Esempio n. 1
 public WhisperItemList(Viewer v, int interval)
Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            irc.sendIRCMessage("CAP REQ");
            //irc.sendIRCMessage("CAP REQ");
            irc.sendIRCMessage("CAP REQ");
            allTimers.Add(CreateTimer(240000, true, true, PING));
            allTimers.Add(CreateTimer(6000, true, true, SaveData));
            allTimers.Add(CreateTimer(6000, true, true, AdventurerBattle));
            allTimers.Add(CreateTimer(6000, true, true, HealViewers));
            allTimers.Add(CreateTimer(6000, true, true, GiveFayth));

            //Blessings -
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                faythTimers[i] = CreateTimer(300000, false, false, delegate { SetBlessing(i, 2); });

            irc.sendChatMessage("/me Now Processing Adventurers!");

            while (true)
                string message = irc.readMessage();

                if (message != null)
                    // This part is just for keeping track of who is in chat currently. Seems to be working okay.
                    if (message.Contains("PRIVMSG") || message.Contains("JOIN"))
                        Viewer user = new Viewer(GetUserName(message));
                        if (!currentViewers.Contains(user))
                            if (fullViewerList.Contains(user))
                                user = fullViewerList.Find(x => x.Name == user.Name);

                    // Playing ping pong with the twitch server.
                    if (message.Contains("PING"))

                    // Remove the viewer from current viewers when they leave the channel.
                    if (message.Contains("PART"))
                        //find username in currentViewers
                        //remove them from currentViewers
                        currentViewers.Remove(currentViewers.Find(x => x.Name == GetUserName(message))); // - this is very questionable, not really sure what remove is going to do.

                    Viewer currentViewer = GetUserFromList(currentViewers, GetUserName(message));

                    // -------------- COMMANDS --------------------

                    // CHAT COMMANDS -

                    // !discord - display a link to the discord
                    if (message.Contains("!discord"))
                        irc.sendChatMessage("[ ]  Join the Community Discord.  Keep up the conversation with other viewers and Firesofiso.  Maybe play some games or watch movies or something.  Who knows!?");

                    // !red13 - explaination of the bot game.
                    if (message.Contains("!red13"))
                        irc.sendChatMessage("Hey, I'm RedXIIIBot and I run a game in chat that allows you to battle in dungeons collecting items and richs.  Level up, gain strength, fight stronger things, level up, repeat.  Commands and info at  Whisper me so I can whisper information back to you.");

                    // WHISPER COMMANDS -
                    // Will remain chat commands until things are fleshed out.

                    if (message.Contains("!me"))
                        //Bot should whisper the user with their stats.
                        // Level, health, attack, defense.

                        irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " Lvl: " + currentViewer.Level + " :: Exp: " + currentViewer.Exp + " / " + currentViewer.ExpNeeded + " :: Gil: " + currentViewer.Gil + " :: AA: " + currentViewer.autoAdventure + " :: Fayth: " + currentViewer.fayth);
                        irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " Health: " + currentViewer.CurrentHealth + " / " + currentViewer.MaxHealth + " :: DPS: " + currentViewer.DPS + " :: Defense: " + currentViewer.Defense);

                    // Check to see what enemy you are fighting and what level it is.
                    if (message.Contains("!check"))
                        if ( != null)
                            irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " Enemy: " + + " Lvl: " +;
                            irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " You have no target.");

                    if (message.Contains("!start"))

                    if (message.Contains("!auto"))
                        currentViewer.autoAdventure = !currentViewer.autoAdventure;
                        irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " Auto Adventuring - " + currentViewer.autoAdventure);

                    // !kills - whispers how many total kills the play has gotten.
                    if (message.Contains("!kills"))
                        irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " You have killed " + currentViewer.totalSlain + " enemies throughout your adventures.");

                    // !shop - Red will whisper the user its current list of shop items.
                    //  [thoughts]
                    //      1 - Diff items in different areas
                    //      2 - One big shop containing the essentials - all equipment and stuff is crafted or found on enemies.
                    //  Within this command is the buying command - !shop <itemName> <quantity>
                    //      -This sub-command could potentially be its own command, i.e. !buy
                    if (message.Contains("!shop"))
                        if (!currentViewer.isAdventuring)
                            string command = message.Substring(message.LastIndexOf('!'));

