PositionToLatLong() public static method

public static PositionToLatLong ( Vector2 position ) : Vector2
position Vector2
return Vector2
Esempio n. 1
        public static void UpdateShadowInfoWithBrightestSpot(CubemapInfo cubemapInfo)
            LookDevResources.m_LookDevCubeToLatlong.SetTexture("_MainTex", cubemapInfo.cubemap);
            LookDevResources.m_LookDevCubeToLatlong.SetVector("_WindowParams", new Vector4(10000f, -1000f, 2f, 0f));
            LookDevResources.m_LookDevCubeToLatlong.SetVector("_CubeToLatLongParams", new Vector4(0.0174532924f * cubemapInfo.angleOffset, 0.5f, 1f, 3f));
            int num  = 250;
            int num2 = 125;

            Graphics.Blit(cubemapInfo.cubemap, LookDevResources.m_BrightestPointRT, LookDevResources.m_LookDevCubeToLatlong);
            LookDevResources.m_BrightestPointTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)num, (float)num2), 0, 0, false);
            Color[] pixels = LookDevResources.m_BrightestPointTexture.GetPixels();
            float   num3   = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                    Vector3 vector = new Vector3(pixels[i * num + j].r, pixels[i * num + j].g, pixels[i * num + j].b);
                    float   num4   = vector.x * 0.2126729f + vector.y * 0.7151522f + vector.z * 0.072175f;
                    if (num3 < num4)
                        Vector2 vector2 = LookDevEnvironmentWindow.PositionToLatLong(new Vector2((float)j / (float)(num - 1) * 2f - 1f, (float)i / (float)(num2 - 1) * 2f - 1f));
                        cubemapInfo.shadowInfo.latitude  = vector2.x;
                        cubemapInfo.shadowInfo.longitude = vector2.y - cubemapInfo.angleOffset;
                        num3 = num4;
Esempio n. 2
        // Find brightest spot of the cubemap
        static public void UpdateShadowInfoWithBrightestSpot(CubemapInfo cubemapInfo)
            m_LookDevCubeToLatlong.SetTexture("_MainTex", cubemapInfo.cubemap);
            m_LookDevCubeToLatlong.SetVector("_WindowParams", new Vector4(10000, -1000.0f, 2, 0.0f));                                         // Neutral value to not clip
            m_LookDevCubeToLatlong.SetVector("_CubeToLatLongParams", new Vector4(Mathf.Deg2Rad * cubemapInfo.angleOffset, 0.5f, 1.0f, 3.0f)); // We use LOD 3 to take a region rather than a single pixel in the map

            int width  = (int)LookDevEnvironmentWindow.m_HDRIWidth;
            int height = (int)LookDevEnvironmentWindow.m_latLongHeight;

            // Convert cubemap to a 2D LatLong to read on CPU
            Graphics.Blit(cubemapInfo.cubemap, m_BrightestPointRT, m_LookDevCubeToLatlong);
            m_BrightestPointTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0, false);

            // CPU read back
            // From Doc: The returned array is a flattened 2D array, where pixels are laid out left to right, bottom to top (i.e. row after row)
            Color[] color = m_BrightestPointTexture.GetPixels();

            float maxLum = 0.0f;

            for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    Vector3 rgb = new Vector3(color[y * width + x].r, color[y * width + x].g, color[y * width + x].b);

                    float lum = rgb.x * 0.2126729f + rgb.y * 0.7151522f + rgb.z * 0.0721750f;

                    if (maxLum < lum)
                        Vector2 vec = LookDevEnvironmentWindow.PositionToLatLong(new Vector2(((float)x / (float)(width - 1)) * 2.0f - 1.0f, ((float)y / (float)(height - 1)) * 2.0f - 1.0f));
                        cubemapInfo.shadowInfo.latitude  = vec.x;
                        cubemapInfo.shadowInfo.longitude = vec.y - cubemapInfo.angleOffset;

