Esempio n. 1
 public ActionResult Add(Trip tripId, int dayNumber, SeaDayViewModel sdvm)
     return SaveActionImpl(tripId, dayNumber, sdvm);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate checks the validity of the view model.
        /// Errors are saved via ModelState
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tripId">Trip model, used for some validation.</param>
        /// <param name="sdvm">View model to be validated.</param>
        internal void Validate(Trip tripId, SeaDayViewModel sdvm)
            // The delta between Ship's date and UTC date shouldn't be more than +/- 1 day
            DateTime? shipStartOfDay = sdvm.ShipsDate.Merge(sdvm.ShipsTime);
            DateTime? utcStartOfDay = sdvm.UtcDate.Merge(sdvm.UtcTime);
            if (shipStartOfDay.HasValue && utcStartOfDay.HasValue)
                var deltaT = shipStartOfDay.Value.Subtract(utcStartOfDay.Value);
                if (Math.Abs(deltaT.TotalDays) > 1.0d)
                    var msg = string.Format("Difference of {0} days between ship's and local time too large", Math.Abs(deltaT.TotalDays));
                    // TODO Work out whether we should set the error state on all 4 fields, or just one at random

            // TODO Check the dayNumber?
            if (shipStartOfDay.HasValue && shipStartOfDay.Value.CompareTo(tripId.DepartureDate) < 0)
                ModelState["ShipsDate"].Errors.Add("Start of day can't be before the trip departure date");

            // We don't particularly care which control has these, since the drop downs should prevent the user
            // from actually changing these.  This is here to guard against API bugs
            var seaCodes = sdvm.Keepers.Select(e => e.SeaCode).DefaultIfEmpty();
            var invalidSeaCodes = seaCodes.Where(c => c != null && !sdvm.SeaCodes.Contains(c)).Distinct();
            if (invalidSeaCodes.Any())
                ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, String.Format("Invalid Sea Code(s): [{0}]", string.Join(",", invalidSeaCodes)));

            var detectionCodes = sdvm.Keepers.Select(e => e.DetectionCode).DefaultIfEmpty();
            var invalidDetectionCodes = detectionCodes.Where(c => c != null && !sdvm.DetectionCodes.Contains(c)).Distinct();
            if (invalidDetectionCodes.Any())
                ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, String.Format("Invalid Detection Code(s): [{0}]", string.Join(",", invalidDetectionCodes)));

            var associationCodes = sdvm.Keepers.Select(e => e.AssociationCode).DefaultIfEmpty();
            var invalidAssociationCodes = associationCodes.Where(c => c!= null && !sdvm.AssociationCodes.Contains(c)).Distinct();
            if (invalidAssociationCodes.Any())
                ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, String.Format("Invalid Association Code(s): [{0}]", string.Join(",", invalidAssociationCodes)));

            // IMPORTANT!!!! Although LINQ is cool, it can lead to some subtle bugs:
            // Even though the IEnumerable may have checked for null, check again in the .Where statement
            var invalidDeletes = sdvm.Deleted.Where(e => e != null && e.HasSet && e.IsLocked);
            if (invalidDeletes.Any())
                ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Can't delete set activity without confirmation");

            // In this case, we're trusting the UI to send us good information.  If that turns into a problem, we can
            // bounce the IDs off the database instead
            var invalidActivities = sdvm.Keepers.Where(e => e != null && e.HasSet && !"1".Equals(e.ActivityCode));
            Logger.ErrorFormat("invalidActivities is null? {0}", null == invalidActivities);
            if (invalidActivities.Any())
                // TODO:  Iterate over Model.Events to find the indexed item(s) with this problem
                // then set ModelState["Events[n].ActivityCode"]
                // However, this works for now...
                ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Can't change Activity Code with associated set");
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// The HttpGet portion of the Add/Edit screens is very similar.
        /// By extracting it all into a single function, there's less copy/paste
        /// inheritance going on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tripId">Trip parameter (passed as int by the front end, turned into a trip by Model binder)</param>
        /// <param name="dayNumber">Day Number parameter</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal ActionResult ViewActionImpl(Trip tripId, int dayNumber)
            var trip = tripId as PurseSeineTrip;
            var days = TubsDataService.GetRepository<SeaDay>(
                    d => d.Trip.Id == tripId.Id);

