Esempio n. 1
        public override object Do(object obj)
            SelectSOLine bpObj = (SelectSOLine)obj;

            //get business operation context is as follows
            //IContext context = ContextManager.Context

            //auto generating code end,underside is user custom code
            //and if you Implement replace this Exception Code...
            if (bpObj == null)
Esempio n. 2
        private List <SOLineDTO> SlectSOLineList(SelectSOLine bpObj)
            StringBuilder strbuilder = new StringBuilder();

            strbuilder.Append(" SO.DocumentType.Code='SO1' and SO.Status=3");
            strbuilder.Append(""); //
            //销售订单行.数量—销售订单行.已出运数量—(select sum(实际出运数量) from 出运差异表 where 销售订单号=销售订单.单号 and 销售订单行号=销售订单行.行号)> 0
            if (bpObj.Org_Code != "")
                strbuilder.Append(" and SO.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg14='" + bpObj.Org_Code + "'");
            if (bpObj.SODoc1 != "" && bpObj.SODoc2 != "")
                strbuilder.Append(" and SO.DocNo >= '" + bpObj.SODoc1 + "' and SO.DocNo <= '" + bpObj.SODoc2 + "'");
            else if (bpObj.SODoc1 != "")
                strbuilder.Append(" and SO.DocNo like '%" + bpObj.SODoc1 + "%'");
            else if (bpObj.SODoc2 != "")
                strbuilder.Append(" and SO.DocNo like '%" + bpObj.SODoc2 + "%'");
            if (bpObj.Date1 > Convert.ToDateTime("2010-1-1") && bpObj.Date2 > Convert.ToDateTime("2010-1-1"))
                strbuilder.Append(" and SO.BusinessDate >= '" + bpObj.Date1 + "' and SO.BusinessDate <= '" + bpObj.Date2 + "'");
            if (bpObj.Currency > 0)
                strbuilder.Append(" and SO.TC='" + bpObj.Currency + "'");
            if (bpObj.Operators > 0)
                strbuilder.Append(" and SO.Seller='" + bpObj.Operators + "'");
            if (bpObj.Department > 0)
                strbuilder.Append(" and SO.SaleDepartment='" + bpObj.Department + "'");
            if (bpObj.Project > 0)
                strbuilder.Append(" and Project='" + bpObj.Project + "'");
            if (bpObj.ItemMaster > 0)
                strbuilder.Append(" and ItemInfo.ItemID='" + bpObj.ItemMaster + "'");
            if (bpObj.ShippingType != "")
                strbuilder.Append(" and DescFlexField.PubDescSeg11='" + bpObj.ShippingType + "'");
            if (bpObj.Customer > 0)
                strbuilder.Append(" and SO.OrderBy.Customer='" + bpObj.Customer + "'");
            SM.SO.SOLine.EntityList lineList       = SM.SO.SOLine.Finder.FindAll(strbuilder.ToString());
            List <SOLineDTO>        resultLineList = new List <SOLineDTO>();
            SOLineDTO dto = null;
            DataSet   ds  = null;
            string    sql = "";

            foreach (SM.SO.SOLine line in lineList)
                dto = new SOLineDTO();
                dto.DocumentType      = line.SO.DocumentType.ID;
                dto.DocumentType_Code = line.SO.DocumentType.Code;
                dto.DocumentType_Name = line.SO.DocumentType.Name;
                dto.SO        = line.SO.ID;
                dto.SO_DocNo  = line.SO.DocNo;
                dto.DocLineNo = line.DocLineNo.ToString();
                if (line.SO.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg14 != "")
                    Base.Organization.Organization org = Base.Organization.Organization.FindByCode(line.SO.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg14);
                    if (org != null)
                        dto.Org      = org.ID;
                        dto.Org_Code = org.Code;
                        dto.Org_Name = org.Name;
                if (line.SO.OrderBy != null && line.SO.OrderBy.Customer != null)
                    dto.Customer      = line.SO.OrderBy.Customer.ID;
                    dto.Customer_Code = line.SO.OrderBy.Customer.Code;
                    dto.Customer_Name = line.SO.OrderBy.Customer.Name;
                if (line.ItemInfo != null && line.ItemInfo.ItemID != null)
                    dto.ItemMaster      = line.ItemInfo.ItemID.ID;
                    dto.ItemMaster_Code = line.ItemInfo.ItemID.Code;
                    dto.ItemMaster_Name = line.ItemInfo.ItemID.Name;
                    dto.SPECS           = line.ItemInfo.ItemID.SPECS;

                decimal shipQty = 0;//可出运数量
                if (line.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg8 != "")
                        shipQty = Convert.ToDecimal(line.DescFlexField.PrivateDescSeg8);
                        throw new Exception("销售订单" + line.SO.DocNo + "行" + line.DocLineNo + "已出运数量格式不正确");
                decimal differenceQty = 0;
                #region 计算出运差异数量
                ds  = new DataSet();
                sql = "select sum(ActualQty) from GS_FT_ShipPlanDifference where SOLine=" + line.ID + "";
                UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.RunSQL(UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.DataAccessor.GetConn(), sql, null, out ds);
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() != "")
                    differenceQty = Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
                if (line.OrderByQtyTU - shipQty - differenceQty <= 0)
                dto.ShipCanQty = line.OrderByQtyTU - shipQty - differenceQty;
                dto.SOQty      = line.OrderByQtyTU;
                dto.Uom        = line.TU.ID;
                dto.Uom_Code   = line.TU.Code;
                dto.Uom_Name   = line.TU.Name;
                dto.BarginMode = line.SO.BargainMode.Name;

                dto.SoLine = line.ID;