                        maxLum = lum;
Esempio n. 3
 public void OnGUI(int windowID)
     if (!(this.m_LookDevView == null))
         List <CubemapInfo> hdriList = this.m_LookDevView.envLibrary.hdriList;
         bool flag = 146f * (float)hdriList.Count > this.m_PositionInLookDev.height;
         if (flag)
             this.m_ScrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(this.m_ScrollPosition, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
             this.m_ScrollPosition = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
         if (hdriList.Count == 1)
             Color color = GUI.color;
             GUI.color = Color.gray;
             Vector2 vector   = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sDragAndDropHDRIText);
             Rect    position = new Rect(this.m_PositionInLookDev.width * 0.5f - vector.x * 0.5f, this.m_PositionInLookDev.height * 0.5f - vector.y * 0.5f, vector.x, vector.y);
             GUI.Label(position, LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sDragAndDropHDRIText);
             GUI.color = color;
         for (int i = 0; i < hdriList.Count; i++)
             CubemapInfo cubemapInfo = hdriList[i];
             ShadowInfo  shadowInfo  = cubemapInfo.shadowInfo;
             int         intProperty = this.m_LookDevView.config.GetIntProperty(LookDevProperty.HDRI, LookDevEditionContext.Left);
             int         num         = this.m_LookDevView.config.GetIntProperty(LookDevProperty.HDRI, LookDevEditionContext.Right);
             if (this.m_LookDevView.config.lookDevMode == LookDevMode.Single1 || this.m_LookDevView.config.lookDevMode == LookDevMode.Single2)
                 num = -1;
             bool     flag2           = i == intProperty || i == num;
             Color    selectionColor  = Color.black;
             Color    selectionColor2 = Color.black;
             GUIStyle style           = EditorStyles.miniLabel;
             if (flag2)
                 if (i == intProperty)
                     selectionColor  = LookDevView.m_FirstViewGizmoColor;
                     selectionColor2 = LookDevView.m_FirstViewGizmoColor;
                     style           = LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sLabelStyleFirstContext;
                 else if (i == num)
                     selectionColor  = LookDevView.m_SecondViewGizmoColor;
                     selectionColor2 = LookDevView.m_SecondViewGizmoColor;
                     style           = LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sLabelStyleSecondContext;
                 if (intProperty == num)
                     selectionColor  = LookDevView.m_FirstViewGizmoColor;
                     selectionColor2 = LookDevView.m_SecondViewGizmoColor;
                     style           = LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sLabelStyleBothContext;
             GUILayout.BeginVertical(new GUILayoutOption[]
             int num2 = hdriList.FindIndex((CubemapInfo x) => x == this.m_SelectedCubemapInfo);
             if ((this.m_SelectedCubemap != null || this.m_DragBeingPerformed) && this.GetInsertionRect(i).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && ((num2 - i != 0 && num2 - i != -1) || num2 == -1))
                 GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sSeparatorStyle, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
                 GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(250f, 16f);
             GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sSeparatorStyle, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
             GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[]
             StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
             stringBuilder.Append(" - ");
             GUILayout.Label(stringBuilder.ToString(), style, new GUILayoutOption[]
             if (GUILayout.Button(LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sEnvControlIcon, LookDevView.styles.sToolBarButton, new GUILayoutOption[0]))
                 Rect last = GUILayoutUtility.topLevel.GetLast();
                 PopupWindow.Show(last, new LookDevEnvironmentWindow.EnvSettingsWindow(this.m_LookDevView, cubemapInfo));
             using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(cubemapInfo.cubemap == LookDevResources.m_DefaultHDRI))
                 if (GUILayout.Button(LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sCloseIcon, LookDevView.styles.sToolBarButton, new GUILayoutOption[0]))
             Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
             if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && lastRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
             Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(250f, 125f);
             rect.width = 253f;
             float   num3      = 24f;
             float   num4      = num3 * 0.5f;
             float   latitude  = shadowInfo.latitude;
             float   longitude = shadowInfo.longitude;
             Vector2 vector2   = this.LatLongToPosition(latitude, longitude + cubemapInfo.angleOffset) * 0.5f + new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
             Rect    position2 = rect;
             position2.x      = position2.x + vector2.x * rect.width - num4;
             position2.y      = position2.y + (1f - vector2.y) * rect.height - num4;
             position2.width  = num3;
             position2.height = num3;
             Rect position3 = rect;
             position3.x      = position3.x + vector2.x * rect.width - num4 * 0.5f;
             position3.y      = position3.y + (1f - vector2.y) * rect.height - num4 * 0.5f;
             position3.width  = num3 * 0.5f;
             position3.height = num3 * 0.5f;
             Rect rect2;
             Rect textureRect;
             this.GetFrameAndShadowTextureRect(rect, out rect2, out textureRect);
