private void write() { try { string ptrStr = edtTxtAddress_W.Text.Trim(); if (ptrStr == string.Empty) { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "Please input the address!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } else if (!Comm.IsNumber(ptrStr)) { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "Address must be a decimal data!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } string cntStr = edtTxtLeng_W.Text.Trim(); if (cntStr == string.Empty) { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "Length cannot be empty", ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } else if (!Comm.IsNumber(cntStr)) { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "Length must be a decimal data!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } string pwdStr = edtTxtPassword_W.Text.Trim(); if (pwdStr != string.Empty) { if (pwdStr.Length != 8) { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "The length of the access password must be 8!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } else if (!Comm.isHex(pwdStr)) { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "Please enter the hexadecimal number content!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } } else { pwdStr = "00000000"; } string strData = edtTxtData_W.Text.Trim(); // 要写入的内容 if (strData == string.Empty) { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "Write data can not be empty!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } else if (!Comm.isHex(strData)) { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "Please enter the hexadecimal number content!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } else if ((strData.Length) % 4 != 0) { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "Write data of the length of the string must be in multiples of four!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); return; } Com.Rscja.Deviceapi.RFIDWithUHF.BankEnum bank = Com.Rscja.Deviceapi.RFIDWithUHF.BankEnum.ValueOf(spnBank_W.SelectedItem.ToString()); string strReUII = mContext.uhfAPI.WriteData(pwdStr, bank, int.Parse(ptrStr), int.Parse(cntStr), strData); // 返回的UII if (strReUII != string.Empty) { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "Write data successfully!" + "\nUII: " + strReUII, ToastLength.Short).Show(); Sound(); } else { Toast.MakeText(mContext, "Write data failure!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } }catch { } }