Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of UltimaArmorDefinition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">Item parent.</param>
 /// <param name="e">Xml element to construct from.</param>
 public UltimaArmorDefinition(UltimaItemDefinitionGroup parent, XmlElement e) : base(parent, e)
     _BasePhysical = GetAttributeAsInteger(e, AttributeBasePhysical);
     _BaseFire     = GetAttributeAsInteger(e, AttributeBaseFire);
     _BaseCold     = GetAttributeAsInteger(e, AttributeBaseCold);
     _BasePoison   = GetAttributeAsInteger(e, AttributeBasePoison);
     _BaseEnergy   = GetAttributeAsInteger(e, AttributeBaseEnergy);
     _BaseChaos    = GetAttributeAsInteger(e, AttributeBaseChaos, false);
     _BaseDirect   = GetAttributeAsInteger(e, AttributeBaseDirect, false);
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of UltimaArmorDefinition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">Item parent.</param>
 /// <param name="e">Xml element to construct from.</param>
 public UltimaArmorDefinition( UltimaItemDefinitionGroup parent, XmlElement e )
     : base(parent, e)
     _BasePhysical = GetAttributeAsInteger( e, AttributeBasePhysical );
     _BaseFire = GetAttributeAsInteger( e, AttributeBaseFire );
     _BaseCold = GetAttributeAsInteger( e, AttributeBaseCold );
     _BasePoison = GetAttributeAsInteger( e, AttributeBasePoison );
     _BaseEnergy = GetAttributeAsInteger( e, AttributeBaseEnergy );
     _BaseChaos = GetAttributeAsInteger( e, AttributeBaseChaos, false );
     _BaseDirect = GetAttributeAsInteger( e, AttributeBaseDirect, false );
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Cosntructs a new instance of UltimaItemDefinitionGroup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Item parent.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Xml element to construct from.</param>
        public UltimaItemDefinition(UltimaItemDefinitionGroup parent, XmlElement e)
            _Parent  = parent;
            _ItemIDs = new List <int>();

            string itemIDs = e.GetAttribute(AttributeItemID);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemIDs))
                throw new XmlException(String.Format("Attribute '{0}' is missing", AttributeItemID));

            string[] list = itemIDs.Split(Separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            foreach (string value in list)
                string       toParse = value;
                int          integer = 0;
                NumberStyles style   = NumberStyles.Integer;

                if (toParse.StartsWith("0x"))
                    toParse = toParse.Substring(2, toParse.Length - 2);
                    style   = NumberStyles.HexNumber;

                if (Int32.TryParse(toParse, style, null, out integer))
                    throw new XmlException(String.Format("Invalid '{0}' value '{1}'. Value must be integer", AttributeItemID, value));

            _Class = e.GetAttribute(AttributeClass);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_Class))
                throw new XmlException(String.Format("Attribute '{0}' is missing", AttributeClass));
Esempio n. 4
        private int _MaxPropertyValue;         // Max global property value

        #region Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of UltimaLootAnalyzer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="names">List of the mobile names to analyze.</param>
        public UltimaLootAnalyzer(ObservableCollection <UltimaPacket> packets, List <string> names)
            _Names              = names;
            _CorpseCount        = 0;
            _HueCounter         = new UltimaEnumPropertyCounter();
            _GoldCounter        = new UltimaSimpleCounter();
            _InstrumentCounters = new List <UltimaSimpleCounter>();
            _EquipmentCounters  = new List <UltimaSimpleCounter>();

            UltimaItemDefinitions itemDefinitions = Globals.Instance.ItemDefinitions;

            if (itemDefinitions == null)
                throw new Exception("Item definitions not initialized");

            UltimaItemProperties propertyDefinitions = Globals.Instance.ItemProperties;

            if (propertyDefinitions == null)
                throw new Exception("Item property definitions not initialized");

            // Initialize group
            UltimaItemDefinitionGroup goldGroup        = null;
            UltimaItemDefinitionGroup instrumentsGroup = null;

