/*World cordinates for the boss area are 4150x to 4350x -50z to 150z
         * "barrel throw kill zone" is 4275 - 4310 */
        public void update(double time, PlayState playstate, Vector3 playerposn, bool enable3d) {
            if (active) {
                if (barrelDelayed) {
                    delayTimer = delayTimer + time;
                    if (delayTimer > delayTime) {
                        delayTimer = 0;
                        barrelDelayed = false;
                else {
                    //throw barrels
                    int inverseHP = (6 - boss.health) + 1; // used as a multiplier, the lower the bosses health gets, the higher this value becomes.
                    for (int i = 0; i < inverseHP + 2; i++) { // throw at least 3 barrels + more the weaker boss gets
                        Vector3 Target = new Vector3(rng.Next(4275, 4310), 75, rng.Next(-50, 150));

                    //set delaytime based on health
                    delayTime = 1 + (2 / inverseHP);
                    barrelDelayed = true;
			for(int i = barrels.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				Projectile cur = barrels[i];
				if(cur.location.X <= 4100.0f) {
        public LoadScreenState(GameEngine engine, PlayState playstate, int lvl)
            eng = engine;
			this.playstate = playstate;
			this.lvl = lvl;

			doneLoading = false;

            lookat = new Vector3(0, 0, 2);
            eye = new Vector3(0, 0, 5);

			screens = new Texture[8];
			for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
				screens[i] = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("load" + (i + 1));

			// Set the current image to be displayed at 0 which is the first in the sequence
			curFrame = 0.0;

			//Free up any old textures so we have more VRAM available to load new stuff
			for(int i = SpriteSheet.allSprites.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {

			foreach(int i in SpriteSheet.texIDsToRemove) {


			//Start loading in separate thread
			Thread loaderThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(loadLevel));
        public ZookeeperAI(Player player, PlayState ps) {
			//Load all resources required for all subclasses here so there is only one copy of each in memory
			SpriteSheet zookeeperSprite = LoadLevel.parseSpriteFile("zoo_keeper_sprite.dat");
			SpriteSheet ropeSprite = LoadLevel.parseSpriteFile("zoo_keeper_rope.dat"); //TODO: Change to rope when available

			ProjectileProperties invisProj = LoadLevel.parseProjectileFile("invisible_projectile.dat", ps);
			invisProj.cbox = new Vector3(24.8f, 0.1f, 24.8f);
			invisProj.pbox = new Vector3(24.8f, 0.1f, 24.8f);
			invisProj.speed = 200;

			List<Vector3> locs = new List<Vector3>();
			for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
                for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
					locs.Add(new Vector3(4175 + (50 * i), maxHeight, (-25 + (50 * k))));
			List<Obstacle> boxObstacles = LoadLevel.parseSingleObstacleFile("zoo_keeper_crate.dat", locs);
			List<Obstacle> groundObstacles = LoadLevel.parseSingleObstacleFile("zookeeper_boss_ground.dat", locs);
            List<Obstacle> ropeObstacles = LoadLevel.parseSingleObstacleFile("zookeeper_boss_rope.dat", locs);

            rng = new Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            //initialize arrays of crates + boss(FallingBox)
            boxes = new FallingBox[16];
            currentBossIndex = 9;
            /* looking at it from the top down
             * 0  4  8 12
             * 1  5  9 13
             * 2  6 10 14
             * 3  7 11 15
             * */
			for(int i=0; i<16; i++) {
				Obstacle box = boxObstacles[i];
				FallingBox newcrate;
				if(i != currentBossIndex) {
                    newcrate = new Crate(player, ps, new Vector3(box.location), maxHeight, invisProj, box, groundObstacles[i], ropeObstacles[i]);
				} else {
                    newcrate = bossobject = new ZooBoss(player, ps, new Vector3(box.location), maxHeight, invisProj, box, groundObstacles[i], ropeObstacles[i], zookeeperSprite);
				boxes[i] = newcrate;
		public Camera(int width, int height, Player p, PlayState ps) {
			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;
			player = p;
			playstate = ps;
			this.viewport = new int[] { ps.eng.ClientRectangle.X, ps.eng.ClientRectangle.Y, ps.eng.ClientRectangle.Width, ps.eng.ClientRectangle.Height };

            eye = new Vector3();
            lookat = new Vector3();
			fov = (float)(Math.PI / 5);
			playerYPos = p.location.Y;

			movingInY = false;
			trackingPlayer = false;
			switchedBillboards = true;
			bossMode = false;
			isInTransition = false;

