public EditorTestsRunnerWindow()
     float[] relativeSizes = new float[] { 75f, 25f };
     int[]   minSizes      = new int[] { 0x20, 0x20 };
     this.m_Spl = new SplitterState(relativeSizes, minSizes, null);
     this.m_GUIRunSelectedTestsIcon = new GUIContent("Run Selected", "Run selected tests");
     this.m_GUIRunAllTestsIcon      = new GUIContent("Run All", "Run all tests");
     this.m_GUIRerunFailedTestsIcon = new GUIContent("Rerun Failed", "Rerun failed tests");
     this.m_GUIRunOnRecompile       = new GUIContent("Run on recompilation", "Run all tests after successful recompilation");
     this.m_GUIDontPromptForSaving  = new GUIContent("Don't prompt for saving scene", "Don't prompt for saving the scene when there are unsaved changes.");
     this.m_GUIVerticalLayout       = new GUIContent("Vertical layout", "Show test details below the test list");
     this.m_GUIHorizontalLayout     = new GUIContent("Horizontal layout", "Show test details next to the test list");
     this.m_GUIRunSelected          = new GUIContent("Run Selected");
     this.m_GUIRun              = new GUIContent("Run");
     this.m_GUIOpenInEditor     = new GUIContent("Open in editor");
     this.m_GUINoTestsWereFound = "No tests were found.\nMake sure you placed your scripts under Editor folder.";
     this.nextRunFilter         = null;
        private void ExecuteTestSuite(TestSuite suite, ITestRunnerCallback testRunnerEventListener, TestRunnerFilter filter)
            EventListener listener;

            if (testRunnerEventListener == null)
                listener = new NullListener();
                listener = new TestRunnerEventListener(testRunnerEventListener);
            TestExecutionContext.get_CurrentContext().set_Out(new EventListenerTextWriter(listener, 0));
            TestExecutionContext.get_CurrentContext().set_Error(new EventListenerTextWriter(listener, 1));
            suite.Run(listener, this.GetFilter(filter));