Esempio n. 1
        private IPublishedContent GetContent(bool createChildren, int indexVals)
            var dataTypeService = new TestObjects.TestDataTypeService(
                new DataType(new VoidEditor(Mock.Of <ILogger>()))
                Id = 1

            var factory          = new PublishedContentTypeFactory(Mock.Of <IPublishedModelFactory>(), new PropertyValueConverterCollection(Array.Empty <IPropertyValueConverter>()), dataTypeService);
            var contentTypeAlias = createChildren ? "Parent" : "Child";
            var contentType      = new PublishedContentType(22, contentTypeAlias, PublishedItemType.Content, Enumerable.Empty <string>(), Enumerable.Empty <PublishedPropertyType>(), ContentVariation.Nothing);
            var d = new SolidPublishedContent(contentType)
                CreateDate  = DateTime.Now,
                CreatorId   = 1,
                CreatorName = "Shannon",
                Id          = 3,
                SortOrder   = 4,
                TemplateId  = 5,
                UpdateDate  = DateTime.Now,
                Path        = "-1,3",
                UrlSegment  = "home-page",
                Name        = "Page" + Guid.NewGuid(),
                Version     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                WriterId    = 1,
                WriterName  = "Shannon",
                Parent      = null,
                Level       = 1,
                Children    = new List <IPublishedContent>()

            d.Properties = new Collection <IPublishedProperty>(new List <IPublishedProperty>
                new RawValueProperty(factory.CreatePropertyType("property1", 1), d, "value" + indexVals),
                new RawValueProperty(factory.CreatePropertyType("property2", 1), d, "value" + (indexVals + 1))
            if (createChildren)
                d.Children = new List <IPublishedContent>()
                    GetContent(false, indexVals + 3),
                    GetContent(false, indexVals + 6),
                    GetContent(false, indexVals + 9)

            if (!createChildren)
                //create additional columns, used to test the different columns for child nodes
                ((Collection <IPublishedProperty>)d.Properties).Add(
                    new RawValueProperty(factory.CreatePropertyType("property4", 1), d, "value" + (indexVals + 2)));
                ((Collection <IPublishedProperty>)d.Properties).Add(
                    new RawValueProperty(factory.CreatePropertyType("property3", 1), d, "value" + (indexVals + 2)));

Esempio n. 2
        internal override void PopulateCache(PublishedContentTypeFactory factory, SolidPublishedContentCache cache)
            var prop1Type    = factory.CreatePropertyType("prop1", 1, variations: ContentVariation.Culture);
            var welcomeType  = factory.CreatePropertyType("welcomeText", 1, variations: ContentVariation.Culture);
            var welcome2Type = factory.CreatePropertyType("welcomeText2", 1, variations: ContentVariation.Culture);
            var nopropType   = factory.CreatePropertyType("noprop", 1, variations: ContentVariation.Culture);

            IEnumerable <IPublishedPropertyType> CreatePropertyTypes1(IPublishedContentType contentType)
                yield return(factory.CreatePropertyType(contentType, "prop1", 1, variations: ContentVariation.Culture));

                yield return(factory.CreatePropertyType(contentType, "welcomeText", 1, variations: ContentVariation.Culture));

                yield return(factory.CreatePropertyType(contentType, "welcomeText2", 1, variations: ContentVariation.Culture));

                yield return(factory.CreatePropertyType(contentType, "noprop", 1, variations: ContentVariation.Culture));

            var contentType1 = factory.CreateContentType(Guid.NewGuid(), 1, "ContentType1", Enumerable.Empty <string>(), CreatePropertyTypes1);