            _Groups            = new Dictionary <UltimaItemDefinitionGroup, UltimaSimpleCounter>();
            _DefaultGroup      = new UltimaDefaultLootGroup();
            _PropertiesPerItem = new List <UltimaSimpleCounter>();
            _Properties        = new Dictionary <int, UltimaPropertyCounter>();

            foreach (UltimaItemDefinitionGroup group in itemDefinitions.Groups)
                if (group.Analyze)
                    _Groups.Add(group, new UltimaSimpleCounter());

                if (String.Equals(group.Name, "Gold", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    goldGroup = group;
                else if (String.Equals(group.Name, "Instruments", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    instrumentsGroup = group;

            // Analyze packets
            Dictionary <uint, MobileIncommingPacket> mobiles = new Dictionary <uint, MobileIncommingPacket>();
            Dictionary <uint, uint> mobilesToCorpses         = new Dictionary <uint, uint>();
            Dictionary <uint, ContainerContentPacket>        corpsesToContainers = new Dictionary <uint, ContainerContentPacket>();
            Dictionary <uint, QueryPropertiesResponsePacket> itemsToProperties   = new Dictionary <uint, QueryPropertiesResponsePacket>();

            foreach (UltimaPacket packet in packets)
                if (packet is MobileIncommingPacket)
                    MobileIncommingPacket mobile = (MobileIncommingPacket)packet;

                    if (!mobiles.ContainsKey(mobile.Serial))
                        mobiles.Add(mobile.Serial, mobile);
                else if (packet is DeathAnimationPacket)
                    DeathAnimationPacket deathAnimation = (DeathAnimationPacket)packet;

                    if (!mobilesToCorpses.ContainsKey(deathAnimation.Serial))
                        mobilesToCorpses.Add(deathAnimation.Serial, deathAnimation.Corpse);
                else if (packet is ContainerContentPacket)
                    ContainerContentPacket containerContent = (ContainerContentPacket)packet;

                    if (!corpsesToContainers.ContainsKey(containerContent.Serial))
                        corpsesToContainers.Add(containerContent.Serial, containerContent);
                else if (packet is QueryPropertiesResponsePacket)
                    QueryPropertiesResponsePacket properties = (QueryPropertiesResponsePacket)packet;

                    if (!itemsToProperties.ContainsKey(properties.Serial))
                        itemsToProperties.Add(properties.Serial, properties);

            Dictionary <ContainerContentPacket, List <ItemStatistics> > validCorpses = new Dictionary <ContainerContentPacket, List <ItemStatistics> >();

            _MinPropertyCount = int.MaxValue;
            _MaxPropertyCount = int.MinValue;
            _MinPropertyValue = int.MaxValue;
            _MaxPropertyValue = int.MinValue;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, uint> kvp in mobilesToCorpses)
                MobileIncommingPacket         mobile           = null;
                ContainerContentPacket        corpseContainer  = null;
                ContainerContentPacket        container        = null;
                QueryPropertiesResponsePacket mobileProperties = null;

                if (!mobiles.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out mobile))

                if (!itemsToProperties.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out mobileProperties) || mobileProperties.Properties.Count == 0)

                if (!corpsesToContainers.TryGetValue(kvp.Value, out corpseContainer))

                if (corpseContainer.Items.Count > 0)
                    ContainerItem corpse = corpseContainer.Items[0];

                    if (!corpsesToContainers.TryGetValue(corpse.Serial, out container))

                string mobileName = GetMobileName(mobileProperties.Properties[0]);

                if (names.Contains(mobileName))
                    // Analyze corpse

                    List <ItemStatistics> validItems = new List <ItemStatistics>();
                    int  equipmentCount  = 0;
                    int  instrumentCount = 0;
                    bool foundGold       = false;

                    _CorpseCount += 1;

                    Trace.WriteLine("Found corpse with " + container.Items.Count);

                    foreach (ContainerItem item in container.Items)
                        QueryPropertiesResponsePacket properties      = null;
                        UltimaItemDefinition          itemDefinition  = null;
                        UltimaArmorDefinition         armorDefinition = null;
                        bool analyzed = false;

