRange(0f, 1f); this.m_ZoomablePreview.SetShownVRange(0f, 1f); } rect9 = new Rect(r) { yMin = rect9.yMin + rect2.height }; this.m_ZoomablePreview.rect = rect9; this.m_ZoomablePreview.BeginViewGUI(); this.m_ZoomablePreview.EndViewGUI(); GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(r.width, r.height); } } }
internal static void DrawPreview(IPreviewable defaultPreview, Rect previewArea, UnityEngine.Object[] targets) { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } string infoString = string.Empty; Event current = Event.current; if (targets.Length > 1) { Rect rect = new RectOffset(0x10, 0x10, 20, 0x19).Remove(previewArea); int num = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((rect.height + 10f) / 77f)); int num2 = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((rect.width + 10f) / 65f)); int num3 = num * num2; int minimumNr = Mathf.Min(targets.Length, 0x19); bool flag = true; int[] numArray = new int[] { num2, num }; if (minimumNr < num3) { numArray = GetGridDivision(rect, minimumNr, 12); flag = false; } int num5 = Mathf.Min(numArray[0] * numArray[1], targets.Length); rect.width += 10f; rect.height += 10f; Vector2 vector = new Vector2((float)Mathf.FloorToInt((rect.width / ((float)numArray[0])) - 10f), (float)Mathf.FloorToInt((rect.height / ((float)numArray[1])) - 10f)); float a = Mathf.Min(vector.x, vector.y - 12f); if (flag) { a = Mathf.Min(a, 55f); } bool flag2 = (((current.type == EventType.MouseDown) && (current.button == 0)) && (current.clickCount == 2)) && previewArea.Contains(current.mousePosition); defaultPreview.ResetTarget(); for (int i = 0; i < num5; i++) { Rect position = new Rect(rect.x + (((i % numArray[0]) * rect.width) / ((float)numArray[0])), rect.y + (((i / numArray[0]) * rect.height) / ((float)numArray[1])), vector.x, vector.y); if (flag2 && position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Selection.objects = new UnityEngine.Object[] { }; } position.height -= 12f; Rect rect3 = new Rect(position.x + ((position.width - a) * 0.5f), position.y + ((position.height - a) * 0.5f), a, a); GUI.BeginGroup(rect3); Editor.m_AllowMultiObjectAccess = false; defaultPreview.OnInteractivePreviewGUI(new Rect(0f, 0f, a, a), s_Styles.preBackgroundSolid); Editor.m_AllowMultiObjectAccess = true; GUI.EndGroup(); position.y = rect3.yMax; position.height = 16f; GUI.Label(position, targets[i].name, s_Styles.previewMiniLabel); defaultPreview.MoveNextTarget(); } defaultPreview.ResetTarget(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { infoString = $"Previewing {num5} of {targets.Length} Objects"; } } else { defaultPreview.OnInteractivePreviewGUI(previewArea, s_Styles.preBackground); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { infoString = defaultPreview.GetInfoString(); if (infoString != string.Empty) { infoString = infoString.Replace("\n", " "); infoString = $"{} {infoString}"; } } } if ((Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) && (infoString != string.Empty)) { float height = s_Styles.dropShadowLabelStyle.CalcHeight(GUIContent.Temp(infoString), previewArea.width); EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(new Rect(previewArea.x, (previewArea.yMax - height) - 5f, previewArea.width, height), infoString); } }
public static void DoFixerUI(GameObject gameObject) { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } var srpAsset = GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline; var defaultSpeedTree8Shader = srpAsset != null ? srpAsset.defaultSpeedTree8Shader : null; if (defaultSpeedTree8Shader == null) { defaultSpeedTree8Shader = Shader.Find("Nature/SpeedTree8"); } var defaultSpeedTree7Shader = srpAsset != null ? srpAsset.defaultSpeedTree7Shader : null; if (defaultSpeedTree7Shader == null) { defaultSpeedTree7Shader = Shader.Find("Nature/SpeedTree"); } if (defaultSpeedTree8Shader == null || defaultSpeedTree7Shader == null) { return; } HashSet <Material> materialsUsedForBothVersion = null, speedTreeV7MaterialsToFix = null, speedTreeV8MaterialsToFix = null; foreach (var meshRenderer in EnumerateMeshRenderers(gameObject)) { var meshFilter = meshRenderer.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); if (meshFilter == null) { continue; } var mesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh; if (mesh == null || !EditorUtility.IsPersistent(mesh)) { continue; } var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(mesh); var speedTreeImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath) as SpeedTreeImporter; if (speedTreeImporter == null) { continue; } if (materialsUsedForBothVersion == null) { materialsUsedForBothVersion = new HashSet <Material>(); speedTreeV7MaterialsToFix = new HashSet <Material>(); speedTreeV8MaterialsToFix = new HashSet <Material>(); } bool meshIsV8 = speedTreeImporter.isV8; foreach (var material in meshRenderer.sharedMaterials) { if (material == null) { continue; } // If the material is used for both v7 & v8 mesh: ignore. if (materialsUsedForBothVersion.Contains(material)) { continue; } // We only fix materials with wrong speedtree shader assigned. We don't know if it's "wrong" if user uses their custom shaders. var wrongShader = meshIsV8 ? defaultSpeedTree7Shader : defaultSpeedTree8Shader; if (material.shader != wrongShader) { continue; } var targetMaterialSet = meshIsV8 ? speedTreeV8MaterialsToFix : speedTreeV7MaterialsToFix; var otherMaterialSet = meshIsV8 ? speedTreeV7MaterialsToFix : speedTreeV8MaterialsToFix; if (otherMaterialSet.Contains(material)) { // rare case that the same material is used both for v7 & v8 material: materialsUsedForBothVersion.Add(material); otherMaterialSet.Remove(material); } else { targetMaterialSet.Add(material); } } } // No speedtree meshes. if (materialsUsedForBothVersion == null) { return; } if (speedTreeV7MaterialsToFix.Count > 0 || speedTreeV8MaterialsToFix.Count > 0) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(s_Styles.Message, MessageType.Error); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button(s_Styles.FixSpeedTreeShaders, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { Undo.RecordObjects(speedTreeV7MaterialsToFix.Concat(speedTreeV8MaterialsToFix).ToArray(), "Fix SpeedTree Shaders"); foreach (var material in speedTreeV7MaterialsToFix) { material.shader = defaultSpeedTree7Shader; } foreach (var material in speedTreeV8MaterialsToFix) { material.shader = defaultSpeedTree8Shader; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (materialsUsedForBothVersion.Count != 0) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Some of the materials are used for both SpeedTree 7 and SpeedTree 8 assets. Unity won't be able to fix that. Please create separate materials.", MessageType.Error); } }
