public static void Heal() { if (MyActivator.heal.IsReady() && Player.HealthPercent <= IllaoiMenu.spellsHealHP()) { MyActivator.heal.Cast(); } }
private static void AntiGapCloser(AIHeroClient sender, Gapcloser.GapcloserEventArgs e) { if (!e.Sender.IsValidTarget() || !IllaoiMenu.gapcloserQ() || e.Sender.Type != Player.Type || !e.Sender.IsEnemy) { return; } Q.Cast(e.Sender); }
private static void RanduinItem() { if (MyActivator.randuin.IsReady() && MyActivator.randuin.IsOwned()) { if (IllaoiMenu.randuin() && Target.IsValidTarget(MyActivator.randuin.Range) && MyActivator.randuin.IsReady()) { MyActivator.randuin.Cast(); } } }
private static void AscensionItem() { if (MyActivator.talisman.IsReady() && MyActivator.talisman.IsOwned()) { if (IllaoiMenu.talisman() && Player.HealthPercent <= IllaoiMenu.itemssliderHP() && Player.CountEnemiesInRange(800) >= IllaoiMenu.itemsenemiesinrange()) { MyActivator.talisman.Cast(); } } }
private static void KillSteal() { foreach (var Target in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(hero => hero.IsValidTarget(W.Range) && !hero.IsDead && !hero.IsZombie && hero.HealthPercent <= 25)) { if (IllaoiMenu.killstealQ() && Q.IsReady() && Target.Health + Target.AttackShield < Player.GetSpellDamage(Target, SpellSlot.Q, DamageLibrary.SpellStages.Default)) { if (Q.GetPrediction(Target).HitChance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(Q.GetPrediction(Target).CastPosition); } } } }
private static void OnHarrass() { var Target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(Q.Range, DamageType.Physical); var Buuuuuu = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Minion>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.HasBuff("illaoiespirit")); var enemies = EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.OrderByDescending (a => a.HealthPercent).Where(a => !a.IsMe && a.IsValidTarget() && a.Distance(Player) <= E.Range); if (Target != null && Buuuuuu == null) { if (Q.IsReady() && Target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { foreach (var qenemies in enemies) { var useQ = IllaoiMenu.MyHarass["harass.q" + qenemies.ChampionName].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue; if (useQ && Q.GetPrediction(qenemies).HitChancePercent >= IllaoiMenu.harassQH()) { Q.Cast(Q.GetPrediction(qenemies).CastPosition); } } } } if (Target == null && Buuuuuu != null) { if (IllaoiMenu.harassQ1() && Q.IsReady()) { if (Q.GetPrediction(Buuuuuu).HitChance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(Q.GetPrediction(Buuuuuu).CastPosition); } } } if (E.IsReady() && Target.IsValidTarget(E.Range) && Player.ManaPercent >= IllaoiMenu.harassQE()) { foreach (var eenemies in enemies) { var useE = IllaoiMenu.MyHarass["harass.e" + eenemies.ChampionName].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue; if (useE && E.GetPrediction(eenemies).HitChance >= HitChance.High) { if (!E.GetPrediction(eenemies).CollisionObjects.Any()) { E.Cast(E.GetPrediction(eenemies).CastPosition); } } } } }
private static void SolariItem() { if (MyActivator.ironsolari.IsReady() && MyActivator.ironsolari.IsOwned()) { foreach (AIHeroClient ally in EntityManager.Heroes.Allies) { if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(enemy => enemy != Player && enemy.Distance(Player) <= 1000).Count() > IllaoiMenu.itemsenemiesinrange() && ally.Distance(Player) <= 600 && MyActivator.ironsolari.IsReady() && IllaoiMenu.ironsolari()) { if (ally.HealthPercent < IllaoiMenu.itemssliderHP()) { MyActivator.ironsolari.Cast(); } } } } }
private static void OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (MyActivator.Barrier != null) { Barrier(); } if (MyActivator.heal != null) { Heal(); } if (MyActivator.ignite != null) { ignite(); } if (MyActivator.smite != null) { smite(); } Player.SetSkinId(IllaoiMenu.skinId()); }
