public static void UnlinkModel(VFXModel model, bool notify = true) { if (model is IVFXSlotContainer) { var slotContainer = (IVFXSlotContainer)model; VFXSlot slotToClean = null; do { slotToClean = slotContainer.inputSlots.Concat(slotContainer.outputSlots).FirstOrDefault(o => o.HasLink(true)); if (slotToClean) { slotToClean.UnlinkAll(true, notify); } }while (slotToClean != null); } }
public void RemoveChild(VFXModel model, bool notify = true) { if (model.m_Parent != this) { return; } model.OnRemoved(); m_Children.Remove(model); model.m_Parent = null; if (notify) { Invalidate(InvalidationCause.kStructureChanged); } }
protected override void OnInvalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { base.OnInvalidate(model, cause); if (cause == InvalidationCause.kSettingChanged) { //Delete incompatible blocks foreach (var block in children.ToList()) { if (!Accept(block)) { RemoveChild(block); } } } }
protected VFXModelDescriptor(VFXModel template, Variant variants = null) { m_Variants = variants?.settings ?? new KeyValuePair <string, object> [0]; //Don't notify model here for performance reason, we are assuming the name shouldn't relies on something in Invalidate of VFXModel ApplyVariant(template, false); model = template; name = model.libraryName; info = VFXInfoAttribute.Get(model.GetType()); modelType = model.GetType(); category = info?.category; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category) && variants?.categories != null) { category = string.Format(category, variants.categories); } }
protected override void OnInvalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { if (cause == InvalidationCause.kSettingChanged || cause == InvalidationCause.kExpressionInvalidated) { if (cause == InvalidationCause.kSettingChanged && (m_Subgraph != null || object.ReferenceEquals(m_Subgraph, null))) // do not recreate subchildren if the subgraph is not available but is not null { RecreateCopy(); } base.OnInvalidate(model, cause); PatchInputExpressions(); } else { base.OnInvalidate(model, cause); } }
protected override void OnInvalidate(VFXModel model, VFXModel.InvalidationCause cause) { m_saved = false; base.OnInvalidate(model, cause); if (model is VFXParameter || model is VFXSlot && (model as VFXSlot).owner is VFXParameter) { BuildParameterInfo(); } if (cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kStructureChanged) { UpdateSubAssets(); if (model == this) { VFXSubgraphContext.CallOnGraphChanged(this); } } if (cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kSettingChanged && model is VFXParameter) { VFXSubgraphContext.CallOnGraphChanged(this); } if (cause != VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kExpressionInvalidated && cause != VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kExpressionGraphChanged) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); } if (cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kExpressionGraphChanged) { m_ExpressionGraphDirty = true; m_DependentDirty = true; } if (cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kParamChanged) { m_ExpressionValuesDirty = true; m_DependentDirty = true; } }
public string GetUniqueSystemName(VFXModel model) { int index; if (m_SystemToIndex.TryGetValue(model, out index)) { var wishedName = GetSystemUnindexedName(model); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wishedName)) { wishedName = DefaultSystemName; } var format = "{0} ({1})"; var newName = index == 0 ? wishedName : string.Format(format, wishedName, index); return(newName); } if (!(model is VFXSubgraphContext)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("SystemNames : Model is not registered " + model); } return(GetSystemName(model)); }
public string GetUniqueSystemName(VFXModel model) { int index; if (m_SystemToIndex.TryGetValue(model, out index)) { var wishedName = GetSystemUnindexedName(model); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wishedName)) { wishedName = DefaultSystemName; } var format = "{0} ({1})"; var newName = index == 0 ? wishedName : string.Format(format, wishedName, index); return(newName); } if (!(model is VFXSubgraphContext)) { Debug.LogError("model not registered."); } return(GetSystemName(model)); }