void OnGUI() { if (ms_Styles == null) { ms_Styles = new Styles(); } GUILayout.Space(5); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Vector3 m = move; m.x = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(ms_Styles.moveX, m.x); m.y = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(ms_Styles.moveY, m.y); m.z = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(ms_Styles.moveZ, m.z); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (m.x <= 0) { m.x = move.x; } if (m.y <= 0) { m.y = move.y; } if (m.z <= 0) { m.z = move.z; } move = m; } scale = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(ms_Styles.scale, scale); rotation = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(ms_Styles.rotation, rotation); GUILayout.Space(5); bool snapX = false, snapY = false, snapZ = false; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(ms_Styles.snapAllAxes, ms_Styles.buttonLeft)) { snapX = true; snapY = true; snapZ = true; } if (GUILayout.Button(ms_Styles.snapX, ms_Styles.buttonMid)) { snapX = true; } if (GUILayout.Button(ms_Styles.snapY, ms_Styles.buttonMid)) { snapY = true; } if (GUILayout.Button(ms_Styles.snapZ, ms_Styles.buttonRight)) { snapZ = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (snapX | snapY | snapZ) { Vector3 scaleTmp = new Vector3(1.0f / move.x, 1.0f / move.y, 1.0f / move.z); Undo.RecordObjects(Selection.transforms, "Snap " + (Selection.transforms.Length == 1 ? : " selection") + " to grid"); foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms) { Vector3 pos = t.position; if (snapX) { pos.x = Mathf.Round(pos.x * scaleTmp.x) / scaleTmp.x; } if (snapY) { pos.y = Mathf.Round(pos.y * scaleTmp.y) / scaleTmp.y; } if (snapZ) { pos.z = Mathf.Round(pos.z * scaleTmp.z) / scaleTmp.z; } t.position = pos; } } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect rect) { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } Event evt = Event.current; Rect contentRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, CalcSize().y); m_ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(rect, m_ScrollPosition, contentRect); { float curY = 2f; for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) { int itemControlID = i + 1000000; Rect itemRect = new Rect(0, curY, rect.width, lineHeight); bool addSeperator = Array.IndexOf(m_SeperatorIndices, i) >= 0; // Add new preset button if (m_ShowAddNewPresetItem && i == m_ItemProvider.Count()) { CreateNewItemButton(itemRect); continue; } if (m_ShowEditWindowForIndex == i) { m_ShowEditWindowForIndex = -1; EditExistingItem(itemRect, i); } // Handle event switch (evt.type) { case EventType.Repaint: bool hover = false; if (m_HoverIndex == i) { if (itemRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { hover = true; } else { m_HoverIndex = -1; } } // Overwrite if if (m_ModifyItemUI != null && m_ModifyItemUI.IsShowing()) { hover = m_ItemProvider.GetItem(i) == m_ModifyItemUI.m_Object; } s_Styles.menuItem.Draw(itemRect, GUIContent.Temp(m_ItemProvider.GetName(i)), hover, false, i == selectedIndex, false); if (addSeperator) { const float margin = 4f; Rect seperatorRect = new Rect(itemRect.x + margin, itemRect.y + itemRect.height + seperatorHeight * 0.5f, itemRect.width - 2 * margin, 1); DrawRect(seperatorRect, (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) ? new Color(0.32f, 0.32f, 0.32f, 1.333f) : new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.333f)); // dark : light } // We delete presets on alt-click if (AllowDeleteClick(i)) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(itemRect, MouseCursor.ArrowMinus); } break; case EventType.MouseDown: if (evt.button == 0 && itemRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { GUIUtility.hotControl = itemControlID; if (!IsDeleteModiferPressed() && evt.clickCount == 1) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; SelectItem(i); editorWindow.Close(); evt.Use(); } } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == itemControlID) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; if (evt.button == 0 && itemRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { if (AllowDeleteClick(i)) { DeleteItem(i); evt.Use(); } } } break; case EventType.ContextClick: if (itemRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { evt.Use(); if (m_ModifyItemUI != null && m_ItemProvider.IsModificationAllowed(i)) { ItemContextMenu.Show(i, this); } } break; case EventType.MouseMove: if (itemRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { if (m_HoverIndex != i) { m_HoverIndex = i; Repaint(); } } else if (m_HoverIndex == i) { m_HoverIndex = -1; Repaint(); } break; } curY += lineHeight; if (addSeperator) { curY += seperatorHeight; } } // end foreach item } GUI.EndScrollView(); }
private void OnGUI() { bool flag = Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp; if (this.delegateView == null) { this.m_Curve = null; } if (ms_Styles == null) { ms_Styles = new Styles(); } this.m_CurveEditor.rect = this.GetCurveEditorRect(); this.m_CurveEditor.hRangeLocked = Event.current.shift; this.m_CurveEditor.vRangeLocked = EditorGUI.actionKey; GUI.changed = false; GUI.Label(this.m_CurveEditor.drawRect, GUIContent.none, ms_Styles.curveEditorBackground); this.m_CurveEditor.BeginViewGUI(); this.m_CurveEditor.GridGUI(); this.m_CurveEditor.CurveGUI(); this.DoWrapperPopups(); this.m_CurveEditor.EndViewGUI(); GUI.Box(new Rect(0f, base.position.height - 46f, base.position.width, 46f), string.Empty, ms_Styles.curveSwatchArea); this.m_Color.a *= 0.6f; float y = (base.position.height - 46f) + 10.5f; this.InitCurvePresets(); CurvePresetLibrary currentLib = this.m_CurvePresets.GetPresetLibraryEditor().GetCurrentLib(); if (currentLib != null) { for (int i = 0; i < currentLib.Count(); i++) { Rect position = new Rect(45f + (45f * i), y, 40f, 25f); this.m_GUIContent.tooltip = currentLib.GetName(i); if (GUI.Button(position, this.m_GUIContent, ms_Styles.curveSwatch)) { AnimationCurve preset = currentLib.GetPreset(i) as AnimationCurve; this.m_Curve.keys = preset.keys; this.m_Curve.postWrapMode = preset.postWrapMode; this.m_Curve.preWrapMode = preset.preWrapMode; this.m_CurveEditor.SelectNone(); this.SendEvent("CurveChanged", true); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { currentLib.Draw(position, i); } if (position.xMax > (base.position.width - 90f)) { break; } } } Rect rect2 = new Rect(25f, y + 5f, 20f, 20f); this.PresetDropDown(rect2); if ((Event.current.type == EventType.Used) && flag) { this.DoUpdateCurve(false); this.SendEvent("CurveChangeCompleted", true); } else if ((Event.current.type != EventType.Layout) && (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)) { this.DoUpdateCurve(true); } }
