public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            var entry = target as ARKitReferenceObjectEntry;

            if (m_ShouldReadARObject)
                var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(entry);
                m_ARObject           = ARObjectImporter.ReadARObject(path);
                m_ShouldReadARObject = false;

            if (m_ARObject.HasValue)
                var info =;
                using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true))
                    EditorGUILayout.IntField(Content.infoVersion, info.version);
                    using (new EditorGUI.IndentLevelScope())
                        EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(Content.infoPosition, info.referenceOrigin.position);
                        EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(Content.infoRotation, info.referenceOrigin.rotation.eulerAngles);
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Could not read object info.");
        static void ValidateReferenceObjects(Warnings warnings)
            foreach (var library in ARKitBuildHelper.AssetsOfType <XRReferenceObjectLibrary>())
                var resourceCount = 0;

                foreach (var referenceObject in library)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( && (warnings & Warnings.MissingName) != 0)
                        Debug.LogWarning($"Reference object {library.IndexOf(referenceObject)} named '{}' in library {AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(library)} does not have a name. The reference object will still work, but you will not be able to refer to it by name.");

                    var arkitEntry = referenceObject.FindEntry <ARKitReferenceObjectEntry>();
                    if (arkitEntry == null)
                        if ((warnings & Warnings.MissingEntry) != 0)
                            Debug.LogWarning($"The ARKit variant for reference object {library.IndexOf(referenceObject)} named '{}' in library {AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(library)} is missing. This reference object will omitted from the library.");
                        var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(arkitEntry);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath))
                            throw new BuildFailedException($"The ARKit variant for reference object {library.IndexOf(referenceObject)} named '{}' in reference object library {AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(library)} does not refer to a valid asset file.");

                        var info = ARObjectImporter.ReadInfo(assetPath);
                        if (!info.HasValue)
                            throw new BuildFailedException($"The ARKit variant for reference object {library.IndexOf(referenceObject)} named '{}' in reference object library {AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(library)} could not be read. The arobject file may be corrupt.");

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Value.trackingDataReference))
                            throw new BuildFailedException($"The ARKit variant for reference object {library.IndexOf(referenceObject)} named '{}' in reference object library {AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(library)} is missing tracking data (the 3D object scan data). The arobject file may be corrupt.");


                if (resourceCount == 0 && (warnings & Warnings.EmptyLibrary) != 0)
                    Debug.LogWarning($"Reference object library at {AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(library)} does not contain any ARKit reference objects. The library will be empty.");
        public ARReferenceObject(XRReferenceObject referenceObject, ARKitReferenceObjectEntry entry)
            m_Path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(entry);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Path))
                throw new InvalidAssetPathException();

            var info = ARObjectImporter.ReadInfo(m_Path);

            if (!info.HasValue)
                throw new MissingMetadataException();
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Value.trackingDataReference))
                throw new MissingTrackingDataException();

            name = + "_" + referenceObject.guid.ToUUIDString();