public void DragSelectionBox(Camera main, CursorPanGroup group, CursorButton button, TutorialAIManager manager, float delayTime, string methodName) { BoxSelector selector = main.GetComponent <BoxSelector>(); if (selector == null) { Debug.LogError("Cannot find Box Selector component from camera, " + main.ToString() + "."); return; } if (button != CursorButton.Left_Click) { Debug.LogError("Selection box only works with left mouse button."); return; } selector.StartBoxSelection(group, 0.5f); this.icon.SetButton(button); this.buttonPressedElapsedTime = 0f; this.isButtonPressed = true; this.isButtonHeld = true; this.isAppearing = true; this.panningElapsedTime = 0f; this.startingPosition = group.start; this.endingPosition = group.end; this.rectTransform.position = group.start; manager.Invoke(methodName, delayTime); this.Invoke("HeldButtonRelease", delayTime); }
public void DragSelectionBox(Camera main, CursorPanGroup group, CursorButton button, TutorialAIManager manager, float delayTime, string methodName) { BoxSelector selector = main.GetComponent<BoxSelector>(); if (selector == null) { Debug.LogError("Cannot find Box Selector component from camera, " + main.ToString() + "."); return; } if (button != CursorButton.Left_Click) { Debug.LogError("Selection box only works with left mouse button."); return; } selector.StartBoxSelection(group, 0.5f); this.icon.SetButton(button); this.buttonPressedElapsedTime = 0f; this.isButtonPressed = true; this.isButtonHeld = true; this.isAppearing = true; this.panningElapsedTime = 0f; this.startingPosition = group.start; this.endingPosition = group.end; this.rectTransform.position = group.start; manager.Invoke(methodName, delayTime); this.Invoke("HeldButtonRelease", delayTime); }
public bool PanCursorWithHeldAction(CursorPanGroup group, CursorButton button, TutorialAIManager manager, float delayTime, string methodName, bool heldFlag) { if (this.isPanning) { return(false); } this.startingPosition = group.start; this.endingPosition = group.end; this.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; this.panningElapsedTime = 0f; this.isAppearing = true; //NOTE(Thompson): I have no idea what the codes below are doing. CursorPanGroup should already have the coordinates set before this. ObtainStartingPosition s = this.GetComponentInChildren <ObtainStartingPosition>(); s.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; ObtainEndingPosition e = this.GetComponentInChildren <ObtainEndingPosition>(); e.rectTransform.localPosition = group.end; if (!button.Equals(CursorButton.Nothing)) { this.icon.SetButton(button); this.buttonPressedElapsedTime = 0f; this.isButtonPressed = true; this.isButtonHeld = heldFlag; } manager.Invoke(methodName, delayTime); return(true); }
public bool PanCursorWithAction(CursorPanGroup group, CursorButton button, TutorialAIManager manager, float delayTime, string methodName) { if (this.isPanning) { return(false); } this.startingPosition = group.start; this.endingPosition = group.end; this.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; this.panningElapsedTime = 0f; this.isAppearing = true; ObtainStartingPosition s = this.GetComponentInChildren <ObtainStartingPosition>(); s.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; ObtainEndingPosition e = this.GetComponentInChildren <ObtainEndingPosition>(); e.rectTransform.localPosition = group.end; if (!button.Equals(CursorButton.Nothing)) { this.icon.SetButton(button); this.buttonPressedElapsedTime = 0f; this.isButtonPressed = true; } manager.Invoke(methodName, delayTime); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// True if the cursor is already panning, and I do not want to disturb the panning in progress. /// False if the cursor has finished panning, and there's nothing else to do. /// </summary> /// <param name="start">Vector3 position to indicate where the cursor begins the panning animation.</param> /// <param name="end">Vector3 position to indicate where the cursor ends in the panning animation.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool PanCursor(CursorPanGroup group, CursorButton button) { if (this.isPanning) { return(false); } this.startingPosition = group.start; this.endingPosition = group.end; this.