             if (this.m_LookDevView.config.enableShadowCubemap)
                 EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(position3, MouseCursor.Pan);
             if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                 if (!Event.current.control && Event.current.button == 0 && this.m_SelectedCubeMapOffsetIndex == -1)
                     if (this.m_LookDevView.config.enableShadowCubemap && position3.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                         this.m_SelectedLightIconIndex = i;
                         this.m_SelectedShadowInfo     = shadowInfo;
                         Undo.RecordObject(this.m_LookDevView.envLibrary, "Light Icon selection");
                         this.m_SelectedShadowInfo.latitude  = this.m_SelectedShadowInfo.latitude + 0.0001f;
                         this.m_SelectedShadowInfo.longitude = this.m_SelectedShadowInfo.longitude + 0.0001f;
                     if (this.m_SelectedShadowInfo == null)
                         Rect rect3 = rect2;
                         rect3.x     += 100f;
                         rect3.y     += 4f;
                         rect3.width  = 11f;
                         rect3.height = 11f;
                         if (this.m_LookDevView.config.enableShadowCubemap && rect3.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                             Undo.RecordObject(this.m_LookDevView.envLibrary, "Update shadow cubemap");
                             this.m_LookDevView.envLibrary.dirty = true;
                             if (this.m_LookDevView.config.enableShadowCubemap && textureRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                                 this.m_SelectedShadowCubemapOwnerInfo = hdriList[i];
                                 this.m_SelectedCubemapInfo            = this.m_SelectedShadowCubemapOwnerInfo.cubemapShadowInfo;
                                 this.m_SelectedCubemapInfo = hdriList[i];
                             this.m_SelectedPositionOffset     = Event.current.mousePosition - new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y);
                             this.m_RenderOverlayThumbnailOnce = true;
                 else if (Event.current.control && Event.current.button == 0 && this.m_SelectedCubemapInfo == null && this.m_SelectedShadowInfo == null)
                     this.m_SelectedCubeMapOffsetIndex = i;
                     this.m_SelectedCubeMapOffsetValue = cubemapInfo.angleOffset - this.ComputeAngleOffsetFromMouseCoord(Event.current.mousePosition);
                 GUIUtility.hotControl = this.m_LookDevView.hotControl;
             if (Event.current.GetTypeForControl(this.m_LookDevView.hotControl) == EventType.MouseDrag)
                 if (this.m_SelectedShadowInfo == shadowInfo && this.m_SelectedLightIconIndex == i)
                     Vector2 mousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition;
                     mousePosition.x = (mousePosition.x - rect.x) / rect.width * 2f - 1f;
                     mousePosition.y = (1f - (mousePosition.y - rect.y) / rect.height) * 2f - 1f;
                     Vector2 vector3 = LookDevEnvironmentWindow.PositionToLatLong(mousePosition);
                     this.m_SelectedShadowInfo.latitude  = vector3.x;
                     this.m_SelectedShadowInfo.longitude = vector3.y - cubemapInfo.angleOffset;
                     this.m_LookDevView.envLibrary.dirty = true;
             if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                 this.DrawLatLongThumbnail(cubemapInfo, cubemapInfo.angleOffset, 1f, 1f, rect);
                 if (this.m_LookDevView.config.enableShadowCubemap)
                     if (cubemapInfo.cubemapShadowInfo != cubemapInfo || (this.m_HoveringCubeMapIndex == i && this.m_SelectedCubemapInfo != cubemapInfo))
                         CubemapInfo infos = cubemapInfo.cubemapShadowInfo;
                         if (this.m_HoveringCubeMapIndex == i && this.m_SelectedCubemapInfo != cubemapInfo)
                             infos = this.m_SelectedCubemapInfo;
                         float alpha = 1f;
                         if (this.m_SelectedShadowInfo == shadowInfo)
                             alpha = 0.1f;
                         else if (this.m_HoveringCubeMapIndex == i && this.m_SelectedCubemapInfo != cubemapInfo && cubemapInfo.cubemapShadowInfo != this.m_SelectedCubemapInfo)
                             alpha = 0.5f;
                         this.DrawLatLongThumbnail(infos, cubemapInfo.angleOffset, 0.3f, alpha, textureRect);
                         GL.sRGBWrite = (QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear);
                         GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sLatlongFrameTexture);
                         GL.sRGBWrite = false;
                     GL.sRGBWrite = (QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear);
                     GUI.DrawTexture(position2, LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sLightTexture);
                     GL.sRGBWrite = false;
                 if (flag2)
                     this.DrawSelectionFeedback(rect, selectionColor, selectionColor2);
         GUILayout.BeginVertical(new GUILayoutOption[]
         if ((this.m_SelectedCubemap != null || this.m_DragBeingPerformed) && this.GetInsertionRect(hdriList.Count).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
             GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sSeparatorStyle, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
             GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(250f, 16f);
             GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, LookDevEnvironmentWindow.styles.sSeparatorStyle, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         if (flag)
         if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
             if (this.m_SelectedCubemap != null)