		List<Projectile> barrels; //keep this so we can delete barrels when they're offscreen

        public GorillaAI(Player player, PlayState ps) {
			this.ps = ps;
            rng = new Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            SpriteSheet gorillaSprite = LoadLevel.parseSpriteFile("gorilla_sprite.dat");
            barrelProp = LoadLevel.parseProjectileFile("barrel_projectile.dat", ps);
            Vector3 location = new Vector3(4370,162.5f,51);
            Vector3 scale = new Vector3(50.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f);
            Vector3 pbox = new Vector3(6, 6, 6);
            Vector3 cbox = new Vector3(6, 6, 6);
            boss = new GorillaBossobject(player, location, pbox, cbox, scale, true, true, 6, 2, 1, gorillaSprite);
			barrels = new List<Projectile>();

            delayTime = 3;
            delayTimer = 0;
            barrelDelayed = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Peeks at the AI on the top of the AI stack and runs its update method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="playstate"></param>
        /// <param name="playerposn"></param>
        /// <param name="enable3d"></param>
        /// <param name="physList"></param>
		public void aiUpdate(double time, PlayState playstate, Vector3 playerposn, bool enable3d, List<PhysicsObject> physList) {
			CurrentAI.Peek().update(time, playstate, playerposn, this, enable3d, physList);
		public void update(double time, PlayState playstate, Vector3 playerposn, Enemy me, bool enable3d, List<PhysicsObject> physList) {
			//update current animation
			me.cycleNumber = (int)(enable3d ? KidAnim.stand3d : KidAnim.stand2d);

			//Flip scale if necessary
			if(!enable3d) {
				if((me.location.X < playerposn.X && me.scale.X > 0) || (me.location.X > playerposn.X && me.scale.X < 0)) {
					me.scale = new Vector3(-me.scale.X, me.scale.Y, me.scale.Z);
			} else { // 3D
				if(me.scale.X < 0) {
					me.scale = new Vector3(-me.scale.X, me.scale.Y, me.scale.Z);

            if (!me.frozen) {
                if (VectorUtil.dist(playerposn, me.location) <= 90) {
                    if (me.attackdelayed)
                        me.attacktimer = me.attacktimer + time;
                    if (me.attacktimer > me.attackspeed) {
                        me.attackdelayed = false;
                        me.attacktimer = 0;
                    if (!me.attackdelayed) {
                        Vector3 dir = VectorUtil.getdir(playerposn, me.location);
                        //throw icecream
                        Vector3 projlocation = me.location;
                        Vector3 direction = VectorUtil.getdir(playerposn, me.location);
                        if (!enable3d) {
                            projlocation.Z += 0.001f; //break the rendering tie between enemy and projectile, or else they flicker
                        else {
                            direction.Z = 0.0f;
                        Projectile shot = new Projectile(projlocation, direction, false, me.projectile, playstate.player);
                        //Projectile shot = new Projectile(projlocation, direction, new Vector3(12.5f, 12.5f, 12.5f), new Vector3(6.25f, 6.25f, 6.25f), new Vector3(6.25f, 6.25f, 6.25f), true, true, playstate.enable3d, me.damage, 150, false, false, me.projectileSprite);
                        me.attackdelayed = true;
                    me.ChangeState(new Kidmoveto());
		public static void Load(int level_to_load, PlayState ps) {
			ps.objList = new List<GameObject>();
			ps.renderList = new List<RenderObject>();
			ps.aiList = new List<AIObject>();
			ps.combatList = new List<CombatObject>();
			ps.physList = new List<PhysicsObject>();
			ps.collisionList = new List<PhysicsObject>();
			ps.backgroundList = new List<Background>();
			 * This next section of code will read in a level file and create an array of Enemy files to be parsed.
			 * */
			Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            string file = "U5Designs.Resources.Data.Levels.level_" + level_to_load.ToString() + ".dat";
            Stream fstream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(file);
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
			XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
			settings.IgnoreComments = true;
			XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fstream, settings);
			XmlNode bossRegion = doc.GetElementsByTagName("bossRegion")[0];
			XmlNode endRegion = doc.GetElementsByTagName("endRegion")[0];
			XmlNode bossAreaCenter = doc.GetElementsByTagName("bossAreaCenter")[0];
			XmlNode bossAreaBounds = doc.GetElementsByTagName("bossAreaBounds")[0];
			XmlNode bossSpawn = doc.GetElementsByTagName("bossSpawn")[0];
			XmlNodeList _b_list = doc.GetElementsByTagName("background");
			XmlNodeList _e_list = doc.GetElementsByTagName("enemy");
			XmlNodeList _o_list = doc.GetElementsByTagName("obstaclelist")[0].ChildNodes;
			XmlNodeList _d_list = doc.GetElementsByTagName("decorationlist")[0].ChildNodes;
            XmlNodeList _a_list = doc.GetElementsByTagName("audiofile");
			XmlNodeList bossObstacleList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("bosslist")[0].ChildNodes;
			XmlNodeList bossRemoveList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("bossremovelist")[0].ChildNodes;

			//Regions and Boss Area
			ps.bossRegion = parseRegion(bossRegion);
			ps.endRegion = parseRegion(endRegion);
			ps.bossAreaCenter = parseVector3(bossAreaCenter);
			ps.bossAreaBounds = parseVector3(bossAreaBounds);
			ps.bossSpawn = parseVector3(bossSpawn);
            XmlNode aud = _a_list[0];
			ps.levelMusic = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Music." + aud.InnerText));