public static void OnJungle() { var source = EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.GetJungleMonsters(Player.ServerPosition, Q.Range).OrderByDescending(a => a.MaxHealth).FirstOrDefault(); if (source == null) { return; } if (Q.IsReady() && IllaoiMenu.jungleQ() && source.Distance(Player) <= Q.Range) { Q.Cast(source.Position); } if (W.IsReady() && IllaoiMenu.jungleW() && source.Distance(Player) <= W.Range) { W.Cast(); } if (E.IsReady() && IllaoiMenu.jungleE() && source.Distance(Player) <= E.Range) { E.Cast(source.Position); } }
public static void OnLaneClear() { var count = EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.GetLaneMinions(EntityManager.UnitTeam.Enemy, Player.ServerPosition, Player.AttackRange, false).Count(); var source = EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.GetLaneMinions(EntityManager.UnitTeam.Enemy, Player.ServerPosition, Player.AttackRange).OrderByDescending(a => a.MaxHealth).FirstOrDefault(); if (count == 0) { return; } if (Q.IsReady() && IllaoiMenu.lcQ() && IllaoiMenu.lcQ1() <= count && Player.ManaPercent >= IllaoiMenu.lcM()) { Q.Cast(source.Position); } if (W.IsReady() && IllaoiMenu.lcW() && IllaoiMenu.lcW1() <= count && Player.ManaPercent >= IllaoiMenu.lcM()) { W.Cast(); } if (E.IsReady() && IllaoiMenu.lcE() && IllaoiMenu.lcE2() <= count && Player.ManaPercent >= IllaoiMenu.lcM()) { E.Cast(source.Position); } }
private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Player.ChampionName != "Illaoi") { return; } AbilitySequence = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3 }; Chat.Print("Trollaloi Loaded!", Color.CornflowerBlue); Chat.Print("Enjoy the game and DONT FEED!", Color.Red); IllaoiMenu.loadMenu(); Game.OnTick += GameOnTick; MyActivator.loadSpells(); Game.OnUpdate += OnGameUpdate; #region Skill Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 850, SkillShotType.Linear, 750, int.MaxValue, 100); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 950, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1900, 50); R = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R, 450); #endregion Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += AntiGapCloser; Drawing.OnDraw += GameOnDraw; }
public static void GameOnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (IllaoiMenu.nodraw()) { return; } if (!IllaoiMenu.onlyReady()) { if (IllaoiMenu.drawingsQ()) { new Circle() { Color = Color.AliceBlue, Radius = Q.Range, BorderWidth = 2f }.Draw(Player.Position); } if (IllaoiMenu.drawingsW()) { new Circle() { Color = Color.OrangeRed, Radius = W.Range, BorderWidth = 2f }.Draw(Player.Position); } if (IllaoiMenu.drawingsE()) { new Circle() { Color = Color.Cyan, Radius = E.Range, BorderWidth = 2f }.Draw(Player.Position); } if (IllaoiMenu.drawingsR()) { new Circle() { Color = Color.SkyBlue, Radius = R.Range, BorderWidth = 2f }.Draw(Player.Position); } if (IllaoiMenu.Allydrawn()) { DrawHealths(); } } else { if (!Q.IsOnCooldown && IllaoiMenu.drawingsQ()) { new Circle() { Color = Color.AliceBlue, Radius = 340, BorderWidth = 2f }.Draw(Player.Position); } if (!W.IsOnCooldown && IllaoiMenu.drawingsW()) { new Circle() { Color = Color.OrangeRed, Radius = 800, BorderWidth = 2f }.Draw(Player.Position); } if (!E.IsOnCooldown && IllaoiMenu.drawingsE()) { new Circle() { Color = Color.Cyan, Radius = 500, BorderWidth = 2f }.Draw(Player.Position); } if (!R.IsOnCooldown && IllaoiMenu.drawingsR()) { new Circle() { Color = Color.SkyBlue, Radius = 500, BorderWidth = 2f }.Draw(Player.Position); } if (IllaoiMenu.Allydrawn()) { DrawHealths(); } } }
private static void OnCombo() { var Target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(Q.Range, DamageType.Physical); var Target2 = TargetSelector.GetTarget(2550, DamageType.Physical); var Buuuuuu = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Minion>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == Target2.Name); var tentacle = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Minion>().First(x => x.Name == "God"); var enemies = EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.OrderByDescending (a => a.HealthPercent).Where(a => !a.IsMe && a.IsValidTarget() && a.Distance(Player) <= E.Range); var wminion = EntityManager.MinionsAndMonsters.GetLaneMinions(EntityManager.UnitTeam.Enemy, Player.Position, W.Range + 350) .Where( m => m.IsValidTarget()) .OrderBy(m => m.Distance(Target)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (IllaoiMenu.comboR() && R.IsReady() && Player.ServerPosition.CountEnemiesInRange(500f) >= IllaoiMenu.comboR2()) { R.Cast(); } if (Q.IsReady() && Target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { foreach (var qenemies in enemies) { var useQ = IllaoiMenu.MyCombo["combo.q" + qenemies.ChampionName].