protected override void Invalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { if (cause == InvalidationCause.kSettingChanged) { var graph = GetGraph(); if (graph != null && subgraph != null && m_Subgraph.GetResource() != null) { var otherGraph = m_Subgraph.GetResource().GetOrCreateGraph(); if (otherGraph == graph || otherGraph.subgraphDependencies.Contains(graph.GetResource().visualEffectObject)) { m_Subgraph = null; // prevent cyclic dependencies. } if (graph.GetResource().isSubgraph) // BuildSubgraphDependenciesis called for vfx by recompilation, but in subgraph we must call it explicitely { graph.BuildSubgraphDependencies(); } } } base.Invalidate(model, cause); }
protected override void OnInvalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { base.OnInvalidate(model, cause); if (cause == InvalidationCause.kStructureChanged || cause == InvalidationCause.kConnectionChanged || cause == InvalidationCause.kExpressionInvalidated || cause == InvalidationCause.kSettingChanged || cause == InvalidationCause.kEnableChanged) { if (hasBeenCompiled || CanBeCompiled()) { bool skip = false; // Check if the invalidation comes from a disable block and in that case don't recompile if (cause != InvalidationCause.kEnableChanged) { VFXBlock block = null; if (model is VFXBlock) { block = (VFXBlock)model; } else if (model is VFXSlot) { block = ((VFXSlot)model).owner as VFXBlock; } skip = block != null && !block.enabled; } if (!skip) { Invalidate(InvalidationCause.kExpressionGraphChanged); } } } }
public void AddChild(VFXModel model, int index = -1, bool notify = true) { int realIndex = index == -1 ? m_Children.Count : index; if (model.m_Parent != this || realIndex != GetIndex(model)) { if (!AcceptChild(model, index)) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot attach " + model + " to " + this); } model.Detach(notify && model.m_Parent != this); // Dont notify if the owner is already this to avoid double invalidation realIndex = index == -1 ? m_Children.Count : index; // Recompute as the child may have been removed m_Children.Insert(realIndex, model); model.m_Parent = this; model.OnAdded(); if (notify) { Invalidate(InvalidationCause.kStructureChanged); } } }
public virtual bool AcceptChild(VFXModel model, int index = -1) { return(false); }
public override bool AcceptChild(VFXModel model, int index = -1) { return(!(model is VFXGraph)); // Can hold any model except other VFXGraph }
public VFXNodeID(VFXModel model, int id) { this.model = model; this.isStickyNote = false; = id; }
protected void ApplyVariant(VFXModel m, bool notify) { m.SetSettingValues(m_Variants, notify); }
protected override void Invalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { base.Invalidate(model, cause); }
public static void ToOperatorWithoutFloatN(VFXOperator input, Type outputType) { if (!input.inputSlots.Where(o => == typeof(FloatN)).Any()) { Debug.LogError("SanitizeToOperatorNew is dedicated to operator using FloatN " + input); return; } var realTypeAndValue = input.inputSlots.Select(o => { Type type = null; object value = null; bool wasFloatN = == typeof(FloatN); if (!wasFloatN) { type =; value = o.HasLink() ? null : o.value; } else { if (o.HasLink()) { type = o.LinkedSlots.First().property.type; } else { var floatN = (FloatN)o.value; type = floatN.GetCurrentType(); value = (FloatN)o.value; } } return(new { type = type, value = value, wasFloatN = wasFloatN }); }).ToArray(); var output = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(outputType) as VFXOperatorDynamicOperand; //Transfer settings var settingsIn = input.GetSettings(true).Where(o => o.FieldType != typeof(SerializableType)); var settingsOut = output.GetSettings(true).Where(o => o.FieldType != typeof(SerializableType)); if (settingsIn.Count() != settingsOut.Count()) { Debug.LogError("Settings has been changed, unable to automatically transfer them"); return; } var itSettingIn = settingsIn.GetEnumerator(); var itSettingOut = settingsOut.GetEnumerator(); while (itSettingIn.MoveNext() && itSettingOut.MoveNext()) { if (itSettingIn.Current.Name != itSettingOut.Current.Name.Replace("m_", string.Empty)) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Unexpected settings : {0} vs {1}", itSettingIn.Current.Name, itSettingOut.Current.Name)); return; } output.SetSettingValue(itSettingOut.Current.Name, itSettingIn.Current.GetValue(input)); } //Apply dynamic type behavior if (output is IVFXOperatorUniform) { var uniform = output as IVFXOperatorUniform; var maxType = realTypeAndValue.Where(o => o.wasFloatN && o.type != typeof(FloatN)) .Select(o => o.type) .OrderBy(o => VFXExpression.TypeToSize(VFXExpression.GetVFXValueTypeFromType(o))) .LastOrDefault(); if (maxType != null) { //ignore int/uint while sanitizing if (maxType == typeof(int) || maxType == typeof(uint)) { maxType = typeof(float); } maxType = output.GetBestAffinityType(maxType); uniform.SetOperandType(maxType); } } else if (output is VFXOperatorNumericCascadedUnified) { var cascaded = output as VFXOperatorNumericCascadedUnified; //Remove all empty last operand (has influence of output type for append) realTypeAndValue = realTypeAndValue.Reverse().SkipWhile(o => o.type == typeof(FloatN)).Reverse().ToArray(); while (cascaded.inputSlots.Count < realTypeAndValue.Length) { cascaded.AddOperand(); } for (int i = 0; i < realTypeAndValue.Length; ++i) { var currentType = cascaded.GetBestAffinityType(realTypeAndValue[i].type); if (currentType != null) { cascaded.SetOperandType(i, currentType); } } } else if (output is VFXOperatorNumericUnified) { var unified = output as VFXOperatorNumericUnified; var slotIndiceThatShouldHaveSameType = Enumerable.Empty <int>(); var slotIndiceThatCanBeScale = Enumerable.Empty <int>(); if (output is IVFXOperatorNumericUnifiedConstrained) { slotIndiceThatShouldHaveSameType = (output as IVFXOperatorNumericUnifiedConstrained).slotIndicesThatMustHaveSameType; slotIndiceThatCanBeScale = (output as IVFXOperatorNumericUnifiedConstrained).slotIndicesThatCanBeScalar; } Type maxTypeConstrained = null; if (slotIndiceThatShouldHaveSameType.Any()) { var typeConstrained = slotIndiceThatShouldHaveSameType.Select(i => { if (i < realTypeAndValue.Length) { return(realTypeAndValue[i].type); } return((Type)null); }).Where(o => o != null); if (!typeConstrained.Any()) { Debug.LogError("Unexpected behavior while sanitizing to unified constrained"); return; } maxTypeConstrained = typeConstrained.OrderBy(o => VFXExpression.TypeToSize(VFXExpression.GetVFXValueTypeFromType(o))).LastOrDefault(); } for (int i = 0; i < realTypeAndValue.Length; ++i) { var currentType = realTypeAndValue[i].type; if (slotIndiceThatShouldHaveSameType.Contains(i) && !(slotIndiceThatCanBeScale.Contains(i) && VFXExpression.GetMatchingScalar(currentType) == currentType)) { currentType = maxTypeConstrained; } currentType = output.GetBestAffinityType(currentType); if (currentType != null) { unified.SetOperandType(i, currentType); } } } else { Debug.LogError("Unable to determine what kind of " + output.GetType()); return; } for (int i = 0; i < realTypeAndValue.Length; ++i) { var current = realTypeAndValue[i]; if (!current.wasFloatN) { VFXSlot.CopyLinksAndValue(output.inputSlots[i], input.inputSlots[i], true); } else { if (current.value == null) { var slotDst = output.inputSlots[i]; var slotSrc = input.inputSlots[i].LinkedSlots.First(); if (slotSrc.CanLink(slotDst)) { //Main path (most common case) VFXSlot.CopyLinks(output.inputSlots[i], input.inputSlots[i], true); } else { //Trying to connect by subslot (e.g. : Vector4 to Vector3) var itSubSlotSrc = slotSrc.children.GetEnumerator(); var itSubSlotDst = slotDst.children.GetEnumerator(); while (itSubSlotDst.MoveNext() && itSubSlotSrc.MoveNext()) { itSubSlotSrc.Current.Link(itSubSlotDst.Current); } } } else { object orgValue = null; var floatN = (FloatN)current.value; var targetType = output.inputSlots[i].property.type; if (targetType == typeof(float)) { orgValue = (float)floatN; } else if (targetType == typeof(Vector2)) { orgValue = (Vector2)floatN; } else if (targetType == typeof(Vector3)) { orgValue = (Vector3)floatN; } else if (targetType == typeof(Vector4)) { orgValue = (Vector4)floatN; } else { Debug.LogError("Unexpected type of FloatN while sanitizing : " + targetType); return; } output.inputSlots[i].value = orgValue; } } } for (int i = 0; i < input.outputSlots.Count; ++i) { VFXSlot.CopyLinks(output.outputSlots[i], input.outputSlots[i], true); } VFXModel.ReplaceModel(output, input); }
public int GetIndex(VFXModel child) { return(m_Children.IndexOf(child)); }
public static void ReplaceModel(VFXModel dst, VFXModel src, bool notify = true) { // UI dst.m_UIPosition = src.m_UIPosition; dst.m_UICollapsed = src.m_UICollapsed; dst.m_UISuperCollapsed = src.m_UISuperCollapsed; if (notify) { dst.Invalidate(InvalidationCause.kUIChanged); } VFXGraph graph = src.GetGraph(); if (graph != null && graph.UIInfos != null && graph.UIInfos.groupInfos != null) { // Update group nodes foreach (var groupInfo in graph.UIInfos.groupInfos) { if (groupInfo.contents != null) { for (int i = 0; i < groupInfo.contents.Length; ++i) { if (groupInfo.contents[i].model == src) { groupInfo.contents[i].model = dst; } } } } } if (dst is VFXBlock && src is VFXBlock) { ((VFXBlock)dst).enabled = ((VFXBlock)src).enabled; } // Unlink everything if (src is IVFXSlotContainer) { var slotContainer = src as IVFXSlotContainer; VFXSlot slotToClean = null; do { slotToClean = slotContainer.inputSlots.Concat(slotContainer.outputSlots).FirstOrDefault(o => o.HasLink(true)); if (slotToClean) { slotToClean.UnlinkAll(true, true); } }while (slotToClean != null); } // Replace model var parent = src.GetParent(); int index = parent.GetIndex(src); src.Detach(notify); if (parent) { parent.AddChild(dst, index, notify); } }
protected void ApplyVariant(VFXModel model) { model.SetSettingValues(m_Variants); }
public bool AcceptParent(VFXModel parent, int index = -1) { return(parent.AcceptChild(m_Template, index)); }
protected override void OnInvalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { base.OnInvalidate(model, cause); _bufferName = string.Concat(_bufferName.Where(char.IsLetterOrDigit)); }
protected internal override void Invalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { base.Invalidate(model, cause); ResolveCustomCallbackInstance(); }
protected override void OnInvalidate(VFXModel model, VFXModel.InvalidationCause cause) { if (cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kStructureChanged || cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kSettingChanged || cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kSettingChanged || cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kConnectionChanged) { m_SystemNames.Sync(this); } base.OnInvalidate(model, cause); if (model is VFXParameter || //Something changed directly on VFXParameter (e.g. exposed state boolean) model is VFXSlot && (model as VFXSlot).owner is VFXParameter || //Something changed on a slot owned by a VFXParameter (e.g. the default value) cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kStructureChanged //A VFXParameter could have been removed ) { BuildParameterInfo(); } if (cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kStructureChanged) { UpdateSubAssets(); if (model == this) { VFXSubgraphContext.CallOnGraphChanged(this); } m_DependentDirty = true; } if (cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kSettingChanged && model is VFXParameter) { VFXSubgraphContext.CallOnGraphChanged(this); m_DependentDirty = true; } if (cause != VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kExpressionInvalidated && cause != VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kExpressionGraphChanged && cause != VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kUIChangedTransient && (model.hideFlags & HideFlags.DontSave) == 0) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); } if (cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kExpressionGraphChanged) { m_ExpressionGraphDirty = true; m_DependentDirty = true; } if (cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kParamChanged) { m_ExpressionValuesDirty = true; m_DependentDirty = true; } if (cause == VFXModel.InvalidationCause.kMaterialChanged) { m_MaterialsDirty = true; } }
public VFXInvalidateErrorReporter(VFXErrorManager manager, VFXModel model) { m_Model = model; m_Manager = manager; }
private static string GetSystemUnindexedName(VFXModel model) { var name = GetSystemName(model); return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? name : SysRegex.Replace(name, IndexPattern, "")); }
public void Attach(VFXModel parent, bool notify = true) { parent.AddChild(this, -1, notify); }
void IVFXSlotContainer.Invalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { Invalidate(model, cause); }
void SubChildrenOnInvalidate(VFXModel model, InvalidationCause cause) { Invalidate(this, cause); }
public VFXSetting(FieldInfo field, VFXModel instance) { this.field = field; this.instance = instance; }