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; this.panningElapsedTime = 0f; this.isAppearing = true; ObtainStartingPosition s = this.GetComponentInChildren <ObtainStartingPosition>(); s.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; ObtainEndingPosition e = this.GetComponentInChildren <ObtainEndingPosition>(); e.rectTransform.localPosition = group.end; if (!button.Equals(CursorButton.Nothing)) { this.icon.SetButton(button); this.buttonPressedElapsedTime = 0f; this.isButtonPressed = true; this.isButtonHeld = false; } return(true); }
public void StartBoxSelection(CursorPanGroup group, float extraTime) { float startX = group.start.x / Screen.width; float startY = group.start.y / Screen.height; float endX = group.end.x / Screen.width; float endY = group.end.y / Screen.height; this.viewport_startVertex.x = startX; this.viewport_startVertex.y = startY; this.viewport_startVertex.z = 0f; this.viewport_endVertex.x = endX; this.viewport_endVertex.y = endY; this.viewport_endVertex.z = 0f; this.panningElapsedTime = 0f - extraTime; }
public bool PanCursorWithHeldAction(CursorPanGroup group, CursorButton button, TutorialAIManager manager, float delayTime, string methodName, bool heldFlag) { if (this.isPanning) { return false; } this.startingPosition = group.start; this.endingPosition = group.end; this.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; this.panningElapsedTime = 0f; this.isAppearing = true; //NOTE(Thompson): I have no idea what the codes below are doing. CursorPanGroup should already have the coordinates set before this. ObtainStartingPosition s = this.GetComponentInChildren<ObtainStartingPosition>(); s.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; ObtainEndingPosition e = this.GetComponentInChildren<ObtainEndingPosition>(); e.rectTransform.localPosition = group.end; if (!button.Equals(CursorButton.Nothing)) { this.icon.SetButton(button); this.buttonPressedElapsedTime = 0f; this.isButtonPressed = true; this.isButtonHeld = heldFlag; } manager.Invoke(methodName, delayTime); return true; }
public bool PanCursorWithAction(CursorPanGroup group, CursorButton button, TutorialAIManager manager, float delayTime, string methodName) { if (this.isPanning) { return false; } this.startingPosition = group.start; this.endingPosition = group.end; this.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; this.panningElapsedTime = 0f; this.isAppearing = true; ObtainStartingPosition s = this.GetComponentInChildren<ObtainStartingPosition>(); s.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; ObtainEndingPosition e = this.GetComponentInChildren<ObtainEndingPosition>(); e.rectTransform.localPosition = group.end; if (!button.Equals(CursorButton.Nothing)) { this.icon.SetButton(button); this.buttonPressedElapsedTime = 0f; this.isButtonPressed = true; } manager.Invoke(methodName, delayTime); return true; }
/// <summary> /// True if the cursor is already panning, and I do not want to disturb the panning in progress. /// False if the cursor has finished panning, and there's nothing else to do. /// </summary> /// <param name="start">Vector3 position to indicate where the cursor begins the panning animation.</param> /// <param name="end">Vector3 position to indicate where the cursor ends in the panning animation.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool PanCursor(CursorPanGroup group, CursorButton button) { if (this.isPanning) { return false; } this.startingPosition = group.start; this.endingPosition = group.end; this.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; this.panningElapsedTime = 0f; this.isAppearing = true; ObtainStartingPosition s = this.GetComponentInChildren<ObtainStartingPosition>(); s.rectTransform.localPosition = group.start; ObtainEndingPosition e = this.GetComponentInChildren<ObtainEndingPosition>(); e.rectTransform.localPosition = group.end; if (!button.Equals(CursorButton.Nothing)) { this.icon.SetButton(button); this.buttonPressedElapsedTime = 0f; this.isButtonPressed = true; this.isButtonHeld = false; } return true; }