private void OnGUI() { if (ms_Styles == null) { ms_Styles = new Styles(); } GUILayout.Space(5f); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Vector3 move = SnapSettings.move; move.x = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(ms_Styles.moveX, move.x, new GUILayoutOption[0]); move.y = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(ms_Styles.moveY, move.y, new GUILayoutOption[0]); move.z = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(ms_Styles.moveZ, move.z, new GUILayoutOption[0]); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (move.x <= 0f) { move.x = SnapSettings.move.x; } if (move.y <= 0f) { move.y = SnapSettings.move.y; } if (move.z <= 0f) { move.z = SnapSettings.move.z; } SnapSettings.move = move; } scale = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(ms_Styles.scale, scale, new GUILayoutOption[0]); rotation = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(ms_Styles.rotation, rotation, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Space(5f); bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = false; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); if (GUILayout.Button(ms_Styles.snapAllAxes, ms_Styles.buttonLeft, new GUILayoutOption[0])) { flag = true; flag2 = true; flag3 = true; } if (GUILayout.Button(ms_Styles.snapX, ms_Styles.buttonMid, new GUILayoutOption[0])) { flag = true; } if (GUILayout.Button(ms_Styles.snapY, ms_Styles.buttonMid, new GUILayoutOption[0])) { flag2 = true; } if (GUILayout.Button(ms_Styles.snapZ, ms_Styles.buttonRight, new GUILayoutOption[0])) { flag3 = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if ((flag | flag2) | flag3) { Vector3 vector2 = new Vector3(1f / SnapSettings.move.x, 1f / SnapSettings.move.y, 1f / SnapSettings.move.z); Undo.RecordObjects(Selection.transforms, "Snap " + ((Selection.transforms.Length != 1) ? " selection" : + " to grid"); foreach (Transform transform in Selection.transforms) { Vector3 position = transform.position; if (flag) { float introduced15 = Mathf.Round(position.x * vector2.x); position.x = introduced15 / vector2.x; } if (flag2) { float introduced16 = Mathf.Round(position.y * vector2.y); position.y = introduced16 / vector2.y; } if (flag3) { float introduced17 = Mathf.Round(position.z * vector2.z); position.z = introduced17 / vector2.z; } transform.position = position; } } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } base.serializedObject.Update(); this.UpdateShowOptions(false); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_Type, new GUILayoutOption[0]); if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(1f - this.m_ShowAreaOptions.faded)) { EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(this.m_Lightmapping, s_Styles.LightmappingModes, s_Styles.LightmappingModeValues, s_Styles.LightmappingModeLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]); if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(this.m_ShowBakingWarning.faded)) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("Enable Baked GI from Lighting window to use Baked or Mixed.").text, MessageType.Warning, false); } EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup(); } EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); float num = !((!this.m_ShowDirOptions.isAnimating || !this.m_ShowAreaOptions.isAnimating) ? false : ( ? true : ? (1f - Mathf.Max(this.m_ShowDirOptions.faded, this.m_ShowAreaOptions.faded)) : 0f; if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(num)) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_Range, new GUILayoutOption[0]); } EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup(); if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(this.m_ShowSpotOptions.faded)) { EditorGUILayout.Slider(this.m_SpotAngle, 1f, 179f, new GUILayoutOption[0]); } EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup(); if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(this.m_ShowAreaOptions.faded)) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_AreaSizeX, EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("Width"), new GUILayoutOption[0]); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_AreaSizeY, EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("Height"), new GUILayoutOption[0]); } EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_Color, new GUILayoutOption[0]); EditorGUILayout.Slider(this.m_Intensity, 0f, 8f, new GUILayoutOption[0]); EditorGUILayout.Slider(this.m_BounceIntensity, 0f, 8f, s_Styles.LightBounceIntensity, new GUILayoutOption[0]); if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(this.m_ShowIndirectWarning.faded)) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("Currently realtime indirect bounce light shadowing for spot and point lights is not supported.").text, MessageType.Warning, false); } EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup(); this.ShadowsGUI(); if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(this.m_ShowRuntimeOptions.faded)) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_Cookie, new GUILayoutOption[0]); } EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup(); if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(this.m_ShowRuntimeOptions.faded * this.m_ShowDirOptions.faded)) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_CookieSize, new GUILayoutOption[0]); } EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_Halo, new GUILayoutOption[0]); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_Flare, new GUILayoutOption[0]); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_RenderMode, new GUILayoutOption[0]); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.m_CullingMask, new GUILayoutOption[0]); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if ((SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView != null) && !SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView.m_SceneLighting) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("One of your scene views has lighting disabled, please keep this in mind when editing lighting.").text, MessageType.Warning, false); } base.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
