Esempio n. 1
        public PartyHealthTrackerGump(PartyMember member)
            : base(member.Serial, 0)
            while (UserInterface.GetControl<MobileHealthTrackerGump>() != null)
            IsMoveable = false;
            IsUncloseableWithRMB = true;
            m_Serial = member.Serial;
            //AddControl(m_Background = new ResizePic(this, 0, 0, 3000, 131, 48));//I need opacity %1 background

            AddControl(m_Name = new TextLabel(this, 1, 0, 1, member.Name));
            //m_Background.MouseDoubleClickEvent += Background_MouseDoubleClickEvent; //maybe private message calling?
            m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[3];
            int sameX = 15;
            int sameY = 3;
            if (WorldModel.Entities.GetPlayerEntity().Serial != member.Serial)//you can't send a message to self
                AddControl(btnPrivateMsg = new Button(this, 0, 20, 11401, 11402, ButtonTypes.Activate, member.Serial, 0));//private party message / use bandage ??
            AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, sameX, 15 + sameY, 9750, 0));
            AddControl(m_BarBGs[1] = new GumpPic(this, sameX, 24 + sameY, 9750, 0));
            AddControl(m_BarBGs[2] = new GumpPic(this, sameX, 33 + sameY, 9750, 0));
            m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[3];
            AddControl(m_Bars[0] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, sameX, 15 + sameY, 40, 0, 1f));//I couldn't find correct visual
            AddControl(m_Bars[1] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, sameX, 24 + sameY, 9751, 0, 1f));//I couldn't find correct visual
            AddControl(m_Bars[2] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, sameX, 33 + sameY, 41, 0, 1f));//I couldn't find correct visual

            // bars should not handle mouse input, pass it to the background gump.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_BarBGs.Length; i++)//???
                m_Bars[i].HandlesMouseInput = false;
        public MobileHealthTrackerGump(Mobile mobile)
            : base(mobile.Serial, 0)
            while (UserInterface.GetControl<MobileHealthTrackerGump>(mobile.Serial) != null)

            IsMoveable = true;
            HandlesMouseInput = true;

            Mobile = mobile;

            if (Mobile.IsClientEntity)
                AddControl(m_Background = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0803, 0));
                m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[3];
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 10, 0x0805, 0));
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[1] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 24, 0x0805, 0));
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[2] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 38, 0x0805, 0));
                m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[3];
                AddControl(m_Bars[0] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 10, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Bars[1] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 24, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Bars[2] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 38, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Background = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0804, 0));
                m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[1];
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 38, 0x0805, 0));
                m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[1];
                AddControl(m_Bars[0] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 38, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(new HtmlGumpling(this, 17, 13, 120, 20, 0, 0, String.Format("<span color='#000' style='font-family:uni0;'>{0}", mobile.Name)));
 public override void Initialize()
     m_gumplingTop = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0, 0x0820, 0));
     m_gumplingMiddle = (GumpPicTiled)AddControl(new GumpPicTiled(this, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0822));
     m_gumplingBottom = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0, 0x0823, 0));
     m_gumplingExpander = (Button)AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 0, 0, 0x082E, 0x82F, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, gumplingExpander_ButtonID));
     m_gumplingExpander.OnMouseDown = expander_OnMouseDown;
     m_gumplingExpander.OnMouseUp = expander_OnMouseUp;
     m_gumplingExpander.OnMouseOver = expander_OnMouseOver;
Esempio n. 4
 void BuildGump()
     if (m_Book.ItemID >= 0xFEF && m_Book.ItemID <= 0xFF2)
         m_BookBackground = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x1FE, 0);
         m_PageCornerLeft = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x1FF, 0);
         m_PageCornerRight = new GumpPic(this, 356, 0, 0x200, 0);
     AddControl(m_BookBackground);   // book background gump
     AddControl(m_PageCornerLeft);   // page turn left
     m_PageCornerLeft.GumpLocalID = 0;
     m_PageCornerLeft.MouseClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseClickEvent;
     m_PageCornerLeft.MouseDoubleClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseDoubleClickEvent;
     AddControl(m_PageCornerRight);  // page turn right
     m_PageCornerRight.GumpLocalID = 1;
     m_PageCornerRight.MouseClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseClickEvent;
     m_PageCornerRight.MouseDoubleClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseDoubleClickEvent;
     // Draw the title and author page
     m_TitleTextEntry = new TextEntry(this, 45, 50, 155, 300, 1, 0, 0, m_Book.Title);
     m_TitleTextEntry.IsEditable = m_Book.IsEditable;
     m_AuthorTextEntry = new TextEntry(this, 45, 110, 160, 300, 1, 0, 0, m_Book.Author);
     m_AuthorTextEntry.IsEditable = m_Book.IsEditable;
     AddControl(m_TitleTextEntry, 1);
     AddControl(new HtmlGumpling(this, 45, 90, 155, 300, 0, 0, "<font color=#444>By"), 1);
     AddControl(m_AuthorTextEntry, 1);
     // Add book pages to active pages
     bool isRight = true;
     string color = m_Book.IsEditable ? "800" : "000";
     for (int i = 0; i < m_Book.PageCount; i++)
         int onGumpPage = (i + 3) / 2;
         int x = isRight ? 235 : 45;
         m_Pages.Add(new TextEntryPage(this, x, 32, 155, 300, i));
         m_Pages[i].SetMaxLines(8, OnPageOverflow, OnPageUnderflow);
         m_Pages[i].SetKeyboardPageControls(OnPreviousPage, OnNextPage);
         m_Pages[i].IsEditable = m_Book.IsEditable;
         m_Pages[i].LeadingHtmlTag = $"<font color=#{color}>";
         m_Pages[i].Text = m_Book.Pages[i].GetAllLines();
         AddControl(m_Pages[i], onGumpPage);
         AddControl(new HtmlGumpling(this, x, 195, 135, 20, 0, 0, $"<center><font color=#444>{i + 1}"), onGumpPage);
         isRight = !isRight;
     AudioService service = Service.Get<AudioService>();
     UserInterface.KeyboardFocusControl = m_Pages[0];
     m_Pages[0].CaratAt = m_Pages[0].Text.Length;
Esempio n. 5
        protected override void OnInitialize()
            m_GumplingTop = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0820, 0));
            m_GumplingMiddle = (GumpPicTiled)AddControl(new GumpPicTiled(this, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0822));
            m_GumplingBottom = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0823, 0));

