/// <summary>
        /// Generates a preview from the given url
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strUrl">The url to generate a preview for</param>
        /// <returns>A preview object, null if invalid url</returns>
        public static URLPreview CreatePreview(string strUrl)
            // Prepare a web request
            WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(strUrl);
            // Get the web response
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            // If the response type is not text/html we have no idea what to do with it
            // TODO: Properly handle some other types? Display the type (video, audio, ..)?
            if (response.ContentType.Contains("text/html"))
                Stream     responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                URLPreview result         = null;

                 * Stream[] streams = new Stream[10000];
                 * for(int x = 0; x < 10000; x ++)
                 * {
                 *      responseStream.CopyTo(streams[x]);
                 * }
                 * Stopwatch swWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                 * for(int x = 0; x < 10000; x ++)
                 * {
                 *      result = ParseResponseStream(streams[x]);
                 * }

                Stopwatch swWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                string    str     = "";
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(responseStream))
                    str = sr.ReadToEnd();

                Console.WriteLine("Read from stream: " + swWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());

                swWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                //for(int x = 0; x < 10000; x++)
                    result = ParseResponseString(str);

                Console.WriteLine("Parse (average of 10000): " + (swWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds /*/ 10000*/).ToString());

        private static void ContentParser(URLPreview destinationPreview, string tag, string strContent)
            int tagLength = tag.Length;

            // Title, Description and ImageUrl in meta og tags
            if (tagLength == "meta".Length)
                int indexOfOg = strContent.IndexOf("og:") + 3;
                if (indexOfOg != -1)
                    int indexOfContentValueStart = strContent.IndexOf("content") + 9;
                    int contentValueLength       = (strContent.IndexOf("\"", indexOfContentValueStart) - indexOfContentValueStart);
                    if (indexOfContentValueStart != -1)
                        int indexOfProperty = strContent.IndexOf("title", indexOfOg, 5);
                        if (indexOfProperty != -1)
                            destinationPreview.Title          = strContent.Substring(indexOfContentValueStart, contentValueLength);
                            destinationPreview.PreferredTitle = true;

                        indexOfProperty = strContent.IndexOf("description", indexOfOg, 11);
                        if (indexOfProperty != -1)
                            destinationPreview.Description          = strContent.Substring(indexOfContentValueStart, contentValueLength);
                            destinationPreview.PreferredDescription = true;

                        indexOfProperty = strContent.IndexOf("image", indexOfOg, 5);
                        if (indexOfProperty != -1)
                            destinationPreview.ImageUrl          = strContent.Substring(indexOfContentValueStart, contentValueLength);
                            destinationPreview.PreferredImageUrl = true;
            // Title
            else if (tagLength == "title".Length)
                destinationPreview.Title = strContent;
            // ImageUrl
            else if (tagLength == "img".Length)
                int indexOfSrc = strContent.IndexOf("src");
                if (indexOfSrc != -1)
                    int indexOfContentValueStart = indexOfSrc + 5;
                    int contentValueLength       = (strContent.IndexOf("\"", indexOfContentValueStart) - indexOfContentValueStart);
                    if (indexOfContentValueStart != -1)
                        destinationPreview.ImageUrl = strContent.Substring(indexOfContentValueStart, contentValueLength);
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Parses the given response stream, only handles whatever is needed for previews.
         * /// The following code is not written for readability, but for speed. So nothing is split up into seperate functions, function calls are slow
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="sResponse">The stream to read from</param>
         * private static URLPreview ParseResponseStream(Stream oResponse)
         * {
         *      bool conditionMetTitle = false;
         *      bool conditionMetImage = false;
         *      bool conditionMetDescription = false;
         *      string title = String.Empty;
         *      string imageUrl = String.Empty;
         *      string description = String.Empty;
         *      using(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(oResponse))
         *      {
         *              //try
         *              //{
         *                      bool ignoreTag = false;
         *                      ParserState previousState = ParserState.None;
         *                      ParserState currentState = ParserState.None;
         *                      char[] previousChar = {'a', 'a'};
         *                      char currentChar = 'a';
         *                      string currentTag = "";
         *                      string currentTagProperties = "";
         *                      while(!sr.EndOfStream)
         *                      {
         *                              previousChar[1] = previousChar[0];
         *                              previousChar[0] = currentChar;
         *                              currentChar = (char)sr.Read();
         *                              if(currentState == ParserState.Comment)
         *                              {
         *                                      if(currentChar == '>' && previousChar[0] == '-' && previousChar[1] == '-')
         *                                              currentState = previousState;
         *                              }
         *                              else if(currentState == ParserState.String)
         *                              {
         *                                      if(currentChar == '"')
         *                                              currentState = previousState;
         *                              }
         *                              else if(ignoreTag)
         *                              {
         *                                      if(currentChar == '<')
         *                                              ignoreTag = false;
         *                              }
         *                              if(!ignoreTag)
         *                              {
         *                                      switch(currentChar)
         *                                      {
         *                                              case '<':
         *                                                      currentState = ParserState.TagOpen;
         *                                                      currentTag = "";
         *                                                      currentTagProperties = "";
         *                                                      break;
         *                                              case '!':
         *                                                      if(currentState == ParserState.TagOpen)
         *                                                              previousState = currentState;
         *                                                              currentState = ParserState.Comment;
         *                                                      break;
         *                                              case '"':
         *                                                      currentState = ParserState.String;
         *                                                      break;
         *                                              case '/':
         *                                                      if(currentState == ParserState.TagOpen)
         *                                                              ignoreTag = true;
         *                                                      break;
         *                                              case '>':
         *                                                      currentState = ParserState.None;
         *                                                      ignoreTag = !IsWantedTag(currentTag);
         *                                                      if(currentTag.Length == 0)
         *                                                              Console.WriteLine("Empty tag 2");
         *                                                      break;
         *                                              default:
         *                                                      if(currentState == ParserState.TagOpen)
         *                                                      {
         *                                                              if(!Char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
         *                                                                      currentState = ParserState.TagName;
         *                                                      }
         *                                                      if(currentState == ParserState.TagName)
         *                                                      {
         *                                                              if(!Char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
         *                                                              {
         *                                                                      if(currentTag.Length == iLongestSearchTag)
         *                                                                              ignoreTag = true; // We no longer want this tag
         *                                                                      else
         *                                                                              currentTag += currentChar;
         *                                                              }
         *                                                              else
         *                                                              {
         *                                                                      ignoreTag = !IsWantedTag(currentTag);
         *                                                              }
         *                                                      }
         *                                                      break;
         *                                      }
         *                              }
         *                      }
         *              //}
         *              //catch
         *              //{
         *                      // Woopsie daisy, looks like we won't have a preview here either
         *                      // Add appropriate log message
         *              //	return null;
         *              //}
         *      }
         *      return null;
         * }

