Esempio n. 1
        public void ExtractHashTags()
            Hashtable hashtags = new Hashtable();

            d.TweetData             tData             = new d.TweetData();
            d.HahstagData           hData             = new d.HahstagData();
            d.TweetHashtagLinkData  tweetHashtagData  = new d.TweetHashtagLinkData();
            d.TwuserHashtagLinkData twuserHashtagData = new d.TwuserHashtagLinkData();
            DataTable dt = tData.GetHashTagTweeets();

            string hashtagPattern = @"(?<tag>#[^\s]+)";

            int counter = 0;

            int    tweetId, tagId;
            string twuserId, text, nohtmltext, tag;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Console.WriteLine("tweet# " + (++counter));

                tweetId    = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]);
                twuserId   = dr[1].ToString();
                text       = dr[2].ToString();
                nohtmltext = dr[3].ToString();

                Match matchPattern = Regex.Match(nohtmltext, hashtagPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

                while (matchPattern.Success)
                    tag = matchPattern.Groups["tag"].ToString().Trim();

                    tag = normalize(tag);
                    if (tag != "")
                        if (!hashtags.Contains(tag))
                            tagId = hData.Create(tag);
                            hashtags.Add(tag, tagId);
                            tagId = Convert.ToInt32(hashtags[tag]);

                        tweetHashtagData.Create(tweetId, tagId);
                        twuserHashtagData.Create(twuserId, tagId);

                    matchPattern = matchPattern.NextMatch();
Esempio n. 2
        public void Run()
            DataTable dtFollowees, dtFollowerHashtags, dtFolloweeHashtags;
            string    followerId, followeeId;
            string    hashtagId;
            Hashtable hashFollowerTags;
            int       tweetsByFollower, tweetsByFollowee;

            d.TwuserData            uData    = new d.TwuserData();
            d.TwuserHashtagLinkData uhData   = new d.TwuserHashtagLinkData();
            d.HahstagOverlapData    htovData = new d.HahstagOverlapData();

            DataTable dtTwusers = uData.GetFollowers(0);

            int counter = 1;

            foreach (DataRow drUser in dtTwusers.Rows)
                followerId = drUser[0].ToString();
                Console.WriteLine("\nprocessing user " + (counter++) + " of " + dtTwusers.Rows.Count);

                dtFollowerHashtags = uhData.GetHashtags(followerId);
                dtFollowees        = uData.GetProcessedFollowees(followerId);

                hashFollowerTags = new Hashtable();
                foreach (DataRow drTag1 in dtFollowerHashtags.Rows)
                    hashFollowerTags.Add(drTag1[0].ToString(), drTag1[1].ToString()); //load follower's hashtags + their tweet counts into hashtable
                foreach (DataRow drFollowee in dtFollowees.Rows)
                    followeeId         = drFollowee[0].ToString();
                    dtFolloweeHashtags = uhData.GetHashtags(followeeId);

                    Console.WriteLine("\tfollowee " + followeeId + "(" + dtFolloweeHashtags.Rows.Count + " hashtags) out of " + dtFollowees.Rows.Count + " followeees");

                    foreach (DataRow drTag2 in dtFolloweeHashtags.Rows)
                        hashtagId = drTag2[0].ToString();
                        if (hashFollowerTags.ContainsKey(hashtagId))
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tadding overlap for tag " + hashtagId);

                            tweetsByFollower = Convert.ToInt32(hashFollowerTags[hashtagId]);
                            tweetsByFollowee = Convert.ToInt32(drTag2[1]);
                            htovData.Create(followerId, followeeId, Convert.ToInt32(hashtagId), tweetsByFollower, tweetsByFollowee);