            if (m_IsResizable)
                m_GumplingExpander = (Button)AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 0, 0x082E, 0x82F, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, c_GumplingExpander_ButtonID));
                m_GumplingExpander.MouseDownEvent += expander_OnMouseDown;
                m_GumplingExpander.MouseUpEvent += expander_OnMouseUp;
                m_GumplingExpander.MouseOverEvent += expander_OnMouseOver;
Esempio n. 6
        protected override void OnInitialize()
            m_GumplingTop    = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0820, 0));
            m_GumplingMiddle = (GumpPicTiled)AddControl(new GumpPicTiled(this, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0822));
            m_GumplingBottom = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0823, 0));

            if (m_IsResizable)
                m_GumplingExpander = (Button)AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 0, 0x082E, 0x82F, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, c_GumplingExpander_ButtonID));
                m_GumplingExpander.MouseDownEvent += expander_OnMouseDown;
                m_GumplingExpander.MouseUpEvent   += expander_OnMouseUp;
                m_GumplingExpander.MouseOverEvent += expander_OnMouseOver;
Esempio n. 7
        private void OnEntityUpdated()
            // clear the existing Controls

            // Add the base gump - the semi-naked paper doll.
            if (true)
                int     bodyID    = 12 + (m_isElf ? 2 : 0) + (m_isFemale ? 1 : 0); // ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).BodyID;
                GumpPic paperdoll = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, bodyID, ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).Hue));
                paperdoll.HandlesMouseInput = true;
                paperdoll.IsPaperdoll       = true;

            // Loop through the items on the mobile and create the gump pics.
            for (int i = 0; i < s_DrawOrder.Length; i++)
                Item item = ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).GetItem((int)s_DrawOrder[i]);
                if (item == null)

                bool canPickUp = true;
                switch (s_DrawOrder[i])
                case PaperDollEquipSlots.FacialHair:
                case PaperDollEquipSlots.Hair:
                    canPickUp = false;