                            string[] commandParts = command.Split(new char[] { ' ' });

                            // is the player asking for an item?
                            if (commandParts.Length > 1)
                                for (int i = 0; i < shoplist.Count; i++)
                                    // Is the item in the shop? Search by name.
                                    if (shoplist[i].CompareName(commandParts[1]))
                                        // Is the player asking for a certain quantity of items?
                                        if (commandParts.Length == 3)
                                            int numItems = ConvertToNumber(commandParts[2]);
                                            // Does the player have enough gil to buy said items?
                                            if (currentViewer.Gil >= shoplist[i].BuyPrice * numItems)
                                                // Take players money
                                                // Give them the items.
                                                // Tell them what they got.

                                                Item temp = shoplist[i];
                                                currentViewer.AddItem(temp, numItems);

                                                 * if (temp.StackSize > 1)
                                                 * {
                                                 * } else
                                                 * {
                                                 *  if (currentViewer.Bag.Count() + numItems > currentViewer.Bag.MaxSize)
                                                 *  {
                                                 *      numItems = currentViewer.Bag.MaxSize - currentViewer.Bag.Count();
                                                 *  }
                                                 *  for (int j = 0; j < numItems; j++)
                                                 *  {
                                                 *      currentViewer.AddItem(temp);
                                                 *  }
                                                 * }
                                                currentViewer.Gil -= shoplist[i].BuyPrice * numItems;
                                                // Player doesn't have enough gil to purchase items.
                                                irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " You don't have enough Gil for that.");

                                        // Is the player entering more commands than is required for this certain command?
                                        else if (commandParts.Length > 3)
                                            // Tell them the correct format
                                            irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " There are too many parameters in that command.  Format: !shop <itemname> <quantity>.");

                                        // Finally the player is only looking for 1 of an item in the shop.
                                            // Do they have enough gil?
                                            if (currentViewer.Gil >= shoplist[i].BuyPrice)
                                                // Take the players money.
                                                // Give them the item they need.
                                                // Tell them what they bought.
                                                currentViewer.Gil -= shoplist[i].BuyPrice;
                                                currentViewer.AddItem(shoplist[i], 1);
                                                irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " You don't have enough Gil for that.");

                            // !shop command handled.
                                irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " Welcome to the Shop!");
                                WhisperItemList shopWhisper = new WhisperItemList(currentViewer.Name, shoplist, 500, false);
                            irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " Shop is not available on adventures.");

                    // !bag or !inv command
                    //  - Red will whisper the player a list of the items in their bag.
                    if (message.Contains("!bag"))
                        if (currentViewer.Bag.Count == 0)
                            irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " Your bag is empty.");
                            string invString = "";
                            irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " " + currentViewer.Bag.Count + "/" + currentViewer.Bag.Size + " Items in your bag: ");
                            for (int i = 0; i < currentViewer.Bag.Count; i++)
                                Item temp = currentViewer.Bag.GetItemByIndex(i);

                                if (temp.StackSize == 1)
                                    int count = 1;

                                    for (int j = 0; j < currentViewer.Bag.Count; j++)
                                        if (temp.ID == currentViewer.Bag.GetItemByIndex(j).ID&& j != i)
                                    invString += "[" + temp.Name + " x" + temp.Count + "]";
                                    i         += count - 1;
                                    invString += "[" + temp.Name + " x" + temp.Count + "]";

                                if (i < currentViewer.Bag.Count - 1)
                                    invString += ", ";
                            irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " " + invString);

                    // !pray - pray to a certain deity, god, summon, whatever to get a global buff.
                    if (message.Contains("!pray"))
                        string command = message.Substring(message.LastIndexOf('!'));

                        string[] commandParts = command.Split(new char[] { ' ' });

                        if (commandParts.Length == 1)
                            irc.sendChatMessage("/me Pray to a summon to obtain a global buff for all.  Requires 2700 Fayth.");
                        else if (commandParts.Length == 2)
                            if (currentViewer.fayth >= 2500)
                                if (commandParts[1].ToLower() == "kirin")
                                    faythBlessings[0] = 2;