			List<ProjectileProperties> playerProjectiles = new List<ProjectileProperties>();
			playerProjectiles.Add(parseProjectileFile("banana_projectile.dat", ps));
			playerProjectiles.Add(parseProjectileFile("coconut_grenade_projectile.dat", ps));

			ps.player = new Player(parseSpriteFile("player_sprite.dat"), parseSpriteFile("player_arm_sprite.dat"), playerProjectiles, ps);            
			ps.player.marker = parseSpriteFile("marker_sprite.dat");
            GameEngine ge = ps.eng;

			ps.crosshair = parseSpriteFile("crosshair_sprite.dat");

			//Various GameObjects

			List<Enemy> _elist = parseEnemyFiles(_e_list, ps.player, ps);
			foreach(Enemy e in _elist) {

			List<Obstacle> _olist = parseObstacleFiles(_o_list);
			foreach(Obstacle o in _olist) {

			List<Background> _blist = parseBackgroundFile(_b_list);
			foreach(Background b in _blist) {

			List<Decoration> _dlist = parseDecorationFile(_d_list);
			foreach(Decoration d in _dlist) {

			ps.bossList = parseObstacleFiles(bossObstacleList);
			ps.bossRemoveList = parseDecorationFile(bossRemoveList);

			if ( level_to_load == 0)
			    ps.bossAI = new ZookeeperAI(ps.player, ps);
            if (level_to_load == 1)
                ps.bossAI = new GorillaAI(ps.player, ps);
			SpriteSheet.quad = new ObjMesh(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Geometry.quad.obj"));

			//HUD Stamina Bar
			ps.staminaBack = parseSpriteFile("stamina_back.dat");
			ps.staminaBar = parseSpriteFile("stamina_bar.dat");
			ps.staminaFrame = parseSpriteFile("stamina_frame.dat");

            // Auto Save
            autoSave(ps.player, level_to_load);
        public void update(double time, PlayState playstate, Vector3 playerposn, bool enable3d) {
            if (active) {
                //do Ai code, update the list of crates
                //tmp: pass update to the just the lone boss object for now
                if (bossobject.idle && switchdelaytimer > switchtime) {
                    //time to swap the boss with something else and make him fall
                    int index = rng.Next(0, 16);
                    while (index == currentBossIndex || !boxes[index].idle) {
                        index = rng.Next(0, 16);
                    //Swap boss/box code
                    Vector3 temp = new Vector3(boxes[index].location.X, maxHeight, boxes[index].location.Z);
                    boxes[index].setPosition(new Vector3(bossobject.centerLoc.X, maxHeight, bossobject.centerLoc.Z));
                    boxes[currentBossIndex] = boxes[index];
                    currentBossIndex = index;
                    boxes[index] = bossobject;
                    switchdelaytimer = 0;
                    //end swap code

                    //Choose random facing for boss
                    bossobject.setFacing(rng.Next(2) == 1);

                    if (gethealth() == 5) {
                        //first stage, only drop the boss
                    if (gethealth() == 4) {
                        // second stage, drop boss + either his row or column of boxes
                        int rows = rng.Next(0, 2);
                        if (rows == 0) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                                if (currentBossIndex == 0 + i) {
                                    boxes[4 + i].fall();
                                    boxes[8 + i].fall();
                                    boxes[12 + i].fall();
                                if (currentBossIndex == 4 + i) {
                                    boxes[0 + i].fall();
                                    boxes[8 + i].fall();
                                    boxes[12 + i].fall();
                                if (currentBossIndex == 8 + i) {
                                    boxes[0 + i].fall();
                                    boxes[4 + i].fall();
                                    boxes[12 + i].fall();
                                if (currentBossIndex == 12 + i) {
                                    boxes[0 + i].fall();
                                    boxes[4 + i].fall();
                                    boxes[8 + i].fall();
                        else {
                            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                                if (currentBossIndex >= i * 4 && currentBossIndex <= (i * 4) + 3) {
                                    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
                                        if ((i * 4) + k != currentBossIndex)
                                            boxes[(i * 4) + k].fall();
                    if (gethealth() == 3) {
                        //third, drop both his row and column
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                            if (currentBossIndex == 0 + i) {
                                boxes[4 + i].fall();
                                boxes[8 + i].fall();
                                boxes[12 + i].fall();
                            if (currentBossIndex == 4 + i) {
                                boxes[0 + i].fall();
                                boxes[8 + i].fall();
                                boxes[12 + i].fall();
                            if (currentBossIndex == 8 + i) {
                                boxes[0 + i].fall();
                                boxes[4 + i].fall();
                                boxes[12 + i].fall();
                            if (currentBossIndex == 12 + i) {
                                boxes[0 + i].fall();
                                boxes[4 + i].fall();
                                boxes[8 + i].fall();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                            if (currentBossIndex >= i * 4 && currentBossIndex <= (i * 4) + 3) {
                                for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
                                    if ((i * 4) + k != currentBossIndex)
                                        boxes[(i * 4) + k].fall();
                    if (gethealth() == 2) {
                        //specific pattern
                        int pattern = rng.Next(0, 3);
                        if (pattern == 0) { //checkers pattern
                            if (currentBossIndex == 0 || currentBossIndex == 2 || currentBossIndex == 5 || currentBossIndex == 7 ||
                                currentBossIndex == 8 || currentBossIndex == 10 || currentBossIndex == 13 || currentBossIndex == 15) {
                                boxes[0].fall(); boxes[2].fall();
                                boxes[5].fall(); boxes[7].fall();
                                boxes[8].fall(); boxes[10].fall();
                                boxes[13].fall(); boxes[15].fall();
                            else {
                                boxes[1].fall(); boxes[3].fall();
                                boxes[4].fall(); boxes[6].fall();
                                boxes[9].fall(); boxes[11].fall();
                                boxes[12].fall(); boxes[14].fall();
                        if (pattern == 1) {// cross pattern
                            boxes[0].fall(); boxes[12].fall();
                            boxes[5].fall(); boxes[9].fall();
                            boxes[6].fall(); boxes[10].fall();
                            boxes[3].fall(); boxes[15].fall();
                        if (pattern == 2) {//box pattern
                            boxes[0].fall(); boxes[1].fall();
                            boxes[2].fall(); boxes[3].fall();
                            boxes[4].fall(); boxes[7].fall();
                            boxes[8].fall(); boxes[11].fall();
                            boxes[12].fall(); boxes[13].fall();
                            boxes[14].fall(); boxes[15].fall();
                    if (gethealth() == 1) {
                        //all but one box
                        int stayup = rng.Next(0, 16);
                        while (stayup == currentBossIndex) {
                            stayup = rng.Next(0, 16);
                        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                            if (i != stayup)