                AddControl(new ItemGumplingPaperdoll(this, 0, 0, item));
                ((ItemGumplingPaperdoll)LastControl).SlotIndex = (int)i;
                ((ItemGumplingPaperdoll)LastControl).IsFemale  = m_isFemale;
                ((ItemGumplingPaperdoll)LastControl).CanPickUp = canPickUp;
            // If this object has a backpack, add it last.
            if (((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).GetItem((int)PaperDollEquipSlots.Backpack) != null)
                Item backpack = ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).GetItem((int)PaperDollEquipSlots.Backpack);
                AddControl(new GumpPicBackpack(this, -7, 0, backpack));
                LastControl.HandlesMouseInput      = true;
                LastControl.MouseDoubleClickEvent += On_Dblclick_Backpack;
Esempio n. 8
        public void CreateVisual()
            if (m_ResizePic != null || m_label != null || ScrollButton != null)

            m_ResizePic = (ResizePic)AddControl(new ResizePic(this, 0, 0, 3000, m_Width, m_Font.Height + 8), 0);
            m_ResizePic.GumpLocalID = GumpLocalID;
            m_ResizePic.MouseClickEvent += onClickClosedList;
            m_ResizePic.MouseOverEvent += onMouseOverClosedList;
            m_ResizePic.MouseOutEvent += onMouseOutClosedList;
            m_ResizePic.IsEnabled = false;
            m_label = (TextLabelAscii)AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 4, 5, 1, hue_Text, string.Empty), 0);
            m_label.GumpLocalID = GumpLocalID;
            ScrollButton = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, m_Width - 22, 5, 2086, 0), 0);

            IsFirstvisible = true;//for invisible create control
Esempio n. 9
        public MobileHealthTrackerGump(Mobile mobile)
            : base(mobile.Serial, 0)
            while (UserInterface.GetControl<MobileHealthTrackerGump>(mobile.Serial) != null)

            IsMoveable = true;

            Mobile = mobile;
            m_World = Service.Get<WorldModel>();

            if (Mobile.IsClientEntity)
                AddControl(m_Background = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0803, 0));
                m_Background.MouseDoubleClickEvent += Background_MouseDoubleClickEvent;
                m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[3];
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 10, 0x0805, 0));
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[1] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 24, 0x0805, 0));
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[2] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 38, 0x0805, 0));
                m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[3];
                AddControl(m_Bars[0] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 10, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Bars[1] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 24, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Bars[2] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 38, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Background = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0804, 0));
                m_Background.MouseDoubleClickEvent += Background_MouseDoubleClickEvent;
                m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[1];
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 38, 0x0805, 0));
                m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[1];
                AddControl(m_Bars[0] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 38, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_NameEntry = new TextEntry(this, 17, 16, 124, 20, 0, 0, 99, mobile.Name));

            // bars should not handle mouse input, pass it to the background gump.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_BarBGs.Length; i++)
                m_BarBGs[i].HandlesMouseInput = false;
                m_Bars[i].HandlesMouseInput = false;
Esempio n. 10
        public UseSpellButtonGump(SpellDefinition spell)
            : base(spell.ID, 0)
            while (UserInterface.GetControl<UseSpellButtonGump>(spell.ID) != null)

            m_Spell = spell;
            m_World = ServiceRegistry.GetService<WorldModel>();

            IsMoveable = true;
            HandlesMouseInput = true;

            m_SpellButton = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, spell.GumpIconSmallID, 0));
            LastControl.HandlesMouseInput = true;
            LastControl.MouseClickEvent += EventMouseClick;
        public void CreateVisual()
            if (m_ResizePic != null || m_label != null || ScrollButton != null)

            m_ResizePic                  = (ResizePic)AddControl(new ResizePic(this, 0, 0, 3000, m_Width, m_Font.Height + 8), 0);
            m_ResizePic.GumpLocalID      = GumpLocalID;
            m_ResizePic.MouseClickEvent += onClickClosedList;
            m_ResizePic.MouseOverEvent  += onMouseOverClosedList;
            m_ResizePic.MouseOutEvent   += onMouseOutClosedList;
            m_ResizePic.IsEnabled        = false;
            m_label             = (TextLabelAscii)AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 4, 5, 1, hue_Text, string.Empty), 0);
            m_label.GumpLocalID = GumpLocalID;
            ScrollButton        = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, m_Width - 22, 5, 2086, 0), 0);

            IsFirstvisible = true;//for invisible create control
        public MobileHealthTrackerGump(Mobile mobile)
            : base(mobile.Serial, 0)
            while (UserInterface.GetControl<MobileHealthTrackerGump>(mobile.Serial) != null)

            IsMoveable = true;