                        if (itemDefinitions.Items.ContainsKey(item.ItemID))
                            itemDefinition  = itemDefinitions.Items[item.ItemID];
                            armorDefinition = itemDefinition as UltimaArmorDefinition;

                        if (itemsToProperties.ContainsKey(item.Serial))
                            properties = itemsToProperties[item.Serial];

                        string name = GetItemName(properties.Properties[0]);

                        // EA always generates gold last
                        if (!foundGold)
                            if (itemDefinition != null)
                                UltimaItemDefinitionGroup group = itemDefinition.Parent;

                                while (group.Parent != null)
                                    group = group.Parent;

                                if (properties != null)
                                    QueryPropertiesProperty nameProperty = properties.Properties[0];

                                    // Treat stackable items as special
                                    if (!UltimaItemGenerator.IsStackable(nameProperty.Cliloc) &&
                                        !UltimaItemGenerator.IsString(nameProperty.Cliloc) &&
                                        !UltimaItemGenerator.IsSpecial(item.ItemID, nameProperty.Cliloc))
                                        if (_Groups.ContainsKey(group))
                                            analyzed = true;

                                            int  propertiesPerItem = 0;
                                            int  minPropertyValue  = int.MaxValue;
                                            int  maxPropertyValue  = int.MinValue;
                                            bool isValidMinMax     = false;
                                            bool hasSpecialDamage  = false;

                                            foreach (QueryPropertiesProperty property in properties.Properties)
                                                string propertyName = Globals.Instance.Clilocs.GetString(property.Cliloc);

                                                if (UltimaItemGenerator.IsDamage(property.Cliloc))
                                                    if (property.Cliloc != 1060403)
                                                        if (!hasSpecialDamage)
                                                            propertiesPerItem += 1;

                                                        hasSpecialDamage = true;
                                                else if (propertyDefinitions.Properties.ContainsKey(property.Cliloc))
                                                    UltimaItemProperty propertyDefinition = propertyDefinitions.Properties[property.Cliloc];

                                                    if (propertyDefinition.IsRunic)
                                                        UltimaClilocArgumentParser arguments = new UltimaClilocArgumentParser(property.Arguments);
                                                        bool ignore = false;

                                                        if (arguments.Length > 0)
                                                            int integer = 0;

                                                            if (arguments.TryGetInteger(0, out integer))
                                                                if (armorDefinition != null)
                                                                    ignore = CheckIgnoreProperty(armorDefinition, propertyDefinition, ref integer);

                                                                if (!ignore)
                                                                    GetPropertyCounter(property.Cliloc, 1).Gotcha(integer);

                                                                    if (propertyDefinition.Max > propertyDefinition.Min)
                                                                        int percentage = (integer - propertyDefinition.Min) * 100 / (propertyDefinition.Max - propertyDefinition.Min);

                                                                        if (percentage > maxPropertyValue)
                                                                            maxPropertyValue = percentage;

                                                                        if (percentage > _MaxPropertyValue)
                                                                            _MaxPropertyValue = percentage;

                                                                        if (percentage < minPropertyValue)
                                                                            minPropertyValue = percentage;

                                                                        if (percentage < _MinPropertyValue)
                                                                            _MinPropertyValue = percentage;

                                                                        isValidMinMax = true;
                                                                GetPropertyCounter(property.Cliloc, 2).Gotcha(arguments[0]);

                                                        if (!ignore)

                                            // Count number of properties
                                            UltimaSimpleCounter counter = null;

                                            while (propertiesPerItem >= _PropertiesPerItem.Count)
                                                _PropertiesPerItem.Add(counter = new UltimaSimpleCounter());

                                            counter = _PropertiesPerItem[propertiesPerItem];

                                            if (propertiesPerItem < _MinPropertyCount)
                                                _MinPropertyCount = propertiesPerItem;

                                            if (propertiesPerItem > _MaxPropertyCount)
                                                _MaxPropertyCount = propertiesPerItem;

                                            equipmentCount += 1;

