Stats class that defines the properties of the events.
        public void AddOperatorTestValidations()
            EventStatistics y = new EventStatistics
                AverageByteSize = 2,
                ByteSize = 3,
                EventCount = 4,
                EventsPerSecond = 5,

               var result =  null + y;
Esempio n. 2
        public Dictionary<Type, EventStatistics> GetTypeStatistics(TypeCache typeCache, string inputFile)
            var statsPerType = new Dictionary<Type, EventStatistics>();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputFile))
                throw new ArgumentException("inputFile");

            Console.WriteLine("Getting Statistics...");

            var rawCount = from events in BinaryEtwObservable.FromSequentialFiles(inputFile)
                group events by events.PayloadId
                    into eventTypes
                    from all in
                            new { EventCount = (long)0, Bytes = (long)0, minTime = long.MaxValue, maxTime = 0L },
                            (ac, events) =>
                                EventCount = ac.EventCount + 1,
                                Bytes = ac.Bytes + events.EventPayloadLength,
                                minTime = Math.Min(ac.minTime, events.ReceiveFileTimeUtc),
                                maxTime = Math.Max(ac.maxTime, events.ReceiveFileTimeUtc)
                    select new { ManifestId = eventTypes.Key, all.EventCount, all.Bytes, all.minTime, all.maxTime };

            var counts = rawCount.ToEnumerable().ToArray();

            foreach (var c in counts)
                var manifest = typeCache.Manifests
                    .FirstOrDefault(m => string.Equals(m.ManifestId, c.ManifestId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                if (manifest != null)
                    var line = manifest.Manifest
                        .Split('\n').LastOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith(@"struct ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                    var className = line.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Trim();

                    var type = typeCache.Types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == className);

                    var minDateTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(c.minTime);
                    var maxDateTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(c.maxTime);
                    var duration = (maxDateTime - minDateTime).TotalSeconds;
                    if (Math.Abs(this.duration) < 0.01) this.duration = 1;

                    var stats = new EventStatistics
                        AverageByteSize = c.Bytes / c.EventCount,
                        ByteSize = c.Bytes,
                        EventCount = c.EventCount,
                        EventsPerSecond = c.EventCount / duration

                    statsPerType.Add(type, stats);

            return statsPerType;
Esempio n. 3
        public Dictionary <Type, EventStatistics> GetTypeStatistics(TypeCache typeCache, string inputFile)
            var statsPerType = new Dictionary <Type, EventStatistics>();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputFile))
                throw new ArgumentException("inputFile");

            Console.WriteLine("Getting Statistics...");

            var rawCount = from events in BinaryEtwObservable.FromSequentialFiles(inputFile)
                           group events by events.PayloadId
                           into eventTypes
                           from all in
                new { EventCount = (long)0, Bytes = (long)0, minTime = long.MaxValue, maxTime = 0L },
                (ac, events) =>
                EventCount = ac.EventCount + 1,
                Bytes      = ac.Bytes + events.EventPayloadLength,
                minTime    = Math.Min(ac.minTime, events.ReceiveFileTimeUtc),
                maxTime    = Math.Max(ac.maxTime, events.ReceiveFileTimeUtc)
                           select new { ManifestId = eventTypes.Key, all.EventCount, all.Bytes, all.minTime, all.maxTime };

            var counts = rawCount.ToEnumerable().ToArray();

            foreach (var c in counts)
                var manifest = typeCache.Manifests
                               .FirstOrDefault(m => string.Equals(m.ManifestId, c.ManifestId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                if (manifest != null)
                    var line = manifest.Manifest
                               .Split('\n').LastOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith(@"struct ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                    var className = line.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Trim();

                    var type = typeCache.Types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == className);

                    var minDateTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(c.minTime);
                    var maxDateTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(c.maxTime);
                    var duration    = (maxDateTime - minDateTime).TotalSeconds;
                    if (Math.Abs(this.duration) < 0.01)
                        this.duration = 1;

                    var stats = new EventStatistics
                        AverageByteSize = c.Bytes / c.EventCount,
                        ByteSize        = c.Bytes,
                        EventCount      = c.EventCount,
                        EventsPerSecond = c.EventCount / duration

                    statsPerType.Add(type, stats);

        private bool IsCsvLineParsable(string line, TypeCache typeCache, Dictionary<Type, EventStatistics> eventStatsCollection)
            bool isParsable = false;

            var tokens = line.Split(CsvSeparator);

            string eventManifestIdFromCsv = string.Empty;
            string typeNameFromCsv = string.Empty;

            if (tokens != null && tokens.Length == 6 && tokens.All(a => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(a)))
                eventManifestIdFromCsv = tokens[0];
                typeNameFromCsv = tokens[1];

                var typeCacheItem = typeCache.FindMatchOrDefault(eventManifestIdFromCsv);

                if (typeCacheItem != null && typeCacheItem.Type != null && string.Equals(typeCacheItem.Type.Name, typeNameFromCsv, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    EventStatistics statsFromCsv = new EventStatistics
                        AverageByteSize = long.Parse(tokens[5]),
                        ByteSize = long.Parse(tokens[4]),
                        EventCount = long.Parse(tokens[2]),
                        EventsPerSecond = double.Parse(tokens[3]),