            Mobile = mobile;

            if (Mobile.IsClientEntity)
                AddControl(m_Background = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0803, 0));
                m_Background.MouseDoubleClickEvent += Background_MouseDoubleClickEvent;
                m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[3];
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 10, 0x0805, 0));
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[1] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 24, 0x0805, 0));
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[2] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 38, 0x0805, 0));
                m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[3];
                AddControl(m_Bars[0] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 10, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Bars[1] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 24, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Bars[2] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 38, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(m_Background = new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x0804, 0));
                m_BarBGs = new GumpPic[1];
                AddControl(m_BarBGs[0] = new GumpPic(this, 34, 38, 0x0805, 0));
                m_Bars = new GumpPicWithWidth[1];
                AddControl(m_Bars[0] = new GumpPicWithWidth(this, 34, 38, 0x0806, 0, 1f));
                AddControl(new HtmlGumpling(this, 17, 13, 120, 20, 0, 0, String.Format("<span color='#000' style='font-family:uni0;'>{0}", mobile.Name)));

            // bars should not handle mouse input, pass it to the background gump.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_BarBGs.Length; i++)
                m_BarBGs[i].HandlesMouseInput = false;
                m_Bars[i].HandlesMouseInput = false;
Esempio n. 13
        public override void Update(double totalMS, double frameMS)
            if (hasSourceEntity)
                m_isFemale = ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).Flags.IsFemale;
                m_isElf    = false;
                if (m_sourceEntityUpdateHash != ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).UpdateTicker)
                    // update our hash
                    m_sourceEntityUpdateHash = ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).UpdateTicker;

                    // clear the existing Controls

                    // Add the base gump - the semi-naked paper doll.
                    if (true)
                        int     bodyID    = 12 + (m_isElf ? 2 : 0) + (m_isFemale ? 1 : 0); // ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).BodyID;
                        GumpPic paperdoll = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0, bodyID, ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).Hue));
                        paperdoll.HandlesMouseInput = true;
                        paperdoll.IsPaperdoll       = true;

                    // Loop through the items on the mobile and create the gump pics.
                    for (int i = 0; i < s_DrawOrder.Length; i++)
                        Item item = ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).GetItem((int)s_DrawOrder[i]);
                        if (item == null)

                        bool canPickUp = true;
                        switch (s_DrawOrder[i])
                        case EquipSlots.FacialHair:
                        case EquipSlots.Hair:
                            canPickUp = false;


                        AddControl(new ItemGumplingPaperdoll(this, 0, 0, item));
                        ((ItemGumplingPaperdoll)LastControl).SlotIndex = (int)i;
                        ((ItemGumplingPaperdoll)LastControl).IsFemale  = m_isFemale;
                        ((ItemGumplingPaperdoll)LastControl).CanPickUp = canPickUp;
                    // If this object has a backpack, draw it last.
                    if (((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).GetItem((int)EquipSlots.Backpack) != null)
                        Item backpack = ((Mobile)m_sourceEntity).GetItem((int)EquipSlots.Backpack);
                        AddControl(new GumpPicBackpack(this, 0, -5, 0, backpack));
                        LastControl.HandlesMouseInput   = true;
                        LastControl.OnMouseDoubleClick += dblclick_Backpack;
            base.Update(totalMS, frameMS);
Esempio n. 14
        private void CreateMageryGumplings()

            AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x08AC, 0)); // spellbook background

            AddControl(m_PageCornerLeft = new GumpPic(this, 50, 8, 0x08BB, 0)); // page turn left
            m_PageCornerLeft.GumpLocalID = 0;
            m_PageCornerLeft.MouseClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseClickEvent;
            m_PageCornerLeft.MouseDoubleClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseDoubleClickEvent;

            AddControl(m_PageCornerRight = new GumpPic(this, 321, 8, 0x08BC, 0)); // page turn right
            m_PageCornerRight.GumpLocalID = 1;
            m_PageCornerRight.MouseClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseClickEvent;
            m_PageCornerRight.MouseDoubleClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseDoubleClickEvent;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // spell circles 1 - 4
                AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 60 + i * 35, 174, 0x08B1 + i, 0));
                LastControl.GumpLocalID = i;
                LastControl.MouseClickEvent += SpellCircle_MouseClickEvent; // unsubscribe from these?
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // spell circles 5 - 8
                AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 226 + i * 34, 174, 0x08B5 + i, 0));
                LastControl.GumpLocalID = i + 4;
                LastControl.MouseClickEvent += SpellCircle_MouseClickEvent; // unsubscribe from these?