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a given string, attempts to extract useful data for a URL Preview
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str">The string to extract data from</param>
        /// <returns>A URLPreview or null</returns>
        private static URLPreview ParseResponseString(String str)
            URLPreview preview = new URLPreview();

            bool conditionMetTitle = false;
            bool conditionMetImage = false;

            string title       = String.Empty;
            string imageUrl    = String.Empty;
            string description = String.Empty;

            int strLength = str.Length;
            bool           ignoreTag         = false;
            int            tagIndex          = -1;
            ParserState    currentState      = ParserState.None;
            ParserLocation currentLocation   = ParserLocation.HTML;
            char           previousChar      = 'a';
            char           currentChar       = 'a';
            string         currentTag        = "";
            string         currentTagContent = "";

            for (int x = 0; x < strLength; x++)
                previousChar = currentChar;
                currentChar  = (char)str[x];

                // There is a very specific order here
                // 1. Check if we are in a comment (comments are always ignored)
                // 2. Check if we are in a string, if we are check if the string doesn't end here
                //		2.5 Check if we're parsing content, if we are we want this string data
                // 3. Check if we are ignoring a tag, if we are we check if the tag wasn't closed
                // 4. If we aren't ignoring a tag, we handle the rest

                // Check if we are still in a comment or string
                if (currentLocation == ParserLocation.Comment)
                    if (currentChar == '>' && previousChar == '-')
                        currentLocation = ParserLocation.HTML;

                    continue;                             // Current character is inside a command or the last character of a comment, do nothing
                else if (currentLocation == ParserLocation.String)
                    // If we're parsing tag content we want the string data
                    if (currentState == ParserState.TagAttributes || currentState == ParserState.Content)
                        currentTagContent += currentChar;

                    // Check if the string ends here
                    if (currentChar == '"')
                        currentLocation = ParserLocation.HTML;

                    continue;                             // Current character is inside a string or the last character of a string, do nothing
                else if (ignoreTag)
                    if (currentChar != '<')
                        continue;                                 // We're ignoring this tag until we find a new opening char, do nothing
                    // New tag, let it flow through and continue with the code
                    ignoreTag = false;

                // If we aren't ignoring this tag we continue whatever we want to continue
                if (!ignoreTag)
                    switch (currentChar)
                    case '<':
                        if (currentState == ParserState.Content)
                            ContentParser(preview, currentTag, currentTagContent);
                            //Console.WriteLine("Tag: " + currentTag + ", Content: " + currentTagContent);

                        currentState      = ParserState.TagOpen;
                        currentTag        = "";
                        currentTagContent = "";

                    case '>':
                        if (currentState == ParserState.TagAttributes)
                            ContentParser(preview, currentTag, currentTagContent);
                            currentState = ParserState.None;
                            //Console.WriteLine("Tag: " + currentTag + ", Attributes: " + currentTagContent);
                            tagIndex = IsWantedTag(currentTag);
                            if (tagIndex == -1)
                                currentState = ParserState.None;
                                ignoreTag    = true;
                                currentState = searchTags[tagIndex].parseMethod;

                    case '-':
                        // There are tags like <!DOCTYPE, so we can't just check for !
                        if (previousChar == '!')
                            if (currentState == ParserState.TagOpen)
                                currentState    = ParserState.TagName;
                                currentLocation = ParserLocation.Comment;

                    case '"':
                        currentLocation = ParserLocation.String;

                        if (currentState == ParserState.TagAttributes || currentState == ParserState.Content)
                            currentTagContent += '"';

                    case '/':
                        if (currentState == ParserState.TagOpen)
                            ignoreTag = true;

                        // If we're parsing tag content we want these characters
                        if (currentState == ParserState.TagAttributes || currentState == ParserState.Content)
                            currentTagContent += currentChar;
                            // If the parser is at a tag open '<' and the next character is not a whitespace, then we're reading the tag name
                            if (currentState == ParserState.TagOpen)
                                if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
                                    currentState = ParserState.TagName;

                            // If we're at the tag name we want to store that in a variable
                            if (currentState == ParserState.TagName)
                                if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
                                    if (currentTag.Length == iLongestSearchTag)
                                        ignoreTag = true;                                                         // We no longer want this tag
                                        currentTag += currentChar;
                                    tagIndex = IsWantedTag(currentTag);
                                    if (tagIndex == -1)
                                        ignoreTag = true;
                                        currentState = searchTags[tagIndex].parseMethod;

                if (preview.PreferredTitle && preview.PreferredImageUrl && preview.PreferredDescription)

            // Woopsie daisy, looks like we won't have a preview here either
            // Add appropriate log message
            //	return null;