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue; if (useQ && Q.GetPrediction(qenemies).HitChancePercent >= IllaoiMenu.comboQH()) { Q.Cast(Q.GetPrediction(qenemies).CastPosition); } } } if (Target == null && Buuuuuu != null) { if (IllaoiMenu.comboQ1() && Q.IsReady()) { Q.Cast(Buuuuuu.ServerPosition); } } if (tentacle != null) { if (IllaoiMenu.gapcloserW() && wminion != null && Target.Distance(Player) >= Player.GetAutoAttackRange(Target) && wminion.Distance(Target) <= Player.Distance(Target) && wminion.Distance(Player) <= W.Range) { W.Cast(wminion); } if (IllaoiMenu.comboW() && W.IsReady() && Target.IsValidTarget(W.Range) && Target.Position.CountEnemiesInRange(800) >= IllaoiMenu.comboW1()) { W.Cast(); } } if (E.IsReady() && Target.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { foreach (var eenemies in enemies) { var useE = IllaoiMenu.MyCombo["combo.e" + eenemies.ChampionName].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue; if (useE && E.GetPrediction(eenemies).HitChancePercent >= IllaoiMenu.comboEH()) { if (!E.GetPrediction(eenemies).CollisionObjects.Any()) { E.Cast(E.GetPrediction(eenemies).CastPosition); } } } } if ((ObjectManager.Player.CountEnemiesInRange(ObjectManager.Player.AttackRange) >= IllaoiMenu.youmusEnemies() || Player.HealthPercent >= IllaoiMenu.itemsYOUMUShp()) && MyActivator.youmus.IsReady() && IllaoiMenu.youmus() && MyActivator.youmus.IsOwned()) { MyActivator.youmus.Cast(); return; } if (Player.HealthPercent <= IllaoiMenu.bilgewaterHP() && IllaoiMenu.bilgewater() && MyActivator.bilgewater.IsReady() && MyActivator.bilgewater.IsOwned()) { MyActivator.bilgewater.Cast(Target); return; } if (Player.HealthPercent <= IllaoiMenu.checkhp() && IllaoiMenu.tiamat() && MyActivator.Tiamat.IsReady() && MyActivator.Tiamat.IsOwned() && MyActivator.Tiamat.IsInRange(Target)) { MyActivator.Tiamat.Cast(); return; } if (Player.HealthPercent <= IllaoiMenu.checkhp() && IllaoiMenu.hydra() && MyActivator.Hydra.IsReady() && MyActivator.Hydra.IsOwned() && MyActivator.Hydra.IsInRange(Target)) { MyActivator.Hydra.Cast(); return; } if (Player.HealthPercent <= IllaoiMenu.botrkHP() && IllaoiMenu.botrk() && MyActivator.botrk.IsReady() && MyActivator.botrk.IsOwned()) { MyActivator.botrk.Cast(Target); return; } }
private static void GloryItem() { if (MyActivator.glory.IsReady() && MyActivator.glory.IsOwned()) { if (EntityManager.Heroes.Allies.Where(ally => ally != Player && ally.Distance(Player) <= 700).Count() > 0 && MyActivator.glory.IsReady() && IllaoiMenu.glory()) { MyActivator.glory.Cast(); } } }
public static void ignite() { var autoIgnite = TargetSelector.GetTarget(MyActivator.ignite.Range, DamageType.True); if (autoIgnite != null && autoIgnite.Health <= DamageLibrary.GetSpellDamage(Player, autoIgnite, MyActivator.ignite.Slot) || autoIgnite != null && autoIgnite.HealthPercent <= IllaoiMenu.spellsIgniteFocus()) { MyActivator.ignite.Cast(autoIgnite); } }
private static void Barrier() { if (Player.IsFacing(Target) && MyActivator.Barrier.IsReady() && Player.HealthPercent <= IllaoiMenu.spellsBarrierHP()) { MyActivator.Barrier.Cast(); } }
