public IEnumerable<Tweet> GetTweets(Session session)
            if (session == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("session");

            var response = _restClient.Execute(Request("/tweet/user/" + session.User.Login, new[] {"token"}, new[] {session.Token}, Method.GET));
            var tweetTypeLoader = new { tweets = new Tweet[] {} };

            switch (response.StatusCode)
                case HttpStatusCode.OK:
                    return _jsonSerializer.DeserializeAnonymous(response.Content, tweetTypeLoader).tweets.Reverse();
                case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                    throw new AuthenticationException("You are not authorized");
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Server error. Retry in a few seconds");
        public void SendTweet(Session session, string tweetText)
            if (session == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("session");
            if (tweetText == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tweetText");

            if (tweetText.Length == 0 || tweetText.Length > 140)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong size of the tweet");

            var request = Request("/tweet/add", new[] {"token"}, new[] {session.Token}, Method.POST).
                AddParameter("text/plain", tweetText, ParameterType.RequestBody);
            var response = _restClient.Execute(request);

            switch (response.StatusCode)
                case HttpStatusCode.OK:
                case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                    throw new AuthenticationException("You are not authorized");
                case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest:
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Bad request from server");
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Server error. Retry in a few seconds");
        private void OnLogin()
                Session = _userManager.Login(_login, _password);
                Session.User = new User(_login);

            catch (AuthenticationException ex)
                ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                ErrorMessage = "Incorrect login password pair";