Esempio n. 1
        public RunTrnsys(TrnsysModel trnsys_model)
            string           deckfilename = Path.Combine(CreateDckFile.get_trnsys_file_path(), trnsys_model.ModelName + ".dck");
            string           command      = CreateDckFile.get_trnsys_exe() + deckfilename + "/n";
            int              exitCode;
            ProcessStartInfo processInfo;
            Process          process;

            processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", command);
            processInfo.CreateNoWindow  = true;
            processInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            // Redirect the outputs
            processInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            processInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

            process = Process.Start(processInfo);

            // Read the streams
            string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
            string error  = process.StandardError.ReadToEnd();

            exitCode = process.ExitCode;

            Console.WriteLine("output>>" + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(output) ? "(none)" : output));
            Console.WriteLine("error>>" + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(error) ? "(none)" : error));
            Console.WriteLine("ExitCode: " + exitCode.ToString(), "ExeciteCommand");
Esempio n. 2
        public WriteDckFile(TrnsysModel trnsys_model)
            string filename = Path.Combine(CreateDckFile.get_trnsys_file_path(), trnsys_model.ModelName + ".dck");

            using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(filename, false))
                // Write the begining of the deck file.
                Intro intro = new Intro(trnsys_model.ProjectCreator, trnsys_model.CreationDate, trnsys_model.ModifiedDate, trnsys_model.Description);

                // Write the control cars.
                ControlCards controlcards = new ControlCards(0, 8760, trnsys_model.HourlyTimestep);

                Type15_3 weather2 = new Type15_3(trnsys_model.WeatherFile);

                Type741 pump = new Type741(0, 0, 0, 0);

                // Write Type31
                Type31 pipe = new Type31(new int[, ] {
                    { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { weather2.Unit_number, 2 }
                }, 0.5, 525, 3, 998, 4.31, 10);

Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //double timestep = 0.25;
            //var a = new List<object>();

            //var f1 = new ControlCards(0, 8760, timestep);

            var trnsys_model = new TrnsysModel();

            trnsys_model.PlantSelection = "Plant 1";
            trnsys_model.ModelName      = "MyModel";
            trnsys_model.WeatherFile    = "CAN_PQ_Montreal.Intl.AP.716270_CWEC";
            trnsys_model.HourlyTimestep = 0.25;

            //var b = new CreateDckFile(trnsys_model);

            var b = new WriteDckFile(trnsys_model);

            var c = new RunTrnsys(trnsys_model);

            //Console.WriteLine("There are " + a.Count + " items");

            //Console.WriteLine("Press enter to close...");
Esempio n. 4
        public CreateDckFile(TrnsysModel trnsys_model)
            // "This creates a new deck file (filename) by replacing %TURN% with azimuth_string,
            // %APPLICATION% with hvac_string, and %HOUSE_FILE% with building_file in the deck template file."

            string templatefilename = Path.Combine(get_templates_file_path(), "ParametrizedVersion_a.dck");

            // Assign Plant where:
            // Ideal (1), Conventional(2), HeatPump(3), VRF-HP-SingleZone (4), VRF-HP-Multizone(5)
            char hvac = '1';     //Ideal

            if (trnsys_model.PlantSelection == "Plant 1")
                hvac = '1';
            else if (trnsys_model.PlantSelection == "Plant 2")
                hvac = '2';
            else if (trnsys_model.PlantSelection == "Plant 3")
                hvac = '3';
            else if (trnsys_model.PlantSelection == "Plant 4")
                hvac = '4';
                Console.WriteLine("HVAC selection not valid - using Ideal");
            Console.WriteLine("template: " + templatefilename);

            string deckfilename = Path.Combine(get_trnsys_file_path(), trnsys_model.ModelName + ".dck");

            // Open template deck file and read all lines
            string[] template_deck_file = File.ReadAllLines(templatefilename);

            // Replacements to include in file
            string[,] replacements = new string[, ]
                { "%DATASTEP%", trnsys_model.HourlyTimestep.ToString() },
                { "%WEATHER_FILE%", trnsys_model.WeatherFile + ".epw" },
                { "%PLOTTER%", "-1" }

            // Go through the template file searching for placeholders to replace with selected values.
            string line;

            using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(@templatefilename))
                using (StreamWriter file2 = new StreamWriter(@deckfilename))
                    while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                        string line2 = line;

            var writer = new StreamWriter(deckfilename);

            for (int i = 0; i < template_deck_file.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < replacements.GetLength(0) - 1; j++)
                    string line3 = template_deck_file[i];
                    line3.Replace(replacements[j, 0], replacements[j, 0]);