public void StartSentenceGame(ConsoleView _view, GameController controller, SentenceDB _sentencedb) { _view.Countdown(); TimeSpan startTime = StartTimer(); int wordCounter = 1; while (wordCounter <= 5) { Sentence sentence1 = _sentencedb.GetRandomSentence(Difficulty); string randomSentence = sentence1.SentenceString; controller.TotalSentenceLength += sentence1.SentenceLength; _view.PrintSentence(wordCounter, randomSentence); string sentence = Console.ReadLine(); string[] sentenceArray = sentence.Split(' '); int mistakes = GetMistakes(sentenceArray, randomSentence); controller.TotalMistakes += mistakes; Console.WriteLine("Number of mistakes: " + mistakes); Console.WriteLine(); wordCounter++; } TimeSpan endTime = EndTimer(); TimeSpan elapsedTime = endTime - startTime; _view.EndGamePrinter(elapsedTime, controller.TotalMistakes, controller.TotalSentenceLength); Console.Clear(); StartSentenceGame(_view, new GameController(), _sentencedb); }
static void Main(string[] args) { GameController controller = new GameController(); controller.StartGame(); /* Console.WriteLine("Welcome to The Typing Game. Press enter to start. "); Console.Write("Please Enter your name: "); var username = Console.ReadLine(); string sentence1 = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog?"; //print out output Console.WriteLine(sentence1); var now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; //input var sentence = Console.ReadLine(); var end = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------------"); var elasped = end - now; var currentTime = elasped.Seconds + ":" + elasped.Milliseconds; var countMistakes = 0; var sentenceToWords = sentence1.Split(); var sentenceToWords1 = sentence.Split(); if (sentenceToWords.Length == sentenceToWords1.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < sentenceToWords.Length; i++) { if (sentenceToWords[i] != sentenceToWords1[i]) { countMistakes++; } } } if(sentence.Length == sentence1.Length) { if (sentence.Equals(sentence1) == false) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry {0}, you have made {1} mistake.", username, countMistakes); Console.WriteLine("Your current time: " + currentTime); Console.ReadLine(); } else Console.WriteLine("Well done {0}! You made zero mistakes.", username); Console.WriteLine("Your current time: " + currentTime); Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Sorry {0}, Please try again. Input was invalid", username); Console.WriteLine("Your current time: " + currentTime); Console.ReadLine(); */ }