                else if (bossobject.idle) {
                    switchdelaytimer = switchdelaytimer + time;

                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                    if (i != currentBossIndex) {
                        boxes[i].update(time, playstate, playerposn, enable3d);
                    else {
                        bossobject.update(time, playstate, playerposn, enable3d);// always pass control to update
		internal ZooBoss(Player player, PlayState ps, Vector3 location, int maxheight, ProjectileProperties invisProj, Obstacle crate, Obstacle ground, Obstacle rope, SpriteSheet bossSprite)
            : base(player, ps, location, maxheight, invisProj, crate, ground, rope) {

            _sprite = bossSprite;
            _cycleNum = 0;
            _frameNum = 0;
            _animDirection = 1;

			//combat stuff
			_cbox = new Vector3(6, 6, 6);
            _health = 5;
            _damage = 1;
            _speed = 1;
            _alive = true;
            _hascbox = true;
            _type = 3; //Type 3 means this is the boss

			//Offset boss location
			centerLoc = new Vector3(_location);
			_location.X += 8.0f;
			_location.Z -= 0.01f;
			in3d = false;
			bb = Billboarding.Lock2d;

            invincible = false;
		public Effect(PlayState ps, Vector3 location, Vector3 scale, bool existsIn2d, bool existsIn3d, Billboarding bb, SpriteSheet sprite)
			: base(location, scale, existsIn2d, existsIn3d, bb, sprite) {
				this.playstate = ps;
				timeElapsed = 0.0;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called by mouse or keyboard handlers when the user picked a button (by clicking or hitting enter)
 /// </summary>
 internal void handleButtonPress()
     // Go to next page
     switch (cur_page)
         case 3:
             PlayState ps = new PlayState(eng, menu, 0);
             LoadScreenState ls = new LoadScreenState(eng, ps, 0);
        public Player(SpriteSheet sprite, SpriteSheet arms, List<ProjectileProperties> projectiles, PlayState ps) : base(Int32.MaxValue) //player always has largest ID for rendering purposes
            p_state = new PlayerState("TEST player");
			this.playstate = ps;
            _speed = runSpeed;
			_location = new Vector3(25, 12.5f, 50);
            _scale = new Vector3(25f, 25f, 25f);
            _pbox = new Vector3(5f, 11.0f, 5f);
            _cbox = new Vector3(4f, 10.0f, 4f);
            spinSize = 12; //?? experiment with this, TODO: change it to match the sprites size
			velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
			accel = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
			kbspeed = new Vector3(70, 100, 70);
			jumpspeed = 250.0f;
			_cycleNum = 0;
			_frameNum = 0;
			_sprite = sprite;
            _hascbox = true;
            _type = 0; //type 0 is the player and only the player
			_existsIn2d = true;
			_existsIn3d = true;
			onGround = true;

			this.arms = new Decoration(_location + new Vector3(0.005f, 0.0f, 0.005f), _scale, true, true, Billboarding.Yes, arms);

            //combat things
            _damage = 1;
            spinDamage = 2;
            maxHealth = _health = 7;
			stamina = 5.0;
			maxStamina = 5.0;

			spaceDown = false;
			eDown = false;
            pDown = false;
			isMobile = true;

            Invincible = false;
            HasControl = true;
            Invincibletimer = 0.0;
            NoControlTimer = 0.0;
			fallTimer = 0.0;
			viewSwitchJumpTimer = 0.0;
			projectileTimer = 0.0;
			spinTimer = 0.0;
			lookDownTimer = -1.0;
			squishTimer = -1.0;
			lastPosOnGround = new Vector3(_location);
			_animDirection = 1;
			this.projectiles = projectiles;
			curProjectile = projectiles[0];
            curProjectile.damage = _damage;
			markerList = new List<Decoration>();

			Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
			jumpSound = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.jump_sound.ogg"));
			bananaSound = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.banana2.ogg"));
			HurtSound = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.hurt.ogg"));
            HitSound = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.hit.ogg"));
            SpinSound = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Sound.spin.ogg"));
		 * This method parses a single Effect .dat file and returns the Effect
		 * */
		public static Effect parseEffectFile(string path, PlayState ps) {
			Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
			Stream fstream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Data.Effects." + path);
			XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
			settings.IgnoreComments = true;
			XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fstream, settings);
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

			Vector3 scale = parseVector3(doc.GetElementsByTagName("scale")[0]);
			bool _draw2 = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("draw2")[0].InnerText);
			bool _draw3 = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("draw3")[0].InnerText);
			SpriteSheet ss = parseSpriteFile(doc.GetElementsByTagName("sprite")[0].InnerText);

			Billboarding bb = Billboarding.Yes;  //Have to put something here for it to compile
			switch(doc.GetElementsByTagName("billboards")[0].InnerText) {
				case "yes":
				case "Yes":
					bb = Billboarding.Yes;
				case "lock2d":
				case "Lock2d":
					bb = Billboarding.Lock2d;
				case "lock3d":
				case "Lock3d":
					bb = Billboarding.Lock3d;
					Console.WriteLine("Bad obstacle file: " + path);


			return new Effect(ps, Vector3.Zero, scale, _draw2, _draw3, bb, ss);
		 * This method will take an XMLNodeList that contains all the Enemy objects that need to be created
		 * for the current level being loaded.  It will parse the XML .dat files, create an Enemy object, and add it
		 * to a List<> which will be returned. 
		 * */
		public static List<Enemy> parseEnemyFiles(XmlNodeList EList, Player player, PlayState ps) {
			// Instantiate the list
			List<Enemy> _e = new List<Enemy>();
			Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
			XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
			settings.IgnoreComments = true;

			// Loop over the string list containing all the Enemy.dat files associated with the current Level being loaded.
			// For every Enemy.dat file parse the file, and create an Enemy, then add it to the List.  When you're done with 
			// the list of Enemies to parse, return the List<Enemy>
			for(int i = 0; i < EList.Count; i++) {
				string _e_path = "U5Designs.Resources.Data.Enemies." + EList[i].FirstChild.InnerText;
				Stream fstream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(_e_path);
				XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
				XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fstream, settings);

				Vector3 scale = parseVector3(doc.GetElementsByTagName("scale")[0]);
				Vector3 pbox = parseVector3(doc.GetElementsByTagName("pbox")[0]);
				Vector3 cbox = parseVector3(doc.GetElementsByTagName("cbox")[0]);
				bool draw_2d = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("draw2")[0].InnerText);
				bool draw_3d = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("draw3")[0].InnerText);
				int _health = Convert.ToInt32(doc.GetElementsByTagName("health")[0].InnerText);
				int _damage = Convert.ToInt32(doc.GetElementsByTagName("damage")[0].InnerText);
				float _speed = Convert.ToSingle(doc.GetElementsByTagName("speed")[0].InnerText);
				int _AI = Convert.ToInt32(doc.GetElementsByTagName("AI")[0].InnerText);
				string _sprite_path = doc.GetElementsByTagName("sprite")[0].InnerText;
				string _death_path = doc.GetElementsByTagName("death")[0].InnerText;
				XmlNodeList _proj = doc.GetElementsByTagName("proj");

				SpriteSheet ss = parseSpriteFile(_sprite_path);
				Effect death = parseEffectFile(_death_path, ps);

				if(_proj.Count == 0) {
					// Create the Enemies
					for(int j = 1; j < EList[i].ChildNodes.Count; j++) {
						Vector3 loc = parseVector3(EList[i].ChildNodes[j]);
						_e.Add(new Enemy(player, loc, scale, pbox, cbox, draw_2d, draw_3d, _health, _damage, _speed, _AI, ss, death));
				} else {
					ProjectileProperties proj = parseProjectileFile(_proj[0].InnerText, ps);

					// Create the Enemies
					for(int j = 1; j < EList[i].ChildNodes.Count; j++) {
						Vector3 loc = parseVector3(EList[i].ChildNodes[j]);
						_e.Add(new Enemy(player, loc, scale, pbox, cbox, draw_2d, draw_3d, _health, _damage, _speed, _AI, ss, death, proj));

			// Return list of Enemies               
			return _e;
		public static ProjectileProperties parseProjectileFile(String path, PlayState ps) {
			Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
			Stream fstream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Data.Projectiles." + path);
			XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
			settings.IgnoreComments = true;
			XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fstream, settings);
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

			Vector3 scale = parseVector3(doc.GetElementsByTagName("scale")[0]);
			Vector3 pbox = parseVector3(doc.GetElementsByTagName("pbox")[0]);
			Vector3 cbox = parseVector3(doc.GetElementsByTagName("cbox")[0]);
			bool draw2 = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("draw2")[0].InnerText);
			bool draw3 = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("draw3")[0].InnerText);
			int damage = Convert.ToInt32(doc.GetElementsByTagName("damage")[0].InnerText);
			float speed = Convert.ToSingle(doc.GetElementsByTagName("speed")[0].InnerText);
			bool grav = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("gravity")[0].InnerText);
			SpriteSheet ss = parseSpriteFile(doc.GetElementsByTagName("sprite")[0].InnerText);
			XmlNodeList staminaCost = doc.GetElementsByTagName("staminaCost");
			XmlNodeList duration = doc.GetElementsByTagName("duration");
			XmlNodeList deathList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("death");