            IEnumerable <IPublishedPropertyType> CreatePropertyTypes2(IPublishedContentType contentType)
                yield return(factory.CreatePropertyType(contentType, "prop3", 1, variations: ContentVariation.Culture));

            var contentType2 = factory.CreateContentType(Guid.NewGuid(), 2, "contentType2", Enumerable.Empty <string>(), CreatePropertyTypes2);

            var prop1 = new SolidPublishedPropertyWithLanguageVariants
                Alias        = "welcomeText",
                PropertyType = welcomeType

            prop1.SetSourceValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);
            prop1.SetValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);
            prop1.SetSourceValue("de", "Willkommen");
            prop1.SetValue("de", "Willkommen");
            prop1.SetSourceValue("nl", "Welkom");
            prop1.SetValue("nl", "Welkom");

            var prop2 = new SolidPublishedPropertyWithLanguageVariants
                Alias        = "welcomeText2",
                PropertyType = welcome2Type

            prop2.SetSourceValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);
            prop2.SetValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);

            var prop3 = new SolidPublishedPropertyWithLanguageVariants
                Alias        = "welcomeText",
                PropertyType = welcomeType

            prop3.SetSourceValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);
            prop3.SetValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);

            var noprop = new SolidPublishedProperty
                Alias        = "noprop",
                PropertyType = nopropType

            noprop.SolidHasValue = false; // has no value
            noprop.SolidValue    = "xxx"; // but returns something

            var item1 = new SolidPublishedContent(contentType1)
                Id         = 1,
                SortOrder  = 0,
                Name       = "Content 1",
                UrlSegment = "content-1",
                Path       = "/1",
                Level      = 1,
                Url        = "/content-1",
                ParentId   = -1,
                ChildIds   = new[] { 2 },
                Properties = new Collection <IPublishedProperty>
                    prop1, prop2, noprop

            var item2 = new SolidPublishedContent(contentType1)
                Id         = 2,
                SortOrder  = 0,
                Name       = "Content 2",
                UrlSegment = "content-2",
                Path       = "/1/2",
                Level      = 2,
                Url        = "/content-1/content-2",
                ParentId   = 1,
                ChildIds   = new int[] { 3 },
                Properties = new Collection <IPublishedProperty>

            var prop4 = new SolidPublishedPropertyWithLanguageVariants
                Alias        = "prop3",
                PropertyType = contentType2.GetPropertyType("prop3")

            prop4.SetSourceValue("en-US", "Oxxo", true);
            prop4.SetValue("en-US", "Oxxo", true);

            var item3 = new SolidPublishedContent(contentType2)
                Id         = 3,
                SortOrder  = 0,
                Name       = "Content 3",
                UrlSegment = "content-3",
                Path       = "/1/2/3",
                Level      = 3,
                Url        = "/content-1/content-2/content-3",
                ParentId   = 2,
                ChildIds   = new int[] { },
                Properties = new Collection <IPublishedProperty>

            item1.Children = new List <IPublishedContent> {
            item2.Parent = item1;

            item2.Children = new List <IPublishedContent> {
            item3.Parent = item2;

 public void Add(SolidPublishedContent content)
     _content[content.Id] = content.CreateModel();
Esempio n. 4
        internal override void PopulateCache(PublishedContentTypeFactory factory, SolidPublishedContentCache cache)
            IEnumerable <IPublishedPropertyType> CreatePropertyTypes(IPublishedContentType contentType)
                yield return(factory.CreatePropertyType(contentType, "prop1", 1));

            var contentType1    = factory.CreateContentType(Guid.NewGuid(), 1, "ContentType1", Enumerable.Empty <string>(), CreatePropertyTypes);
            var contentType2    = factory.CreateContentType(Guid.NewGuid(), 2, "ContentType2", Enumerable.Empty <string>(), CreatePropertyTypes);
            var contentType2Sub = factory.CreateContentType(Guid.NewGuid(), 3, "ContentType2Sub", Enumerable.Empty <string>(), CreatePropertyTypes);

            var content = new SolidPublishedContent(contentType1)
                Id         = 1,
                SortOrder  = 0,
                Name       = "Content 1",
                UrlSegment = "content-1",
                Path       = "/1",
                Level      = 1,
                Url        = "/content-1",
                ParentId   = -1,
                ChildIds   = new int[] { },
                Properties = new Collection <IPublishedProperty>
                    new SolidPublishedProperty
                        Alias            = "prop1",
                        SolidHasValue    = true,
                        SolidValue       = 1234,
                        SolidSourceValue = "1234"