void OnGUI() { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); minSize = new Vector2(500, 300); position = new Rect(position.x, position.y, minSize.x, minSize.y); } GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.Label("Unity is about to save the following modified files. Unsaved changes will be lost!"); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); int prevSelectedRow = m_LV.row; int numSelected = 0; foreach (ListViewElement el in ListViewGUILayout.ListView(m_LV, { if (m_SelectedItems[el.row] && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { Rect box = el.position; box.x += 1; box.y += 1; box.width -= 1; box.height -= 1; s_Styles.selected.Draw(box, false, false, false, false); } GUILayout.Label(m_Content[el.row]); if (ListViewGUILayout.HasMouseUp(el.position)) { Event.current.command = true; Event.current.control = true; ListViewGUILayout.MultiSelection(prevSelectedRow, el.row, ref m_InitialSelectedItem, ref m_SelectedItems); } if (m_SelectedItems[el.row]) { numSelected++; } } GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button(s_Styles.close, s_Styles.button, GUILayout.Width(s_Styles.buttonWidth))) { CloseWindow(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUI.enabled = numSelected > 0; bool allSelected = numSelected == m_Assets.Count; if (GUILayout.Button(s_Styles.dontSave, s_Styles.button, GUILayout.Width(s_Styles.buttonWidth))) { IgnoreSelectedAssets(); } if (GUILayout.Button(allSelected ? s_Styles.saveAll : s_Styles.saveSelected, s_Styles.button, GUILayout.Width(s_Styles.buttonWidth))) { SaveSelectedAssets(); } GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); if (m_Assets.Count == 0) { CloseWindow(); } }
internal void OnGUI() { // Here due to static vars being thrown out when reloading assemblies if (m_Styles == null) { m_Styles = new Styles(); } // Escape pressed? if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { CloseWindow(); } Texture2D selectedIcon = m_MultipleSelectedIcons ? null : EditorGUIUtility.GetIconForObject(m_TargetObject); bool isSelectionALabelIcon = false; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { selectedIcon = ConvertLargeIconToSmallIcon(selectedIcon, ref isSelectionALabelIcon); } Event evt = Event.current; EventType eventType = evt.type; GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(0, 0, position.width, position.height), m_Styles.background); DoTopSection(selectedIcon != null || m_MultipleSelectedIcons); GUILayout.Space(22); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(1); GUI.enabled = false; GUILayout.Label("", m_Styles.seperator); GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.Space(1); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3); if (m_ShowLabelIcons) { // Label icons GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(6); for (int i = 0; i < m_LabelIcons.Length / 2; ++i) { DoButton(m_LabelIcons[i], selectedIcon, true); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(6); for (int i = m_LabelIcons.Length / 2; i < m_LabelIcons.Length; ++i) { DoButton(m_LabelIcons[i], selectedIcon, true); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(1); GUI.enabled = false; GUILayout.Label("", m_Styles.seperator); GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.Space(1); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3); } // Small icons GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(9); for (int i = 0; i < m_SmallIcons.Length / 2; ++i) { DoButton(m_SmallIcons[i], selectedIcon, false); } GUILayout.Space(3); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(6); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(9); for (int i = m_SmallIcons.Length / 2; i < m_SmallIcons.Length; ++i) { DoButton(m_SmallIcons[i], selectedIcon, false); } GUILayout.Space(3); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(6); // Object selector section GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.7f); bool clicked = false; int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(s_HashIconSelector, FocusType.Keyboard); if (GUILayout.Button(s_Other)) { GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id; clicked = true; } GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); GUI.EndGroup(); if (clicked) { ObjectSelector.get.Show(m_TargetObject, typeof(Texture2D), null, false); ObjectSelector.get.objectSelectorID = id; GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.7f); evt.Use(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } // Check for icon selected from ObjectSelector switch (eventType) { case EventType.ExecuteCommand: string commandName = evt.commandName; if (commandName == ObjectSelector.ObjectSelectorUpdatedCommand && ObjectSelector.get.objectSelectorID == id && GUIUtility.keyboardControl == id) { Texture2D icon = ObjectSelector.GetCurrentObject() as Texture2D; SetIconForSelectedObjects(icon); GUI.changed = true; evt.Use(); } break; case EventType.ValidateCommand: if (evt.commandName == EventCommandNames.UndoRedoPerformed) { CloseWindow(); GUI.changed = true; evt.Use(); } break; } }
internal static void DrawPreview(IPreviewable defaultPreview, Rect previewArea, UnityObject[] targets) { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } string text = string.Empty; Event evt = Event.current; // If multiple targets, draw a grid of previews if (targets.Length > 1) { // Draw the previews inside the region of the background that's solid colored Rect previewPositionInner = new RectOffset(16, 16, 20, 25).Remove(previewArea); // Number of previews to aim at int maxRows = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((previewPositionInner.height + kGridSpacing) / (kPreviewMinSize + kGridSpacing + kPreviewLabelHeight))); int maxCols = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.FloorToInt((previewPositionInner.width + kGridSpacing) / (kPreviewMinSize + kGridSpacing))); int countWithMinimumSize = maxRows * maxCols; int neededCount = Mathf.Min(targets.Length, kGridTargetCount); // Get number of columns and rows bool fixedSize = true; int[] division = new int[2] { maxCols, maxRows }; if (neededCount < countWithMinimumSize) { division = GetGridDivision(previewPositionInner, neededCount, kPreviewLabelHeight); fixedSize = false; } // The available cells in the grid may be slightly higher than what was aimed at. // If the number of targets is also higher, we might as well fill in the remaining cells. int count = Mathf.Min(division[0] * division[1], targets.Length); // Calculations become simpler if we add one spacing to the width and height, // so there is the same number of spaces and previews. previewPositionInner.width += kGridSpacing; previewPositionInner.height += kGridSpacing; Vector2 cellSize = new Vector2( Mathf.FloorToInt(previewPositionInner.width / division[0] - kGridSpacing), Mathf.FloorToInt(previewPositionInner.height / division[1] - kGridSpacing) ); float previewSize = Mathf.Min(cellSize.x, cellSize.y - kPreviewLabelHeight); if (fixedSize) { previewSize = Mathf.Min(previewSize, kPreviewMinSize); } bool selectingOne = (evt.type == EventType.MouseDown && evt.button == 0 && evt.clickCount == 2 && previewArea.Contains(evt.mousePosition)); defaultPreview.ResetTarget(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Rect r = new Rect( previewPositionInner.x + (i % division[0]) * previewPositionInner.width / division[0], previewPositionInner.y + (i / division[0]) * previewPositionInner.height / division[1], cellSize.x, cellSize.y ); if (selectingOne && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if ( is AssetImporter) { // The new selection should be the asset itself, not the importer Selection.objects = new[] { AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <UnityObject>(((AssetImporter) } } ; else { Selection.objects = new UnityObject[] { } }; } // Make room for label underneath r.height -= kPreviewLabelHeight; // Make preview square Rect rSquare = new Rect(r.x + (r.width - previewSize) * 0.5f, r.y + (r.height - previewSize) * 0.5f, previewSize, previewSize); // Draw preview inside a group to prevent overdraw // @TODO: Make style with solid color that doesn't have overdraw GUI.BeginGroup(rSquare); Editor.m_AllowMultiObjectAccess = false; defaultPreview.OnInteractivePreviewGUI(new Rect(0, 0, previewSize, previewSize), s_Styles.preBackgroundSolid); Editor.m_AllowMultiObjectAccess = true; GUI.EndGroup(); // Draw the name of the object r.y = rSquare.yMax; r.height = 16; GUI.Label(r, targets[i].name, s_Styles.previewMiniLabel); defaultPreview.MoveNextTarget(); } defaultPreview.ResetTarget(); // Remember to reset referenceTargetIndex to prevent following calls to '' will return a different target which breaks all sorts of places. Fix for case 600235 if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { text = string.Format("Previewing {0} of {1} Objects", count, targets.Length); } } // If only a single target, just draw that one else { defaultPreview.OnInteractivePreviewGUI(previewArea, s_Styles.preBackground); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { // TODO: This should probably be calculated during import and stored together with the asset somehow. Or maybe not. Not sure, really... text = defaultPreview.GetInfoString(); if (text != string.Empty) { text = text.Replace("\n", " "); text = string.Format("{0}\n{1}",, text); } } } // Draw the asset info. if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && text != string.Empty) { var textHeight = s_Styles.dropShadowLabelStyle.CalcHeight(GUIContent.Temp(text), previewArea.width); EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(new Rect(previewArea.x, previewArea.yMax - textHeight - kPreviewLabelPadding, previewArea.width, textHeight), text); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (initializeException != null) { ShowLoadErrorExceptionGUI(initializeException); ApplyRevertGUI(); return; } extraDataSerializedObject.Update(); var platforms = CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblyDefinitionPlatforms(); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(false)) { if (targets.Length > 1) { using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true)) { var value = string.Join(", ", extraDataTargets.Select(t =>; EditorGUILayout.TextField(, value, EditorStyles.textField); } } else { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AssemblyName,; } GUILayout.Label(Styles.generalOptions, EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AllowUnsafeCode, Styles.allowUnsafeCode); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_AutoReferenced, Styles.autoReferenced); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_OverrideReferences, Styles.overrideReferences); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_NoEngineReferences, Styles.noEngineReferences); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(Styles.defineConstraints, EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (m_DefineConstraints.serializedProperty.arraySize > 0) { var defineConstraintsCompatible = true; var defines = CompilationPipeline.GetDefinesFromAssemblyName(m_AssemblyName.stringValue); if (defines != null) { for (var i = 0; i < m_DefineConstraints.serializedProperty.arraySize && defineConstraintsCompatible; ++i) { var defineConstraint = m_DefineConstraints.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).FindPropertyRelative("name").stringValue; if (DefineConstraintsHelper.GetDefineConstraintCompatibility(defines, defineConstraint) != DefineConstraintsHelper.DefineConstraintStatus.Compatible) { defineConstraintsCompatible = false; } } var constraintValidityRect = new Rect(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect()); constraintValidityRect.x += constraintValidityRect.width - 23; var image = defineConstraintsCompatible ? Styles.validDefineConstraint : Styles.invalidDefineConstraint; var tooltip = Styles.GetTitleTooltipFromDefineConstraintCompatibility(defineConstraintsCompatible); var content = new GUIContent(image, tooltip); constraintValidityRect.width = Styles.kValidityIconWidth; constraintValidityRect.height = Styles.kValidityIconHeight; EditorGUI.LabelField(constraintValidityRect, content); } } m_DefineConstraints.DoLayoutList(); GUILayout.Label(Styles.references, EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_UseGUIDs, Styles.useGUIDs); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); m_ReferencesList.DoLayoutList(); if (extraDataTargets.Any(data => ((AssemblyDefinitionState)data).references != null && ((AssemblyDefinitionState)data).references.Any(x => x.asset == null))) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The grayed out assembly references are missing and will not be referenced during compilation.", MessageType.Info); } if (m_OverrideReferences.boolValue && !m_OverrideReferences.hasMultipleDifferentValues) { GUILayout.Label(Styles.precompiledReferences, EditorStyles.boldLabel); UpdatePrecompiledReferenceListEntry(); m_PrecompiledReferencesList.DoLayoutList(); if (extraDataTargets.Any(data => ((AssemblyDefinitionState)data).precompiledReferences.Any(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.path) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The grayed out assembly references are missing and