            // This LINQ method results in a trip to the database
            // (select count(1) from ... where obstrip_id = ?)
            // It's also worth mentioning that if an Add/Edit has
            // a 'bad' dayNumber param, we'll be running this query twice
            // I expect SQL Server to be able to handle that...
            int maxDays = days.Count();
            var checkpoint = NeedsRedirect(tripId.Id, dayNumber, maxDays);
            if (checkpoint.Item1)
                return new RedirectToRouteResult(checkpoint.Item2);

            // One minor point.  If the user passes in a completely crazy dayNumber for Index
            // we'll re-interpret based on intent.
            if (IsIndex)
                if (dayNumber < 1) { dayNumber = 1; }
                if (dayNumber > maxDays) { dayNumber = maxDays; }

            // Based on NeedsRedirect, we should be okay -- the
            // dayNumber should be perfect for the action
            var day = days.Skip(dayNumber - 1).Take(1).FirstOrDefault() as PurseSeineSeaDay;
            var sdvm = Mapper.Map<PurseSeineSeaDay, SeaDayViewModel>(day);
            // It would be really cool if I could do the following setup in AutoMapper...
            if (IsAdd)
                sdvm = new SeaDayViewModel();
                sdvm.TripId = trip.Id;
                sdvm.TripNumber = trip.SpcTripNumber;
                sdvm.VersionNumber = trip.Version == WorkbookVersion.v2009 ? 2009 : 2007;
                sdvm.ActivityCodes = sdvm.VersionNumber == 2009 ?
                    SeaDayViewModel.v2009ActivityCodes :
            // Set the few properties on sdvm that aren't set by AutoMapper
            sdvm.SetNavDetails(dayNumber, maxDays);
            sdvm.ActionName = CurrentAction;

            if (sdvm.NeedsDates() && (IsAdd || IsEdit))
                // First day is easy... (Maybe we should do this in 'CreateTrip'?)
                if (dayNumber == 1)
                    if (!sdvm.ShipsDate.HasValue)
                        sdvm.ShipsDate = trip.DepartureDateOnly;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sdvm.ShipsTime))
                        sdvm.ShipsTime = trip.DepartureTimeOnly;
                    var yesterday = trip.SeaDays.Skip(dayNumber - 2).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (null != yesterday)
                        if (!sdvm.UtcDate.HasValue && yesterday.UtcStartOfDay.HasValue)
                            sdvm.UtcDate = yesterday.UtcDateOnly.Value.AddDays(1);
                        if (!sdvm.ShipsDate.HasValue && yesterday.StartOfDay.HasValue)
                            sdvm.ShipsDate = yesterday.StartDateOnly.Value.AddDays(1);

            if (IsApiRequest)
                return GettableJsonNetData(sdvm);

            return View(CurrentAction, sdvm);
Esempio n. 4
        internal ActionResult SaveActionImpl(Trip tripId, int dayNumber, SeaDayViewModel sdvm)
            var trip = tripId as PurseSeineTrip;
            if (null == trip)
                return InvalidTripResponse();

            Validate(tripId, sdvm);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                if (IsApiRequest)
                    return ModelErrorsResponse();
                return View(sdvm);

            // Try this for now, refactor later (if at all)
            // drepo for (d)ay, erepo for (e)vent (aka Activity).
            var seaDay = Mapper.Map<SeaDayViewModel, PurseSeineSeaDay>(sdvm);

            using (var xa = MvcApplication.CurrentSession.BeginTransaction())
                IRepository<SeaDay> drepo = TubsDataService.GetRepository<SeaDay>(MvcApplication.CurrentSession);
                IRepository<Activity> erepo = TubsDataService.GetRepository<Activity>(MvcApplication.CurrentSession);
                IRepository<PurseSeineSet> srepo = TubsDataService.GetRepository<PurseSeineSet>(MvcApplication.CurrentSession);

                bool isNewDay = seaDay.IsNew();
                seaDay.Trip = trip;
                seaDay.SetAuditTrail(User.Identity.Name, DateTime.Now);
                if (isNewDay)
                    // Save so that activities will have non-null parent key

                // If we get here, the database didn't freak over the header, so now we can add the details
                // Deletes first
                sdvm.Deleted.ToList().ForEach(e => erepo.DeleteById(e.EventId));

                foreach (var activity in seaDay.Activities)
                    // Reformat lat/lon to expected format dd.mmmmm or ddd.mmmmm so that
                    // stored procs operate as expected.
                    activity.Latitude = activity.Latitude.AsSpcLatitude();
                    activity.Longitude = activity.Longitude.AsSpcLongitude();

                    // TODO Activity doesn't have decimal versions -- should that be added here or elsewhere?
                    // In fact, perhaps the above format fix should be elsewhere too.