                                            if (isValidMinMax)
                                                validItems.Add(new ItemStatistics(item, propertiesPerItem, minPropertyValue, maxPropertyValue));
                                                validItems.Add(new ItemStatistics(item, propertiesPerItem));
                                Trace.WriteLine("Cannot find item definition for:" + String.Format("0x{0:X}", item.ItemID) + "," + name);

                            // Check if special item
                            if (itemDefinition != null && !analyzed)
                                UltimaItemDefinitionGroup group = itemDefinition.Parent;

                                if (group == goldGroup)
                                    analyzed  = true;
                                    foundGold = true;
                                else if (group == instrumentsGroup)
                                    analyzed = true;

                        if (!analyzed)
                            _DefaultGroup.AnalyzeItem(item.Serial, item.ItemID, item.Hue, item.Amount, properties);


                    // Count equipment
                    UltimaSimpleCounter equipmentCounter = null;

                    while (equipmentCount >= _EquipmentCounters.Count)
                        _EquipmentCounters.Add(equipmentCounter = new UltimaSimpleCounter());

                    equipmentCounter = _EquipmentCounters[equipmentCount];

                    // Count instruments
                    UltimaSimpleCounter instrumentCounter = null;

                    while (instrumentCount >= _InstrumentCounters.Count)
                        _InstrumentCounters.Add(instrumentCounter = new UltimaSimpleCounter());

                    instrumentCounter = _InstrumentCounters[instrumentCount];

                    if (validItems.Count > 0)
                        validCorpses.Add(container, validItems);

                    // Count corpses

            // Analyze items with max properties to determine property probabilities
            _MinPropertyCounts = new List <int>();
            _MaxPropertyCounts = new List <int>();
            _MinPropertyValues = new List <int>();
            _MaxPropertyValues = new List <int>();
            _ValidCorpseCount  = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ContainerContentPacket, List <ItemStatistics> > kvp in validCorpses)
                // Only ones with max items are valid
                if (kvp.Value.Count == _EquipmentCounters.Count - 1)
                    bool isValidMinMax = true;

                    foreach (ItemStatistics item in kvp.Value)
                        if (!item.IsValidMinMax)
                            isValidMinMax = false;


                    if (_MinPropertyCounts.Count == 0)
                        foreach (ItemStatistics item in kvp.Value)
                        for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.Count; i++)
                            int count = kvp.Value[i].PropertyCount;

                            if (count < _MinPropertyCounts[i])
                                _MinPropertyCounts[i] = count;

                    if (_MaxPropertyCounts.Count == 0)
                        foreach (ItemStatistics item in kvp.Value)
                        for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.Count; i++)
                            int count = kvp.Value[i].PropertyCount;

                            if (count > _MaxPropertyCounts[i])
                                _MaxPropertyCounts[i] = count;

                    if (isValidMinMax)

                        if (_MinPropertyValues.Count == 0)
                            foreach (ItemStatistics item in kvp.Value)
                            for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.Count; i++)
                                int min = kvp.Value[i].MinPropertyValue;

                                if (min < _MinPropertyValues[i])
                                    _MinPropertyValues[i] = min;


                        if (_MaxPropertyValues.Count == 0)
                            foreach (ItemStatistics item in kvp.Value)
                            for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.Count; i++)
                                int max = kvp.Value[i].MaxPropertyValue;

                                if (max > _MaxPropertyValues[i])
                                    _MaxPropertyValues[i] = max;

                    _ValidCorpseCount += 1;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Cosntructs a new instance of UltimaItemDefinitionGroup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">Root parent.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Group parent.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Xml element to construct from.</param>
        public UltimaItemDefinitionGroup( UltimaItemDefinitions root, UltimaItemDefinitionGroup parent, XmlElement e )
            _Parent = parent;
            _Groups = new List<UltimaItemDefinitionGroup>();