will not be referenced during compilation.", MessageType.Info); } } GUILayout.Label(Styles.platforms, EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(; using (var change = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope()) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_CompatibleWithAnyPlatform, Styles.anyPlatform); if (change.changed) { // Invert state include/exclude compatibility of states that have the opposite compatibility, // so all states are either include or exclude. var compatibleWithAny = m_CompatibleWithAnyPlatform.boolValue; var needToSwap = extraDataTargets.Cast <AssemblyDefinitionState>().Where(p => p.compatibleWithAnyPlatform != compatibleWithAny).ToList(); extraDataSerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); foreach (var state in needToSwap) { InversePlatformCompatibility(state); } extraDataSerializedObject.Update(); } } if (!m_CompatibleWithAnyPlatform.hasMultipleDifferentValues) { GUILayout.Label(m_CompatibleWithAnyPlatform.boolValue ? Styles.excludePlatforms : Styles.includePlatforms, EditorStyles.boldLabel); for (int i = 0; i < platforms.Length; ++i) { SerializedProperty property; if (i >= m_PlatformCompatibility.arraySize) { m_PlatformCompatibility.arraySize++; property = m_PlatformCompatibility.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); property.boolValue = false; } else { property = m_PlatformCompatibility.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, new GUIContent(platforms[i].DisplayName)); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.selectAll)) { var prop = m_PlatformCompatibility.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0); var end = m_PlatformCompatibility.GetEndProperty(); do { prop.boolValue = true; }while (prop.Next(false) && !SerializedProperty.EqualContents(prop, end)); } if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.deselectAll)) { var prop = m_PlatformCompatibility.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0); var end = m_PlatformCompatibility.GetEndProperty(); do { prop.boolValue = false; }while (prop.Next(false) && !SerializedProperty.EqualContents(prop, end)); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(10f); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(; GUILayout.Label(Styles.versionDefines, EditorStyles.boldLabel); m_VersionDefineList.DoLayoutList(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } extraDataSerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); ApplyRevertGUI(); }
public override void OnPreviewSettings() { // TextureInspector code is reused for RenderTexture and Cubemap inspectors. // Make sure we can handle the situation where target is just a Texture and // not a Texture2D. It's also used for large popups for mini texture fields, // and while it's being shown the actual texture object might disappear -- // make sure to handle null targets. Texture tex = target as Texture; bool alphaOnly = true; bool hasAlpha = false; bool needsExposureControl = false; int mipCount = 1; foreach (Texture t in targets) { if (t == null) // texture might have disappeared while we're showing this in a preview popup { continue; } mipCount = Mathf.Max(mipCount, TextureUtil.GetMipmapCount(t)); TextureUsageMode mode = TextureUtil.GetUsageMode(t); if (!GraphicsFormatUtility.IsAlphaOnlyFormat(t.graphicsFormat)) { alphaOnly = false; } if (GraphicsFormatUtility.HasAlphaChannel(t.graphicsFormat)) { if (mode == TextureUsageMode.Default) // all other texture usage modes don't displayable alpha { hasAlpha = true; } } // 3D texture previewer doesn't support an exposure value. if (t.dimension != TextureDimension.Tex3D && NeedsExposureControl(t)) { needsExposureControl = true; } } if (needsExposureControl) { OnExposureSlider(); } if (IsCubemap()) { m_CubemapPreview.OnPreviewSettings(targets, mipCount, alphaOnly, hasAlpha); return; } if (IsTexture3D()) { m_Texture3DPreview.OnPreviewSettings(targets); return; } if (IsTexture2DArray() && !SystemInfo.supports2DArrayTextures) { return; } if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } List <PreviewMode> previewCandidates = new List <PreviewMode>(5); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.RGB); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.R); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.G); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.B); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.A); if (alphaOnly) { previewCandidates.Clear(); previewCandidates.Add(PreviewMode.A); m_PreviewMode = PreviewMode.A; } else if (!hasAlpha) { previewCandidates.Remove(PreviewMode.A); } if (previewCandidates.Count > 1 && tex != null && !IsNormalMap(tex)) { int selectedIndex = previewCandidates.IndexOf(m_PreviewMode); if (selectedIndex == -1) { selectedIndex = 0; } if (previewCandidates.Contains(PreviewMode.RGB)) { m_PreviewMode = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.RGB, s_Styles.previewButtonContents[0], s_Styles.toolbarButton) ? PreviewMode.RGB : m_PreviewMode; } if (previewCandidates.Contains(PreviewMode.R)) { m_PreviewMode = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.R, s_Styles.previewButtonContents[1], s_Styles.toolbarButton) ? PreviewMode.R : m_PreviewMode; } if (previewCandidates.Contains(PreviewMode.G)) { m_PreviewMode = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.G, s_Styles.previewButtonContents[2], s_Styles.toolbarButton) ? PreviewMode.G : m_PreviewMode; } if (previewCandidates.Contains(PreviewMode.B)) { m_PreviewMode = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.B, s_Styles.previewButtonContents[3], s_Styles.toolbarButton) ? PreviewMode.B : m_PreviewMode; } if (previewCandidates.Contains(PreviewMode.A)) { m_PreviewMode = GUILayout.Toggle(m_PreviewMode == PreviewMode.A, s_Styles.previewButtonContents[4], s_Styles.toolbarButton) ? PreviewMode.A : m_PreviewMode; } } if (IsTexture2DArray()) { m_Texture2DArrayPreview.OnPreviewSettings(tex); } if (mipCount > 1) { GUILayout.Box(s_Styles.smallZoom, s_Styles.previewLabel); GUI.changed = false; m_MipLevel = Mathf.Round(GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(m_MipLevel, mipCount - 1, 0, s_Styles.previewSlider, s_Styles.previewSliderThumb, GUILayout.MaxWidth(64))); //For now, we don't have mipmaps smaller than the tile size when using VT. if (EditorGUI.UseVTMaterial(tex)) { int numMipsOfTile = (int)Mathf.Log(VirtualTexturing.EditorHelpers.tileSize, 2) + 1; m_MipLevel = Mathf.Min(m_MipLevel, Mathf.Max(mipCount - numMipsOfTile, 0)); } GUILayout.Box(s_Styles.largeZoom, s_Styles.previewLabel); } }