			Effect deathAnim = null;
			if(deathList.Count > 0) {
				deathAnim = parseEffectFile(deathList[0].InnerText, ps);

			bool hasStamina = staminaCost.Count != 0;
			bool hasDuration = duration.Count != 0;

			if(!hasStamina && !hasDuration) {
				return new ProjectileProperties(scale, pbox, cbox, draw2, draw3, damage, speed, grav, ss, deathAnim);
			} else if(!hasDuration) {
				return new ProjectileProperties(scale, pbox, cbox, draw2, draw3, damage, speed, grav, ss, deathAnim, Convert.ToDouble(staminaCost[0].InnerText));
			} else if(!hasStamina) {
				return new ProjectileProperties(scale, pbox, cbox, draw2, draw3, damage, speed, grav, ss, deathAnim, 0.0, Convert.ToDouble(duration[0].InnerText));
			} else { //has both
				return new ProjectileProperties(scale, pbox, cbox, draw2, draw3, damage, speed, grav, ss, deathAnim, Convert.ToDouble(staminaCost[0].InnerText), Convert.ToDouble(duration[0].InnerText));
		internal FallingBox(Player player, PlayState ps, Vector3 location, int maxheight, ProjectileProperties invisProj, Obstacle crate, Obstacle ground, Obstacle rope)
			: base() {
            //physics stuff
            velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            accel = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            doesGravity = false;
            _scale = new Vector3(30.0f, 33.84f, 30.0f);
            _pbox = new Vector3(15.0f, 16.92f, 0.0f);
            _existsIn3d = true;
            _existsIn2d = true;
            maxHeight = maxheight;
            falling = false;
            rising = false;
            prefalling = false;
            idle = true;

			_sprite = null;
            _cycleNum = 0;
            _frameNum = 0;
            _animDirection = 1;

			downtime = 3;
			pretime = 1.5;
			shadowtimer = 0;

            //setup the sub-objects of the boss
			projectile = invisProj;
            mybox = crate;

			myGround = ground;

            myRope = rope;

            //initialize everything's location based on the seed location
            mybox.canSquish = true;
            mybox.location = location + new Vector3(0, mybox.pbox.Y, 0);
            _location = location + new Vector3(0, (mybox.pbox.Y * 2) + pbox.Y, 0); 
            myRope.location = location + new Vector3(0, (mybox.pbox.Y * 2) + pbox.Y + ropeOffset, 0);//rope sprite
			myGround.location = new Vector3(myGround.location.X, 100.0f, myGround.location.Z);
            minHeight = 125;
            preHeight = 210;
		public virtual void update(double time, PlayState playstate, Vector3 playerposn, bool enable3d) {
			if(prefalling) {
				if((mybox.location.Y - mybox.pbox.Y) <= preHeight) {
					setPosition(new Vector3(mybox.location.X, preHeight, mybox.location.Z));
					velocity = mybox.velocity = myRope.velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
					pretimer = pretimer + time;
					if(pretimer >= pretime) {
						pretimer = 0;
						falling = true;
						prefalling = false;
						velocity = mybox.velocity = myRope.velocity = new Vector3(0, -200, 0);
						Projectile shot = new Projectile(new Vector3(mybox.location.X, preHeight - 0.12f, mybox.location.Z), new Vector3(0, -1, 0), false, projectile, playstate.player); // spawn the actual projectile		
						shot.type = (int)CombatType.squish;
						// add projectile to appropriate lists
			if(falling) {
				if(mybox.velocity.Y == 0.0f) { //Wait for physics to stop the crate
					setPosition(new Vector3(mybox.location.X, minHeight, mybox.location.Z));
                    velocity = mybox.velocity = myRope.velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

					downtimer = downtimer + time;
					if(downtimer >= downtime) {
						downtimer = 0;
						falling = false;
						rising = true;
                        velocity = mybox.velocity = myRope.velocity = new Vector3(0, 80, 0);
						shadowtimer = 1.25;
			if(rising) {
				if(mybox.location.Y - mybox.pbox.Y >= maxHeight) {
					setPosition(new Vector3(mybox.location.X, maxHeight, mybox.location.Z));
                    velocity = mybox.velocity = myRope.velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
					rising = false;
					idle = true;