private static void GameOnTick(EventArgs args) { if (Player.CountEnemiesInRange(1000) <= IllaoiMenu.itemsenemiesinrange()) { foreach (AIHeroClient enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies) { foreach (AIHeroClient ally in EntityManager.Heroes.Allies) { if (ally.IsFacing(enemy) && ally.HealthPercent <= IllaoiMenu.itemssliderHP() && Player.Distance(ally) <= 750) { if (IllaoiMenu.fotmountain() && MyActivator.fotmountain.IsReady()) { MyActivator.fotmountain.Cast(ally); } if (IllaoiMenu.mikael() && (ally.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Charm) || ally.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Fear) || ally.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Polymorph) || ally.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Silence) || ally.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Sleep) || ally.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Snare) || ally.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Stun) || ally.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Taunt) || ally.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.Polymorph)) && MyActivator.mikael.IsReady()) { MyActivator.mikael.Cast(ally); } } } } } if (IllaoiMenu.lvlup()) { LevelUpSpells(); } if (Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Combo)) { OnCombo(); } if (Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Harass)) { OnHarrass(); } if (Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.LaneClear)) { OnLaneClear(); } if (Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.JungleClear)) { OnJungle(); } KillSteal(); AscensionItem(); RanduinItem(); GloryItem(); SolariItem(); if (IllaoiMenu.SpellsPotionsCheck() && !Player.IsInShopRange() && Player.HealthPercent <= IllaoiMenu.SpellsPotionsHP() && !(Player.HasBuff("RegenerationPotion") || Player.HasBuff("ItemCrystalFlaskJungle") || Player.HasBuff("ItemMiniRegenPotion") || Player.HasBuff("ItemCrystalFlask") || Player.HasBuff("ItemDarkCrystalFlask"))) { if (MyActivator.HuntersPot.IsReady() && MyActivator.HuntersPot.IsOwned()) { MyActivator.HuntersPot.Cast(); } if (MyActivator.CorruptPot.IsReady() && MyActivator.CorruptPot.IsOwned()) { MyActivator.CorruptPot.Cast(); } if (MyActivator.Biscuit.IsReady() && MyActivator.Biscuit.IsOwned()) { MyActivator.Biscuit.Cast(); } if (MyActivator.HPPot.IsReady() && MyActivator.HPPot.IsOwned()) { MyActivator.HPPot.Cast(); } if (MyActivator.RefillPot.IsReady() && MyActivator.RefillPot.IsOwned()) { MyActivator.RefillPot.Cast(); } } if (IllaoiMenu.SpellsPotionsCheck() && !Player.IsInShopRange() && Player.ManaPercent <= IllaoiMenu.SpellsPotionsM() && !(Player.HasBuff("RegenerationPotion") || Player.HasBuff("ItemCrystalFlaskJungle") || Player.HasBuff("ItemMiniRegenPotion") || Player.HasBuff("ItemCrystalFlask") || Player.HasBuff("ItemDarkCrystalFlask"))) { if (MyActivator.CorruptPot.IsReady() && MyActivator.CorruptPot.IsOwned()) { MyActivator.CorruptPot.Cast(); } } }
private static void OnBuffGain(Obj_AI_Base sender, Obj_AI_BaseBuffGainEventArgs args) { if (!sender.IsMe) { return; } if (args.Buff.Type == BuffType.Taunt && IllaoiMenu.Taunt()) { DoQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Type == BuffType.Stun && IllaoiMenu.Stun()) { DoQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Type == BuffType.Snare && IllaoiMenu.Snare()) { DoQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Type == BuffType.Polymorph && IllaoiMenu.Polymorph()) { DoQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Type == BuffType.Blind && IllaoiMenu.Blind()) { DoQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Type == BuffType.Flee && IllaoiMenu.Fear()) { DoQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Type == BuffType.Charm && IllaoiMenu.Charm()) { DoQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Type == BuffType.Suppression && IllaoiMenu.Suppression()) { DoQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Type == BuffType.Silence && IllaoiMenu.Silence()) { DoQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Name == "zedulttargetmark" && IllaoiMenu.ZedUlt()) { UltQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Name == "VladimirHemoplague" && IllaoiMenu.VladUlt()) { UltQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Name == "FizzMarinerDoom" && IllaoiMenu.FizzUlt()) { UltQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Name == "MordekaiserChildrenOfTheGrave" && IllaoiMenu.MordUlt()) { UltQSS(); } if (args.Buff.Name == "PoppyDiplomaticImmunity" && IllaoiMenu.PoppyUlt()) { UltQSS(); } }