            // Parse
            _Name = e.GetAttribute( AttributeName );

            if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( _Name ) )
                throw new XmlException( String.Format( "Attribute '{0}' is missing", AttributeName ) );

            string analyze = e.GetAttribute( AttributeAnalyze );

            if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( analyze ) )
                if ( !Boolean.TryParse( analyze, out _Analyze ) )
                    throw new XmlException( String.Format( "Invalid '{0}' value '{1}'. Value must be boolean", AttributeAnalyze, analyze ) );

                if ( _Analyze )
                    _Class = e.GetAttribute( AttributeClass );

                    if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( _Class ) )
                        throw new XmlException( String.Format( "Attribute '{0}' is missing", AttributeClass ) );
                _Analyze = false;

            foreach ( XmlNode node in e.ChildNodes )
                XmlElement child = node as XmlElement;

                if ( child != null )
                    if ( String.Equals( child.Name, ElementItem ) )
                        UltimaItemDefinition item = null;

                        if ( child.HasAttribute( AttributeBasePhysical ) )
                            item = new UltimaArmorDefinition( this, child );
                            item = new UltimaItemDefinition( this, child );

                        foreach ( int itemID in item.ItemIDs )
                            if ( root.Items.ContainsKey( itemID ) )
                                throw new XmlException( String.Format( "Item '0x{0:X}' already defined", itemID ) );

                            root.Items.Add( itemID, item );
                    else if ( String.Equals( child.Name, ElementGroup )  )
                        _Groups.Add( new UltimaItemDefinitionGroup( root, this, child ) );
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Cosntructs a new instance of UltimaItemDefinitionGroup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Item parent.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Xml element to construct from.</param>
        public UltimaItemDefinition( UltimaItemDefinitionGroup parent, XmlElement e )
            _Parent = parent;
            _ItemIDs = new List<int>();

            string itemIDs = e.GetAttribute( AttributeItemID );

            if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( itemIDs ) )
                throw new XmlException( String.Format( "Attribute '{0}' is missing", AttributeItemID ) );

            string[] list = itemIDs.Split( Separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );

            foreach ( string value in list )
                string toParse = value;
                int integer = 0;
                NumberStyles style = NumberStyles.Integer;

                if ( toParse.StartsWith( "0x" ) )
                    toParse = toParse.Substring( 2, toParse.Length - 2 );
                    style = NumberStyles.HexNumber;

                if ( Int32.TryParse( toParse, style, null, out integer ) )
                    _ItemIDs.Add( integer );
                    throw new XmlException( String.Format( "Invalid '{0}' value '{1}'. Value must be integer", AttributeItemID, value ) );

            _Class = e.GetAttribute( AttributeClass );

            if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( _Class ) )
                throw new XmlException( String.Format( "Attribute '{0}' is missing", AttributeClass ) );
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates class and saves it to stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="item">ItemID of item to generate.</param>
        /// <param name="hue">Hue of item to generate.</param>
        /// <param name="amount">Stackable amount of item to generate.</param>
        /// <param name="properties">Item properties packet.</param>
        public static void Generate(Stream stream, int itemID, int hue = 0, int amount = 0, QueryPropertiesResponsePacket properties = null)
            UltimaItemDefinitions itemDefinitions = Globals.Instance.ItemDefinitions;

            if (itemDefinitions == null)
                App.Window.ShowNotification(NotificationType.Error, "Item definitions not initialized");

            UltimaItemProperties itemProperties = Globals.Instance.ItemProperties;

            if (itemProperties == null)
                App.Window.ShowNotification(NotificationType.Error, "Item properties not initialized");

            UltimaStringCollection clilocs = Globals.Instance.Clilocs;

            using (UltimaClassWriter writer = new UltimaClassWriter(stream))


                // Get item definition
                UltimaItemDefinition itemDefinition = null;

                if (itemDefinitions.Items.ContainsKey(itemID))
                    itemDefinition = itemDefinitions.Items[itemID];

                string className      = "GenericClass";
                string baseClass      = null;
                int    nameCliloc     = 0;
                string nameClilocText = null;
                string nameText       = null;
                bool   stackable      = false;

                if (itemDefinition != null)
                    baseClass = itemDefinition.Class;

