Esempio n. 1
        //Printing all the states and transitions in the Turing Machine
        public void printTuringMachine()
            StateNode      nodeList    = nodes; //We have a list of states
            TransitionNode transitions = null;  //We use this variable to get through all the transitions of one state

            if (nodeList != null)               //If nodeList it not null, we print them. Otherwise there aren't states to print

                Console.WriteLine("Number of states in the Turing Machine: {0}", nStates);//Printing the total number of states in the Turing Machine

                while (nodeList != null)
                    Console.Write("{0} :[", nodeList.getStateId());                    //Printing the ID of the states
                    transitions = nodeList.getTransition();                            //Get the first transition of the current state

                    while (transitions != null)                                        //Each iteration is a transition
                        Console.Write("{0} ", transitions.getDestNode().getStateId()); //Printing the destination node after the transition is completed
                        transitions = transitions.getNextTNode();                      //We pass to the next transition of the SAME state.
                    nodeList = nodeList.getNextSNode();//We pass to the next state
                Console.WriteLine("There is nothing to print.");
Esempio n. 2
        //Search for a state node with the Id given
        public StateNode fetchNode(short id)
            StateNode nodeAux = nodes; //A copy of the List of state in the Turing Machine

            if (nodeAux != null)       //If nodeAux is not null, it means  we have states in the Turing Machine already stored

                while (nodeAux != null && nodeAux.getStateId() != id) //Iterate in the list of states until neither the auxiliar node nor the id are equals
                    nodeAux = nodeAux.nextSNode;                      //Put the reference of the last known state in the auxiliar, meaning we have search through all the states
                Console.WriteLine("Turing Machine state list is empty");

            return(nodeAux);//Return the last empty node where the new will be stored
Esempio n. 3
        //Recursive function to validate the string.
        //Here we use the transitions and we move throughout all the tape.
        //Disclaimer: after this, only god knows how it works. /s
        private static void validateTuringMachine(StateNode q0, string tape, short movement, string pointer, string fileName)

            TransitionNode transition = q0.getTransition();//Getting the first transition of the current node

            //Write in console the tape and the pointer

            //Sleep function

            //If the first transition of the current node is null, it only means that either we came to a final state or there isn't transition on that node.
            if (transition != null)
                while (transition != null)
                    // Add spaces at the end of the tape where the new characters will be written, as well as the pointer that should point them out.
                    if (tape.Length == movement)
                        tape += ' ';
                    if (pointer.Length == movement)
                        pointer += ' ';

                    //Try-catch block to determinate whether the index of the string called "movement" is lower than 0.
                    //Applies only in the subtraction.
                    try {
                        if (movement < 0)
                            throw new Exception();
                    } catch (Exception E) {//Catch an exception when movement is lower than 0
                        //When this happends in the subtraction it means that either the result is 0 or a negative number,
                        //which is represented with the number of dashes left in the tape
                        using (StreamWriter file =
                                   new StreamWriter(fileName, true)) {

                        //Since the operation is finished we exit the application
                        Console.WriteLine("Done\nPress any key to continue.");

                    //Compare the current character in the tape on all the transitions of the state
                    //Tape is a string that contains the operation we introduce, movement is the index of that string
                    //We look in the transitions if the character is equal to what we have in the string in determinated index
                    if (tape[movement] == transition.getCharInTape())
                        //Write in the file the tape and the pointer
                        using (StreamWriter file =
                                   new StreamWriter(fileName, true)) {

                            file.WriteLine("Q: {0}\n" +
                                           "Next Q: {1}\n" +
                                           "Char in tape: {2}\tRep in tape: {3}\n" +
                                           "Movement: {4}\n",

                        //Removing the current character in the tape and use the "aux" variable to store the string without the character removed
                        string aux = tape.Remove(movement, 1);

                        //Using the "aux" variable, get the character to replace from the transition node and put them in the current index determinated for "movement"
                        aux = aux.Insert(movement, transition.getRepInTape().ToString());

                        //Same with the head pointer, but instead of getting the character from the transition node, use a space to replace it
                        string auxP = pointer.Replace("^", " ");
                        auxP = auxP.Insert(movement, "^");

                        //Conditions for the tape to know where to move next
                        //Determinate where will the tape will move next.
                        //R == right. So increase "movement" variable to move to the right in the string
                        //L == left. Decrease "movement" to move to the left in the string
                        if (transition.getMovement() == 'R')
                        if (transition.getMovement() == 'L')

                        //Recursive call function, this time with
                        //destination state,
                        //the new tape modified,
                        //movement increased or decreased,
                        //head pointer modified and
                        //name file to keep writing on it
                        validateTuringMachine(transition.getDestNode(), aux, movement, auxP, fileName);
                        transition = transition.getNextTNode();   //If the current character isn't in the current transition, move to next transition of the same state
            else    //There aren't transitions left, so the operation must been finished
                using (StreamWriter file =
                           new StreamWriter(fileName, true)) {

                //Since the operation is finished we exit the application
                Console.WriteLine("Done\nPress any key to continue.");