            // indexes are on pages 1 - 4. Spells are on pages 5+.
            m_CircleHeaders = new HtmlGumpling[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                m_CircleHeaders[i] = (HtmlGumpling)AddControl(
                    new HtmlGumpling(this, 64 + (i % 2) * 148, 10, 130, 200, 0, 0,
                        string.Format("<span color='#004' style='font-family=uni0;'><center>{0}</center></span>", Magery.CircleNames[i])),
                        1 + (i / 2));
            m_Indexes = new HtmlGumpling[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                m_Indexes[i] = (HtmlGumpling)AddControl(
                    new HtmlGumpling(this, 64 + (i % 2) * 156, 28, 130, 200, 0, 0, string.Empty),
                    1 + (i / 2));

            m_MaxPage = 4;

            // Begin checking which spells are in the spellbook and add them to m_Spells list

            int totalSpells = 0;
            for (int spellCircle = 0; spellCircle < 8; spellCircle++)
                for (int spellIndex = 1; spellIndex <= 8; spellIndex++)
                    if (m_Spellbook.HasSpell(spellCircle, spellIndex))
                        m_SpellList.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, int>(spellCircle, spellIndex));

            m_MaxPage = m_MaxPage + ((totalSpells + 1) / 2); // The number of additional spell info pages needed

Esempio n. 15
        private void BuildGump()
            m_World = ServiceRegistry.GetService<WorldModel>();
            m_Client = ServiceRegistry.GetService<INetworkClient>();

            IsMoveable = true;
            SaveOnWorldStop = true;
            GumpLocalID = Mobile.Serial;

            if (Mobile.IsClientEntity)
                AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x07d0, 0));

                // HELP
                AddControl(new Button(this, 185, 44 + 27 * 0, 0x07ef, 0x07f0, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0,
                ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = 0x07f1;
                // OPTIONS
                AddControl(new Button(this, 185, 44 + 27 * 1, 0x07d6, 0x07d7, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0,
                ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = 0x07d8;
                // LOG OUT
                AddControl(new Button(this, 185, 44 + 27 * 2, 0x07d9, 0x07da, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0,
                ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = 0x07db;
                // QUESTS
                AddControl(new Button(this, 185, 44 + 27 * 3, 0x57b5, 0x57b7, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0,
                ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = 0x57b6;
                // SKILLS
                AddControl(new Button(this, 185, 44 + 27 * 4, 0x07df, 0x07e0, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0,
                ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = 0x07e1;
                // GUILD
                AddControl(new Button(this, 185, 44 + 27 * 5, 0x57b2, 0x57b4, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0,
                ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = 0x57b3;
                // PEACE / WAR
                m_IsWarMode = Mobile.Flags.IsWarMode;
                int[] btngumps = m_IsWarMode ? WarModeBtnGumps : PeaceModeBtnGumps;
                m_WarModeBtn = (Button)AddControl(new Button(this, 185, 44 + 27 * 6, btngumps[0], btngumps[1], ButtonTypes.Activate, 0,
                ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = btngumps[2];
                // STATUS
                AddControl(new Button(this, 185, 44 + 27 * 7, 0x07eb, 0x07ec, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0,
                ((Button)LastControl).GumpOverID = 0x07ed;

                // Virtue menu
                AddControl(m_VirtueMenuButton = new GumpPic(this, 80, 8, 0x0071, 0));
                m_VirtueMenuButton.MouseDoubleClickEvent += VirtueMenu_MouseDoubleClickEvent;

                // Special moves book
                // AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 158, 200, 0x2B34, 0));
                // LastControl.MouseDoubleClickEvent += SpecialMoves_MouseDoubleClickEvent;

                // equipment slots for hat/earrings/neck/ring/bracelet
                AddControl(new EquipmentSlot(this, 2, 76, Mobile, EquipLayer.Helm));
                AddControl(new EquipmentSlot(this, 2, 76 + 22 * 1, Mobile, EquipLayer.Earrings));
                AddControl(new EquipmentSlot(this, 2, 76 + 22 * 2, Mobile, EquipLayer.Neck));
                AddControl(new EquipmentSlot(this, 2, 76 + 22 * 3, Mobile, EquipLayer.Ring));
                AddControl(new EquipmentSlot(this, 2, 76 + 22 * 4, Mobile, EquipLayer.Bracelet));

                // Paperdoll control!
                AddControl(new PaperDollInteractable(this, 8, 21, Mobile));
                AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x07d1, 0));

                // Paperdoll
                AddControl(new PaperDollInteractable(this, 8, 21, Mobile));

            // name and title
            AddControl(new HtmlGumpling(this, 36, 262, 180, 42, 0, 0, string.Format("<span color=#aaa style='font-family:uni0;'>{0}", Mobile.Name)));
            AddControl(new HtmlGumpling(this, 35, 262, 180, 42, 0, 0, string.Format("<span color=#222 style='font-family:uni0;'>{0}", Mobile.Name)));
Esempio n. 16
        private void CreateMageryGumplings()

            AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, 0x08AC, 0)); // spellbook background

            m_PageCornerLeft = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 50, 8, 0x08BB, 0)); // page turn left
            LastControl.GumpLocalID = 0;
            LastControl.MouseClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseClickEvent;
            LastControl.MouseDoubleClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseDoubleClickEvent;

            m_PageCornerRight = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 321, 8, 0x08BC, 0)); // page turn right
            LastControl.GumpLocalID = 1;
            LastControl.MouseClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseClickEvent;
            LastControl.MouseDoubleClickEvent += PageCorner_MouseDoubleClickEvent;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // spell circles 1 - 4
                AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 60 + i * 35, 174, 0x08B1 + i, 0));
                LastControl.GumpLocalID = i;
                LastControl.MouseClickEvent += SpellCircle_MouseClickEvent;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // spell circles 5 - 8
                AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 226 + i * 34, 174, 0x08B5 + i, 0));
                LastControl.GumpLocalID = i + 4;
                LastControl.MouseClickEvent += SpellCircle_MouseClickEvent;

            // indexes are on pages 1 - 4. Spells are on pages 5+.
            m_CircleHeaders = new HtmlGumpling[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                m_CircleHeaders[i] = (HtmlGumpling)AddControl(
                    new HtmlGumpling(this, 64 + (i % 2) * 148, 10, 130, 200, 0, 0,
                        string.Format("<span color='#004' style='font-family=uni0;'><center>{0}</center></span>", Magery.CircleNames[i])),
                        1 + (i / 2));
            m_Indexes = new HtmlGumpling[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                m_Indexes[i] = (HtmlGumpling)AddControl(
                    new HtmlGumpling(this, 64 + (i % 2) * 156, 28, 130, 200, 0, 0, string.Empty),
                    1 + (i / 2));

            // add indexes and spell pages.
            m_MaxPage = 4;
            int currentSpellPage = 5;
            bool isRightPage = false;
            for (int spellCircle = 0; spellCircle < 8; spellCircle++)
                for (int spellIndex = 0; spellIndex < 8; spellIndex++)
                    int spellIndexAll = spellCircle * 8 + spellIndex;
                    if (m_Spellbook.HasSpell(spellIndexAll))
                        m_Indexes[spellCircle].Text += string.Format("<a href='page={1}' color='#532' hovercolor='#800' activecolor='#611' style='font-family=uni0; text-decoration=none;'>{0}</a><br/>",
                        CreateSpellPage(currentSpellPage, isRightPage, spellCircle, Magery.Spells[spellIndexAll]);
                        if (isRightPage)
                            isRightPage = false;
                            m_MaxPage += 1;
                            isRightPage = true;

Esempio n. 17
        public override void Update(double totalMS, double frameMS)
            if (m_ExpandableScrollHeight < c_ExpandableScrollHeight_Min)
                m_ExpandableScrollHeight = c_ExpandableScrollHeight_Min;
            if (m_ExpandableScrollHeight > c_ExpandableScrollHeight_Max)
                m_ExpandableScrollHeight = c_ExpandableScrollHeight_Max;

            if (m_gumplingTitleGumpIDDelta)
                m_gumplingTitleGumpIDDelta = false;
                if (m_gumplingTitle != null)
                m_gumplingTitle = (GumpPic)AddControl(new GumpPic(this, 0, 0, m_gumplingTitleGumpID, 0));

            if (!m_GumplingTop.IsInitialized)
                IsVisible = false;
                IsVisible = true;
                m_GumplingTop.Position = new Point(0, 0);

                m_GumplingMiddle.Position = new Point(17, m_GumplingMidY);
                m_GumplingMiddle.Width = 263;
                m_GumplingMiddle.Height = m_GumplingMidHeight;

                m_GumplingBottom.Position = new Point(17, m_GumplingBottomY);

                if (m_IsResizable)
                    m_GumplingExpander.Position = new Point(m_GumplingExpanderX, m_GumplingExpanderY);

                if (m_gumplingTitle != null && m_gumplingTitle.IsInitialized)
                    m_gumplingTitle.Position = new Point(
                        (m_GumplingTop.Width - m_gumplingTitle.Width) / 2,
                        (m_GumplingTop.Height - m_gumplingTitle.Height) / 2);

            base.Update(totalMS, frameMS);