                // Get class name
                if (properties != null && properties.Properties.Count > 0)
                    // Get name from name property
                    QueryPropertiesProperty nameProperty = properties.Properties[0];

                    if (nameProperty.Cliloc == StackableCliloc)
                        // Get name from stackable cliloc
                        UltimaClilocArgumentParser nameArguments = new UltimaClilocArgumentParser(nameProperty.Arguments);
                        nameCliloc = nameArguments.GetCliloc(0);

                        if (nameCliloc > 0)
                            if (clilocs != null)
                                nameClilocText = clilocs.GetString(nameCliloc);

                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameClilocText))
                                    className = UltimaClassWriter.BuildClassName(nameClilocText);
                            nameText = nameArguments[0];

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameText))
                                className = UltimaClassWriter.BuildClassName(nameText);

                        stackable = true;
                        // Get name from name cliloc
                        nameCliloc = nameProperty.Cliloc;

                        if (!IsString(nameCliloc))
                            if (clilocs != null)
                                nameClilocText = clilocs.GetString(nameCliloc);

                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameClilocText))
                                    className = UltimaClassWriter.BuildClassName(nameClilocText);
                            nameText = nameProperty.Arguments;

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameText))
                                className = UltimaClassWriter.BuildClassName(nameText);
                else if (clilocs != null)
                    // Get name from itemID cliloc
                    int itemIDCliloc = 0;

                    if (itemID < 0x4000)
                        itemIDCliloc = OldItemCliloc + itemID;
                        itemIDCliloc = NewItemCliloc + itemID;

                    string clilocText = clilocs.GetString(itemIDCliloc);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clilocText))
                        className = UltimaClassWriter.BuildClassName(clilocText);

                // Check if container
                bool isContainer = false;

                if (baseClass == null && properties != null && properties.Properties.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 1; i < properties.Properties.Count; i++)
                        QueryPropertiesProperty property = properties.Properties[i];

                        if (IsContainer(property.Cliloc))
                            baseClass   = "BaseContainer";
                            isContainer = true;

                if (baseClass == null)
                    baseClass = "Item";

                writer.BeginClass(className, baseClass);

                // Name cliloc
                bool anyOverrides = false;

                if (nameCliloc > 0 && IsSpecial(itemID, nameCliloc))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameClilocText))
                        writer.OverrideProperty("public", "int", "LabelNumber", nameCliloc.ToString(), nameClilocText);
                        writer.OverrideProperty("public", "int", "LabelNumber", nameCliloc.ToString());

                    anyOverrides = true;

                // Properties
                if (properties != null && properties.Properties.Count > 0)
                    Dictionary <int, UltimaItemProperty> constructorPropertyDefinitions = new Dictionary <int, UltimaItemProperty>();
                    List <QueryPropertiesProperty>       constructorProperties          = new List <QueryPropertiesProperty>();
                    List <QueryPropertiesProperty>       unknownProperties = new List <QueryPropertiesProperty>();
                    List <QueryPropertiesProperty>       damageProperties  = new List <QueryPropertiesProperty>();

                    for (int i = 1; i < properties.Properties.Count; i++)
                        QueryPropertiesProperty property = properties.Properties[i];

                        if (IsDamage(property.Cliloc))

                        UltimaItemProperty propertyDefinition = null;

                        if (itemDefinition != null)
                            Dictionary <int, UltimaItemProperty> groupProperties = null;
                            UltimaItemDefinitionGroup            group           = itemDefinition.Parent;

                            while (group.Parent != null)
                                group = group.Parent;

                            if (itemProperties.GroupProperties.TryGetValue(group.Name, out groupProperties))
                                if (!groupProperties.TryGetValue(property.Cliloc, out propertyDefinition))
                                    itemProperties.Properties.TryGetValue(property.Cliloc, out propertyDefinition);
                                itemProperties.Properties.TryGetValue(property.Cliloc, out propertyDefinition);
                            itemProperties.Properties.TryGetValue(property.Cliloc, out propertyDefinition);

                        if (propertyDefinition != null)
                            UltimaClilocArgumentParser arguments = new UltimaClilocArgumentParser(property.Arguments);
                            bool   isConstructor = false;
                            string propertyValue = null;