                    EventStatistics existingStats;
                    if (eventStatsCollection.TryGetValue(typeCacheItem.Type, out existingStats))

                        existingStats = existingStats + statsFromCsv;
                        Console.WriteLine("Stats for type {0} updated.", typeNameFromCsv);
                        eventStatsCollection[typeCacheItem.Type] = statsFromCsv;
                        Console.WriteLine("Stats for type {0} added.", typeNameFromCsv);

                    isParsable = true;

            return isParsable;
        private Dictionary<Type, CsvRelatedStats> CalculateTypeStatistics(TypeCache typeCache, string inputFile)
            Console.WriteLine("Getting statistics from file {0}.", inputFile);

            var statsPerType = new Dictionary<Type, CsvRelatedStats>();

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var rawCount = from events in BinaryEtwObservable.FromSequentialFiles(inputFile)
                           group events by events.TypeId
                               into eventTypes
                               from all in
                                       new { EventCount = (long)0, Bytes = (long)0, minTime = long.MaxValue, maxTime = 0L },
                                       (ac, events) =>
                                           EventCount = ac.EventCount + 1,
                                           Bytes = ac.Bytes + events.Payload.Length,
                                           minTime = Math.Min(ac.minTime, events.ReceivedTime.ToFileTime()),
                                           maxTime = Math.Max(ac.maxTime, events.ReceivedTime.ToFileTime()),
                               select new { ManifestId = eventTypes.Key, all.EventCount, all.Bytes, all.minTime, all.maxTime, };

            var counts = rawCount.ToEnumerable().ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("Query took {0} milliseconds.", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            foreach (var c in counts)
                var typeCacheItem = typeCache.FindMatchOrDefault(c.ManifestId);

                if (typeCacheItem != null && typeCacheItem.Type != null)
                    var type = typeCacheItem.Type;
                    if (type != null)
                        var minDateTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(c.minTime);
                        var maxDateTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(c.maxTime);
                        var duration = (maxDateTime - minDateTime).TotalSeconds;
                        if (Math.Abs(duration) < 0.01) duration = 1;

                        var stats = new EventStatistics
                            AverageByteSize = c.Bytes / c.EventCount,
                            ByteSize = c.Bytes,
                            EventCount = c.EventCount,
                            EventsPerSecond = Math.Round(c.EventCount / duration, 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero),

                        statsPerType[type] = new CsvRelatedStats
                            ManifestId = c.ManifestId,
                            Statistics = stats,

            return statsPerType;
Esempio n. 6
        private Dictionary<Type, CsvRelatedStats> CalculateTypeStatistics(TypeCache typeCache, string inputFile)
            Console.WriteLine("Getting statistics from file {0}.", inputFile);

            var statsPerType = new Dictionary<Type, CsvRelatedStats>();

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var rawCount = from events in BinaryEtwObservable.FromSequentialFiles(inputFile)
                           group events by events.PayloadId
                               into eventTypes
                               from all in
                                       new { EventCount = (long)0, Bytes = (long)0, minTime = long.MaxValue, maxTime = 0L },
                                       (ac, events) =>
                                           EventCount = ac.EventCount + 1,
                                           Bytes = ac.Bytes + events.EventPayloadLength,
                                           minTime = Math.Min(ac.minTime, events.ReceiveFileTimeUtc),
                                           maxTime = Math.Max(ac.maxTime, events.ReceiveFileTimeUtc)
                               select new { ManifestId = eventTypes.Key, all.EventCount, all.Bytes, all.minTime, all.maxTime };

            var counts = rawCount.ToEnumerable().ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("Query took {0} milliseconds.", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            foreach (var c in counts)
                var manifest = typeCache.Manifests
                    .FirstOrDefault(m => string.Equals(m.ManifestId, c.ManifestId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                if (manifest != null)
                    var line = manifest.Manifest
                        .Split('\n').LastOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith(@"struct ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                    if (line != null)
                        var className = line.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Trim();

                        var type = typeCache.Types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == className);

                        if (type != null)
                            var minDateTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(c.minTime);
                            var maxDateTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(c.maxTime);
                            var duration = (maxDateTime - minDateTime).TotalSeconds;
                            if (Math.Abs(duration) < 0.01) duration = 1;

                            var stats = new EventStatistics
                                AverageByteSize = c.Bytes / c.EventCount,
                                ByteSize = c.Bytes,
                                EventCount = c.EventCount,
                                EventsPerSecond = c.EventCount / duration

                            statsPerType[type] = new CsvRelatedStats
                                    ManifestId = c.ManifestId,
                                    Statistics = stats,

            return statsPerType;