Esempio n. 1
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Helpers
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private void Reset()
            _target    = null;
            _tweenType = PositionType.NONE;
            _equation  = null;

            _isReversed    = false;
            _isInitialized = false;
            _isPooled      = false;

            _combinedTweenCount = 0;

            _delayMillis  = 0;
            _isStarted    = false;
            _isDelayEnded = false;
            _isEnded      = false;
            _isFinished   = true;


            _repeatCnt         = 0;
            _iteration         = 0;
            _repeatDelayMillis = 0;

            _userData = null;
Esempio n. 2
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Ctor
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Instantiates a new Tween from scratch.
         * @param target The target of the interpolation.
         * @param tweenType The desired type of interpolation.
         * @param durationMillis The duration of the interpolation, in milliseconds.
         * @param equation The easing equation used during the interpolation.
        public Tween(ITweenable target, PositionType tweenType, int durationMillis, TweenEquation equation)
            _startValues            = new float[MaxCombinedTweens];
            _targetValues           = new float[MaxCombinedTweens];
            _targetMinusStartValues = new float[MaxCombinedTweens];

            _startCallbacks             = new List <ITweenCallback>(3);
            _endOfDelayCallbacks        = new List <ITweenCallback>(3);
            _iterationCompleteCallbacks = new List <ITweenCallback>(3);
            _completeCallbacks          = new List <ITweenCallback>(3);
            _killCallbacks = new List <ITweenCallback>(3);
            _poolCallbacks = new List <ITweenCallback>(3);

            __build(target, tweenType, durationMillis, equation);
Esempio n. 3
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Expert features
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * <b>Advanced use.</b>
         * <br/>Rebuilds a tween from the current one. May be used if you want to
         * build your own pool system. You should call __reset() before.

        public void __build(ITweenable target, PositionType tweenType, int durationMillis, TweenEquation equation)

            _isInitialized = true;

            _target         = target;
            _tweenType      = tweenType;
            _durationMillis = durationMillis;
            _equation       = equation;

            if (target != null)
                _combinedTweenCount = target.GetTweenValues(tweenType, _localTmp);
                if ((_combinedTweenCount < 1) || (_combinedTweenCount > MaxCombinedTweens))
                    throw new Exception("Min combined tweens = 1, max = " + MaxCombinedTweens);
Esempio n. 4
 protected internal override void Reset()
     target           = null;
     targetClass      = null;
     accessor         = null;
     type             = -1;
     equation         = null;
     path             = null;
     isFrom           = isRelative = false;
     combinedAttrsCnt = waypointsCnt = 0;
     if (accessorBuffer.Length != combinedAttrsLimit)
         accessorBuffer = new float[combinedAttrsLimit];
     if (pathBuffer.Length != (2 + waypointsLimit) * combinedAttrsLimit)
         pathBuffer = new float[(2 + waypointsLimit) * combinedAttrsLimit];
Esempio n. 5
         * @param target The target of the interpolation.
         * @param tweenType The desired type of interpolation.
         * @param durationMillis The duration of the interpolation, in milliseconds.
         * @param equation The easing equation used during the interpolation.
         * @return The generated Tween.

        public static Tween From(ITweenable target, PositionType tweenType, int durationMillis, TweenEquation equation)
            var tween = Pool.Get();

            tween.__build(target, tweenType, durationMillis, equation);
            tween._isPooled = _isPoolEnabled;
Esempio n. 6
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Public API
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>Sets the easing equation of the tween.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Sets the easing equation of the tween. Existing equations are located in
 /// <i>aurelienribon.tweenengine.equations</i> package, but you can of course
 /// implement your owns, see
 /// <see cref="TweenEquation">TweenEquation</see>
 /// . You can also use the
 /// <see cref="TweenEquations">TweenEquations</see>
 /// static instances to quickly access all the
 /// equations. Default equation is Quad.INOUT.
 /// <p/>
 /// <b>Proposed equations are:</b><br/>
 /// - Linear.INOUT,<br/>
 /// - Quad.IN | OUT | INOUT,<br/>
 /// - Cubic.IN | OUT | INOUT,<br/>
 /// - Quart.IN | OUT | INOUT,<br/>
 /// - Quint.IN | OUT | INOUT,<br/>
 /// - Circ.IN | OUT | INOUT,<br/>
 /// - Sine.IN | OUT | INOUT,<br/>
 /// - Expo.IN | OUT | INOUT,<br/>
 /// - Back.IN | OUT | INOUT,<br/>
 /// - Bounce.IN | OUT | INOUT,<br/>
 /// - Elastic.IN | OUT | INOUT
 /// </remarks>
 /// <returns>The current tween, for chaining instructions.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="TweenEquation">TweenEquation</seealso>
 /// <seealso cref="TweenEquations">TweenEquations</seealso>
 public TweenEngine.Tween Ease(TweenEquation easeEquation)
     this.equation = easeEquation;