public void Save() { // Create a new Equipment_Data. Equipment_Data data = new Equipment_Data(); // Save the data. data.weaponID = weaponID; data.armourID = armourID; data.ringID = ringID; data.braceletID = braceletID; // Turn the Equipment_Data to Json data. string equipmentToJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(data); // Save the information. PlayerPrefs.SetString("Equipment", equipmentToJson); }
public void Load() { // Grab the encrypted Equipment string. string equipmentJson = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Equipment"); // IF there is nothing in this string. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(equipmentJson)) { // GTFO of here we done son! return; } // Turn the json data to represent Equipment_Data. Equipment_Data data = JsonUtility.FromJson <Equipment_Data> (equipmentJson); // IF a weapon exists. if (data.weaponID != -1) { // Set the ID of the weapon. weaponID = data.weaponID; // Load the weapon Item. weapon = database.FetchItemByID(weaponID); } if (data.armourID != -1) { // Set the ID of the armour. armourID = data.armourID; // Load the armour Item. armour = database.FetchItemByID(armourID); } if (data.ringID != -1) { // Set the ID of the ring. ringID = data.ringID; // Load the ring Item. ring = database.FetchItemByID(ringID); } if (data.braceletID != -1) { // Set the ID of the bracelet. braceletID = data.braceletID; // Load the bracelet Item. bracelet = database.FetchItemByID(braceletID); } }