Esempio n. 1
        public GlyphImage CreateGlyphImage(GlyphPathBuilder builder, float pxscale)
            //1. create

            var txToVxs = new GlyphTranslatorToVxs();

            //create new one
            var glyphVxs = new VertexStore();

            txToVxs.WriteOutput(glyphVxs, pxscale);
            //find bound
            //GlyphImage glyphImg = new GlyphImage()
            RectD bounds = RectD.ZeroIntersection;

            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.VertexProcessing.BoundingRect.GetBoundingRect(new VertexStoreSnap(glyphVxs), ref bounds);

            int w = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(bounds.Width);
            int h = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(bounds.Height);

            if (w < 5)
                w = 5;
            if (h < 5)
                h = 5;

            //translate to positive quadrant
            double dx = (bounds.Left < 0) ? -bounds.Left : 0;
            double dy = (bounds.Bottom < 0) ? -bounds.Bottom : 0;

            dx = Math.Ceiling(dx); //since we need to move it, then move it with integer value
            dy = Math.Ceiling(dy); //since we need to move it, then move it with integer value

            //we need some borders
            int horizontal_margin = 1;                         //'margin' 1px
            int vertical_margin   = 1;                         //margin 1 px

            dx += horizontal_margin;                           //+ left margin
            dy += vertical_margin;                             //+ top margin
                                                               //create glyph img
            w = (int)Math.Ceiling(dx + w + horizontal_margin); //+right margin
            h = (int)Math.Ceiling(dy + h + vertical_margin);   //+bottom margin

            ActualBitmap img     = new ActualBitmap(w, h);
            AggPainter   painter = AggPainter.Create(img);

            if (TextureKind == TextureKind.StencilLcdEffect)
                VertexStore vxs2 = new VertexStore();
                glyphVxs.TranslateToNewVxs(dx + 0.33f, dy, vxs2); //offset to proper x of subpixel rendering  ***
                glyphVxs = vxs2;
                painter.UseSubPixelLcdEffect = true;

                //we use white glyph on black bg for this texture
                painter.FillColor = Color.White;

                //apply sharpen filter
                //painter.DoFilter(new RectInt(0, h, w, 0), 2);
                //painter.DoFilter(new RectInt(0, h, w, 0), 2); //?
                VertexStore vxs2 = new VertexStore();
                glyphVxs.TranslateToNewVxs(dx, dy, vxs2);
                glyphVxs = vxs2;

                painter.UseSubPixelLcdEffect = false;

                if (TextureKind == TextureKind.StencilGreyScale)
                    painter.FillColor = Color.Black;
                    painter.FillColor = this.GlyphColor;
            var glyphImage = new GlyphImage(w, h);

            glyphImage.TextureOffsetX = dx;
            glyphImage.TextureOffsetY = dy;
            glyphImage.SetImageBuffer(ActualBitmapExtensions.CopyImgBuffer(img, w), false);
            //copy data from agg canvas to glyph image