                            if (propertyDefinition.Switch != null)
                                propertyDefinition.Switch.TryGetValue(property.Cliloc, out propertyValue);

                            foreach (UltimaItemPropertySetter setter in propertyDefinition.Setters)
                                if (!isConstructor && !setter.Overrides)
                                    constructorPropertyDefinitions.Add(property.Cliloc, propertyDefinition);
                                    isConstructor = true;

                                if (setter.Overrides)
                                    string argument = arguments[setter.Index];
                                    string value    = propertyValue;

                                    if (propertyValue == null)
                                        value = GetPropertyValue(property.Cliloc, argument, setter);

                                    writer.OverrideProperty("public", setter.ReturnType, setter.Name, value);
                                    anyOverrides = true;

                    if (anyOverrides)


                    if (isContainer)
                        writer.BeginConstructor("public", className, null, String.Format("0x{0:X}", itemID));
                        writer.BeginConstructor("public", className, null, "");

                    // Name
                    if (nameText != null)
                        writer.WriteLineWithIndent("Name = \"{0}\";", nameText);

                    // ItemID
                    if (!isContainer && itemDefinition == null)
                        writer.WriteLineWithIndent("ItemID = 0x{0:X};", itemID);

                    // Hue
                    if (hue > 0)
                        writer.WriteLineWithIndent("Hue = 0x{0:X};", hue);

                    // Stackable
                    if (stackable)
                        writer.WriteLineWithIndent("Stackable = true;");

                    if (amount > 1)
                        writer.WriteLineWithIndent("Amount = {0};", amount);

                    // Constructor variables
                    foreach (QueryPropertiesProperty property in constructorProperties)
                        UltimaItemProperty         propertyDefinition = constructorPropertyDefinitions[property.Cliloc];
                        UltimaClilocArgumentParser arguments          = new UltimaClilocArgumentParser(property.Arguments);
                        bool   isSlayerSet   = false;
                        string propertyValue = null;

                        if (propertyDefinition.Switch != null)
                            propertyDefinition.Switch.TryGetValue(property.Cliloc, out propertyValue);

                        foreach (UltimaItemPropertySetter setter in propertyDefinition.Setters)
                            if (!setter.Overrides)
                                string argument = arguments[setter.Index];
                                string value    = propertyValue;

                                if (value == null)
                                    value = GetPropertyValue(property.Cliloc, argument, setter);

                                // Check if slayer 2
                                string setterName = setter.Name;

                                if (isSlayerSet)
                                    setterName += "2";

                                if (setter.IsSlayer)
                                    isSlayerSet = true;

                                // Write
                                writer.WriteLineWithIndent(String.Format("{0} = {1};", setterName, value));

                    // Write unknowns
                    if (unknownProperties.Count > 0)
                        writer.WriteLineWithIndent("// Unknown properties");

                        foreach (QueryPropertiesProperty property in unknownProperties)
                            string clilocText   = null;
                            string format       = "Found unknown property '{0}' with parameters '{1}'";
                            string notification = null;

                            if (clilocs != null)
                                clilocText = GetPropertyDescription(property.Cliloc);

                            if (clilocText != null)
                                writer.WriteLineWithIndent(String.Format("//{0} = {1}; // Cliloc: {2}", property.Cliloc, property.Arguments, clilocText));
                                notification = String.Format(format, clilocText, property.Arguments);
                                writer.WriteLineWithIndent(String.Format("//{0} = {1};", property.Cliloc, property.Arguments));
                                notification = String.Format(format, property.Cliloc, property.Arguments);

                            App.Window.ShowNotification(NotificationType.Warning, notification);


                    // Write damage overwrite
                    if (damageProperties.Count > 0)
                        int physicalDamage = 0;
                        int fireDamage     = 0;
                        int coldDamage     = 0;
                        int poisonDamage   = 0;
                        int energyDamage   = 0;
                        int chaosDamage    = 0;
                        int directDamage   = 0;

                        foreach (QueryPropertiesProperty property in damageProperties)
                            UltimaClilocArgumentParser arguments = new UltimaClilocArgumentParser(property.Arguments);