            content = new SolidPublishedContent(contentType2)
                Id         = 2,
                SortOrder  = 1,
                Name       = "Content 2",
                UrlSegment = "content-2",
                Path       = "/2",
                Level      = 1,
                Url        = "/content-2",
                ParentId   = -1,
                ChildIds   = new int[] { },
                Properties = new Collection <IPublishedProperty>
                    new SolidPublishedProperty
                        Alias            = "prop1",
                        SolidHasValue    = true,
                        SolidValue       = 1234,
                        SolidSourceValue = "1234"

            content = new SolidPublishedContent(contentType2Sub)
                Id         = 3,
                SortOrder  = 2,
                Name       = "Content 2Sub",
                UrlSegment = "content-2sub",
                Path       = "/3",
                Level      = 1,
                Url        = "/content-2sub",
                ParentId   = -1,
                ChildIds   = new int[] { },
                Properties = new Collection <IPublishedProperty>
                    new SolidPublishedProperty
                        Alias            = "prop1",
                        SolidHasValue    = true,
                        SolidValue       = 1234,
                        SolidSourceValue = "1234"
 public void Add(SolidPublishedContent content)
     _content[content.Id] = content.CreateModel(Current.PublishedModelFactory);
 public void Add(SolidPublishedContent content)
     _content[content.Id] = PublishedContentModelFactory.CreateModel(content);
 public void Add(SolidPublishedContent content)
     _content[content.Id] = PublishedContentModelFactory.CreateModel(content);
Esempio n. 8
        internal override void PopulateCache(PublishedContentTypeFactory factory, SolidPublishedContentCache cache)
            var prop1Type    = factory.CreatePropertyType("prop1", 1);
            var welcomeType  = factory.CreatePropertyType("welcomeText", 1);
            var welcome2Type = factory.CreatePropertyType("welcomeText2", 1);
            var props        = new[]
            var contentType1 = factory.CreateContentType(1, "ContentType1", Enumerable.Empty <string>(), props);

            var prop1 = new SolidPublishedPropertyWithLanguageVariants
                Alias        = "welcomeText",
                PropertyType = welcomeType

            prop1.SetSourceValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);
            prop1.SetValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);
            prop1.SetSourceValue("de", "Willkommen");
            prop1.SetValue("de", "Willkommen");
            prop1.SetSourceValue("nl", "Welkom");
            prop1.SetValue("nl", "Welkom");

            var prop2 = new SolidPublishedPropertyWithLanguageVariants
                Alias        = "welcomeText2",
                PropertyType = welcome2Type

            prop2.SetSourceValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);
            prop2.SetValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);

            var prop3 = new SolidPublishedPropertyWithLanguageVariants
                Alias        = "welcomeText",
                PropertyType = welcomeType

            prop3.SetSourceValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);
            prop3.SetValue("en-US", "Welcome", true);

            var item1 = new SolidPublishedContent(contentType1)
                Id         = 1,
                SortOrder  = 0,
                Name       = "Content 1",
                UrlSegment = "content-1",
                Path       = "/1",
                Level      = 1,
                Url        = "/content-1",
                ParentId   = -1,
                ChildIds   = new[] { 2 },
                Properties = new Collection <IPublishedProperty>
                    prop1, prop2

            var item2 = new SolidPublishedContent(contentType1)
                Id         = 2,
                SortOrder  = 0,
                Name       = "Content 2",
                UrlSegment = "content-2",
                Path       = "/1/2",
                Level      = 2,
                Url        = "/content-1/content-2",
                ParentId   = 1,
                ChildIds   = new int[] { },
                Properties = new Collection <IPublishedProperty>

            item1.Children = new List <IPublishedContent> {
            item2.Parent = item1;