                                    if (!faythTimers[0].Enabled)
                                        faythTimers[0].Enabled  = true;
                                        faythTimers[0].Interval = 300000;
                                        irc.sendChatMessage("/me " + currentViewer.Name + " prayed to Kirin, Sanctuary Regeneration has increased for 5 minutes.");
                                        faythTimers[0].Interval += 300000;
                                        irc.sendChatMessage("/me " + currentViewer.Name + " prayed to Kirin and extended his blessing by 5 minutes.");
                                else if (commandParts[1].ToLower() == "ifrit")
                                    faythBlessings[1] = 2;

                                    if (!faythTimers[1].Enabled)
                                        faythTimers[1].Enabled  = true;
                                        faythTimers[1].Interval = 300000;
                                        irc.sendChatMessage("/me " + currentViewer.Name + " prayed to Ifrit, Battle Damage has increased for 5 minutes.");
                                        faythTimers[1].Interval += 300000;
                                        irc.sendChatMessage("/me " + currentViewer.Name + " prayed to Ifrit and extended his blessing by 5 minutes.");
                                else if (commandParts[1].ToLower() == "titan")
                                    faythBlessings[2] = 2;

                                    if (!faythTimers[2].Enabled)
                                        faythTimers[2].Enabled  = true;
                                        faythTimers[2].Interval = 300000;
                                        irc.sendChatMessage("/me " + currentViewer.Name + " prayed to Titan, Battle Defense has increased for 5 minutes.");
                                        faythTimers[2].Interval += 300000;
                                        irc.sendChatMessage("/me " + currentViewer.Name + " prayed to Titan and extended his blessing by 5 minutes.");
                                else if (commandParts[1].ToLower() == "garuda")
                                    faythBlessings[3] = 2;

                                    if (!faythTimers[3].Enabled)
                                        faythTimers[3].Enabled  = true;
                                        faythTimers[3].Interval = 300000;
                                        irc.sendChatMessage("/me " + currentViewer.Name + " prayed to Garuda, Critical Hit Rate has increased for 5 minutes.");
                                        faythTimers[3].Interval += 300000;
                                        irc.sendChatMessage("/me " + currentViewer.Name + " prayed to Garuda and extended her blessing by 5 minutes.");
                                else if (commandParts[1].ToLower() == "chocobo")
                                    faythBlessings[4] = 2;

                                    if (!faythTimers[4].Enabled)
                                        faythTimers[4].Enabled  = true;
                                        faythTimers[4].Interval = 300000;
                                        irc.sendChatMessage("/me " + currentViewer.Name + " prayed to Fat Chocobo, Gil Dropped has increased for 5 minutes.");
                                        faythTimers[4].Interval += 300000;
                                        irc.sendChatMessage("/me " + currentViewer.Name + " prayed to Fat Chocobo and extended his blessing by 5 minutes.");
                                irc.sendChatMessage("/w " + currentViewer.Name + " You do not believe enough");

                    // GOD COMMANDS - Firesofiso only

                    if (message.Contains("!givegil"))
                        if (currentViewer.Name == "firesofiso")
                            string command = message.Substring(message.LastIndexOf('!'));

                            string[] commandParts = command.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                            string   viewerName;

                            if (commandParts.Length == 3)
                                if (commandParts[1][0] == '@')
                                    viewerName = commandParts[1].Substring(1).ToLower();
                                    viewerName = commandParts[1].ToLower();
                                GetUserFromList(fullViewerList, viewerName).Gil += ConvertToNumber(commandParts[2]);

                    if (message.Contains("!givefayth"))
                        if (currentViewer.Name == "firesofiso")
                            string command = message.Substring(message.LastIndexOf('!'));

                            string[] commandParts = command.Split(new char[] { ' ' });

                            if (commandParts.Length == 3)
                                string viewerName = commandParts[1].Substring(1).ToLower();
                                GetUserFromList(fullViewerList, viewerName).fayth += ConvertToNumber(commandParts[2]);

                    // !job - if the user doesn't have a job selected - display all the available jobs to pick from.
                    //      - I think it would be best to display the job name and description per line/whisper.
                    // !job <jobname> - Selects the job the user wants.