                            if (arguments.Length > 0)
                                int integer = 0;

                                if (Int32.TryParse(arguments[0], out integer))
                                    if (property.Cliloc == 1060403)
                                        physicalDamage = integer;
                                    else if (property.Cliloc == 1060405)
                                        fireDamage = integer;
                                    else if (property.Cliloc == 1060404)
                                        coldDamage = integer;
                                    else if (property.Cliloc == 1060406)
                                        poisonDamage = integer;
                                    else if (property.Cliloc == 1060407)
                                        energyDamage = integer;
                                    else if (property.Cliloc == 1072846)
                                        chaosDamage = integer;
                                    else if (property.Cliloc == 1079978)
                                        directDamage = integer;

                        if (physicalDamage != 100)
                            writer.BeginOverrideMethod("public", "void", "GetDamageTypes", "Mobile wielder, out int phys, out int fire, out int cold, out int pois, out int nrgy, out int chaos, out int direct");

                            writer.WriteLineWithIndent("phys = {0};", physicalDamage);
                            writer.WriteLineWithIndent("fire = {0};", fireDamage);
                            writer.WriteLineWithIndent("cold = {0};", coldDamage);
                            writer.WriteLineWithIndent("pois = {0};", poisonDamage);
                            writer.WriteLineWithIndent("nrgy = {0};", energyDamage);
                            writer.WriteLineWithIndent("chaos = {0};", chaosDamage);
                            writer.WriteLineWithIndent("direct = {0};", directDamage);

                    writer.BeginConstructor("public", className);

                    // Name
                    if (nameText != null)
                        writer.WriteLineWithIndent("Name = \"{0}\";", nameText);

                    // ItemID
                    writer.WriteLineWithIndent("ItemID = 0x{0:X};", itemID);

                    // Hue
                    if (hue > 0)
                        writer.WriteLineWithIndent("Hue = 0x{0:X};", hue);

                    // Stackable
                    if (stackable)
                        writer.WriteLineWithIndent("Stackable = true;");

                    if (amount > 1)
                        writer.WriteLineWithIndent("Amount = {0};", amount);



                App.Window.ShowNotification(NotificationType.Info, "Item generation complete");
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Cosntructs a new instance of UltimaItemDefinitionGroup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">Root parent.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Group parent.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Xml element to construct from.</param>
        public UltimaItemDefinitionGroup(UltimaItemDefinitions root, UltimaItemDefinitionGroup parent, XmlElement e)
            _Parent = parent;
            _Groups = new List <UltimaItemDefinitionGroup>();

            // Parse
            _Name = e.GetAttribute(AttributeName);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_Name))
                throw new XmlException(String.Format("Attribute '{0}' is missing", AttributeName));

            string analyze = e.GetAttribute(AttributeAnalyze);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(analyze))
                if (!Boolean.TryParse(analyze, out _Analyze))
                    throw new XmlException(String.Format("Invalid '{0}' value '{1}'. Value must be boolean", AttributeAnalyze, analyze));

                if (_Analyze)
                    _Class = e.GetAttribute(AttributeClass);

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_Class))
                        throw new XmlException(String.Format("Attribute '{0}' is missing", AttributeClass));
                _Analyze = false;

            foreach (XmlNode node in e.ChildNodes)
                XmlElement child = node as XmlElement;

                if (child != null)
                    if (String.Equals(child.Name, ElementItem))
                        UltimaItemDefinition item = null;

                        if (child.HasAttribute(AttributeBasePhysical))
                            item = new UltimaArmorDefinition(this, child);
                            item = new UltimaItemDefinition(this, child);

                        foreach (int itemID in item.ItemIDs)
                            if (root.Items.ContainsKey(itemID))
                                throw new XmlException(String.Format("Item '0x{0:X}' already defined", itemID));

                            root.Items.Add(itemID, item);
                    else if (String.Equals(child.Name, ElementGroup))
                        _Groups.Add(new UltimaItemDefinitionGroup(root, this, child));