public void DeleteCountry(Country country) { if (IsUsedCountry(country)) { throw new DataValidationException("Can't delete used country '" + country.Name + "'"); } if (!couDao.DeleteCountry(country)) { throw new DatabaseException("DatabaseError: Can`t delete country " + country); } }
public Artist CreateArtist(string name, string email, Category category, Country country, string picturePath, string videoPath) { Artist param = new Artist(0, name, email, category.Id, country.Id, picturePath, videoPath); var request = new RestRequest("api/Artist/CreateArtist", Method.POST); request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json; request.AddBody(param); Artist artist = client.Execute<Artist>(request).Data; if (artist != null) { foreach (var listener in listeners) { listener.OnArtistCreation(artist); } } return artist; }
public Artist CreateArtist(string name, string email, Category category, Country country, string picturePath, string videoPath) { if (!IsValidName(name)) { throw new DataValidationException("Can't create artist with invalid name '" + name + "'"); } else if (!IsValidEmail(email)) { throw new DataValidationException("Can't create artist with invalid email address '" + email + "'"); } else if(category == null) { throw new DataValidationException("Can't create artist without category"); } else if(country == null) { throw new DataValidationException("Can't create artist without country"); } else if (!IsValidPicturePath(picturePath)) { throw new DataValidationException("Can`t create artist with invalid picturePath '" + picturePath + "'"); } else if (!IsValidVideoPath(videoPath)) { throw new DataValidationException("Can`t create artist with invalid videoPath '" + videoPath + "'"); } picturePath = picturePath == null ? "" : picturePath; videoPath = videoPath == null ? "" : videoPath; Artist artist = aDao.CreateArtist(name, email, category.Id, country.Id, picturePath, videoPath); foreach (var listener in listeners) { listener.OnArtistCreation(artist); } return artist; }
public void UpdateCountryWithValidInfo() { Country country = new Country(0, "Deutschland", "de.png"); country = couS.CreateCountry(country.Name, country.FlagPath); country.Name = "Frankreich"; country.FlagPath = "fr.png"; coudao.UpdateCountry(country); }
public void UpdateCountryWithInvalidInfo() { Country country = new Country(0, "Deutschland", "de.png"); country = couS.CreateCountry(country.Name, country.FlagPath); country.Name = "123Land"; couS.UpdateCountry(country); }
private Artist createTestArtistOfCountry(Country country) { Category categoryData = RepresentativeData.GetDefaultCategories()[0]; Artist artistData = RepresentativeData.GetDefaultArtists()[0]; Category category = catdao.CreateCategory(categoryData.Shortcut, categoryData.Name); Artist artist = adao.CreateArtist(artistData.Name, artistData.Email, category.Id, country.Id, artistData.PicturePath, artistData.VideoPath); return artist; }
public void Startup() { catdao = new CategoryDao(db); coudao = new CountryDao(db); adao = new ArtistDao(db); vdao = new VenueDao(db); pdao = new PerformanceDao(db); aS = ServiceFactory.CreateArtistService(db); category = RepresentativeData.GetDefaultCategories()[0]; country = RepresentativeData.GetDefaultCountries()[0]; category = catdao.CreateCategory(category.Shortcut, category.Name); country = coudao.CreateCountry(country.Name, country.FlagPath); }
public void UpdateCountry(Country country) { if (!IsValidName(country.Name)) { throw new DataValidationException("Can't update country to invalid name '" + country.Name + "'"); } else if (!IsValidFlagPath(country.FlagPath)) { throw new DataValidationException("Can't update country to invalid flagpath '" + country.FlagPath+ "'"); } if (!couDao.UpdateCountry(country)) { throw new DatabaseException("Can`t update country with invalid ID: '" + country + ")"); } }
public void UpdateCountry(Country country) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public bool UpdateCountry(Country country) { if (country != null) { DbCommand cmd = database.CreateCommand(SQL_UPDATE); database.DefineParameter(cmd, "@name", DbType.String, country.Name); database.DefineParameter(cmd, "@flagPath", DbType.String, country.FlagPath); database.DefineParameter(cmd, "@countryId", DbType.String, country.Id); return database.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd) >= 1; } return false; }
public Country GetCountryById(uint id) { DbCommand cmd = database.CreateCommand(SQL_FIND_BY_ID); database.DefineParameter(cmd, "@countryId", DbType.UInt32,id); Country country = null; database.doSynchronized(() => { using (IDataReader reader = database.ExecuteReader(cmd)) { if (reader.Read()) { country = new Country((uint)reader["countryId"], (string)reader["name"], (string)reader["flagPath"]); } } }); return country; }
public List<Country> GetAllCountries() { List<Country> countries = new List<Country>(); DbCommand cmd = database.CreateCommand(SQL_FIND_ALL); database.doSynchronized(() => { using (IDataReader reader = database.ExecuteReader(cmd)) { while (reader.Read()) { Country newCountry = new Country((uint)reader["countryId"], (string)reader["name"], (string)reader["flagPath"]); countries.Add(newCountry); } } }); return countries; }
public bool DeleteCountry(Country country) { if (country != null) { DbCommand cmd = database.CreateCommand(SQL_DELETE); database.DefineParameter(cmd, "@countryId", DbType.UInt32, country.Id); return database.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd) == 1; } return false; }
public void DeleteCountry(Country country) { countryService.DeleteCountry(country); }
private bool IsUsedCountry(Country country) { return aDao.CountArtistsOfCountry(country) > 0; }
public void UpdateCountry(Country country) { countryService.UpdateCountry(country); }
public uint CountArtistsOfCountry(Country country) { DbCommand cmd = database.CreateCommand(SQL_COUNTCOUNTRIES); database.DefineParameter(cmd, "@countryId", System.Data.DbType.UInt32, country.Id); using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { reader.Read(); return (uint)((long)reader["count"]); } }