			//Update shadow
			if(prefalling || falling) { //Shadow increasing
				shadowtimer += time;
				myGround.frame3d = Math.Min((int)(shadowtimer * 22.0), 11);
			} else if(rising) { //Shadow decreasing
				shadowtimer -= time;
				myGround.frame3d = Math.Min((int)(shadowtimer * 22.0), 11);
			} else { //No shadow
				myGround.frame3d = 0;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called by mouse or keyboard handlers when the user picked a button (by clicking or hitting enter)
 /// </summary>
 internal void handleButtonPress()
     if (lvl == eng.max_level)
         MainMenuState ms = new MainMenuState(eng);
         // Go to next level
         MainMenuState ms = new MainMenuState(eng);
         PlayState ps = new PlayState(eng, ms, lvl);
         LoadScreenState ls = new LoadScreenState(eng, ps, lvl);
		internal Crate(Player player, PlayState ps, Vector3 location, int maxheight, ProjectileProperties invisProj, Obstacle crate, Obstacle ground, Obstacle rope)
			: base(player, ps, location, maxheight, invisProj, crate, ground, rope) {
Esempio n. 21
		public void update(double time, PlayState playstate, Vector3 playerposn, Enemy me, bool enable3d, List<PhysicsObject> physList) {
			me.cycleNumber = (int)(enable3d ? BirdAnim.fly3d : BirdAnim.fly2d);

			//Flip scale if necessary
			if(enable3d) {
				if(me.scale.X < 0) {
					me.scale = new Vector3(-me.scale.X, me.scale.Y, me.scale.Z);
			} else { //2D
				if((me.velocity.X < 0 && me.scale.X < 0) || (me.velocity.X > 0 && me.scale.X > 0)) {
					me.scale = new Vector3(-me.scale.X, me.scale.Y, me.scale.Z);

            me.attackspeed = 1; // not used in the same way as other attack speeds. This is used to time out the swoop if it gets stuck
            if (!me.frozen) {
                if (dist2d(playerposn, me.location) > 60) {
                    Vector3 dir = VectorUtil.getdir(playerposn, me.location);
                    dir.Y = 0.0f;
                    if (!enable3d) {
                        dir.Z = 0.0f;
                    me.velocity.X = dir.X * me.speed;
                    me.velocity.Z = dir.Z * me.speed;
                else {
                    me.velocity.X = 0;
                    me.velocity.Z = 0;
                    me.PushState(new BirdDive(me.location, playerposn));
 public void killBoss(PlayState ps) {
     //TODO: whatever happens when the boss dies
     active = false;
 internal void loadPlayState(int lvl)
     PlayState ps = new PlayState(eng, menu, lvl);
     LoadScreenState ls = new LoadScreenState(eng, ps, lvl);
Esempio n. 24
        public void update(double time, PlayState playstate, Vector3 playerposn, Enemy me, bool enable3d, List<PhysicsObject> physList) {
            if (!me.frozen) {
                if (!finished) {
                    if (diving) {
						me.cycleNumber = (int)(enable3d ? BirdAnim.attack3d : BirdAnim.attack2d);

						//Flip scale if necessary
						//TODO: These are specific to 2D, add 3D case
						if((me.velocity.X < 0 && me.scale.X < 0) || (me.velocity.X > 0 && me.scale.X > 0)) {
							me.scale = new Vector3(-me.scale.X, me.scale.Y, me.scale.Z);

                        me.attacktimer = me.attacktimer + time;
                        // do a fake gravity to simulate diving down
                        if (startplayer.Y > startingposn.Y)
                            me.accel.Y += (float)(200 * time);
                            me.accel.Y -= (float)(200 * time);
                        dir.Y = 0.0f;
                        if (!enable3d) {
                            dir.Z = 0.0f;
                        me.velocity.X = dir.X * (me.speed);
                        me.velocity.Z = dir.Z * (me.speed);
                        // if dove to lowest point, or to much time has passed(we got suck), stop diving
                        if ((Math.Abs(me.location.Y - startplayer.Y) < 10) || me.attacktimer > me.attackspeed) {
                            me.velocity.Y = 0;
                            me.attacktimer = 0;
                            diving = false;
                    } else {
						me.cycleNumber = (int)(enable3d ? BirdAnim.fly3d : BirdAnim.fly2d);

						//Flip scale if necessary
						if(enable3d) {
							if(me.scale.X < 0) {
								me.scale = new Vector3(-me.scale.X, me.scale.Y, me.scale.Z);
						} else { //2D
							if((me.velocity.X < 0 && me.scale.X < 0) || (me.velocity.X > 0 && me.scale.X > 0)) {
								me.scale = new Vector3(-me.scale.X, me.scale.Y, me.scale.Z);

                        me.attacktimer = me.attacktimer + time;
                        // do a reverse gravity to simulate flying back up
                        if (startplayer.Y > startingposn.Y)
                            me.accel.Y -= (float)(200 * time);
                            me.accel.Y += (float)(200 * time);
                        dir.Y = 0.0f;
                        if (!enable3d) {
                            dir.Z = 0.0f;
                        me.velocity.X = dir.X * (me.speed);
                        me.velocity.Z = dir.Z * (me.speed);
                        //if back to original height, or to much time has passed(we got suck), just finish
                        if (startplayer.Y > startingposn.Y) {
                            if ((me.location.Y <= startingposn.Y) || me.attacktimer > me.attackspeed) {
                                finished = true;
                                me.velocity.X = 0;
                                me.velocity.Y = 0;
                                me.velocity.Z = 0;
                        else {
                            if ((me.location.Y >= startingposn.Y) || me.attacktimer > me.attackspeed) {
                                finished = true;
                                me.velocity.X = 0;
                                me.velocity.Y = 0;
                                me.velocity.Z = 0;
                else {
                    me.attacktimer = 0;
                    me.velocity.X = 0;
                    me.velocity.Y = 0;
                    me.velocity.Z = 0;
        public GameOverState(MainMenuState prvstate, GameEngine engine, PlayState ps)
            eng = engine;
            menu = prvstate;
            _ps = ps;