                    // If an activity is _new_ and has an activity code of fishing, create a new empty
                    // set.  This will enable easier entry on the PS-3 side.  Set# and Page# should match, so remind users
                    // to check?
                    bool addSet = (default(int) == activity.Id && ActivityType.Fishing == activity.ActivityType);
                    // Need to check if the activity has been changed to Fishing, like someone made a mistake
                    // originally.
                    if (activity.ActivityType == ActivityType.Fishing && default(int) != activity.Id)
                        var setCount = srepo.FilterBy(s => s.Activity.Id == activity.Id).Count();
                        if (0 == setCount)
                            addSet = true;

                    activity.SetAuditTrail(User.Identity.Name, DateTime.Now);
                    activity.Day = seaDay;

                    if (addSet)
                        // Application expects SetNumber to be set at creation.
                        // There's an easy path and a hard path...
                        var sets = srepo.FilterBy(fs => fs.Activity.Day.Trip.Id == trip.Id);

                        var maxSetDate = sets.Select(fs => fs.SkiffOff).Max();

                        // Whether the set order is okay or not, we use the next available set number
                        // for .SetNumber
                        int nextSetNumber = (sets.Select(fs => fs.SetNumber).Max() ?? 0) + 1;

                        // This is not entirely true, but it's good enough for a first pass approximation
                        bool setOrderOkay =
                            !maxSetDate.HasValue ?
                                true :
                                -1 == maxSetDate.Value.CompareTo(activity.LocalTime.Value);

                        var fset = new PurseSeineSet();
                        fset.SetNumber = nextSetNumber;
                        fset.SkiffOff = activity.LocalTime;
                        fset.SkiffOffTimeOnly = activity.LocalTimeTimeOnly;
                        fset.Activity = activity;
                        fset.SetAuditTrail(User.Identity.Name, DateTime.Now);

                        // This is where stuff goes sideways...
                        if (!setOrderOkay)
                            // TODO: Re-order the sets according to date
                            // This could get crazy, so perhaps we need to notify the
                            // user somehow...
                            // Update (16/04/13):  Can do this via stored proc, trick is now
                            // to figure out how to call stored proc after commit.

                // Existing day and all children should no longer be transient
                if (!isNewDay)


                // TODO Call stored proc that sets latd/lond from lat/lon for this s_day_id

            // If the save worked, the entity should have been updated with the
            // correct primary key.  Use the primary key to reload the entity
            // NOTE:  There's a second database call to get the current number of days
            // We should be able to calculate that, but we might as well treat the
            // database as definitive.

            // This is the happy path -- if we get here, everything should have worked...
            if (IsApiRequest)
                // For some reason (could be a bug, could be something I'm forgetting to do)
                // the ISession that was used for the updates doesn't reflect said updates
                // after the commit.
                // This didn't appear in CrewController because the reload used the
                // stateless session (no dependent objects on crew).
                // To be clear, if I use MvcApplication.CurrentSession here, the parent object
                // (PurseSeineSeaDay) is loaded, but the child objects (Activities) are not.
                // This isn't a great workaround, but it's a workaround nonetheless.
                using (var repo = TubsDataService.GetRepository<SeaDay>(false))
                    // Force a reload after a save to ensure that PKs are set for all
                    // appropriate entities.
                    int maxDays = repo.FilterBy(d => d.Trip.Id == tripId.Id).Count();

                    var day = repo.FindById(seaDay.Id) as PurseSeineSeaDay;

                    sdvm = Mapper.Map<PurseSeineSeaDay, SeaDayViewModel>(day);
                    sdvm.SetNavDetails(dayNumber, maxDays);
                    sdvm.ActionName = CurrentAction;

                return GettableJsonNetData(sdvm);

            // If this isn't an API request (which shouldn't really happen)
            // always push to the Edit page.  It's been saved, so an Add is counter-productive
            // (besides, redirecting to Add with the current dayNumber will redirect to Edit anyways...)
            return RedirectToAction("Edit", "SeaDay", new { tripId = tripId.Id, dayNumber = dayNumber });