internal void OnGUI() { if (m_Styles == null) { m_Styles = new Styles(); } if ((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape)) { this.CloseWindow(); } Texture2D iconForObject = EditorGUIUtility.GetIconForObject(this.m_TargetObject); bool isLabelIcon = false; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { iconForObject = this.ConvertLargeIconToSmallIcon(iconForObject, ref isLabelIcon); } Event current = Event.current; EventType type = current.type; GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(0f, 0f, base.position.width, base.position.height), m_Styles.background); this.DoTopSection(iconForObject != null); GUILayout.Space(22f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Space(1f); GUI.enabled = false; GUILayout.Label(string.Empty, m_Styles.seperator, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.Space(1f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3f); if (this.m_ShowLabelIcons) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Space(6f); for (int k = 0; k < (this.m_LabelIcons.Length / 2); k++) { this.DoButton(this.m_LabelIcons[k], iconForObject, true); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Space(6f); for (int m = this.m_LabelIcons.Length / 2; m < this.m_LabelIcons.Length; m++) { this.DoButton(this.m_LabelIcons[m], iconForObject, true); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Space(1f); GUI.enabled = false; GUILayout.Label(string.Empty, m_Styles.seperator, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.Space(1f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3f); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Space(9f); for (int i = 0; i < (this.m_SmallIcons.Length / 2); i++) { this.DoButton(this.m_SmallIcons[i], iconForObject, false); } GUILayout.Space(3f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(6f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Space(9f); for (int j = this.m_SmallIcons.Length / 2; j < this.m_SmallIcons.Length; j++) { this.DoButton(this.m_SmallIcons[j], iconForObject, false); } GUILayout.Space(3f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(6f); GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.7f); bool flag2 = false; int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(s_HashIconSelector, FocusType.Keyboard); if (GUILayout.Button(EditorGUIUtility.TempContent("Other..."), new GUILayoutOption[0])) { GUIUtility.keyboardControl = controlID; flag2 = true; } GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); GUI.EndGroup(); if (flag2) { ObjectSelector.get.Show(this.m_TargetObject, typeof(Texture2D), null, false); ObjectSelector.get.objectSelectorID = controlID; GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.7f); current.Use(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } EventType type2 = type; if ((type2 == EventType.ExecuteCommand) && (((current.commandName == "ObjectSelectorUpdated") && (ObjectSelector.get.objectSelectorID == controlID)) && (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == controlID))) { Texture2D currentObject = ObjectSelector.GetCurrentObject() as Texture2D; EditorGUIUtility.SetIconForObject(this.m_TargetObject, currentObject); GUI.changed = true; current.Use(); } }
public override void OnPreviewSettings() { if (IsCubemap()) { m_CubemapPreview.OnPreviewSettings(targets); return; } if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } // TextureInspector code is reused for RenderTexture and Cubemap inspectors. // Make sure we can handle the situation where target is just a Texture and // not a Texture2D. It's also used for large popups for mini texture fields, // and while it's being shown the actual texture object might disappear -- // make sure to handle null targets. Texture tex = target as Texture; bool showMode = true; bool alphaOnly = false; bool hasAlpha = true; int mipCount = 1; if (target is Texture2D) { alphaOnly = true; hasAlpha = false; } foreach (Texture t in targets) { if (t == null) // texture might have disappeared while we're showing this in a preview popup { continue; } TextureFormat format = 0; bool checkFormat = false; if (t is Texture2D) { format = (t as Texture2D).format; checkFormat = true; } if (checkFormat) { if (!TextureUtil.IsAlphaOnlyTextureFormat(format)) { alphaOnly = false; } if (TextureUtil.HasAlphaTextureFormat(format)) { TextureUsageMode mode = TextureUtil.GetUsageMode(t); if (mode == TextureUsageMode.Default) // all other texture usage modes don't displayable alpha { hasAlpha = true; } } } mipCount = Mathf.Max(mipCount, TextureUtil.GetMipmapCount(t)); } if (alphaOnly) { m_ShowAlpha = true; showMode = false; } else if (!hasAlpha) { m_ShowAlpha = false; showMode = false; } if (showMode && tex != null && !IsNormalMap(tex)) { m_ShowAlpha = GUILayout.Toggle(m_ShowAlpha, m_ShowAlpha ? s_Styles.alphaIcon : s_Styles.RGBIcon, s_Styles.previewButton); } if (mipCount > 1) { GUILayout.Box(s_Styles.smallZoom, s_Styles.previewLabel); GUI.changed = false; m_MipLevel = Mathf.Round(GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(m_MipLevel, mipCount - 1, 0, s_Styles.previewSlider, s_Styles.previewSliderThumb, GUILayout.MaxWidth(64))); GUILayout.Box(s_Styles.largeZoom, s_Styles.previewLabel); } }
public override void OnPreviewSettings() { if (this.IsCubemap()) { this.m_CubemapPreview.OnPreviewSettings(base.targets); } else { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } Texture target = as Texture; bool flag = true; bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = true; int a = 1; if (( is Texture2D) || ( is ProceduralTexture)) { flag2 = true; flag3 = false; } foreach (Texture texture2 in base.targets) { TextureFormat format = (TextureFormat)0; bool flag4 = false; if (texture2 is Texture2D) { format = (texture2 as Texture2D).format; flag4 = true; } else if (texture2 is ProceduralTexture) { format = (texture2 as ProceduralTexture).format; flag4 = true; } if (flag4) { a = Mathf.Max(a, TextureUtil.CountMipmaps(texture2)); if (!TextureUtil.IsAlphaOnlyTextureFormat(format)) { flag2 = false; } if (TextureUtil.HasAlphaTextureFormat(format) && (TextureUtil.GetUsageMode(texture2) == TextureUsageMode.Default)) { flag3 = true; } } } if (flag2) { this.m_ShowAlpha = true; flag = false; } else if (!flag3) { this.m_ShowAlpha = false; flag = false; } if (flag && !IsNormalMap(target)) { this.m_ShowAlpha = GUILayout.Toggle(this.m_ShowAlpha, !this.m_ShowAlpha ? s_Styles.RGBIcon : s_Styles.alphaIcon, s_Styles.previewButton, new GUILayoutOption[0]); } GUI.enabled = a != 1; GUILayout.Box(s_Styles.smallZoom, s_Styles.previewLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUI.changed = false; GUILayoutOption[] options = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.MaxWidth(64f) }; this.m_MipLevel = Mathf.Round(GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(this.m_MipLevel, (float)(a - 1), 0f, s_Styles.previewSlider, s_Styles.previewSliderThumb, options)); GUILayout.Box(s_Styles.largeZoom, s_Styles.previewLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUI.enabled = true; } }