            _old_state = OpenTK.Input.Keyboard.GetState();

            lookat = new Vector3(0, 0, 2);
            eye = new Vector3(0, 0, 5);
            xf = 1.0f;
            yf = 1.0f;

            // TO DO: CHANGE THE GAME OVER SCREEN            
            Assembly audAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("go", audAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.GameOverTextures.gameover.png"));
            goBackground = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("go");
            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("arrow", audAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.GameOverTextures.arrow.png"));
            arrow = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("arrow");
            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("back2menu", audAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.GameOverTextures.btn_backtomenu.png"));
            mainmenu = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("back2menu");
            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("back2menupress", audAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.GameOverTextures.btn_backtomenu_hover.png"));
            menu_pressed = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("back2menupress");
            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("restartlevel", audAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.GameOverTextures.btn_restart.png"));
            restart = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("restartlevel");
            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("restartlevelpress", audAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.GameOverTextures.btn_restart_hover.png"));
            restart_pressed = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("restartlevelpress");
            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("exitgame", audAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.GameOverTextures.btn_exit.png"));
            exit = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("exitgame");
            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("exitpress", audAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.GameOverTextures.btn_exit_hover.png"));
            exit_pressed = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("exitpress");
             * */

            // QFont
            //Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            //eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("menu", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.menu.png"));
            //bg = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("menu");

            _buttons = new List<String>();
            _buttons.Add("Restart Level ??");
            _buttons.Add("Return to Main Menu");
            button = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            button.Options.DropShadowActive = true;
            //title = QFont.FromQFontFile("myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            title = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myRock.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            title.Options.DropShadowActive = false;
            buttonHighlight = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myHappySans2.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            buttonHighlight.Options.DropShadowActive = true;
            //QFont.CreateTextureFontFiles("Fonts/Rock.TTF", 48, "myRock"); // Use this to create new Fonts that you will texture
            // End QFonts

            //restart_btn = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("restart");
            //quit_btn = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("quit_button");

            arX = -200.0f;
            b1Y = -50.0f;
            b2Y = -100.0f;
            b3Y = -150.0f;

            timeTillNextState = 4;
        /** This loads the chosen game **/
        internal void loadPlayState(int lvl)
PlayState ps = new PlayState(eng, _ms, lvl);
            LoadScreenState ls = new LoadScreenState(eng, ps, lvl);
Esempio n. 27
		public void update(double time, PlayState playstate, Vector3 playerposn, Enemy me, bool enable3d, List<PhysicsObject> physList) {
			//update current animation and flip scale if necessary
			if(enable3d) {
				me.cycleNumber = (int)(me.moving ? GirlAnim.walk3d : GirlAnim.stand3d);
				if(me.scale.X < 0) {
					me.scale = new Vector3(-me.scale.X, me.scale.Y, me.scale.Z);
			} else { //2D
				me.cycleNumber = (int)(me.moving ? GirlAnim.walk2d : GirlAnim.stand2d);
				if((me.velocity.X < 0 && me.scale.X < 0) || (me.velocity.X > 0 && me.scale.X > 0)) {
					me.scale = new Vector3(-me.scale.X, me.scale.Y, me.scale.Z);

            me.attackspeed = 1; //delay between each projectile (hack initialization)
            if (!me.frozen) {
                Vector3 dir = VectorUtil.getdir(playerposn, me.location);
                dir.Y = 0.0f;
                if (!enable3d) {
                    dir.Z = 0.0f;
                me.velocity.X = dir.X * me.speed;
                me.velocity.Z = dir.Z * me.speed;
                //Don't change y - out of our control

                //Look ahead to see if we are at an edge
                Vector3 origLoc = me.location;
                me.location += me.velocity * 0.1f; //move a little bit in this direction (will undo later)
                if (!(enable3d ? VectorUtil.overGround3dStrict(me, physList) : VectorUtil.overGround2d(me, physList))) {
                    if (enable3d) {
                        //If we're on edge, move along one axis to corner
                        Vector3 origVel = new Vector3(me.velocity);

                        //Check X first
                        me.velocity.X = 0.0f;
                        me.location = origLoc + me.velocity * 0.1f;
                        if (!VectorUtil.overGround3dStrict(me, physList)) {
                            me.velocity.X = origVel.X;
                            me.velocity.Z = 0.0f;
                            me.location = origLoc + me.velocity * 0.1f;
                            if (!VectorUtil.overGround3dStrict(me, physList)) {
                                //Now we're at corner
                                me.velocity.X = 0.0f;
                                me.velocity.Z = 0.0f;
                        //Velocity now resulted in something over ground or is zero
                    else {
                        //Only one option, so just stop
                        me.velocity.X = 0.0f;
                        me.velocity.Z = 0.0f;
                me.location = origLoc; //undo above