void Draw(Rect rect) { Styles.Init(); var settings = m_SceneView.cameraSettings; m_Scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_Scroll); GUILayout.BeginVertical(Styles.settingsArea); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GUILayout.Space(k_HeaderSpacing); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Scene Camera"), EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button(EditorGUI.GUIContents.titleSettingsIcon, EditorStyles.iconButton)) { ShowContextMenu(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = kPrefixLabelWidth; // fov isn't applicable in orthographic mode, and orthographic size is controlled by the user zoom using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(m_SceneView.orthographic)) { settings.fieldOfView = EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_FieldOfView, settings.fieldOfView, k_MinFieldOfView, k_MaxFieldOfView); } settings.dynamicClip = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_DynamicClip, settings.dynamicClip); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(settings.dynamicClip)) { float near = settings.nearClip, far = settings.farClip; DrawClipPlanesField(EditorGUI.s_ClipingPlanesLabel, ref near, ref far, EditorGUI.kNearFarLabelsWidth); settings.SetClipPlanes(near, far); } settings.occlusionCulling = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_OcclusionCulling, settings.occlusionCulling); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { m_SceneView.Repaint(); } EditorGUILayout.Space(k_HeaderSpacing); GUILayout.Label(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Navigation"), EditorStyles.boldLabel); settings.easingEnabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_EasingEnabled, settings.easingEnabled); settings.accelerationEnabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_AccelerationEnabled, settings.accelerationEnabled); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float min = settings.speedMin, max = settings.speedMax, speed = settings.RoundSpeedToNearestSignificantDecimal(settings.speed); speed = EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_CameraSpeedSliderContent, speed, min, max); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { settings.speed = settings.RoundSpeedToNearestSignificantDecimal(speed); } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_Vector2Floats[0] = settings.speedMin; m_Vector2Floats[1] = settings.speedMax; DrawSpeedMinMaxFields(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { settings.SetSpeedMinMax(m_Vector2Floats); } EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0f; if (additionalSettingsGui != null) { EditorGUILayout.Space(k_HeaderSpacing); additionalSettingsGui(m_SceneView); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { m_WindowSize.y = Math.Min(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().yMax + kContentPadding, kWindowHeight * 3); } GUILayout.BeginVertical(Styles.settingsArea); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect rect) { if (s_Styles == null) { s_Styles = new Styles(); } GameViewSize other = base.m_Object as GameViewSize; if (other == null) { Debug.LogError("Invalid object"); } else { if (this.m_GameViewSize == null) { this.m_GameViewSize = new GameViewSize(other); } bool flag = (this.m_GameViewSize.width > 0) && (this.m_GameViewSize.height > 0); GUILayout.Space(3f); GUILayout.Label((base.m_MenuType != FlexibleMenuModifyItemUI.MenuType.Add) ? s_Styles.headerEdit : s_Styles.headerAdd, EditorStyles.boldLabel, new GUILayoutOption[0]); FlexibleMenu.DrawRect(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect((float)1f, (float)1f), !EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.333f) : new Color(0.32f, 0.32f, 0.32f, 1.333f)); GUILayout.Space(4f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayoutOption[] options = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(90f) }; GUILayout.Label(s_Styles.optionalText, options); GUILayout.Space(10f); this.m_GameViewSize.baseText = EditorGUILayout.TextField(this.m_GameViewSize.baseText, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayoutOption[] optionArray2 = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(90f) }; GUILayout.Label(s_Styles.typeName, optionArray2); GUILayout.Space(10f); this.m_GameViewSize.sizeType = (GameViewSizeType)EditorGUILayout.Popup((int)this.m_GameViewSize.sizeType, s_Styles.typeNames, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayoutOption[] optionArray3 = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(90f) }; GUILayout.Label(s_Styles.widthHeightText, optionArray3); GUILayout.Space(10f); this.m_GameViewSize.width = EditorGUILayout.IntField(this.m_GameViewSize.width, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Space(5f); this.m_GameViewSize.height = EditorGUILayout.IntField(this.m_GameViewSize.height, new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10f); float pixels = 10f; float cropWidth = rect.width - (2f * pixels); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Space(pixels); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); string displayText = this.m_GameViewSize.displayText; using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayText))) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayText)) { displayText = "Result"; } else { displayText = this.GetCroppedText(displayText, cropWidth, EditorStyles.label); } GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.Temp(displayText), EditorStyles.label, new GUILayoutOption[0]); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Space(pixels); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[0]); GUILayout.Space(10f); if (GUILayout.Button(s_Styles.cancel, new GUILayoutOption[0])) { base.editorWindow.Close(); } using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!flag)) { if (GUILayout.Button(s_Styles.ok, new GUILayoutOption[0])) { other.Set(this.m_GameViewSize); base.Accepted(); base.editorWindow.Close(); } } GUILayout.Space(10f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } }